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India China war in October again?

Its suicide for India to go to war with China, it'll be the worst move for any country, especially a 3rd world country like India, to go to war with China.

If India was smart it would be improving relations with China.

lol, r u really a senior member??

If India is a 3rd world country, Than what about Pakistan?:cheesy:

Well, i think India should improve it's relations with china and same goes to china.:smitten:

However India should keep spending it's money on military to catch up!:sniper:

I'm so sick and tired of this nonsense. Most of these "reports" that are coming out of India are a complete farce, so no, there will be no war.

Completely agreed.....This is plain ridiculous......Somebody farts at the Indo-China border and reports surface of explosion......

War-Hysteria stirred up by the media is just awful and frankly good for nothing!!!


You can give the credit for this trashy report to the Pakistani propoganda counterparts of "RupeeNews" and Moin Ansari......
do you know how many nuke warheads China has right now?

if you use nuke, not a square inch of India will be spared. You want that?

Have you ever faced any situation where you could have been dead? balls go beyond gravitational force in such situations...

After watching all the jingoism of some Indians who dangerously talk about nuclear exchanges, I think the enemy of the Indians are some Indians themselves... because they will die, but they will take other Indians with them...

Sir in other thread you went bashing after me. Uncle ji sorry to ask but are you agent of china? Are you sure you from india and not pakistan? Please dont use indian flag uncle. Thank you.
Oh please, You know, i know, anybody with some sence know India

don't stand a chance against China in a war !!

Do we need help ? you must be kidding youself !!

BTW, I can't help you if you have no sence of humor from my last

post. :smitten::pakistan::china:

Greyboy......Seems like you really fancy a war don't you??

Dont be naive as you know as well as all of us that war is not the solution and Indo-China relationship and friendship has a lot more benefits than one can imagine!!!

If war was the way to solve our differences, trust me China would not have waited 30 years!!!

Frankly, I dont even think that the Chinese care much for AP......
I think the standoff with India is just their way of justifying militarization of Tibet...allowing them to vastly develop their infastructure in the region.....and keeping tabs on the Tibetian movements....essentially killing 2 birds with one shot!!!

And let me just get nationalistic here for a second:::

Even if there was a grave situation as "reports" suggest.....India should under no circumstances attack China!!!
Essentially this move will allow us to legitimize our right to fight, make China the aggressor and incur the wrath of the global community towards China....this will create a chain reaction delivering China the "kick in the nuts" which is their economy as war will definitely set them back.....same goes for India, but at least it was something forced on us and not something we brought upon ourselves!!!
Greyboy......Seems like you really fancy a war don't you??

Dont be naive as you know as well as all of us that war is not the solution and Indo-China relationship and friendship has a lot more benefits than one can imagine!!!

If war was the way to solve our differences, trust me China would not have waited 30 years!!!

Frankly, I dont even think that the Chinese care much for AP......
I think the standoff with India is just their way of justifying militarization of Tibet...allowing them to vastly develop their infastructure in the region.....and keeping tabs on the Tibetian movements....essentially killing 2 birds with one shot!!!

And let me just get nationalistic here for a second:::

Even if there was a grave situation as "reports" suggest.....India should under no circumstances attack China!!!
Essentially this move will allow us to legitimize our right to fight, make China the aggressor and incur the wrath of the global community towards China....this will create a chain reaction delivering China the "kick in the nuts" which is their economy as war will definitely set them back.....same goes for India, but at least it was something forced on us and not something we brought upon ourselves!!!

Peshwa ; I am no lover for war, I am just getting sick and tired of

your media provoking a war, look at all those so call China intruding

India news, all those China going to attack India time table, can you

blame me for my reaction ? :pakistan::china:
There will be a war between India and China. The only question is when. This war will help decide who dominates the 21st century. I think most likely it will happen when there is unrest in China and the leaders use the war to distract the people from domestic problems. If Indians think sweet talk and dialogue will get India out of this then I would disagree. You have to understand how this Red Dragon works. India will be the invaded nation whether you like it or not.
There will be a war between India and China. The only question is when. This war will help decide who dominates the 21st century. I think most likely it will happen when there is unrest in China and the leaders use the war to distract the people from domestic problems. If Indians think sweet talk and dialogue will get India out of this then I would disagree. You have to understand how this Red Dragon works. India will be the invaded nation whether you like it or not.

India will not be invaded, India will be disintegrated.

