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India captures 6 new peaks, claims Indian Media

I could reply that we have enough missiles to sink any flotilla. But let me flip to a bigger point.

Pakistan has to no serious intention of supporting China anyway. Even hardliners like Orya Maqbool Jan, Sheikh Rashid have said pakistan should not get involved and stay 'completely away'. So why don't you just do the intelligent thing and join India/US/Australia ? Sri Lanka has pretty much decided to that. BD has decided upon bening neutrality. In Nepal, it's clear that Oli is going to self- destruct. And the whole world is against China. At least Pak will fall on the side of history. Asian NATO can become even stronger with you.

Get off your high horse you delusional indians, SEA pretty much outright REFUSE to join pompeo in its proxy war against China that's why they shift the entire blame game to Taiwan because they can't gear up the support. U.S will only fight in a proxy war.

Do you think that by just coming online to a forum to comment will take Pakistan to your side? Pakistan and China friendship span across more than 50 years with real interaction and true friendship from both side and do you think with your one simple comment you can change the entire course of history? What can you offer Pakistan? You deny the muslim citizenship and you can't even feed your own population. Your country is in a pathetic mess and your acting like your a superpower? Your not even close to a eradicate poverty and you want to be a superpower LOL.

Your loads are weak bunch, with one single sanction from your master which the U.S you’ll be eating cow dung.
. If they had done what Kerala had done in 2017 with Nipah
Wow that's some genius public health commentary you've been fed. Nippah is a different organism with a different infectivity and a different death rate and a different rate of asymptomatic transmission. All of these parameters influence the silent spread and lethality of the disease in question. In terms of local control, Nippah is comparable to Ebola. Covid is a totally different ballgame. I don't expect you to understand this with the news bombs constantly dropped on you by your Bollywood media.
I could reply that we have enough missiles to sink any flotilla. But let me flip to a bigger point.

Pakistan has to no serious intention of supporting China anyway. Even hardliners like Orya Maqbool Jan, Sheikh Rashid have said pakistan should not get involved and stay 'completely away'. So why don't you just do the intelligent thing and join India/US/Australia ? Sri Lanka has pretty much decided to that. BD has decided upon bening neutrality. In Nepal, it's clear that Oli is going to self- destruct. And the whole world is against China. At least Pak will fall on the side of history. Asian NATO can become even stronger with you.


Chinese PLA follows Sun Tsu.

China has out sourced the fighting to Pakistan who in turn have out sourced it to Kashmirs.

Hence China and Pakistan need not fight India.
Get off your high horse you delusional indians, SEA pretty much outright REFUSE to join pompeo in its proxy war against China that's why they shift the entire blame game to Taiwan because they can't gear up the support. U.S will only fight in a proxy war.

Do you think that by just coming online to a forum to comment will take Pakistan to your side? Pakistan and China friendship span across more than 50 years with real interaction and true friendship from both side and do you think with your one simple comment you can change the entire course of history? What can you offer Pakistan? You deny the muslim citizenship and you can't even feed your own population. Your country is in a pathetic mess and your acting like your a superpower? Your not even close to a eradicate poverty and you want to be a superpower LOL.

Your loads are weak bunch, with one single sanction from your master which the U.S you’ll be eating cow dung.

oh yeah...if you'e friendship is so strong then how come all your leaders (including military BTW) have done nothing but run away from the possibility of supporting China? If 'all of SEA' is running towards china then why did THIS happen last week? Yeah...Sri Lanka just announced 'India First' policy. 'single sanction'...blah blah blah...wake up and smell the coffee. Start living in the real world. EVERYONE including Pakistan looks upon China as a headache.

You think Imran Khan absolutely LOVES the fact that the Chinese just screwed him out of all the plans he had laid for the year? The MONEY Pakistan has lost by completely sinking all economic activity- china surely won't reimburse him for that.

Or you think that Pak establishment cannot see the complete isolation that they're coming under for fully justified reasons- screwing the world with a pandemic, lying about it, abusing people, picking up fights everyhwere....Japan just contracted 28%, you think they're gonna just let it pass?

Wake up man. The world has changed.
oh yeah...if you'e friendship is so strong then how come all your leaders (including military BTW) have done nothing but run away from the possibility of supporting China? If 'all of SEA' is running towards china then why did THIS happen last week? Yeah...Sri Lanka just announced 'India First' policy. 'single sanction'...blah blah blah...wake up and smell the coffee. Start living in the real world. EVERYONE including Pakistan looks upon China as a headache.

You think Imran Khan absolutely LOVES the fact that the Chinese just screwed him out of all the plans he had laid for the year? The MONEY Pakistan has lost by completely sinking all economic activity- china surely won't reimburse him for that.

Or you think that Pak establishment cannot see the complete isolation that they're coming under for fully justified reasons- screwing the world with a pandemic, lying about it, abusing people, picking up fights everyhwere....Japan just contracted 28%, you think they're gonna just let it pass?

Wake up man. The world has changed.

