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India, China, & Sarah Palin

Lets agree to disagree.

Fair enough.

Union busting

Unions are core Dem territory, so it's not surprising the Repubs going after them.

Coming to topic, China-bashing will be a major theme in the next election. I was taken aback at the way Donald Trump talks about China; he openly says "China will destroy America".

India is under the radar right now, but you can bet than when Palin talks to certain demographics, she will bring up India and the outsourcing issue. She is very good at saying things others are afraid to say in the open.
Coming to topic, China-bashing will be a major theme in the next election. I was taken aback at the way Donald Trump talks about China; he openly says "China will destroy America".

India is under the radar right now, but you can bet than when Palin talks to certain demographics, she will bring up India and the outsourcing issue. She is very good at saying things others are afraid to say in the open.

That is why I wish that China had ten more years in the shadows, keeping a low profile, etc.
Fair enough.

Unions are core Dem territory, so it's not surprising the Repubs going after them.

Coming to topic, China-bashing will be a major theme in the next election. I was taken aback at the way Donald Trump talks about China; he openly says "China will destroy America".

India is under the radar right now, but you can bet than when Palin talks to certain demographics, she will bring up India and the outsourcing issue. She is very good at saying things others are afraid to say in the open.

Indians have always done well under Republican presidents, even though Indians seem to love Clinton and Obama, it was Bush who remarkably changed the structural working between the two countries. I do not see any future american president, moving away from it, even though it would be a Demorcrat who will pounce on Outsourcing more than a Republican.

Paling is in the laisse faire camp, so I do not see much criticism of India even though there could be references. As far as China, both US and China know fully well, that with out the American consumption the Chinese economy will not grow at the break-neck speed. Both need each other economically but militarily the Republicans are hawkish and do not appreciate the Chinese projection of power.
That is why I wish that China had ten more years in the shadows, keeping a low profile, etc.

China should spur more domestic demand as the growth engine, like India. That makes a smaller ripple in the wider world.
China should spur more domestic demand as the growth engine, like India. That makes a smaller ripple in the wider world.

Absolutely. The transition is already starting, but we'll have to see how it goes. :tup:

The assassin's mace!

I like the way you are thinking. ;)

Yeah, the "sha shou jian". :D

You always need a trump card, but hopefully it will never be used.

Better to develop peacefully, and try to keep out of sight as much as possible.
That makes a smaller ripple in the wider world.

I don't about that - the world wants to capture a piece of the Chinese market - and I think China and any other country can immunize itself to a great degree by developing the internal market.

Allow me to add that it should by now, be clear, to a majority of observers, Chinese or otherwise, that the US is determined, committed, to the proposition that making China busy with wars is key to the US and her allies's survival as so called great powers --- and while some in India, and particularly the NRI, might buy into this hostility towards China, most Indians I think understand, that they do not need to be fodder in the West's coming wars against China - yes, wars.
Absolutely. The transition is already starting, but we'll have to see how it goes. :tup:

Yeah, the "sha shou jian". :D

You always need a trump card, but hopefully it will never be used.

Better to develop peacefully, and try to keep out of sight as much as possible.

There is no silent development, in an energy intensive economies if you want to become an economic power you compete for the same resources. Access to energy/fossil fuels, they are limited and China imports are lot of it, yeah, you can be silent and import coal from Australia and burn the hell out of it, but even for coal there is competition.

Now China is trying to lead in renewable energies because of the "energy insecurity", which I think is very positive. But in this world of finite resources you cannot hide consumption... so there is no trump card.
Yeah, the "sha shou jian". :D

You always need a trump card, but hopefully it will never be used.

Better to develop peacefully, and try to keep out of sight as much as possible.

Yep. Both of us have too much of a history that we don't want ever to repeat.

Its amazing though. China has been talking of its peaceful rise but its neighbors are not really convinced. Almost all of them are apprehensive about what is in store for them and trying to take whatever countermeasures they can.

Some say that China overplayed its hand too early by this "string of pearls" thingy and by becoming overly assertive in the disputes with its neighbors.

It seems large and powerful neighbors can never be likable!
There is no silent development, in an energy intensive economies if you want to become an economic power you compete for the same resources. Access to energy/fossil fuels, they are limited and China imports are lot of it, yeah, you can be silent and import coal from Australia and burn the hell out of it, but even for coal there is competition.

Now China is trying to lead in renewable energies because of the "energy insecurity", which I think is very positive. But in this world of finite resources you cannot hide consumption... so there is no trump card.

Yeah, let us the Chinese become the pioneers of the new alternative energy. :D

Many people often whine that Chinese people cannot invent, but rather paste and copy. :rolleyes:

We are starting to do something good for the whole mankind, can you support us for this? :pop:
Yep. Both of us have too much of a history that we don't want ever to repeat.

Its amazing though. China has been talking of its peaceful rise but its neighbors are not really convinced. Almost all of them are apprehensive about what is in store for them and trying to take whatever countermeasures they can.

Some say that China overplayed its hand too early by this "string of pearls" thingy and by becoming overly assertive in the disputes with its neighbors.

It seems large and powerful neighbors can never be likable!

I think we overplayed it, and emerged too quickly. (In my opinion.)

Of course, the sensationalist global media didn't help. In their quest for profits, they exaggerated our capabilities to ridiculous proportions.

It seems large and powerful neighbors can never be likable!

Apparently not. :D
Yeah, the "sha shou jian".

BTW, I really like the Chinese words. I don't know why you guys use a combination of three words for almost everything but is is very intriguing to me.

Your writing terrifies me with those thousands of hieroglyphics characters though. How long does it take a school student to learn it all?

Can one have a working knowledge of the language in a reasonable time?
I don't about that - the world wants to capture a piece of the Chinese market - and I think China and any other country can immunize itself to a great degree by developing the internal market.

Allow me to add that it should by now, be clear, to a majority of observers, Chinese or otherwise, that the US is determined, committed, to the proposition that making China busy with wars is key to the US and her allies's survival as so called great powers --- and while some in India, and particularly the NRI, might buy into this hostility towards China, most Indians I think understand, that they do not need to be fodder in the West's coming wars against China - yes, wars.

In India both the rulers and the ruled are not interested in any confrontation with China, with an exception of a certain sections of sensationalist media. I remember a time when Ministry of External Affairs defending chinese when there were reports in Indian media about Chinese incursions.
Yeah, let us the Chinese become the pioneers of the new alternative energy. :D

Many people often whine that Chinese people cannot invent, but rather paste and copy. :rolleyes:

We are starting to do something good for the whole mankind, can you support us for this? :pop:

So you paste first before copying?

That is an invention in itself. ;)

BTW, all power to you in this alternative energy business. I get the feeling that the next big technology will still come from the USA in this field but you can prove me wrong.

I can see you implementing it on a larger scale though than the innovators. This is an innovation in itself.
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