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India Chooses U.S.-Built Javelin Anti-Tank Missile

pakistan already have TOW 2 missile which is similar to javelian but javelian is one step ahead some rumors says that pakistan already have this javlian missile in its inventory
pakistan already have TOW 2 missile which is similar to javelian but javelian is one step ahead some rumors says that pakistan already have this javlian missile in its inventory

You are comparing a third generation fire-and-forget missile with a wire guided missile!!!! lol They are the missiles of two different generations.

What rumors says that Pakistan has Javelin??? Source????
Another indigenous program killed by our babus favouring foreign 'maal'. The MANPAD Nags are history now. Wonder who took the bribe this time and how much.
Our army needs the best weapons .We cant just give them inferior weapons just to improve our indigenous tech.I think purchase of javelin is a good decision.
what happend to you..:drumroll: NAG anti tank missle?? all the noise and hoopla for indigenious??? Or wait..is USA taking the indian for a ride once again..Hey buy my ammo first then I'll listen ya rap about ISI??

or perhaps it is to buy "influence" in congress??

Next time Manmohan and Obama meet

MMS: We gotta tackle this ISI genie?
Obama: What do you want me to do?
MMS: put it back in the bottle
Obama: but for that I need more exports to India
MMS: we already ordered the Javelin missles
Obama: but thats not for long
MMS: we shelved our indigenious NAG ATGM!
Obama: how about some jet, choppers, tanks, missles, tankers and some APC?
MMS: but thats awful lot, we are a poor nation.
Obama: but we need trade! We already sold F16 to Pakistan and they are willing for more. How about some patriot?
MMS: oh this isnt going anywhere
Obama: neither outsourcing! :) payback time buddy! All ya dolla's belongs to US of A!
Originally Posted by Tshering22:
"Another indigenous program killed by our babus favouring foreign 'maal'. The MANPAD Nags are history now. Wonder who took the bribe this time and how much. "

Tshering22 bhai,
Don't get hyper. The 'family of serpents' is here to stay, the 'man-portable version included. It is a very "cost effective" solution to the requirements.
You are comparing a third generation fire-and-forget missile with a wire guided missile!!!! lol They are the missiles of two different generations.

What rumors says that Pakistan has Javelin??? Source????

No he did not compare.... and he wrote English.

So i hope you to delete your unwaranted.... lol

but on previous page some one declared NAG the best in world.
nag is probably one of the best missile in ATGM category..already ordered by IA and other countries...
You are comparing a third generation fire-and-forget missile with a wire guided missile!!!! lol They are the missiles of two different generations.

TOW II RF are also fire and forget missiles. They are not wireguided and have been extensively used by PA.

TOW should not be compared with Javelin because the latter is a man portable system whereas TOW is a heavier ATGM (classified by both US and Pakistani Armies as Heavy Anti-tanki) that is not man portable. TOW carries a larger warhead and has more range as well (5km)
No he did not compare.... and he wrote English.

So i hope you to delete your unwaranted.... lol

You din't answer the question i asked him, why??? :rolleyes:

What do you mean by 'similar'???? How a third generation fire-and-forget IIR seeking missile can be compared with a wire guided missile???

but on previous page some one declared NAG the best in world.

What it has to do with my post??? :hang2:

NAG is a vehicle mounted ATGM while Javelin is a man portable one.
TOW II RF are also fire and forget missiles. They are not wireguided and have been extensively used by PA.

Thanks for the info. the new TOW 2A those Pakistan got are wire less radio frequency missile but they are still need to be guided.

TOW should not be compared with Javelin because the latter is a man portable system whereas TOW is a heavier ATGM (classified by both US and Pakistani Armies as Heavy Anti-tanki) that is not man portable. TOW carries a larger warhead and has more range as well (5km)

Agreed but their working concept and operational capabilities are also different. TOW-2A is a second generation ATGM while Javelin is a third generation missile.

And the range I think is 3.8 km not 5 km.
You are talking as If we scrapped nag atgm and ordered javelin instead.Both are different systems dude.
nag atgm is ordered on huge numbers by indian army and some other countries too.It is considered one of the best in it's class with nearly unjammable imaging seekers, full fibreglass structure etc.nag MANPAD was considered under developmenu, which may be cancelled due to induction of JAVELIN,previous posters were talking about this and not about nag atgm
coming to the topic Javelin and Nag are 2 different platforms.One is a machine mounted and one a man mounted.Nag lacks access to remote mountaneous places where indian army lacks infrastructure to take their tanks where as our chinese counter parts have that option.Ina way our men have to fight chinese military tanks.

IA cannot wait ,they have inducted Nag and im sure they will look forward for Nag(man portable) when it is available.So until then Javelin fits the bill.
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Thanks for the info. the new TOW 2A those Pakistan got are wire less radio frequency missile but they are still need to be guided.

Agreed but their working concept and operational capabilities are also different. TOW-2A is a second generation ATGM while Javelin is a third generation missile.

And the range I think is 3.8 km not 5 km.

You are right. What I meant from Fire and Forget with TOW II RF is that now its employment does not require the operator to stay in a static firing position to maintain line of sight until impact, which admittedly is not true fire and forget.

TOW-2A is indeed a 2nd gen ATGM, however the ones in service now with the PA and other armies are TOW 2B and RF ATGMs which are top-attack systems and a niche market play because there really isn't a HAT system in the same class as these. As such comparing the Javelin to TOW is a little misleading because of the difference in the range and weight of warhead which is bigger in the TOW.

For a man portable system, PA is still using RPG-7s which, when they hit are fine, when not then you duck and reload. :-)

PA does need a better man portable ATGM system but then the cost of an RPG round or 10 is cheaper than one Javelin (albeit the latter has more accuracy and bigger warhead).
Indian gov is getting this right by choose Javelin. its a great missile. Hopefully, India is smart enough to follow through on this one.

As for Pakistan, its a major non-nato US allie. US would sell Javelin to Pakistan.
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