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Lets all pretend thats the only discrimination that happened in India in last 1000 years,
Lets forget the Mughal invasions and the genocide they committed shall we..

So you say the Mughals and others actually committed genocide yet there are Hindus in India in such huge numbers - what, a billion ?

For one, we have reservations, for the other.....any ideas what should be done?

Let's discuss one at a time. Discrimination against Dalits first.
I was an Arts student
Oh so you were a looser who couldn't get good marks in 10th to be able to study science or commerce.

Did you study in that jholachhap JNU or was it Jadhavpur? Knowing you, you may even have studied in Jamia, located right next to Batla House
So you say the Mughals and others actually committed genocide yet there are Hindus in India in such huge numbers - what, a billion ?

Let's discuss one at a time. Discrimination against Dalits first.


Ok, lets agree with what you said,

Let me ask you, if Dalits were that badly treated, why are there so many of them even now?

Wait, can I ask that question that you asked me?

Wonder if all Genocidal rulers can use that logic...
"If I committed genocide, how are there so many left?"

How twisted buddy...insane & twisted.
Oh so you were a looser who couldn't get good marks in 10th to be able to study science or commerce.

About science, here's what N.R. Narayan Murthy said in 2015 about your dear science students of India :
On the other hand, let us pause and ask what the contributions of Indian institutions of higher learning particularly IISc and IITs, have been over the last 60-plus years to make our society and the world a better place. Is there one invention from India that has become a household name in the globe? Is there one technology that has transformed the productivity of global corporations? Is there one idea that has led to an earth-shaking invention to delight global citizens? Folks, the reality is that there is no such contribution from India in the last 60 years.
I do not find any difference in intellect, enthusiasm, energy and confidence between the young students at Western universities and here at IISc. Yet, when our students leave the portals of these institutions, there ls not much impactful work they have accomplished in research here. What is worse is that there ls not much that they accomplish when they go into the real world here in India. This is an issue that the elders of our society – academicians, politicians, bureaucrats and corporate leaders – must debate deeply, and act urgently if we have to leave a better world for our children and grandchildren.
While examinations are important to benchmark your level of understanding of a subject, extreme focus on examination tends to reduce the deeper and long-term benefits of any earning. In my interactions with youngsters In India, I have noticed that they tend to forget even basics of any subject once the examinations are over. Basic concepts will have to stay with you throughout your life. You should apply them as often as you can, update them with contemporary advances, and use them in your work to understand new ideas and solve new problems.

About commerce / economics, did all these MBA / IIM colleges do anything worthwhile, like giving the world a number economic theory ? No, all they did was continue the most capitalist society in the world, a system that in year 2020 allows people to become oppressed and to commit suicide due to socio-economic reasons.

Did you study in that jholachhap JNU or was it Jadhavpur? Knowing you, you may even have studied in Jamia, located right next to Batla House

How about someone from the 600-acre useless campus of LPU or the equally useless BITS Pilani or from the notorious coaching centers of Kota ?

Let me ask you, if Dalits were that badly treated, why are there so many of them even now?

How that make sense ?

You said that the Hindus were genocided by Muslim rulers. I said they were not.

The Dalits were not genocided but they were certainly badly treated for the three millennia that Hinduism has existed.

Will you deny this ?

Where did you get that? RSS Institute of Pseudohistory?

"Intellectuals" like P.N.Oak, Subramanian Swamy and "Sadhguru" Jaggi Vasudev.
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How that make sense ?

You said that the Hindus were genocided by Muslim rulers. I said they were not.

The Dalits were not genocided but they were certainly badly treated for the three millennia that Hinduism has existed.

Will you deny this ?

For treating them badly, we have been giving them reservations for 70+ years and will continue to do so,
Let me know what must Hindus get for the barbarity inflicted on us by Mughals?
For treating them badly, we have been giving them reservations for 70+ years and will continue to do so

It is not "you" Sanghis who created the Reservation system but progressive people like Ambedkar and Nehru. You should go tell your theory to the mother of late Rohith Vemula. :lol:

By the way, do you recognize that discrimination against Dalits happens even now, in year 2020 ?
It is not "you" Sanghis who created the Reservation system but progressive people like Ambedkar and Nehru. You should go tell your theory to the mother of late Rohith Vemula. :lol:

Before telling me, you should read Vemula's suicide note. :woot:

Yeah, Do you want to read Ambedkar's views on Mughals? They are very enlightening.
In fact there are audio recordings of his speeches, should listen to them.