Maoists rebels and other insurgents groups are eagerly waiting for that. When Indian army will be engaged along the border, separatists will be fighting the police and CRPF to gain liberation.

Yes, it will inevitably happen. Like it or not.
India will not be invaded, India will be disintegrated.

Maoists rebels and other insurgents groups are eagerly waiting for that. When Indian army will be engaged along the border, separatists will be fighting the police and CRPF to gain liberation.

Yes, it will inevitably happen. Like it or not.

Dont you paint a bleak picture!!!!

I don't think any such thing is happening.....

Remember, wars bring the nation together......unless you're suggesting that these Maoists infested areas would like to be a faction of red China?

I see the situation mentioned above as a very improbable scenario
Peshwa ; I am no lover for war, I am just getting sick and tired of

your media provoking a war, look at all those so call China intruding

India news, all those China going to attack India time table, can you

blame me for my reaction ? :pakistan::china:

Greyboy....completely agreed....War hysteria is not something the nation needs, but you have to read between the lines.....

The media's job is to sell news.....just like any other business....and nothing sells more than sex, violence and drugs!!!

But looking at the bigger picture, you have to understand that a lot of the newspapers are in the pockets of politicians.....

News such as this, raises red flags about the current govt. preparedness to deal with external threats....in turn the alarmed public puts pressure on the govt. to do more, allowing the govt to lose focus on other things and concentrate on the issue at hand.....now this can serve 2 purposes,

a) It can show the inefficiency of the current govt. and allow opposing parties to gain the favorite vote from the people


b) Allow the military to beef up and clear moolah for the high tag weapons

Either way, such sensationalism of "iddy-biddy" news gets old, and trust me......sooner or later people will lose faith in the credibility of the source....

Thats my take on things....
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Remember, wars bring the nation together......unless you're suggesting that these Maoists infested areas would like to be a faction of red China?

Not necessarily wars bring the nation together.

Maoists will not be any faction of red China, as china is not interested to occupy the entire India nor can she do so. China will just take their lands back. But Maoists and other insurgents groups will use that short period of crisis to gain what they want.

The picture may look bleak, but 110% possibility is there for the bleak picture to become a reality.
Dont you paint a bleak picture!!!!

I don't think any such thing is happening.....

Remember, wars bring the nation together......unless you're suggesting that these Maoists infested areas would like to be a faction of red China?

I see the situation mentioned above as a very improbable scenario

Why wouldn't the Maoist infested areas take advantage of this war to spread their influence in other parts of India? That is their aim. They want to strengthen the "Red Corridor" and install a "People's Government." Their ideology undermines the Indian Democracy and state.

The picture will be bleak for India if this war happens in the next couple of years. You are Indian and it is understandable that you will be patriotic/emotional about it, but lets think about it rationally. Can the Indian military compete with the Red Dragon? I think we all know the answer to that.

Wars do bring a nation together, especially oppressive ones. This war will bring China together.

Cheers :cheers:
Not necessarily wars bring the nation together.

Maoists will not be any faction of red China, as china is not interested to occupy the entire India nor can she do so. China will just take their lands back. But Maoists and other insurgents groups will use that short period of crisis to gain what they want.

The picture may look bleak, but 110% possibility is there for the bleak picture to become a reality.

Well if history of our nation reminds us anything, its that we forget our differences most when facing a common enemy!!!...But you're entitled to your view.

Can you shed light on what the Maoists aims are and what they would gain by causing mayhem during a war?
Isnt the Maoist aim to develop and provide rights to Dalits and Tribals in line with Maoist/socialistic principals? Dont they want to be aligned with China as opposed to the west......My knowledge on this matter is limited, so enlighten me....would appreciate it!!!

Also, dont you think the Maoists anti-national acts will result in them being slaughtered like animals once the war is over?
Well if history of our nation reminds us anything, its that we forget our differences most when facing a common enemy!!!...But you're entitled to your view.

Can you shed light on what the Maoists aims are and what they would gain by causing mayhem during a war?
Isnt the Maoist aim to develop and provide rights to Dalits and Tribals in line with Maoist/socialistic principals? Dont they want to be aligned with China as opposed to the west......My knowledge on this matter is limited, so enlighten me....would appreciate it!!!

Also, dont you think the Maoists anti-national acts will result in them being slaughtered like animals once the war is over?

Let me know that history of India.

And Maoists who are basically Tribals and Dalits are being slaughtered like animals already.
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