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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

US general will not get briefing from CIA and he is just pissing in the air and CIA didn't know much either YET Pakistan officially warned the Americans a weak before Indian test about Indian intentions. In nutshell Pakistan know more about Indian program then yanks. Is it sheer stupidity or your silly nationalism which is making you look like a complete idiot here?

It seems you are Gen Zinni right side testicle. Other then that, I can't find any logic to your verbal diaherra.


P4-type: Western intelligence data suggest that Pakistan developed an ad-
vanced centrifuge in the mid-1980s.
Accordingly, this machine is based on a
Durch Urenco design, designated SLM, later known as the TC-10.22 Report-
edly, the rotor has a diameter of 14.5 cm, a length of 3.2 m, and is operated
at 508 m/s. The separative performance of the P-4 has been quoted as 21


However, inspectors noticed that someone modified the design in distinctive
ways. In addition, the original drawings were shown to inspectors, and their
labels are in English, not Dutch or German. According to intelligence
information, the design resembles one built by Pakistan in the 1980s and
early 1990s that is sometimes called the P1.


Former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has lifted the lid on Pakistan’s role in the development of Iran’s nuclear programme, saying Pakistan provided designs and technology, including 4,000 used centrifuges for enriching uranium.

We fuking build the damn new generation centrifuges, we setup another state (Iran) nuke proragme with our own albeit used centrifuges, we been churning fissile material since 80s, hell we make and design the machines which produce weapon grade fissile material, and here we are, a random Indian trolls coming up with silly arguments. We don't go about stealing plutonium from IAEA safeguarded Canadian reactor and blow it up in some random desert and call it "smiling buddha".


We may not had provided any technology to any party but it doesn't make our nuclear program inferior or your program superior.We have a solid & alive nuclear program.Basically all those technologies you use are under the shed of China & stolen blueprint..But obviously credit to you for great adaptation ...:bounce:

In context of the boasting you are portraying, India began initial Research and Development (R&D) work on indigenous centrifuges(Although few parts used to get by bidding but designed by purely India & used Indigenous composites & steel) at the Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) as early as 1972. The experimental centrifuge program’s first milestone was achieved in 1986 with the installation of the first cascade consisting of about 100 machines that was able to produce 2% enriched uranium. The same year, India’s Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) began construction of a larger centrifuge enrichment facility.
Also in Rare Materials Plant at Rattelhali, Mysore which was commissioned around 1990. RMP alone has around about 4000 centrifuges in two or three cascades.In 1997 India found breakthrough with the development of super-critical centrifuges by itself...




India already enjoys a huge advantage in existing stockpiles over Pakistan with a 2013 stockpile of 2.4 ± 0.9 tons of HEU (30-40 enriched=800 kg weapon-grade HEU); 750 kg of weapon-grade plutonium and 5.0 tons of weapon-usable reactor-grade plutonium produced by India’s Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors. This stockpile of reactor-grade plutonium has been designated as “strategic” and would therefore remain outside safeguards. These fissile material holdings are currently sufficient for producing 187 warheads from WG Pu @ 4 kg/warhead; 32 warheads from WG HEU @ 25 kg/warhead; 625 to 1875 warheads from Reactor-Grade Pu @ 8 kg/warhead. The existing reservoir of fissile material will continue to be increased through additional production and very large reprocessing facilities that are nearing completion and are in the pipeline (EFBR and Dhruva-2) in the next five years along with “the planned integrated nuclear [reprocessing] plant for handling close to 500 tonne/year of heavy metal” at Tarapur..:P

Also if you are not done with humiliating yourself,

India has also designed a next generation nuclear reactor. In its final stages of development the AHWR is being tested at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mumbai as part of the third stage of India's nuclear energy programme, which envisages the use of thorium fuel cycles for generating commercial power.It will be fueled by U233 which will be converted from Thorium..For your basic info India has 25% of Thorium world reserve which could provide power upto at least 10000 years or more.This reactor will be alive end of this year... :D


"Kelleher-Vergantini( an analyst at the Washington DC) concluded that the footprint for enrichment facilities planned in the new complex would enable scientists to produce industrial quantities of uranium, although the institute would only know how much when construction had progressed further. As Kelley examined photos of the second site, he was astonished by the presence of two recently expanded buildings that had been made lofty enough to accommodate a new generation of tall, carbon-fiber centrifuges, capable of working far faster to enrich uranium than any existing versions.

