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India captures 6 new peaks, claims Indian Media

Capturing is such a broad term - “This empty space behind the LAC - there was nobody there but since you guys claim it we have “captured” it and put our butts on it .. it may be strategically insignificant but we have captured it nonetheless.... we have made Chanakya proud!”
Behold, India displaying the tricolor on this monument they captured.

Take that China!
Yep - for the sake of argument lets assume that China completely botched its approach to the virus and allowed it to 'travel abroad'.

So what's the excuse for developed countries with huge amounts of resources like the US and EU failing to prevent its spread?

If India/West claim that China should have stopped the virus, then please do explain to us what this miraculous solution for preventing the virus from spreading was and why India and the West were unable to implement this aforementioned miraculous solution in their own countries.

IT CANNOT BE STOPPED MAN. That's just it. All these countries have shut down their countries- Japan has lost almost 30% of it's GDP, India 25%...PHYSICALLY kept people inside their homes And still IT CANNOT BE STOPPED. If resources had counted, don't you think 30% of Japan's GDP would have been enough resource to stop this thing?

And the point is EVEN IF THEY HAD BOTCHED IT, IT WAS ACCEPTABLE. Sure all governments f*ck things up. But mistakes are not things done out of malignant intent. The lying, the bull$hitting, the nonsense...it's malignant intent which is the issue here. 'Sc*rew the world, my party meeting is more important'.

I have no doubts that like all world leaders today Imran Khan must be silently yelling into the night at the enormous burden his so called friends have put on him. screwed his whole year, no chance of ending any time soon. And you think that while his stand on not discussing the uighur issue in public isn't putting him in trouble privately? Surely muslim ummah from Turkey to Malaysia must be making him walk the plank on China privately. 2020 is a complete loss for all countries everywhere. And it's all winnie the pooh's fault.
Everything comomng from India will be pinch of salt because....Global Times...is...better....

You have contribued to the world by...making american soft toys, american shoes and copying american mobile phones. I'm assuming that counts as 'contribution' along with stealing their tech to prop up you companies ? Everything you have is because of them. And after 30 years of mooching off them you have a per-capita that's 25% of theirs. And your targeted accomplishment- landing on the moon - a good 50 years after they did....so you are No.1 ?

If you can declare 'accomplishment', we surely can.
Hah! Typical delusional comment from the Indians, are you still living in the 90s little Indian man? Look at around you these days most of the high tech stuffs are coming from China, your CCTV system, solar electric manufacturing, oh don’t forget most of your indians are using phones from China, Xiaomi, Oppo and more. Should I continue the list? The more I continue the more I will put you Indians to shame!

And you said you can declare such similar accomplishment? Please list down any products that are from india apart from your cow dung craps. You are the absolute loser of the world so suck it up and STFU.
Hah! Typical delusional comment from the Indians, are you still living in the 90s little Indian man? Look at around you these days most of the high tech stuffs are coming from China, your CCTV system, solar electric manufacturing, oh don’t forget most of your indians are using phones from China, Xiaomi, Oppo and more. Should I continue the list? The more I continue the more I will put you Indians to shame!

And you said you can declare such similar accomplishment? Please list down any products that are from india apart from your cow dung craps. You are the absolute loser of the world so suck it up and STFU.

the only things that come out are chinese knockoffs of american products. CCTV, Solar Manufacturing were all invented by americans and you just create cheap copies after their initiaal production. We aren't the ones claiming No.1 delusions. You are. We say we need all the companies in the world to invest and help us become more capable. Unlike you who claims superiority by using others' accomplishments. Little twat.
the only things that come out are chinese knockoffs of american products. CCTV, Solar Manufacturing were all invented by americans and you just create cheap copies after their initiaal production. We aren't the ones claiming No.1 delusions. You are. We say we need all the companies in the world to invest and help us become more capable. Unlike you who claims superiority by using others' accomplishments. Little twat.
You know when you throw your toys out of your pram like that, you actually do come across as some angry little hobbit.
Agree with you. No one is blaming china for being the source of the virus...but the UNPARDONABLE sin of not letting the world know and proactively shutting down IMMEDEATELY after the found out. If the visrus had still spread, we could have borne it with dignity and without blaming china. A pathogen can come from anywhere. But they hid, misled and lied about it at every stage....great 'world leader' in the making.
It would have spread regardless.

