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India copying Pakistani/Western Culture

True...Maybe its best to classify Pathans as a separate nation.However quite a few Afghans I spoke to in Pakistan and some from Afghanistan have a clear hatred of their fellow Pathan here in Pakistan.. da walay??.anyway.. off topic.
One misinformation that the Indians have about Pakistan. Going through middle school in Pakistan upto 10th grade, the Pakistan Education Board's ciricullam included Ashoka, Chandra Gupta Moriya, Marhats etc.., so the notion that Pakistan is not aware of history is not true. Western countries try to manipulate history. Example: Alexandar the Great, Alexander was a homo sexual and he was defeated by Chandra Gupta Moriya, so how he can great. Great was Salahuddin that never was defeated, but Eurepeon historians will never say that.
so you mean one who wins is great and one who looses is not so great.

One misinformation that the Indians have about Pakistan. Going through middle school in Pakistan upto 10th grade, the Pakistan Education Board's ciricullam included Ashoka, Chandra Gupta Moriya, Marhats etc.., so the notion that Pakistan is not aware of history is not true. Western countries try to manipulate history. Example: Alexandar the Great, Alexander was a homo sexual and he was defeated by Chandra Gupta Moriya, so how he can great. Great was Salahuddin that never was defeated, but Eurepeon historians will never say that.
India copying Pakistani culture...This is interesting thought. I think Pakistan should start collecting royalty.
To the gentlemen trying to own onto India's history as either This side's or that side.Let me say this:
before the Lucknow pact you were the same people with a common history, Religion was the major reason for division and rightly so.
But to think that only the Indian has right over Asoka or only the Pakistani has a right over Aurangzeb is wrong. These people were from amongst you, and most of India in their times still took them as their kings. most of those people are your ancestors. Even the Pathans who have more in common with Afghans still were culturally influenced by those from Bengal. Islam did not properly arrive in India till the 700 AD's and even then, most if not all Indians then converted and even now many of the Muslims on both sides are from the lineage of converts.Many people trace their lineage back to the prophet with pride through middle eastern Sufi and orthodox preachers but fail to see that they too converted people through which many Muslims in India and Pakistan are descended from. So while the average Subcontinent Muslim may ignore it, Asoka was as much the king of his genetic forefathers as it was of someone in Mumbai. The same goes for the average Hindu who would have genetic forefathers serving in Akbar or Sher Shah Suri's army.
Religious history which involves the all Muslims or Hindu's and does not allow Pakistani's to lay claim to Khalid bin Waleed's military prowess as part of their hereditary inheritance. Nor should it force the Indian's to disown Tipu Sultan as somebody who does not deserve recognition in the history of India as somebody who resisted an Invader to the end for his land which was Mysore.
In a nutshell, The history of India is nobody property which includes the Indus valley civilization and the Aryan Invaders..to Ranjit Singh and The first world war where Indians died for the British in the trenched of Europe

Agreed, that the history, demographics,geography and genetics of India and Pakistan is shared and its difficult and if not impossible to distinguish the two. So Im not sure how India is supposedly copying Pakistani culture?

Infact, its Pakistan that copes the Indian mobies, soap operas, business plans and so on..Its stupid to give Mr Khan so much importance...
I suppose you meant movies.. .
and true.. the trend has emerged .. (I PARTICULARLY DESPISE the soap opera's with my heart.. on both sides.). Business plans if successful deserve to be copied.
but the trend has increased since the advent of television..and the failure of Pakistani cinema.
However.. the movies are not copied.
We just watch yours..
. .
One misinformation that the Indians have about Pakistan. Going through middle school in Pakistan upto 10th grade, the Pakistan Education Board's ciricullam included Ashoka, Chandra Gupta Moriya, Marhats etc.., so the notion that Pakistan is not aware of history is not true. Western countries try to manipulate history. Example: Alexandar the Great, Alexander was a homo sexual and he was defeated by Chandra Gupta Moriya, so how he can great. Great was Salahuddin that never was defeated, but Eurepeon historians will never say that.

Salahadin was the one of the greatest Generals of all time....all credit goes to him for takin Jerusalem back from the crusaders......

As far as I remember, he is pretty much glorified everywhere......
Dont a majority of prominent Muslim states in the Arab and North African area use his stamp....the eagle as their emblem??

