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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

The whole of Kahuta Lab's Centrifuge warehouses can be bombed and destroyed, it still won't halt Pakistani nuclear weapons program.
Tunable CO2 lasers are now being used for isotope separation and Plutonium or Uranium Enrichment. Such plants are very compact and can be hidden away somewhere.
Plutonium is extracted sir not enriched and its called reprocessing.
Plutonium is extracted sir not enriched and its called reprocessing.
Yes, after extraction from spent fuel rods it has to be enriched. A process where concentration of useful isotopes is gradually increases, and unusable isotopes are separated.
Yes, after extraction from spent fuel rods it has to be enriched. A process where concentration of useful isotopes is gradually increases, and unusable isotopes are separated.
No sir it is chemical separation of totally different elements that's why its called extraction and yes from spent fuel rodes.Physical seperation of isotopes of same element is called enrichment these are two totally different processes.if you wish I will elaborate sir.
I believe this is going to be true.

Unless India does that, it will be plunging into a "two-front-war-scenario" which is a non-viable situation for India. And why should India use nuclear weapons second when half of its fleet is already destroyed and it is already struggling to keep up against one enemy - Pakistan? It is indeed in the best interest of India to launch an offensive nuclear strike first, cause as much damage to Pakistan as it possibly can and save as much military power as it possibly can to confront second enemy - China.

NiamatAllah Shah Wali spoke about Turkey and Iran siding with Pakistan to defeat India. This only seems possible when Pakistan is a victim of Nuclear attack first.

To ensure a potent second strike, Pakistan should have its nuclear assets well scattered must come up with mechanisms which enable second strike using non-standard means, and I am talking about outside standard delivery mechanisms.
Whether you strike first or later in both cases your 600 million people will be killed and entire India will be poisoned for next 5000 years. You can calculate who will be a loser in this case. Indians are idiots to even think about nuclear war
I did a small back of the envelope calculation about that using nukemap. Assuming all your 130 nukes fall on places as densely populated as mumbai, each 40 KT bomb that you have can kill 500K and injure another 1 million. This is assuming it was an air burst, which is ofcourse logical, to maximize instantaneous damage. Meaning, most you can do is to kill around 250 million indians. Still it will leave around 1 billion indians. This is the maximum your weapons can do, assuming everything goes according to your plan and then some more. Also this assumes your weapons are all 40 KT strategic ones, while a number of your weapons are actually warheads of Nasr Missile.

Now coming to fallout. If you do air burst, you spread the uranium and fission products much higher in the atmosphere and while there will be pockets of high radiation, the fall out will not be much worse than background radiation. This was seen in Hiroshima and Nakasaki bombing.

Now turn the tables around, India does a pre-emptive strike. India can perhaps kill most of the Pakistani. We do not have any tactical weapons.
Who told you our bombs maximum yield ie 40kt where did you milk it from
lol My dear English fan.
Build :- to construct (especially something complex) by assembling and joining parts or materials:

So india build the bomb by developing many various ciritical technologies....

but how can you know the deference, as you never build / developed anything, you only assembled things that too without have iota of knowledge of that thing.

You have U bombs but you don't have basic knowledge how U works, pr difference between Pu and U. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Munna, go and check , and read again, putting your reading glasses on while you do it, my original comments where the word "Build" and "developed" was used by unbiased sources regarding Pakistan developing advance centrifuges way back in 80s, when you lot didnt even know what the centrifuges look like. LOL

Let me ask you one basic question ,
A) What is the capacity of your TNW??? and
B) can you compare the TNT power of TNW and H-bomb ?

Only fool can compare TNW vs H bombs lol and that is you , one more Prize on your head , after having patented centre....technology.

You are numpty of highest order. LOL

Let me educate you again, in nuke business, it is considered pinnacle in tech mastery, when a nation miniturise its warheads and control the blast to sub kilo ton, Which your engineers have FAILED miserably to attain. :rofl: It is given, that a nation which can reach miniturzation of the level Pakistan has, the H-bombs are already in the arsenal.

It is too more complex thing for your to understand who can patent Technology and also compare TNW to H-bombs (KT's) :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Read above. :big_boss:

lol , that's is not called stolen dude... check English

You trolls from the east are utterly shameless. When the NSG itself was created in the aftermath of your country hoodwinking international community, and then insisting upon that its Pakistan which is stealing stuff, have to give you 10/10 on audacity. LOL

Zia tell you , you will eat grass and till now you are eating grass.......

One Single nuke strike on your army, cities completely and can make man made desert........ only fool can compare TNW with Bigger H bombs.

It was not Zia but Bhutto who once famously said that. LOL

We eating grass? LOL, quite funny thought when there are more people in India who live below sub sahara poverty level.

as for the rest of your rant, I cant make any sense, speak English kiddo.

Bottom line, there is huge gap in Indian arsenal at tactical level which will come to bite in case of war. Pakistan can wipe Indian forces, formations, airbases, naval installations, with the use of tactical strikes and in fog of war, it is next to impossible to detect their use as compared to strategic nukes.

Lol , you dreamer / fancy story writer , you didn't even know , US AWACS given to SA in 1986-87 and Israeli Strike happened in 81 :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

First you heck if Saudi AF even have AWACS that time before writing another fancy story,...........


Awacs have been stationed in Saudi Arabia for several months, but officials in Washington say that the American-piloted surveillance planes have been flying in the eastern part of the country with their equipment directed toward Iran and the Persian Gulf.


