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Below is Vemulas Letter, let me know what you think.
I know his death was played to target BJP & Hindus.
What do you think of the contents of his letter?
High-lighted sections for you to read.

Good morning,

I would not be around when you read this letter. Don’t get angry on me. I know some of you truly cared for me, loved me and treated me very well. I have no complaints on anyone. It was always with myself I had problems. I feel a growing gap between my soul and my body. And I have become a monster. I always wanted to be a writer. A writer of science, like Carl Sagan. At last, this is the only letter I am getting to write.

I always wanted to be a writer. A writer of science, like Carl Sagan.

I loved Science, Stars, Nature, but then I loved people without knowing that people have long since divorced from nature. Our feelings are second handed. Our love is constructed. Our beliefs colored. Our originality valid through artificial art. It has become truly difficult to love without getting hurt.

The value of a man was reduced to his immediate identity and nearest possibility. To a vote. To a number. To a thing. Never was a man treated as a mind. As a glorious thing made up of star dust. In every field, in studies, in streets, in politics, and in dying and living.

I am writing this kind of letter for the first time. My first time of a final letter. Forgive me if I fail to make sense.

My birth is my fatal accident. I can never recover from my childhood loneliness. The unappreciated child from my past.

May be I was wrong, all the while, in understanding world. In understanding love, pain, life, death. There was no urgency. But I always was rushing. Desperate to start a life. All the while, some people, for them, life itself is curse. My birth is my fatal accident. I can never recover from my childhood loneliness. The unappreciated child from my past.

I am not hurt at this moment. I am not sad. I am just empty. Unconcerned about myself. That’s pathetic. And that’s why I am doing this.

People may dub me as a coward. And selfish, or stupid once I am gone. I am not bothered about what I am called. I don’t believe in after-death stories, ghosts, or spirits. If there is anything at all I believe, I believe that I can travel to the stars. And know about the other worlds.

If you, who is reading this letter can do anything for me, I have to get 7 months of my fellowship, one lakh and seventy five thousand rupees. Please see to it that my family is paid that. I have to give some 40 thousand to Ramji. He never asked them back. But please pay that to him from that.

Let my funeral be silent and smooth. Behave like I just appeared and gone. Do not shed tears for me. Know that I am happy dead than being alive.

“From shadows to the stars.”

Uma anna, sorry for using your room for this thing.

To ASA family, sorry for disappointing all of you. You loved me very much. I wish all the very best for the future.

For one last time,

Jai Bheem

I forgot to write the formalities. No one is responsible for my this act of killing myself.

No one has instigated me, whether by their acts or by their words to this act.

This is my decision and I am the only one responsible for this.

Do not trouble my friends and enemies on this after I am gone.

Wordings like "The value of man reduced to a vote", "Sorry, ASA", "Jai Bheem"... What do you think that means ?
You know we can report your posts too, right?
Oh no, I just cancelled my Netflix and Pothead is already banned.

Hope we get to see you again, Pothead. Perhaps in a new Avatar: make it Sanghi Reloaded this time.

It's just a nickname. When did it become a personal attack?
I agree. I don't think this was a very offensive post, more of a colloquial play on words. Too mild to qualify for a personal attack.

But I guess you expect higher standards from us compared to the Sanghi posters
You and @Shantanu_Left are playing a good game of "Who can be a bigger misogynist lefty loonie bigot? " while residing outside the country and posting on an anonymous Pakistani forum. Continue. As of right now @Shantanu_Left is winning but you are catching up. I will just watch :pop::pop::pop:

@Shantanu_Left is the captain of the team. I am just the 12th man.
Hope we get to see you again, Pothead

I learned it the hard way that if you've just recently been unbanned, all it takes is one warning to get banned again. You just need to bait people like Pothead a little and boom, a reportable post to get him banned for another month.
I learned it the hard way that if you've just recently been unbanned, all it takes is one warning to get banned again. You just need to bait people like Pothead a little and boom, a reportable post to get him banned for another month.

The world is a safer place without fasshits.
I learned it the hard way that if you've just recently been unbanned, all it takes is one warning to get banned again. You just need to bait people like Pothead a little and boom, a reportable post to get him banned for another month.
I am sure he has all the time in the world to create multiple accounts.
I actually went to a madrassa in lower Mumbai affiliated to the Aga Khan Foundation. Their mission is to spread Islamic values in India. Despite being a Madrassa, they also had a secular English medium stream for non-Muslim students including me. We were taught to hate all Hindu symbols of India in the classroom, especially Vande Mataram, Swastika, Om.

Even though we weren't Muslims, our batch was repetitively taught that one day we would become a special force during an upcoming Ghazwa-e-Hind conquest of India.

I hope this explanation satisfies you. :cheesy: Please share this vital information with all Godi media news channels of India.
This post is as superfluous as saying that the Sun rises in the East
@Shantanu_Left is the captain of the team. I am just the 12th man.

No @Joe Shearer is the captain
I am sure he has all the time in the world to create multiple accounts.

Lol...What I don't understand is the obsession with multiple accounts. I never thought any normal person would go through the trouble to role play another identity full with regional hats and what not.

In a normal world, these people would be at a psychiatrist getting treated for Multiple Personality Disorders. In bizarro sanghi world, they are hailed as heros.

No @Joe Shearer is the captain

He's too old to play now. We made him the coach.
This post is as superfluous as saying that the Sun rises in the East

And you and Pothead acrually believed that statement is what I find most entertaining.

In reality I went to a posh co-ed ICSE school in South Mumbai and later did my BA (General) in another college affiliated to Mumbai University. Later I also did MA in International Relations in Germany. I also have a bunch of professional certifications.

Lol...What I don't understand is the obsession with multiple accounts. I never thought any normal person would go through the trouble to role play another identity full with regional hats and what not.

In a normal world, these people would be at a psychiatrist getting treated for Multiple Personality Disorders. In bizarro sanghi world, they are hailed as heros.

As India's economy continues to contract and the male unemployment levels cross double digits, we will see more of these problem child's in anonymous Internet forums.

Right now a trickle, soon it will be a torrent, This forum will start resembling Gurgaon
In reality I went to a posh co-ed ICSE school in South Mumbai and later did my BA (General) in another college affiliated to Mumbai University. Later I also did MA in International Relations in Germany. I also have a bunch of professional certifications.

Seems like you were in happy hunting grounds all your life.
Seems like you were in happy hunting grounds all your life.
With any humility, I accept that I was more privileged compared to someone like Soumitra.

Schooling and surroundings do play a huge role in shaping a person's character. Had I been to "Vande Mataram Vidyalaya" or something like that, I might have turned out a bit different. Still not enough to become a rabid Sanghi (That requires home environment conditioning as well)
This is justice of Hindutva hellhole.

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