What was the time period they waited? A week, two weeks? Trump was on record being completely dismissive of the virus initially, as were many of his supporters and Republican governors. He's criticized his own Infectious diseases czar, Anthony Fauci, multiple times over recommendations he made for SOP's AFTER the virus had been raging through the US for months.

China isn't to blame here - piss poor responses from the governments of multiple countries and the nature of COVID-19 meant it was a pandemic waiting to happen.

If anything, you could argue that better precautions should be taken to prevent Cross-Species Transmission, but outside of convincing hundreds of millions (if not billions) of people to change their eating or animal harvesting habits (exacerbated by a global population explosion) you're not really going to get very far with that. All it potentially takes is one individual, business, or market not following the proper precautions.

By focusing on blaming China, we're doing ourselves a disservice.

Ask yourself if it is reasonable to expect that a government would be able to identify and isolate a pathogen before it has had a chance to spread outside the country, when the symptoms are similar to the flu, incubation period can run into weeks, and many who are infected are asymptomatic.

Are you going to start treating everyone who shows up in a hospital with flu like symptoms as possibly having a new, highly contagious disease? Hell, if I was the first person infected, I wouldn't have even gone to the hospital if all I had were flu like symptoms, and probably infected everyone around me.
IT CANNOT BE STOPPED MAN. That's just it. All these countries have shut down their countries- Japan has lost almost 30% of it's GDP, India 25%...PHYSICALLY kept people inside their homes And still IT CANNOT BE STOPPED. If resources had counted, don't you think 30% of Japan's GDP would have been enough resource to stop this thing?

And the point is EVEN IF THEY HAD BOTCHED IT, IT WAS ACCEPTABLE. Sure all governments f*ck things up. But mistakes are not things done out of malignant intent. The lying, the bull$hitting, the nonsense...it's malignant intent which is the issue here. 'Sc*rew the world, my party meeting is more important'.

I have no doubts that like all world leaders today Imran Khan must be silently yelling into the night at the enormous burden his so called friends have put on him. screwed his whole year, no chance of ending any time soon. And you think that while his stand on not discussing the uighur issue in public isn't putting him in trouble privately? Surely muslim ummah from Turkey to Malaysia must be making him walk the plank on China privately. 2020 is a complete loss for all countries everywhere. And it's all winnie the pooh's fault.
So initially your argument was that China botched it for not following the "Nipah model". Now that this doesn't hold water, you're defaulting to conspiracy theories that China hid it from the world!

No. Sorry to burst your bubble. Europe, USA and Hindustan had MONTHS of warning, yet ignored it all as some east Asian problem like previous SARS outbreaks. Instead of building capacity and restricting movement in those months, Europe, USA and India smirked quietly at the economic implications for China. You have only yourselves to blame.
With Indian soldiers taking positions on mountain tops pla is now just sitting ducks. Experts believe they would need 9 to 1 numerical superiority to fight Indians but if you are willing to learn from the pakistanis experience even that won't be enough. Siachen operation by the IA stands testimony to it.
the only things that come out are chinese knockoffs of american products. CCTV, Solar Manufacturing were all invented by americans and you just create cheap copies after their initiaal production. We aren't the ones claiming No.1 delusions. You are. We say we need all the companies in the world to invest and help us become more capable. Unlike you who claims superiority by using others' accomplishments. Little twat.

Cheap copies? Lol there are a lot of established Chinese brands and inventions around the world these days, CCTV wise such as HKVision, Dahua and the list goes. It's a globalised world everyone is interconnected, it depends on how you take a product and take in to another level by reinventing it. By your logic I assume the Japanese and eveyrone else are in the same boat too, and should I say the world is copying Chinese invention too like paper, black powder, cannons and etc?

You poor indians you poor cesspool can only chip on the U.S because you have nothing to show so that's why your taking in the American in every piece of your arguments. Try to show to the world what you have in your backyard, also think before you speak because solar was invented by French and CCTV was invented by the Soviet. Now back to your cesspool world.
With Indian soldiers taking positions on mountain tops pla is now just sitting ducks. Experts believe they would need 9 to 1 numerical superiority to fight Indians but if you are willing to learn from the pakistanis experience even that won't be enough. Siachen operation by the IA stands testimony to it.
India surrendering to pla so easily also stands testimony

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