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India: Charged with anti-terror law, Muslim pregnant woman sent to jail

But I am sure you don't show your kids these news articles and tell them that these are anti-nationals.
How do you know that?

Nation first, No compromise

You wanted to prove that I am some hypocrite, but I am not. Any stone pelters are anti national.

And your transparent attempt to change the goalposts will also fail
How do you know that?

Nation first, No compromise

You wanted to prove that I am some hypocrite, but I am not. Any stone pelters are anti national.

And your transparent attempt to change the goalposts will also fail

You are a hypocrite when it comes to Muslims. You hide behind the facade of nationalism to somewhat cloak your desires.

This is exactly what Nazi did in Germany. I know you like their model of nationhood and would like to emulate that in India.
am some hypocrite, but I am not. Any stone pelters are anti national.

And your transparent attempt to change the goalposts will also fail

Maybe that's the only thing I admire about you.

You have consistently shown unwavering bigoted beliefs that justify Muslim hatred, genocide of Muslims, hatred of who YOU consider are anti-nationals, and a million other abominations.

Defence.pk would definitely be poorer without your eager contributions. This forum does require a full-time resident Hindutvadi bigot as a benchmark for others to learn. Most others get banned. Your profile pic is also appropriate: Modi was described as a 'temporary symbol of hate" by British comic John Oliver. I think that's one of the best ways to summarize him, and anyone that follows him.

In the end your consistency is very refreshing for all of us.

And trust me, none of us hate you despite your nauseating beliefs. That's just not how we roll.
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You are a hypocrite when it comes to Muslims. You hide behind the facade of nationalism to somewhat cloak your desires.

This is exactly what Nazi did in Germany. I know you like their model of nationhood and would like to emulate that in India.
Again with the assumptions. Quote the post where I said of liking Nazi Germany
You said you are a proud Sanghi. You proudly state your family is a Sanghi.

Sanghis aspire to emulate Nazis with their 'Final Solution'
Again with assumptions. Show me where I said anything about "Final Solution"
You said you are a proud Sanghi. You proudly state your family is a Sanghi.

Sanghis aspire to emulate Nazis with their 'Final Solution'

Let's explain it to him in terms of Venn diagrams. Maybe his non-Arts technical mind can process it better that way.

See Soumitra, this is how it works.
A follows B
B follows C

By the associative property, A completely follows C as well.

So, basically you are A, RSS is B, and Hitler's Nazi party is C.
You have made it apparent. It is an assumption, but an assumption that is based on your writings, self-claimed affiliations and hatred for Muslims.
Hatred for Anti-nationals who may or may not be Muslims.

And like I said I love some Muslims, you don't consider them Muslims is not my fault
Hatred for Anti-nationals who may or may not be Muslims.

And like I said I love some Muslims, you don't consider them Muslims is not my fault

Nazis did not just kill Jews. They killed other Germans who were leftists and gypsies.

The similarity is there. Different place, different era. But all the same.
Hatred for Anti-nationals who may or may not be Muslims.

And like I said I love some Muslims, you don't consider them Muslims is not my fault
You still don't get it Why 'some" Muslims, why not 'all' Muslims?

The main problem with your standard is that it is not objective, and ripe for abuse. Who decides which Muslims are anti-national, and which are not? That places too much burden on a minority community when you place their well-being in the whims of those who decide which ones are patriotic and which are not.

The Second World War was fought exactly for this reason. The Jews had the burden to prove that were good Jews or Hitler could send them to Gas chambers based on the whims of a Nazi officer.

Surely when an entire world War was fought to defeat that mindset, we cannot allow that kind of an ideology to grow in India, anymore than it has already done. There will be more resistance, and if required, the complete destruction of India to defeat the hateful Nazi ideology of BJP party. Similar to what had happened to Germany by Allies.
You still don't get it Why 'some" Muslims, why not 'all' Muslims?

The main problem with your standard is that it is not objective, and ripe for abuse. Who decides which Muslims are anti-national, and which are not? That places too much burden on a minority community when you place their well-being in the whims of those who decide which ones are patriotic and which are not.

The Second World War was fought exactly for this reason. The Jews had the burden to prove that were good Jews or Hitler could send them to Gas chambers based on the whims of a Nazi officer.

Surely when an entire world War was fought to defeat that mindset, we cannot allow that kind of an ideology to grow in India, anymore than it has already done. There will be more resistance, and if required, the complete destruction of India to defeat the hateful Nazi ideology of BJP party. Similar to what had happened to Germany by Allies.
I define my standard for who is Anti-national and I hold both Hindus and Muslims to same standard. And I have defined it very well. It is not a high bar. If someone can't meet it it is not my problem
I define my standard for who is Anti-national and I hold both Hindus and Muslims to same standard. And I have defined it very well. It is not a high bar. If someone can't meet it it is not my problem

Who the hell are YOU to define the standards for another person. Surely India has a written Constitution and legal code for that purpose.
Who the hell are YOU to define the standards for another person. Surely India has a written Constitution for that purpose.
I am defining the standard for MY purpose of interacting with a person. I am free to do that.

Unfortunately there is a lacuna in the Constitution. It should define an anti national. But when it does you will be the first one to say why should it do so.
I am defining the standard for MY purpose of interacting with a person. I am free to do that.

Unfortunately there is a lacuna in the Constitution. It should define an anti national. But when it does you will be the first one to say why should it do so.

Well your standard is one of discrimination and hatred. Just because hatred is part of you, does not make it right..

And yes, we do reserve the same right for calling out your hatred.

Thank you for your understanding.

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