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India, China, & Sarah Palin

"new-age ultramodern fighter aircrafts"

just a cheap low quality copy of f-35 frontal side and mig 1.44 in the back. we steal it, we steal the design blueprint from US and russia. and its low quality just like any other made in china stuff, so thanks for ur concern but its not necessary.
She needs the support of the Indian-American lobby in the USA if she stands for elections. That is why she is in India.
Mccain, with his reputation as a viet war veteran, was the best that could come from the Republican's side. But he also came with a problem, he was too liberal and inconsistent with the traditional views of the Republicans. He wanted to do a complete overhaul of the policies and was not as pro industry as are other Republicans. That was one reason why he could not find a suitable candidate to be a VP. Because of his views, a lot of Republicans were against him. And that was when Sarah Palin came into the picture. She was ready to endorse all sorts of change that he would propose. And at the same time, she was also a woman, to counter Hillary Clinton's status. In brief, that is the story how she got picked, and why even Republicans shy away from her.

I agree with your analysis, except that part. Palin was picked to appeal to the party's right wing.
She was the concession to the "mom and apple pie" crowd, to balance out McCain's leftist image.

And, yes, she has a very good chance of winning. She is about as qualified as Obama was -- all talk and little substance, but the voters don't mind. This is not meant as America bashing -- voters everywhere are suckers for charisma. If she can perform decently in the debates, she has a good shot.

There is once thing I do know for sure, if America votes her in in 2012, we'll have a lot more Americans applying for Canadian citizenship.

Nonsense. No one's going to leave.
The Hollywood blowhards only like to talk but then slink back to their studios and cushy careers.
Funny thread but no substance.

She may be a bit hawkish on China but that doesn't change anything till she is in any position to influence events and policies.
I wonder what Sarah Palin would do if there's a severe confrontation with China.
Sarah Palin would definitely be a better president than Obama. Obama is flushing the country down the toilet with his Obama care and big spending. Now, if I have the choice, I would support Chris Christie of NJ. He has guts to go after the big union and the entrenched special interest. Similar to what Scott Walker is doing in WI. However, Christie had mentioned that he would not run. But my #1 choice is still Christie/Rubio though.
An American politician, a "Conservative" (read lune) talking about "threats" -- can war really be far away??? War as a way of life for the US is now a reality, it may be that the US politicians and the DoD cannot see a way out of the financial and ideological mess they have created - lets all hope that they can
I agree with your analysis, except that part. Palin was picked to appeal to the party's right wing.
She was the concession to the "mom and apple pie" crowd, to balance out McCain's leftist image.

And, yes, she has a very good chance of winning. She is about as qualified as Obama was -- all talk and little substance, but the voters don't mind. This is not meant as America bashing -- voters everywhere are suckers for charisma. If she can perform decently in the debates, she has a good shot.

Nonsense. No one's going to leave.
The Hollywood blowhards only like to talk but then slink back to their studios and cushy careers.

You are right brother, apparently, intellect and wit seem to play no role in the way the American politicians act now. What people here do not realize is the support she commands among the American households, even more so, after keeping a house has become so difficult. The white housewives had to deal with a lot of impact, and they would surely support her. She may or may not win, but she is surely one we cannot dismiss.
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