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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

Then why your HEU production is almost equal & plutonium production is 30 times lower than India annually??

Explains a lot..

So much advanced yet unable to procure nuclear fuel for basic electricity generation or basic needs.. Other side India has made remarkable achievement in power generation as we as we have been powering our submarines & research since decades...Also now we have 21 reactors active...

You are decade ahead only in adapting Chinese technology & Canadian blueprint..
Which plutonium weapons grade or reactor grade ? And you don't know our heu production per annum so what are you comparing

Then why your HEU production is almost equal & plutonium production is 30 times lower than India annually??

Explains a lot..

So much advanced yet unable to procure nuclear fuel for basic electricity generation or basic needs.. Other side India has made remarkable achievement in power generation as we as we have been powering our submarines & research since decades...Also now we have 21 reactors active...

You are decade ahead only in adapting Chinese technology & Canadian blueprint..
we got centrifuge technology from many sources in mid 70s but those were mid 70s you got your candu type PRODUCTION reactor from canada and we got our candu type POWER reactor from canada SO?
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It most likely doesn't work that way. Hostilities build up over time, when it heats up, diplomacy comes into play and there are other countries / international organisations that step in to mediate.

It's only when hostilities come to a head for e.g. a major terrorist attack in the scale of the parliament attack, 26/11 or 9/11 or a major transgression like Kargil when there's no turning back is when there are signs of war. Even at this juncture major countries will try to step in to diffuse the situation. If that fails there could be no turning back, and both will anticipate war as the decider.

In such a scenario, India being the bigger player will wait for pakistan to make the first move, and if pakistan chooses to use a strategic stike (nukes) rather than a military strike, the response will be in kind. The prerogative will most likely lie with pakistan on what it does.

The no first use policy is meant for countries who are not nuclear, but in the scenario that pakistan is prepping to conduct a major nuclear strike on India, then India most likely will decide to do a decimation first strike to limit the damage it takes on itself.

So you are asking us to have our nukes at the ready 24/7/365 to nuke you first to ensure that you can't decimate our nukes in first strike? Reminds me of the showdown at o.k.corral but on a nuclear scale. First to fire wins.
LOL. you are on numbnut.

As I said, are you Zinni right side testies? What you are implying that US high command dont share info with each and live in isolated islands far from each other. What kind of screwed up argument is that? considering how sensitive sub continent is for American interests you rants are becoming silly with each reply.

Spare me the BS, your nation has been licking American boots since signing up on PNAC, they are the elephant on whos tail you are sticking like monkies, they tell you shit you will say where.

lol you don't aware would work culture. Some Working London getting information about Canberra lol what a man are you .....lol :sarcastic: So that he can mount an operation on London using Canberra local information lol... What a man are you ......aka..

you might Fed Information to you Navy Chief What IA doing in NE , so that he can plan its naval activating in NE erre in West side..... only these kind of foolish thing expected from your side.

You are one who patented the Things, but I still didn't get your patent No? What happened to the Patent ,did it get rejected? :omghaha::omghaha:

atleast yanks were sneaky, very unlike Chinese who tramply the bharat mata soverigen under they feet in daylight. going off topic, but you understood now.

You know what, your pathetic argument is actually like when you say your tejas is indigenous. For the sake of argument, let us assume we bought ring magnets donkey years ago, so when was the last time such transaction was recorded ? We build our nuke program with whatever was available out there and once we mastered it, but developed and evolved it further. Its no different path that any other nation took. Its one thing to assemble things all together first, build and design it further, then to get a foreign country install the nuclear reactor and steal the plutonium to explode it in some random indian desert and call it smilling budhha. LOL. You lot are thieves right from the start. and you got audacity to talk sh|t.

Do you want me to link the meaning to DESIGN and BUILT??? :rofl:
lol Look who is talking , India even now designing its own reactor , dude , grow up ......

Mr Patent , We expect to have little bit Tech info , But you don't even have iota of technical Info, even in India , Basic kid have more info then you have.

We steal it, for exploding nuke and we steal it from Dutch LAB and also from China, lol:haha::haha::haha::haha:

Mr Zinni right side testies, as I said, did you miss your geography lesson, they teach you geography in India right? Go check again Red sea, Indian Ocean and India route. They dont need to fly over Muslim countries air space.:omghaha:

lol.... Mr Patent, lol care to tell the world which Alien technology on which F16 will fly so many KM without stopping /getting detected??? ... it will create a world Record isn't ?? Which pill do you take????:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: not to forget Radar In Egypt / Sudan/SA etc.. and not to mentioned Warships present in RED seas....

oppes just Check where is Mecca City.... If you take Red sea it will be something 8K-9K KM of air distance , it will create a world record flying for F-16 without getting detected then.