Anything coming out from india times or anything from propoganda indian media I’ll take that with a pinch of salt. Seriously you keep dodging the main topic, look at your country in the past 50 years, what have it achieves and what have you contributed to the world? Answer me this before I continue this discussion with you. You can eradicate poverty in india if you stop being delusional and stop picking fight with Pakistan, China or your neighbor.
The place to stop this was in Wuhan
Expecting a pathogen to be stopped at the place of origin in today's interconnected world, especially when we're talking about countries that are hubs of international trade and commerce (which means high volumes of international travel through land, sea and air), is foolish to say the least.

Like it or not, countries have to be prepared for dealing with pandemics.
@Ghost Hobbit

oh yeah...if you'e friendship is so strong then how come all your leaders (including military BTW) have done nothing but run away from the possibility of supporting China? If 'all of SEA' is running towards china then why did THIS happen last week? Yeah...Sri Lanka just announced 'India First' policy. 'single sanction'...blah blah blah...wake up and smell the coffee. Start living in the real world. EVERYONE including Pakistan looks upon China as a headache.

You think Imran Khan absolutely LOVES the fact that the Chinese just screwed him out of all the plans he had laid for the year? The MONEY Pakistan has lost by completely sinking all economic activity- china surely won't reimburse him for that.

Or you think that Pak establishment cannot see the complete isolation that they're coming under for fully justified reasons- screwing the world with a pandemic, lying about it, abusing people, picking up fights everyhwere....Japan just contracted 28%, you think they're gonna just let it pass?

Wake up man. The world has changed.
You're seriously deluded. Khan and the whole nation stands with China. You're embarrassing yourself thinking you can regurgitate some sensationalist Indian media drivel here to suggest otherwise. We look forward to marching together on the occupied lands of Srinagar, Ladakh and AP.
Anything coming out from india times or anything from propoganda indian media I’ll take that with a pinch of salt. Seriously you keep dodging the main topic, look at your country in the past 50 years, what have it achieves and what have you contributed to the world? Answer me this before I continue this discussion with you. You can eradicate poverty in india if you stop being delusional and keep picking fight with Pakistan, China or your neighbor.

Everything comomng from India will be pinch of salt because....Global Times...is...better....

You have contribued to the world by...making american soft toys, american shoes and copying american mobile phones. I'm assuming that counts as 'contribution' along with stealing their tech to prop up you companies ? Everything you have is because of them. And after 30 years of mooching off them you have a per-capita that's 25% of theirs. And your targeted accomplishment- landing on the moon - a good 50 years after they did....so you are No.1 ?

If you can declare 'accomplishment', we surely can.
Expecting a pathogen to be stopped at the place of origin in today's interconnected world, especially when we're talking about countries that are hubs of international trade and commerce (which means high volumes of international travel through land, sea and air), is foolish to say the least.

Like it or not, countries have to be prepared for dealing with pandemics.
Also the key facts: that this virus is highly contagious, not highly lethal, frequently asymptomatic or mimicking of common viral illness while contagious, and has a long enough incubation period to allow asymptomatic individuals to escape and travel elsewhere and spread it. Despite these facts, Dr House here is lecturing us on how Nipah control is an effective blueprint for Covid control.
Expecting a pathogen to be stopped at the place of origin in today's interconnected world, especially when we're talking about countries that are hubs of international trade and commerce (which means high volumes of international travel through land, sea and air), is foolish to say the least.

Like it or not, countries have to be prepared for dealing with pandemics.

Agree with you. No one is blaming china for being the source of the virus...but the UNPARDONABLE sin of not letting the world know and proactively shutting down IMMEDEATELY after the found out. If the visrus had still spread, we could have borne it with dignity and without blaming china. A pathogen can come from anywhere. But they hid, misled and lied about it at every stage....great 'world leader' in the making.
Capturing is such a broad term - “This empty space behind the LAC - there was nobody there but since you guys claim it we have “captured” it and put our butts on it .. it may be strategically insignificant but we have captured it nonetheless.... we have made Chanakya proud!”
Also the key facts: that this virus is highly contagious, not highly lethal, frequently asymptomatic or mimicking of common viral illness while contagious, and has a long enough incubation period to allow asymptomatic individuals to escape and travel elsewhere and spread it. Despite these facts, Dr House here is lecturing us on how Nipah control is an effective blueprint for Covid control.
oh shut the tosh. They knew it and lied about it. That's just the fact. there no spin you can give to their bull$hit.
Also the key facts: that this virus is highly contagious, not highly lethal, frequently asymptomatic or mimicking of common viral illness while contagious, and has a long enough incubation period to allow asymptomatic individuals to escape and travel elsewhere and spread it. Despite these facts, Dr House here is lecturing us on how Nipah control is an effective blueprint for Covid control.
Yep - for the sake of argument lets assume that China completely botched its approach to the virus and allowed it to 'travel abroad'.

So what's the excuse for developed countries with huge amounts of resources like the US and EU failing to prevent its spread?

If India/West claim that China should have stopped the virus, then please do explain to us what this miraculous solution for preventing the virus from spreading was and why India and the West were unable to implement this aforementioned miraculous solution in their own countries.
Of course PLA has nothing to worry about but what is the point of this thread?

The video only talks about how close the troops are to PLA and the need for India to withdraw and disengage.
Indian is about to retreat so they acting tough to gain more card on the talk table.

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