Nuclear experts express the productiveness of these machines in Separative Work Units, abbreviated to SWUs (pronounced swooz). Kelley concluded that at the second site, the government could install up to 1,050 of these new hyper-efficient machines, which together with about 700 older centrifuges could complete 42,000 SWUs a year — or enough, he said, to make roughly 183 kilograms (403 pounds) of weapons-grade uranium. A new H-bomb, with an explosive force exceeding 100,000 tons of TNT, would require just 4 to 7 kilograms of enriched uranium, according to the International Panel on Fissile Materials, a group of nuclear experts from 16 countries that seek to reduce and secure uranium stocks.

The International Panel on Fissile Materials estimates that the Arihant class submarine core requires only 65kg of uranium, enriched to 30 per cent. Using this figure and the estimated capacity of the centrifuges India is installing in Mysore alone — not even including Challakere — Kelley concluded that even after fueling its entire submarine fleet there would be 160kg of weapons-grade uranium left over, every year, or enough to fuel at least 22 H-bombs.":)
I am just showing you how India would look like after a whooping 10 years in context of you were doing such big claims..Now you can go weep yourself with those colorful history & pride..:wave:
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A leading nuclear strategist Vipin Narang said yesterday, at a conference on nuclear policy, that there is increasing evidence that India could launch a preemptive first strike against Pakistan if it feared a nuclear attack was imminent.

“There is increasing evidence that India will not allow Pakistan to go first,” Vipin Narang, a nuclear strategist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said at a conference on nuclear policy hosted by Carnegie, a think tank, yesterday.

He added that the first strike will not be aimed at urban centres and conventional targets of a retaliatory strike intended to punish and prevent an escalation, but against Islamabad’s nuclear arsenal, to preempt a nuclear attack altogether.

“India’s opening salvo may not be conventional strikes trying to pick off just Nasr batteries (launch vehicles for Pakistan’s tactical battlefield nuclear warheads) in the theatre, but a full ‘comprehensive counterforce strike’ that attempts to completely disarm Pakistan of its nuclear weapons so that India does not have to engage in iterative tit-for-tat exchanges and expose its own cities to nuclear destruction,” he said.

As evidence for his theory, Narang cited recent remarks and policy prescriptions from leading Indian strategists and a book by Shivshankar Menon, who oversaw nuclear targeting for India as National Security Adviser to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Narang also quoted Menon as telling Ajai Shukla, a defense analyst with Business Standard, that “India’s nuclear doctrine has far greater flexibility than it gets credit for”.

Narang supported his theory by citing this paragraph from Menon’s book, “Choices: Inside the Making of Indian Foreign Policy”, which was released in November : “There is a potential grey area as to when India would use nuclear weapons first against another NWS (nuclear weapon state). Circumstances are conceivable in which India might find it useful to strike first, for instance, against an NWS that had declared it would certainly use its weapons, and if India were certain that adversary’s launch was imminent.”

New Delhi declared its no-first use strike policy in 2003, undertaking to not start a nuclear war in a neighbourhood.

Times of India released a report today in which it said there are also worries in India that New Delhi might not have full information on the whereabouts of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and tactical warheads that are much smaller and mounted on lorries to be driven around to escape detection through satellite imagery.

Hey its difficult option to choose because Indian will have to justify its actions and might face sever ,military action from all over the world for provoking such a senario but , if the nuclear threat goes too high and the nuclear wars becomes evident such as pak army using nasar. Then i am sure of one thing, for all the people and politician no matter how corrupt they are they know one thing. The one who hits first is gonna be the winner as india has the capability to launch salvos destroying every inch of pakistan. And once pak top command is wiped out, leaders gone whatever second strike capability pak may have india can very well handle it. Its a threat which pakis should understand now and ask them WHAT IF INDIA STRIKES FIRST WITH FULL NUCLEAR FORCE????