Dumbass, you are basing all your argument on number of reactor, having no comprehension that Pakistan has been developing its centrifugues OUTSIDE any IAEA control what so ever for more then THREE decades. We were bloody building ADVANCE centrifuges way back in 80s. LOL. Our nuclear path is WAY different to India where we build the centrifuges plants. Even a fool would understand this basic FACT which your Indian trolls are struggling to comprehend.

You keep on repeating this phrase "before giving to IAEA". When did you give them under IAEA control and were all of them were outside IAEA control "before" you give them assess? :coffee:

lol yes we know your patented Advance Centrifuges way back in 80's :sarcastic::omghaha:, Oh yes 80% were outside IAEA control...... now just check how many Reactors you have in 1990 vs India.. and then do the maths again.

if you cannot able to digest the fact that India has 4x /5X Rectors then PAK by 1990 .

How cute!

Sunshine do you understand what is HEU and LEU?

The main weapons material is highly enriched uranium (HEU), containing at least 20% uranium-235 (U-235) and usually about 90% U-235. HEU can be blended down with uranium containing low levels of U-235 to produce low-enriched uranium (LEU), less than 5% U-235, fuel for power reactors. It is blended with depleted uranium (mostly U-238), natural uranium (0.7% U-235), or partially-enriched uranium.

What are you producing or trying to, is not even worth as a fuel for reactors. Utter garbage as one might say. :pop:

Indian weapons based on Pu, which is far more efficient / and compact in design then U for the same amount of destruction.

they are area weapons they don't have to fall on a certain target and you dont need to hit them physically proximity fuse with HE fragmentation can be used SO?
Dear proximity fuse dose not means it will explore in mid area ? it has to come near to the building to get it explored........ you using word Proximity also.
is there no difference between quality of plutonium baked in a production reactor/military reactor and a power reactor I am asking this question in order to enrich your high level of knowledge
read this fully, Even Reactor grade Pu can used for 20KT bomb, test is conducted by US in 64 also.


let me ask this question in another way why did india test 3 low yield devices in pokhran in 1998
They used reactor grade Pu.. ;)

Which plutonium weapons grade or reactor grade ? And you don't know our heu production per annum so what are you comparing
We knows your, but you didn't know Pu because weapon required less KG then U based for same amount of destructive power.

we got centrifuge technology from many sources in mid 70s but those were mid 70s you got your candu type PRODUCTION reactor from canada and we got our candu type POWER reactor from canada SO?

yes , we know that .. but don't u have N numbers of reactors to produce it.
I am so thankful to Jinnah and God almighty for Partition. Imagine General Musharraf being a dictator of Indian Pakistan and Bangladesh combined.

Leave Gen. Musharraf to us, we are more (then you) thankful to ALLAH.
Which plutonium weapons grade or reactor grade ? And you don't know our heu production per annum so what are you comparing

we got centrifuge technology from many sources in mid 70s but those were mid 70s you got your candu type PRODUCTION reactor from canada and we got our candu type POWER reactor from canada SO?

Read post,



"The Fissile Materials Organisation data now shows India as producing 3.2 tonnes of 'weapons grade' HEU and 5.7 tonnes of non-civilian plutonium annually. The same source gives the estimate of Pakistan’s fissile production at 3.1 tonnes of HEU and 0.19 tonnes of plutonium. "

Nuclear Power plants produce spent fuel / nuclear waste which if processed becomes weapons grade Plutonium.We have 21 reactors active along with 3-4 more within 2018..Recently we have also found Uranium reserve..Also India has world's largest Thorium reserve which can be converted to enriched Uranium..Our next generation reactor (AHWR) will make us more capable to do such..
I hope now you got my point..:pop:
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Read post,



"The Fissile Materials Organisation data now shows India as producing 3.2 tonnes of 'weapons grade' HEU and 5.7 tonnes of non-civilian plutonium annually. The same source gives the estimate of Pakistan’s fissile production at 3.1 tonnes of HEU and 0.19 tonnes of plutonium. "