Kiddo, bottom line is, Israeli jet can come to India any time, just like PAF jets can literally fly next to Israel in Jordan (as posted in my previous comment). Thats is not the issue. The issue was the plan which leaked through intel, the real purpose of Israeli jets visiting India. Rest is history.

lol, Just chucked the Flight Path you taken before commenting.......:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

so you are imply that no Israeli air force jet ever visited your miserable country ever because in your limited understanding its physically impossible? LOL. FOOL.
Agosta 90B! Rings any bell??

Problem is, your bullcrap figures doesnt hold and addup to what sources are saying about Pakistani firepower:


Pakistan could be world’s 3rd biggest nuclear power in 10 yrs


Pakistan to overtake Britain as world's fifth largest nuclear power


Report: Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal could become the world’s third-biggest


Pakistan's nuclear stockpile could become world's third largest, says report

I can understand the fanboyism, but the reality is what being reported in global media. All agree, that India lags behind. And yes I agree, only fools would underestimate their enemy, and hence rather rude realization among Indian establishment of "use it or loss it" scenario. And I agree, India strategic program is highly dependent on the tech transfer from Russia and now America. Where as in Pakistan we not only have evolved the Uranium enrichment but patent the technology. Pakistan-2 and Pakistan-3 centrifuges are actually thing of past, we have now moved on to laser enrichment. We are now focusing on smart nukes, smaller, compact in size, yet devastating, miniaturization is the key, a big loophole in Indian program which goes to show its limitations and dependencies on the input from powers to be like America.

As for the rouge state and other non sense, tomorrow, we will be parading Chinese and Saudi armed forces in our national day parade. Please do follow.

We will not only launch strike against Indian cities but also against the Indian strategic forces to neutralize them in first strike. That is the whole idea of first strike that you cripple your enemy in first blow. That is our doctrine from day one. The Indian establishment filled with empty bravado talking about "no first strike" as far as one can remember. It seems realization had struck into Indian establishment that there might be no functioning Indian state left to respond after Pakistani first strike.

You maybe living under the rock and novice, I can give you benefit of doubt but for your information, Shaheen 3 was specifically developed to neutralize Indian Islands of Nicobar and Andaman, far away from Indian mainland. Rest assured, not an inch of Indian territory is out of reach from Pakistan.

One discomforting thought: Just as we Indians are confident of indeginous capabilities of our scientists, Pakistanis too are confident of their scientists. By corollary just as we ridicule Pakistan's nuclear and missile programme, one can also argue that India's technology is nothing but plagiarism. If you say that India's case looks more genuine, one can explain it with a solid reason that India has more money to create red-herrings (misleading clues) to make it look genuine. We, lay people cannot be sure because we are not in the know. We are not the concerned persons on ground zero. We can merely guess not even speculate. Hence it is often said that many of RAW's (RAW is also responsible for defense deals and has a science and technology division in its organisation) successes and failures are shrouded in mystery and we may never know the truth.

@Joe Shearer
One discomforting thought: Just as we Indians are confident of indeginous capabilities of our scientists, Pakistanis too are confident of their scientists. By corollary just as we ridicule Pakistan's nuclear and missile programme, one can also argue that India's technology is nothing but plagiarism. If you say that India's case looks more genuine, one can explain it with a solid reason that India has more money to create red-herrings (misleading clues) to make it look genuine. We, lay people cannot be sure because we are not in the know. We are not the concerned persons on ground zero. We can merely guess not even speculate. Hence it is often said that many of RAW's (RAW is also responsible for defense deals and has a science and technology division in its organisation) successes and failures are shrouded in mystery and we may never know the truth.

@Joe Shearer

About RAW, ours being, with all its faults, a democratic polity, we know broad trends. We do not know - should not know - the details. That RAW was restrained twice is known; that it was revived, the first time in a closely monitored manner, the second time under a second-rate chief, is also known. It is the disingenuous approach of many Pakistani members that assigns RAW responsibility for many vicious and brutal actions that took place in Pakistan during those periods of dormant passivity. This approach is a superficial one, in most cases; they know, or they sense the truth. As far as their establishment is concerned, it knows precisely what is happening; its inspiration of stories about the doings of RAW are part of the cynical manipulation of publicity that has been their hallmark since the inception of this phase sometime after 1971.
I hope Pakistan does have second strike capability. If Pakistan were to go ahead with a pre emptive strike then the world community would have no sympathy for her.
Who told you our bombs maximum yield ie 40kt where did you milk it from

It's likely that we don't have many warheads that are even 40kt, we have low power tactical nukes...
I hope Pakistan does have second strike capability. If Pakistan were to go ahead with a pre emptive strike then the world community would have no sympathy for her.
Unfortunately we dont have a proper 2nd strike capability as of now, 2nd strike capability is extremely important.
Easier said than done. Use of nuclear weapons has to be justified and India being the bigger player will never be able to justify unless it's armed forces are totally decimated and Pakistan occupies large chunks of India
we would never want any part of india other than to free the trapped kashmiris. if this issue is resolved then the only fight Pakistanis will have with the Indians will be on the cricket field.
It's likely that we don't have many warheads that are even 40kt, we have low power tactical nukes...
Unfortunately we dont have a proper 2nd strike capability as of now, 2nd strike capability is extremely important.
I pray she is developing this capability.
Last cigarette of the pack and a freshly brewed coffee.

Indians you better do it now.

Perfect timing
Pakistan and China should finish this terrorist nation off for the greater peace and benefit of the humanity.
Pakistan and China should finish this terrorist nation off for the greater peace and benefit of the humanity.
Are you chinese and your leaders to nuke yourself?

As far as i know there is only one country where internationally designated terrorists are kept like "Damads"

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