Btw, STD Nehru is progressive? Is it because he gave interviews to Playboy?

And that progressive idiot wouldn't do justice to Hindus who suffered for 1000 years & instead shafted us.

Hence, the question-
When Dalits are being paid for what happened to them..
Why are Hindus who suffered worse not being paid for what happened to us?
Before telling me, you should read Vemula's suicide note. :woot:

I think I have read it. What about it ?

Yeah, Do you want to read Ambedkar's views on Mughals? They are very enlightening.
In fact there are audio recordings of his speeches, should listen to them.

The Mughals were rulers, like most from their time, whether Hindu, Muslim or Christian. Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar was a bit more enlightened. I admire the later Tipu Sultan.

Btw, STD Nehru is progressive? Is it because he gave interviews to Playboy?

Who told you that he had STDs ?

As for that interview, it seems to have never happened :
The answer lies in an editor's note on page 3 of the same edition, which carries a disclaimer by the Indian embassy.

It states "after the rest of the magazine had gone to press, we received word from the Indian Embassy in Washington that our interview with PM Nehru was not, in fact, the result of an exclusive, personal conversation with the head of the Indian state, but simply a gathering together of public pronouncements made by the prime minister in various speeches, statements, etc, over the past several years."

Now that effectively means that, according to Indian embassy, Nehru never granted any interview to Playboy and that the so-called interviewer had just gathered information and statements of Nehru already available on public domain.

They were probably woven in the form of an interview and handed over to the adult magazine.

Playboy, however, also claimed in the same editor's note that "the Nehru material was submitted to us by a well-regarded journalist-publisher, who has previously conducted numerous similar interviews with famous personages all over the world; it was sold as an actual interview, recorded on tape, and the covering letters that so described the material also included photographs of the prime minister and journalist together."

"There was no reason to doubt its validity and we consequently published it in good faith as a personal interview."
But even if it had happened, it would have been much better than any interview conducted by Swarajya mag, Op India and their likes.

And that progressive idiot wouldn't do justice to Hindus who suffered for 1000 years & instead shafted us.

And what about Buddhist sufferings under Hindu rulers ?

But what did you want him to do ?
I think I have read it. What about it ?

The Mughals were rulers, like most from their time, whether Hindu, Muslim or Christian. Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar was a bit more enlightened. I admire the later Tipu Sultan.

Who told you that he had STDs ?

As for that interview, it seems to have never happened :

But even if it had happened, it would have been much better than any interview conducted by Swarajya mag, Op India and their likes.

And what about Buddhist sufferings under Hindu rulers ?

But what did you want him to do ?

It seems you have forgotten what Vemula wrote in his suicide letter.
Please read it and post sections, I would LOVE to discuss them with you, if you have guts.
In fact he stripped his dear comrades naked in his note.

lol @ mughals being just rulers.
Stop it, it's just too funny.

Nehru gave interview to playboy is in public domain.

lol@ Buddhists sufferings under Hindu rulers,
Your history is twisted.
Wonder if Hindus went to Afghanistan 20 years back and destroyed what remained of Buddhist statues there.

Experts at white-washing history.

If you want a genuine debate, Let me pull you into a neutral forum & we can discuss this to hearts content.
You & me both know what would happen to me if I posted the TRUTHS here,
It seems you have forgotten what Vemula wrote in his suicide letter.
Please read it and post sections, I would LOVE to discuss them with you, if you have guts.
In fact he stripped his dear comrades naked in his note.

Then review it in the 'Whatever' thread. I will reply there.

lol @ mughals being just rulers.
Stop it, it's just too funny.

Read this page about the Bargi Ditch aka Maratha Ditch around Calcutta.

Nehru gave interview to playboy is in public domain.

Like I posted earlier, that interview never seemed to have happened.

Wonder if Hindus went to Afghanistan 20 years back and destroyed what remained of Buddhist statues there.

I am a critic of the Taliban. That incident was wrong.