No actually he is explaining no first use policy of India.

Rather he is saying that No first use policy could turn into a unpopular myth from now on.
So it seems it is all or nothing for both sides, nothing but mutual assured destruction.

It most likely doesn't work that way. Hostilities build up over time, when it heats up, diplomacy comes into play and there are other countries / international organisations that step in to mediate.

It's only when hostilities come to a head for e.g. a major terrorist attack in the scale of the parliament attack, 26/11 or 9/11 or a major transgression like Kargil when there's no turning back is when there are signs of war. Even at this juncture major countries will try to step in to diffuse the situation. If that fails there could be no turning back, and both will anticipate war as the decider.

In such a scenario, India being the bigger player will wait for pakistan to make the first move, and if pakistan chooses to use a strategic stike (nukes) rather than a military strike, the response will be in kind. The prerogative will most likely lie with pakistan on what it does.

The no first use policy is meant for countries who are not nuclear, but in the scenario that pakistan is prepping to conduct a major nuclear strike on India, then India most likely will decide to do a decimation first strike to limit the damage it takes on itself.
lol... Some Mars people came n told me .....if u have knowledge of phy , prove other wise.

yes sure... man please post the positions of IA .

At the end of hostilities on 23 September, India retained between 140 square miles / 360 square kilometres of Pakistani territory in the lahore front, including the major villages of Bedian, Barki, Padri, Dograi, Bhasin and Ichhogil uttar along the eastern bank of the Ichhogil canal. Pakistan only gained a small amount of land in Khem Karan, comprising 52 square kilometres
though the reaction time is less but dumb shells and rockets follow simple non variable predictable ballistic trajectory (2) the cost of hitting these shells is highly skewed towards the attacker rather than the defender. Laser interception might be an exception in future.
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Gen Zinni is from Central Command and India fall in Pacific command area , Both Command is different area to control and according to area they get Intel / briefing. What happening on the other Command area is non of their concern.

Well PAK started to cry about Indian Test When BJP made cleared in Its Poll promise that it will do nuclear test and as soon it won and it won election, PAK started to cry about test since then

Gen Zinni was directly related to this region in Musharraf time, and rest assure, he would have known when the Indian PM is going to take his dump and his piss.

Wrong, you are a lousy and higly misinformed Indian troll who is just pissing in the air and making thing as go along basis. Pakistan provide specific intel to America atleast a week before and its all part of history.

We all know , your capabilities of your machines......
As it turns out, we have relatively detailed information about the ring magnets used in Pakistan’s P2 centrifuge because of a failed 1991 effort by Pakistan to purchase similar ring magnets in Germany


In 1995, it allegedly sold Pakistan 5,000 ring magnets needed for high-speed gas centrifuges, while a U.S. intelligence report in 1997 held that “China was the single most important supplier of equipment and technology for weapons of mass destruction” in the world.

So we knows what level of technology and Centrifuges you have , don't worry about it. I never said you don't have centrifuges, so what if u cant make magnetic rings required for centrifuges lol.

Two questions you still now able to give even after moving round and round
A) Your technology Patent No/ file no ? :omghaha::omghaha:
B) Quality / capacity of production of your rectors in KG's

Which part of Pakistani DESIGN and BUILT centrifuges did not get through you thick skull? Do I have to link you the oxford dictionary to know the meaning of the words? :rofl:

Its one thing to build something from scratch, then to steal plutonium from an imported reactor and blow it up in random desert and call it "smiling buddha" , LOL

Jog on boy, you are embarassing yourself.

Check again where is Israeli is the MAP and what route it has to take to reach India without getting detected ( by avoiding Muslims countries Airspace) how many KM's? Mr Smart Pant? .....:sarcastic::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Red sea, Indian Ocean, and to India. Did you miss your geography classes?