Nuclear Power plants produce spent fuel / nuclear waste which if processed becomes weapons grade Plutonium.We have 21 reactors active along with 3-4 more within 2018..Recently we have also found Uranium reserve..Also India has world's largest Thorium reserve which can be converted to enriched Uranium..Our next generation reactor (AHWR) will make us more capable to do such..
I hope now you got my point..:pop:
here non civilian means out of the purview of iaea safeguards and its total amount of plutonium bomb grade plus reactor grade.
Irresponsible Pakistan leaders are making situation worse by issuing warning every now and then. India receives the warning from Pakistan politician, their rulling party ministers, officials, scientists, people of every sphere of life. India can not take this warning lightly and may have to rethink on her nuclear doctrine. I pray almighty that no nuclear exchange take place between two countries who happened to be a single country before 7 decades.
lol you don't aware would work culture. Some Working London getting information about Canberra lol what a man are you .....lol :sarcastic: So that he can mount an operation on London using Canberra local information lol... What a man are you ......aka..

you might Fed Information to you Navy Chief What IA doing in NE , so that he can plan its naval activating in NE erre in West side..... only these kind of foolish thing expected from your side.

You are one who patented the Things, but I still didn't get your patent No? What happened to the Patent ,did it get rejected? :omghaha::omghaha:

lol Look who is talking , India even now designing its own reactor , dude , grow up ......

Mr Patent , We expect to have little bit Tech info , But you don't even have iota of technical Info, even in India , Basic kid have more info then you have.

We steal it, for exploding nuke and we steal it from Dutch LAB and also from China, lol:haha::haha::haha::haha:

lol.... Mr Patent, lol care to tell the world which Alien technology on which F16 will fly so many KM without stopping /getting detected??? ... it will create a world Record isn't ?? Which pill do you take????:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: not to forget Radar In Egypt / Sudan/SA etc.. and not to mentioned Warships present in RED seas....

oppes just Check where is Mecca City.... If you take Red sea it will be something 8K-9K KM of air distance , it will create a world record flying for F-16 without getting detected then.

View attachment 386177

lol yes we know your patented Advance Centrifuges way back in 80's :sarcastic::omghaha:, Oh yes 80% were outside IAEA control...... now just check how many Reactors you have in 1990 vs India.. and then do the maths again.

if you cannot able to digest the fact that India has 4x /5X Rectors then PAK by 1990 .

Indian weapons based on Pu, which is far more efficient / and compact in design then U for the same amount of destruction.

Dear proximity fuse dose not means it will explore in mid area ? it has to come near to the building to get it explored........ you using word Proximity also.

read this fully, Even Reactor grade Pu can used for 20KT bomb, test is conducted by US in 64 also.


They used reactor grade Pu.. ;)
reactor grade plutonium cannot be used to build a nuclear arsenal because their yields are highly unpredictable and are unreliable no one in the the world use it for building their nuclear arsenal in experiments yes but not for military use.
lol yes we know your patented Advance Centrifuges way back in 80's :sarcastic::omghaha:, Oh yes 80% were outside IAEA control...... now just check how many Reactors you have in 1990 vs India.. and then do the maths again.

if you cannot able to digest the fact that India has 4x /5X Rectors then PAK by 1990 .

When India's fast breeder reactor program will complete, That alone will produce sufficient fuel to make 700 15KN bombs (Boosted fission 45 to 50 KN). We have a technology to Make non fissile material a fissile material. Nobody can match us in these technology of fast breeder reactor. China is nowhere in picture. Our advance heavy reactor technology is ready to rock the world with use of thorium as fuel. We lead in this design. It is the one of the best design of nuclear reactor with passive safety system which is best anywhere in the world. Some naive country like china think that they can match Indian in nuclear technology.
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lol you don't aware would work culture. Some Working London getting information about Canberra lol what a man are you .....lol :sarcastic: So that he can mount an operation on London using Canberra local information lol... What a man are you ......aka..

you might Fed Information to you Navy Chief What IA doing in NE , so that he can plan its naval activating in NE erre in West side..... only these kind of foolish thing expected from your side.

You are one who patented the Things, but I still didn't get your patent No? What happened to the Patent ,did it get rejected? :omghaha::omghaha:

lol Look who is talking , India even now designing its own reactor , dude , grow up ......

Mr Patent , We expect to have little bit Tech info , But you don't even have iota of technical Info, even in India , Basic kid have more info then you have.

We steal it, for exploding nuke and we steal it from Dutch LAB and also from China, lol:haha::haha::haha::haha:

lol.... Mr Patent, lol care to tell the world which Alien technology on which F16 will fly so many KM without stopping /getting detected??? ... it will create a world Record isn't ?? Which pill do you take????:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: not to forget Radar In Egypt / Sudan/SA etc.. and not to mentioned Warships present in RED seas....

oppes just Check where is Mecca City.... If you take Red sea it will be something 8K-9K KM of air distance , it will create a world record flying for F-16 without getting detected then.