But you didn't reply to two of my points :

1. What about Buddhist sufferings under Hindu rulers ?

2. What did you want Nehru to do about what your called as Hindu sufferings under the Muslim rulers ?

You & me both know what would happen to me if I posted the TRUTHS here,

Post in decent words and you will not be rated negatively or warned or banned.
Post in decent words and you will not be rated negatively or warned or banned.

We are going in circles,

And religious discussions are now allowed here, hence a neutral place.

Below is Vemulas Letter, let me know what you think.
I know his death was played to target BJP & Hindus.
What do you think of the contents of his letter?
High-lighted sections for you to read.

Good morning,

I would not be around when you read this letter. Don’t get angry on me. I know some of you truly cared for me, loved me and treated me very well. I have no complaints on anyone. It was always with myself I had problems. I feel a growing gap between my soul and my body. And I have become a monster. I always wanted to be a writer. A writer of science, like Carl Sagan. At last, this is the only letter I am getting to write.

I always wanted to be a writer. A writer of science, like Carl Sagan.

I loved Science, Stars, Nature, but then I loved people without knowing that people have long since divorced from nature. Our feelings are second handed. Our love is constructed. Our beliefs colored. Our originality valid through artificial art. It has become truly difficult to love without getting hurt.

The value of a man was reduced to his immediate identity and nearest possibility. To a vote. To a number. To a thing. Never was a man treated as a mind. As a glorious thing made up of star dust. In every field, in studies, in streets, in politics, and in dying and living.

I am writing this kind of letter for the first time. My first time of a final letter. Forgive me if I fail to make sense.

My birth is my fatal accident. I can never recover from my childhood loneliness. The unappreciated child from my past.

May be I was wrong, all the while, in understanding world. In understanding love, pain, life, death. There was no urgency. But I always was rushing. Desperate to start a life. All the while, some people, for them, life itself is curse. My birth is my fatal accident. I can never recover from my childhood loneliness. The unappreciated child from my past.

I am not hurt at this moment. I am not sad. I am just empty. Unconcerned about myself. That’s pathetic. And that’s why I am doing this.

People may dub me as a coward. And selfish, or stupid once I am gone. I am not bothered about what I am called. I don’t believe in after-death stories, ghosts, or spirits. If there is anything at all I believe, I believe that I can travel to the stars. And know about the other worlds.

If you, who is reading this letter can do anything for me, I have to get 7 months of my fellowship, one lakh and seventy five thousand rupees. Please see to it that my family is paid that. I have to give some 40 thousand to Ramji. He never asked them back. But please pay that to him from that.

Let my funeral be silent and smooth. Behave like I just appeared and gone. Do not shed tears for me. Know that I am happy dead than being alive.

“From shadows to the stars.”

Uma anna, sorry for using your room for this thing.

To ASA family, sorry for disappointing all of you. You loved me very much. I wish all the very best for the future.

For one last time,

Jai Bheem

I forgot to write the formalities. No one is responsible for my this act of killing myself.

No one has instigated me, whether by their acts or by their words to this act.

This is my decision and I am the only one responsible for this.

Do not trouble my friends and enemies on this after I am gone.
Oh so you were a looser who couldn't get good marks in 10th to be able to study science or commerce.

I actually went to a madrassa in lower Mumbai affiliated to the Aga Khan Foundation. Their mission is to spread Islamic values in India. Despite being a Madrassa, they also had a secular English medium stream for non-Muslim students including me. We were taught to hate all Hindu symbols of India in the classroom, especially Vande Mataram, Swastika, Om.

Even though we weren't Muslims, our batch was repetitively taught that one day we would become a special force during an upcoming Ghazwa-e-Hind conquest of India.

I hope this explanation satisfies you. :cheesy: Please share this vital information with all Godi media news channels of India.
I actually went to a madrassa in lower Mumbai affiliated to the Aga Khan Foundation. Their mission is to spread Islamic values in India. Despite being a Madrassa, they also had a secular English medium stream for non-Muslim students including me. We were taught to hate all Hindu symbols of India in the classroom, especially Vande Mataram, Swastika, Om.

Even though we weren't Muslims, our batch was repetitively taught that one day we would become a special force during an upcoming Ghazwa-e-Hind conquest of India.

I hope this explanation satisfies you. :cheesy: Please share this vital information with all Godi media news channels of India.

Oh my,
You must think you are sharing some earth shaking new information that no one yet knows.

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