While you being a numbnut, let me remind you, its the Saudis who alerted Pakistan about Israeli activity.

Mr Smart / Intelligent man , How many come under IAEA and since when ? before coming Under IAEA were they sitting ideal?

Do maths and let us know.. If can do 2+2 =5 lol


Simple question , require simple answer. Like all our Khoshab reactors are OUTSIDE IAEA but the ones we are building near Karachi are under IAEA and god knows how many centrifuges labs we are running since we make the damn things ourselves LOL . Go on, dont be shy . LOL
India is developing full deterant against any hostile air targets once this objective is fully achieved next target will be to decimate hostile nuclear weapons.
though the reaction time is less but dumb shells and rockets follow simple non variable predictable ballistic trajectory (2) the cost of hitting these shells is highly skewed towards the attacker rather than the defender. Laser interception might be an exception in future.
lol you keep you low level knowledge to yourself.....

I think you confused , you don't know what you want to say / pretend

A) Rockets / Mortars shell always make parabolic path , but due to speed / other factors they might not end you hitting on right target.

but due to less Reaction time / less height etc making these rockets to intercept more difficult then long range missiles. If a system can down these Rockets , then they can take down long range missile easily.

B) now come to cost part, I think Some countries value Life more then Cost, Like in Israeli , they value life then cost vs BD which don't have any value of life.

Israeli, made their cities Safe from rockets and defeated the purpose of terrorist n give army free hand to operate.

what is your problem? Cost ? or what? why r u confused?
We may not had provided any technology to any party but it doesn't make our nuclear program inferior or your program superior.We have a solid & alive nuclear program.Basically all those technologies you use are under the shed of China & stolen blueprint..But obviously credit to you for great adaptation ...:bounce:

You cant provide any party anything because you yourself are lousy thieves and living on the life support provided historically by west, Russia and now America. Let me remind you, the NSG was actually created when you low lives stole the plutonium from Canadian provided reactor and blew it in some random desert calling it "smiling budha".

have to give you 10/10 on the audacity.

When you are in postion to setup some other nation nuke program with your discarded equipment, then come and talk. Your rants are self embarrassing.

The self glorifying copy/paste job from Indian sources is worth the paper they are written on. Straight to the toilet flush stuff. Though I found few things very assuming specially the bit about the centrifuge. India is not known to either have knowledge or expertise about this highly sophisticated technology. Which kinda explain the below red part you sillybilly very proudly boasted about:

"The experimental centrifuge program’s first milestone was achieved in 1986with the installation of the first cascade consisting of about 100 machines that was able to produce 2% enriched uranium"

HAHAHA, 2% encriched uranium ? did i read it correctly right? HAHAHA

copy/paste karney kayliya aqal ke zarroot hoti hai. If you dont find it assuming, those who understand what 2% enriched uranium is worth, they will surely have a good laugh.

Rest is utter self glorifying garbage, as no nation worth it salt release the quantity figures of its fissile material.
one more kid came , S-400 is coming ,
Iron Dome is a example for new born kids who think Missiles cant be brought down.

Well No other country can fit MIRV's in such short profile missile , now even US , only PAK has super duper Alien technology. Cheers....

ya S-400 is coming.. Just like your tejas is coming since the last decade. haha And ya pakistan is working on a death star. haha its coming..
Gen Zinni was directly related to this region in Musharraf time, and rest assure, he would have known when the Indian PM is going to take his dump and his piss.

Oh my dear , who don't have any knowledge, and only repeating like a frog .. ( Patent NO ??? )

Just Check the What is area of operation of United States Central Command (CENTCOM). and your GEN Zinni , specially must have all the knowledge when your Gen Mush is dumping and pissing and in which area for sure.

But he don't even allowed to come to India ever by US.

Area of op.JPG

Wrong, you are a lousy and higly misinformed Indian troll who is just pissing in the air and making thing as go along basis. Pakistan provide specific intel to America atleast a week before and its all part of history.
yes we know that's why CIA ,instead of ISI find OBL and AK khan network ???

