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India captures 6 new peaks, claims Indian Media

When are you started believing walstreet. Can you give link here. I want to see the source for the news.
There’s news source and there are pics unlike you Indians that claim to kill 40 pla without pics. So if you want to believe you invented internet 9000 years ago you can believe that too.
even your own media admits that your soldiers surrendered like pussies.
There’s news source and there are pics unlike you Indians that claim to kill 40 pla without pics. So if you want to believe you invented internet 9000 years ago you can believe that too.
even your own media admits that your soldiers surrendered like pussies.
Cute man, the link is from https://indianexpress.com. Same Indian source is said 43+ PLA died.
Cute man, the link is from https://indianexpress.com. Same Indian source is said 43+ PLA died.
except there’s photos
It would have spread regardless.

What was the time period they waited? A week, two weeks? Trump was on record being completely dismissive of the virus initially, as were many of his supporters and Republican governors. He's criticized his own Infectious diseases czar, Anthony Fauci, multiple times over recommendations he made for SOP's AFTER the virus had been raging through the US for months.

China isn't to blame here - piss poor responses from the governments of multiple countries and the nature of COVID-19 meant it was a pandemic waiting to happen.

If anything, you could argue that better precautions should be taken to prevent Cross-Species Transmission, but outside of convincing hundreds of millions (if not billions) of people to change their eating or animal harvesting habits (exacerbated by a global population explosion) you're not really going to get very far with that. All it potentially takes is one individual, business, or market not following the proper precautions.

By focusing on blaming China, we're doing ourselves a disservice.

Ask yourself if it is reasonable to expect that a government would be able to identify and isolate a pathogen before it has had a chance to spread outside the country, when the symptoms are similar to the flu, incubation period can run into weeks, and many who are infected are asymptomatic.

Are you going to start treating everyone who shows up in a hospital with flu like symptoms as possibly having a new, highly contagious disease? Hell, if I was the first person infected, I wouldn't have even gone to the hospital if all I had were flu like symptoms, and probably infected everyone around me.

are you trying to justify their incompetence- actually malignance in a new way man? This stuff doesn[t work in the real world you know. There is no country in the world that doesn't hold them responsible. And it's not because they're anti-china. It's because CCP is a radio-active dump. Pretty much what GOP thinks of them too nowadays. I dare say if the generals haven't said it publicly till now, they will say it soon. It's not like china is going to make up for the respurces they lost.
Cheap copies? Lol there are a lot of established Chinese brands and inventions around the world these days, CCTV wise such as HKVision, Dahua and the list goes. It's a globalised world everyone is interconnected, it depends on how you take a product and take in to another level by reinventing it. By your logic I assume the Japanese and eveyrone else are in the same boat too, and should I say the world is copying Chinese invention too like paper, black powder, cannons and etc?

You poor indians you poor cesspool can only chip on the U.S because you have nothing to show so that's why your taking in the American in every piece of your arguments. Try to show to the world what you have in your backyard, also think before you speak because solar was invented by French and CCTV was invented by the Soviet. Now back to your cesspool world.

There were companies that the amaericans setup to use chinese labor. And then some people there went on repeat the processin their own companies. Very few products from china can be called true innovations. Even TikTok was a version of vine if you think about it. Most of your products are knockoffs. Most of amrican products are originals. that's pretty much the difference.
Oh please, that's all you can do? Show me one death Chinese soldier photo.
What will we do with PLA soldier pic. PLA/CCP/china should honor these died.
Did PLA released Indian dead soldier pics? no Indian gov released them. They deserve respect of entire nation.
What will we do with PLA soldier pic. PLA/CCP/china should honor these died.
Did PLA released Indian dead soldier pics? no Indian gov released them. They deserve respect of entire nation.
If this picture was not released by PLA who could?
INDIAN CAPTURED Header_3170876_1.1.jpg
All the peaks that Indians climbed are on the Indian side of the LAC. Not a single peak which falls on the Chinese side of the LAC has been occupied by the Indians.

Chinese never came to LAC to fight but rather to make Indians climb the peaks and wear them down.

While Indian soldiers are starving for food and air on the cold peaks, Chinese soldiers are enjoying hot food with Punjabi songs in the permanent camps in the valleys.

Indians are fools of the highest order. First they fell for Pakistani ploy to occupy the peaks on the Soltoro range and now fell for the Chinese ploy to occupy the peaks on the Kailash range.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: so pakistanis have map of chinese side of LAC ?

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