View attachment 386177

lol yes we know your patented Advance Centrifuges way back in 80's :sarcastic::omghaha:, Oh yes 80% were outside IAEA control...... now just check how many Reactors you have in 1990 vs India.. and then do the maths again.

if you cannot able to digest the fact that India has 4x /5X Rectors then PAK by 1990 .

Indian weapons based on Pu, which is far more efficient / and compact in design then U for the same amount of destruction.

Dear proximity fuse dose not means it will explore in mid area ? it has to come near to the building to get it explored........ you using word Proximity also.

read this fully, Even Reactor grade Pu can used for 20KT bomb, test is conducted by US in 64 also.


They used reactor grade Pu.. ;)
a half decent modern x band aesa radar will take it close enough to intercept it.

When India's fast breeder reactor program will complete, That alone will produce sufficient fuel to make 700 15 KN bombs (Boosted fission 45 to 50 KN). We have a technology to Make non fissile material a fissile material. Nobody can match us in these technology of fast breeder reactor. China is nowhere in picture. Our advance heavy reactor technology is ready to rock the world with use of thorium as fuel. We lead in this design. It is the one of the best design of nuclear reactor with passive safety system which is best anywhere in the world. Some naive country like china think that they can match Indian in nuclear technology.
When India's fast breeder reactor program will complete, That alone will produce sufficient fuel to make 700 15 KN bombs (Boosted fission 45 to 50 KN). We have a technology to Make non fissile material a fissile material. Nobody can match us in these technology of fast breeder reactor. China is nowhere in picture. Our advance heavy reactor technology is ready to rock the world with use of thorium as fuel. We lead in this design. It is the one of the best design of nuclear reactor with passive safety system which is best anywhere in the world. Some naive country like china think that they can match Indian in nuclear technology.
fast breeder reactors are one of the greatest failures of nuclear technology
lol yes we know your patented Advance Centrifuges way back in 80's :sarcastic::omghaha:, Oh yes 80% were outside IAEA control...... now just check how many Reactors you have in 1990 vs India.. and then do the maths again.

if you cannot able to digest the fact that India has 4x /5X Rectors then PAK by 1990 .

People do not know about the advancement made in centrifuge technology, New centrifuges are multiple time efficient than those junk centrifuges of seventies and eighties. New centrifuges are made of very special material and they move many time faster the those old centrifuges and they can work for more than an year without stoppage. Russia and US has best of these technologies and India comes next. That is why international media on that story of Nuclear city of India said that India will produce sufficient enriched uranium to power their entire nuclear submarine fleet and still left with a fissile material to make 50 H Bombs every year.

a half decent modern x band aesa radar will take it close enough to intercept it.

fast breeder reactors are one of the greatest failures of nuclear technology

Yes because most of the countries can not master that technology. It can burn impure fuel and can get a burn ration many times higher than ordinary reactors. We are operating a small one for last 34 years and a big one is about to go in operation.
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People do not know about the advancement made in centrifuge technology, New centrifuges are multiple time efficient than those junk centrifuges of seventies and eighties. New centrifuges are made of very special material and they move many time faster the those old centrifuges and they can work for more than an year without stoppage. Russia and US has best of these technologies and India comes next. That is why international media on that story of Nuclear city of India said that India will produce sufficient enriched uranium to power their entire nuclear submarine fleet and still left with a fissile material to make 50 H Bombs.

Yes because most of the countries can not master that technology. It can burn impure fuel and can get a burn ration many times higher than ordinary reactors. We are operating a small one for last 34 years and a big one is about to go in operation.
And you can I am wasting my time here,dreams are tax free so is trolling
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And you can I am wasting my time here

Who told you to waste your time. I know there are some facts which you people can never digest. I have so many other shinning achievements of India Nuclear program but that will embrace you so I do not wnat to post that here like how india produced hundreds of KGs of Tritium with a unique cost effective technology . Only 5 gm is required per H bomb.
Who told you to waste your time. I know there are some facts which you people can never digest. I have so many other shinning achievements of India Nuclear program but that will embrace you so I do not wnat to post that here like how india produced hundreds of KGs of Tritium with a unique cost effective technology . Only 5 gm is required per H bomb.
dreams are tax free so is trolling

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