Which part of Pakistani DESIGN and BUILT centrifuges did not get through you thick skull? Do I have to link you the oxford dictionary to know the meaning of the words? :rofl:

lol, your know What are MAGNETIC RINGS? and what it is used for? OH forget how can u know what are Magnet rings are ? Go and learn something technical before you argue Where are your Patent MR ??????????????? I am still waiting for your Patent NO?

Only fool like you ever said about patent thing.

While you being a numbnut, let me remind you, its the Saudis who alerted Pakistan about Israeli activity.

Oh really? your Saudi Fools allowed them to fly over their land lol , not to mentioned other Gulf Counties, BTW still F-16 cannot reach India without landing any airbase. Now you proving to be day dreamer , Mr Patent?


either you are dumb to understand the basic mathematics....

Now check the number of nuclear reactors operation in India since how much long, Some reactors are 15-20 yrs old before they given under IAEA.

Now 22 Civilian Nuke reactors are under IAEA in 2014 , They are operating outside IAEA since...72, 83,85 89,92, 95, 2000 and so on....

how many PAK operating ? one reactor in 71 , 2000, 2011 2016

Even a nursery failed student can understand what so number of reactor doing since long and how much they churned out.

FYI -- 1999 India was estimated to have 800 kg of separated reactor-grade plutonium, with a total amount of 8300 kg of civilian plutonium, enough for approximately 1,000 nuclear weapons

Simple question , require simple answer. Like all our Khoshab reactors are OUTSIDE IAEA but the ones we are building near Karachi are under IAEA and god knows how many centrifuges labs we are running since we make the damn things ourselves LOL . Go on, dont be shy . LOL

how many you might be running not bigger then how much India would be Running before 2014 ?????
lol you keep you low level knowledge to yourself.....

I think you confused , you don't know what you want to say / pretend

A) Rockets / Mortars shell always make parabolic path , but due to speed / other factors they might not end you hitting on right target.

but due to less Reaction time / less height etc making these rockets to intercept more difficult then long range missiles. If a system can down these Rockets , then they can take down long range missile easily.

B) now come to cost part, I think Some countries value Life more then Cost, Like in Israeli , they value life then cost vs BD which don't have any value of life.

Israeli, made their cities Safe from rockets and defeated the purpose of terrorist n give army free hand to operate.

what is your problem? Cost ? or what? why r u confused?
they are area weapons they don't have to fall on a certain target and you dont need to hit them physically proximity fuse with HE fragmentation can be used SO?

Oh my dear , who don't have any knowledge, and only repeating like a frog .. ( Patent NO ??? )

Just Check the What is area of operation of United States Central Command (CENTCOM). and your GEN Zinni , specially must have all the knowledge when your Gen Mush is dumping and pissing and in which area for sure.

But he don't even allowed to come to India ever by US.

View attachment 386101

yes we know that's why CIA ,instead of ISI find OBL and AK khan network ???

lol, your know What are MAGNETIC RINGS? and what it is used for? OH forget how can u know what are Magnet rings are ? Go and learn something technical before you argue Where are your Patent MR ??????????????? I am still waiting for your Patent NO?

Only fool like you ever said about patent thing.

Oh really? your Saudi Fools allowed them to fly over their land lol , not to mentioned other Gulf Counties, BTW still F-16 cannot reach India without landing any airbase. Now you proving to be day dreamer , Mr Patent?

either you are dumb to understand the basic mathematics....

Now check the number of nuclear reactors operation in India since how much long, Some reactors are 15-20 yrs old before they given under IAEA.

Now 22 Civilian Nuke reactors are under IAEA in 2014 , They are operating outside IAEA since...72, 83,85 89,92, 95, 2000 and so on....

how many PAK operating ? one reactor in 71 , 2000, 2011 2016

Even a nursery failed student can understand what so number of reactor doing since long and how much they churned out.