Alexander is definitely great....In a time when "power projection" was next to impossible out of ones area of influence, Alexander was able to take the war to other nations (espcially defeating Darius was his greatest feat) and conquer and influence them....

I think each one is unique in his/her own light!!
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Santro Afghans and Pathans is almost same thing if you exclude the current nationalities based on border lines. We have same bloodline.

I beg to differ.....

A similar comparison would be of present day Iranians being the same as the Parsis in India...They are not.....genetically, maybe, but through centuries of migration, culture, values, thinking etc is completely modified.....

But I might be wrong....
The title of the thread should be modified..
Pakistani's trying to copy Indians copying western lifestyle.

However, I have in my comparatively recent trip to India(6 years ago) seen the average Indian and he/she has not adopted..but rather adapted the western culture into his/her Indian lifestyle. The average 23ish university bound urban Indian will still go the the temple/mosque/church yet has no qualms about hitting the club or taking a walk on the beach with his girlfriend(a growing trend effecting both our countries). The average Indian does want his/her Gucci but will settle for a local designer as well, the Pakistani will go for the local designed only if he/she is famous and if he/she cant afford Prada. Language use is mixed across the spectrum but generally people tend to stick to Hindi with varying levels of English interleaved which is the same in Pakistan with Urdu.It was only in a few strict Hindu households where I saw the use of Sanskrit, otherwise the only actual difference I felt was that everybody was darker skinned.I spoke the same as I would with my friends here, and nobody looked at me like an alien(except the few ignorant who expected a Pakistani to come in a Sherwani and Jinnah cap),There is a difference, but if not for the burden of politics past we can get along easily with the City Indian, I did see some RSS elements draped in orange with deep red tilaks(thats what it is right??) but they seem to have more influence over the lower classes.

One thing which sets India apart is the lack of excessive showing off. While brand names are desired they are not an obsession. And rarely do you see a flashy car even in some cases where it is easily affordable. The same applies to eating habits and unless dining out in a posh restaurant the Indian Hindu prefers to have one simple dish or the venerable Thali. Muslims in India are a little more open in their culinary expenditures but due to cultural concerns I never saw beef at any meal(I do not wish to hurt the sentiments of Hindu members but they are missing out on the delight that is a well done tenderloin steak, but the same could be said to Muslims about ham), It is generally easier to have a meal in a Sikh household as they don't seem to have reservations about using the same utensils as people not of their religion, but I may be wrong and this Hindu tradition may be on its way to being phased out.

Class divisions are still there but are rapidly increasing, However India has benefited from a growing middle class which is matching the growth of its poor, education being its primary catalyst. In Pakistan the situation is opposite, rampant corruption is creating pockets of upper class which unlike India have no interaction with any of the lower classes and in turn are increasing the gap. The upper middle class is being absorbed into the upper class, anything below that is being pushed further down the order.
Overall, The balance between western and indigenous culture is more on an even keel in India with the exception of the discarding of some strict religious rules in urban areas.

In Pakistan however, Find a tailor named Shabbir, and put him in a shop called "Shabz". We will buy!, The need to prove ourselves more modern than our neighbors has buried itself deep within us. I credit it to a lack of national Identity and our need to identify a single cohesive culture which might tie us together with different sub-cultures within it, something India has accomplished.
So.. from my point of view.. change the title .. then discuss.

Santro the most honest....sane post that is close to reality that I have seen to date on this forum.....especially on this topic.....

I applaud you for such a candid approach and I hope that you had a wonderful trip to my homeland.....
Well, the Pakistani look is not native to India. Though I believe he was trying to say that there are more "Pakistani look" people in India than in Pakistan itself! I'd like to see the survey that confirms this remarkable observation of his. But even if it was true (which in all honestly, I'm 100% sure it's not), the "set look" of Pakistan is different from the "set look of India", just as the "set look" of Germans is different to the "set look" of Zambians and so on.

Pray do tell...Which survey did you base your conclusions on??

You have no idea what you're speaking of buddy....best you quit giving us your lessons in geneology......

I can debunk your entire theory of "set look" with one simple question.....

Go to the US, pick out an average American....and then tell me whether he is German, Irish, French, Italian etc.....

Since America is a melting pot of "purist" european settlers consisting of large number of germans, Irish and Italians. etc....all with different ancestries (and dont give me the crap about "caucasians"...Pakistani's are of the Indian gene....trust me my family works heavily in clinical trials and drugs that work on the Indian gene work 99.99% same on the Pakistani's...so if you club caucasians genes together...Pakistani's are clubbed under the Indian gene)
If you can successfully differentiate between a blonde German from a Blonde frog, I will retract my words.....

The only way to know one from the other is
a) from their last name
b) style of speaking
c) hair many a times.....

Same applies for Indians and Pakistani's........Pakistan may have a set look if you want to wet yourself over it, but there definitely is NO set look in India.....

But since you're full of sh!t anyways....quit while your ahead and stop projecting your insecurities and complex of being termed a "****" in the UK on the rest of us.....

No hard feelings but I sense you have a major complex

Frankly, it is because of petty and small minded people like you who glorify the "white skin" and its masters that the Brits were able to divide and rule us......
Looks like you're still in the slave mentality.....
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I suppose you meant movies.. .
and true.. the trend has emerged .. (I PARTICULARLY DESPISE the soap opera's with my heart.. on both sides.). Business plans if successful deserve to be copied.
but the trend has increased since the advent of television..and the failure of Pakistani cinema.
However.. the movies are not copied.
We just watch yours..

Buddy frankly quality of Pakistani soaps is much better than the Indian ones.....
My mum used to watch a LOT of Pakistani soaps....the only one I remember is "Urusa"...but yeah Im with you....about Indian soaps....count me in your hate group...
Bollywood tho mindless is entertaining.....Indian TV is utter rubbish....
Yup.. the old PTV soaps were extremely good... Urusa, Sitara aur Mehrunisa..etc.
But that was due to very cultured and educated people sitting at the helm of affairs. People who were weeded out for financial gains, racial bias, the works. These days its all about commercialism.. not culture. The same can be said of Indian cinema.My favorite example is Devdas.. in case of remakes I always see the original first. Once I had seen the Dilip version.. and the simplicity through which he meets Paaro after he returns... 15 min into the SRK movie and I walked out of the room.. And I DO not THink Aishwariya even comes close to the top 100 most beautiful women.. but then we are going wayy off topic here
Yup.. the old PTV soaps were extremely good... Urusa, Sitara aur Mehrunisa..etc.
But that was due to very cultured and educated people sitting at the helm of affairs. People who were weeded out for financial gains, racial bias, the works. These days its all about commercialism.. not culture. The same can be said of Indian cinema.My favorite example is Devdas.. in case of remakes I always see the original first. Once I had seen the Dilip version.. and the simplicity through which he meets Paaro after he returns... 15 min into the SRK movie and I walked out of the room.. And I DO not THink Aishwariya even comes close to the top 100 most beautiful women.. but then we are going wayy off topic here

Its like you're reading my mind....its a bit scary....LOL!!

I havent even seen the new Devdas and dont plan to either.....
Tho recently there have been some quality movies.....Being Cyrus, Page 3 etc....So hoping that Bollywood takes a turn for the better.....
But you will always have the "item" movies.....Coz majority revenue comes from the "cow-belt" types states who love mindless violence, drama and songs.....
I am not at all a fan of Aishwarya Rai....Katrina Kaif is more my type.....

Here is a little snippette of the level of Indian TV programs these days.....Entertaining yet embarassing....LOL


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@ peswa And Santro,

As Santro said old serial of Ptv were extremely good though i never had chance to see one ,i think so were the older Serials aired on Doordarshan .

I think ,pakistani comedy dramas are popular in india...not so sure about its soap operas though .

For last few years , stupid Saas Bahu type serial were ruling the indian soap section and its had turned as bane for many viewers mosltly male, who are neither be saas nor Bahu in their lives.

But things have changing for last one year or so with the advent of the a new channel named "Colors" who brought newer ideas and more creative format and since then its been the no.1 entertainment channel in indian tv .Other channels are also following the suit including Star tv who ruling the air wave with Saas , Bahu serial for long time

And before that, its various reality shows,laughter shows on tv who usually tops with highest vierwership rating had drawn majority tv viewers away from the drama soaps. So we can notice some drastic changes and interest things happening in recent times again and all isnt bad with indian tv.

Now i'm also a big fan of Karina Kaif ,she looks very healthy ;) and pretty at the same time.But lets not compare a 24 old youthful year katrina and a 35 year old lady like Ashriya Rai as it isnt fair.

Ashriya Rai's extremely beautiful facial features belongs only to a beauty queen which she was..and no doubt Karina Kaif has a gorgeous figure though.
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