FYI -- 1999 India was estimated to have 800 kg of separated reactor-grade plutonium, with a total amount of 8300 kg of civilian plutonium, enough for approximately 1,000 nuclear weapons

how many you might be running not bigger then how much India would be Running before 2014 ?????
is there no difference between quality of plutonium baked in a production reactor/military reactor and a power reactor I am asking this question in order to enrich your high level of knowledge

Oh my dear , who don't have any knowledge, and only repeating like a frog .. ( Patent NO ??? )

Just Check the What is area of operation of United States Central Command (CENTCOM). and your GEN Zinni , specially must have all the knowledge when your Gen Mush is dumping and pissing and in which area for sure.

But he don't even allowed to come to India ever by US.

View attachment 386101

yes we know that's why CIA ,instead of ISI find OBL and AK khan network ???

lol, your know What are MAGNETIC RINGS? and what it is used for? OH forget how can u know what are Magnet rings are ? Go and learn something technical before you argue Where are your Patent MR ??????????????? I am still waiting for your Patent NO?

Only fool like you ever said about patent thing.

Oh really? your Saudi Fools allowed them to fly over their land lol , not to mentioned other Gulf Counties, BTW still F-16 cannot reach India without landing any airbase. Now you proving to be day dreamer , Mr Patent?

either you are dumb to understand the basic mathematics....

Now check the number of nuclear reactors operation in India since how much long, Some reactors are 15-20 yrs old before they given under IAEA.

Now 22 Civilian Nuke reactors are under IAEA in 2014 , They are operating outside IAEA since...72, 83,85 89,92, 95, 2000 and so on....

how many PAK operating ? one reactor in 71 , 2000, 2011 2016

Even a nursery failed student can understand what so number of reactor doing since long and how much they churned out.

FYI -- 1999 India was estimated to have 800 kg of separated reactor-grade plutonium, with a total amount of 8300 kg of civilian plutonium, enough for approximately 1,000 nuclear weapons

how many you might be running not bigger then how much India would be Running before 2014 ?????
let me ask this question in another way why did india test 3 low yield devices in pokhran in 1998
You cant provide any party anything because you yourself are lousy thieves and living on the life support provided historically by west, Russia and now America. Let me remind you, the NSG was actually created when you low lives stole the plutonium from Canadian provided reactor and blew it in some random desert calling it "smiling budha".

have to give you 10/10 on the audacity.

When you are in postion to setup some other nation nuke program with your discarded equipment, then come and talk. Your rants are self embarrassing.

The self glorifying copy/paste job from Indian sources is worth the paper they are written on. Straight to the toilet flush stuff. Though I found few things very assuming specially the bit about the centrifuge. India is not known to either have knowledge or expertise about this highly sophisticated technology. Which kinda explain the below red part you sillybilly very proudly boasted about:

"The experimental centrifuge program’s first milestone was achieved in 1986with the installation of the first cascade consisting of about 100 machines that was able to produce 2% enriched uranium"

HAHAHA, 2% encriched uranium ? did i read it correctly right? HAHAHA

copy/paste karney kayliya aqal ke zarroot hoti hai. If you dont find it assuming, those who understand what 2% enriched uranium is worth, they will surely have a good laugh.

Rest is utter self glorifying garbage, as no nation worth it salt release the quantity figures of its fissile material.
Aww Being a Pakistani obviously you will find everything to be a hooeeey about India...Nothing I said was self made theory but facts,stats & view of well known analysts..

You are the one who needs to grind on depth.Do you know Uranium Oxide contains lesser than 1% U235..Concentrating 2% was also a more than a decent amount..

Those were the first pinnacle of Indian research..And in 1986 2% was considered to be efficient for a starter like India.For a first design it was heavy weight composites rotor,low speed poorly optimized bearing & also not so well precised management system unlike now those centrifuges are fully controlled by high speed computers with proper design as well as components with very high efficiency...

Previous post I told you what amount of isotopes India can produce using Pure Uranium,Plutonium & Thorium along with the estimation for next 10 years warhead production capability which was the main context first of all..

Better talk on facts & stat rather than circling around with same periodic chanting.:wave:
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