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"India cannot win a two-front war", Ajai Shukla

India burnt down Karachi port,not entire Karachi. Be realistic. Karachi is 3800 sqkm. It is even bigger than Indian city of delhi. To destroy Karachi fully,India would have had to use 300 nuclear bombs.

India destroyed the port infrastructure of Karachi, especially the naval port area,fuel tanks and depots.

By the way, can you name the guy in the tweet? I don't know him. Just because he is ex military doesn't mean he can say anything and it is true. If you know him, tell his name.
so, it sucks to be you EVEN more...my parents lived at kimari which is a stone's throw away from the karachi port. what you are calling "burnt down" was ACTUALLY a few rockets that the indian navy hurried tossed and ran, it caused next to no damage. We can see the port from our roof top! :lol: abay kitna jhoot bolay ga!!! you guys always get caught!!!

^^^ just like you "burnt down" karachi port, I guess you also "shot down Pakistani mig-21s" :lol: which Pakistan never had in 1971! baaz aja, aur kitna zaleel hoga!!! :lol:

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You don't seem to understand the meaning of victory. USA never came to conquer Afghanistan. USA always tried to install an Afghan government and be its protector to ensure Afghanistan is not used as staging ground for terror attacks. As Trump said - USA can destroy Afghanistan and kill millions of people in short time if it wants to. But USA doesn't want to do that as that can anger other muslim nations. But it is not due to Afghanistan strength or resolve
I usually don't respond to useless, rhetorical posts but just this once, i'd respond to aggravate your unscratchable itch.

You don't seem to understand what I wrote dear. Afghans defeated Soviet Occupation long before the US decided to attack and install a puppet, a defacto occupation none the less. That the Talibs control 90% of Afghanistan is no joke but thanks to their resolve to do so.

This is true. But that doesn't mean that it will result in freedom. It can also result in genocide or expulsion.
You may brag but you don't realize what we believe and also because of what we have come to experience after the long drawn out war in Afghanistan.

Genocide or expulsion is expected rather than merely feared as some unexpected catastrophe, meaning that it shall bring down the occupation rather than sustain it.

Each passing day of curfew, every death, every maiming, every rape and every crime against humanity is sealing the fate of the occupiers.

As the atrocities continue so shall increase the number of Kashmiris willing to pick up arms against the extremely hated, out of place and increasingly cowardly, Indian Occupation Army which has turned itself into a justifiable target.

For the ordinary Kashmiris It has become about a simple, logical decision; kill or be killed, one village, one area, one family at a time or one by one.

Now, you may continue to try and scracth the unscratchable as much as you can here.

It is interesting many have questioned if Pakistan will be able to bear it but not a soul had the guts to question if india can sustain it?

india is no where near USA, I doubt you can compare it!

Please stick to the topic which is about INDIA capable of winning or not?!
India can be occupied by Pakistan in about 3 weeks.

You have to be smart. Your current policies suggest otherwise.

As the atrocities continue so shall increase the number of Kashmiris willing to pick up arms against the extremely hated, out of place and increasingly cowardly, Indian Occupation Army which has turned itself into a justifiable target.
Not possible.

100% of Kashmiri Muslims are against the Hindu army.
This is a well known fact if but he gets a bit more honest and courageous, he will admit that Gangadesh cannot win a single front war with Pakistan. Out of 1.4 million, 0.9 million of the Gangu Terrorist Army (GTA) are locked in IoJ&K against unarmed Kashmiris. So rest 0.5 million terrorists can be taken care of by, at max, 100,000 of PA brave soldiers.
They lose their zeal, after receiving a couple of setbacks, too early in the game!! And, it's a great plus for Pak...

One example from the East Pak in '71: after losing a company of soldiers and a couple of tanks during an attack on a bordering town, which happened to be only 60 miles from Calcutta (the HQ of India's Eastern Command), they stopped any more advances for the rest of the war although they had almost a corps at their disposal!!! Guess what?? The Pak garrison comprised of a completely isolated and surrounded single under strength battalion without any artillery, armored or air support!! Not to mention they were extremely exhausted after fighting relentless COIN against both Bengali folks and IA disguised as terrorists for 9 months without any reinforcements whatsoever.....
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They cannot win against 1 front either. Look at 1962, 1965, 1971 (west Pakistan).
I wasn’t aware of 1965 war and so I did a google search as to who won it. From this BBC article there was no clear winner but India had upper hand. They had almost reached Lahore.

India couldn't even win in the toilets war, how on earth they will win a 2 front war.
Are India's plans to celebrate 1965 war 'victory' in 'bad taste'?

13 August 2015

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The celebrations begin on 28 August, the day Indian troops captured the strategic Haji Pir Pass

India plans to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its "victory" over Pakistan in the 1965 war with a series of events, including a "grand carnival". But critics say it is in bad taste and a waste of money, writes the BBC's Geeta Pandey in Delhi.

The war was fought on the western front after Pakistan launched "Operation Gibraltar" - a covert offensive in which up to 30,000 fighters were pushed across the ceasefire line into Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir. India retaliated by crossing the international border at Lahore.

For over three weeks, more than 100,000 Indian soldiers fought against Pakistan's 60,000 troops.

"The celebrations are set to kick off on 28 August, the day Indian troops captured the strategic Haji Pir Pass," Indian defence ministry spokesman Sitanshu Kar told the BBC.

"They will go on until 22 September - the day India and Pakistan agreed to a UN-sponsored ceasefire."


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The 1965 war has been largely forgotten by the Indian people

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More than 100,000 Indian soldiers fought in the war

The main event - a "victory carnival" with a show of military might, song and dance - is planned for 20 September on Rajpath - the wide boulevard in the city centre where the annual Republic Day parade is held and where India recently organised a record-breaking yoga event.


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The celebrations will also include seminars, photo exhibitions and a concert.

"The 1965 war has been forgotten by people and this is an effort to revive the memory," said former journalist Nitin Gokhale who has been commissioned by the defence ministry to write a book on the conflict.

Gains and losses


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1965 Indian Army war veteran, Brig (retired) Arvinder Singh

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At the end of the war, this is what India said the tally looked like:

India won 1,920 sqkm of territory; Pakistan won 540 sqkm

2,862 Indian soldiers were killed; Pakistan lost 5,800 soldiers

India lost 97 tanks; 450 Pakistani tanks were destroyed or captured

Pakistan has not responded to attempts by the BBC to verify the numbers.

India captured the key Haji Pir pass - "a major ingress route for Pakistanis" - and made some big gains in Sialkot and reached the doors of Lahore in Punjab. The Pakistani army managed to repulse a takeover of Lahore, made advances in the deserts of Rajasthan and came perilously close to taking over Akhnoor in the Jammu region.

But the gains were not substantial for either side and after the ceasefire, India and Pakistan met at Tashkent in January 1966 where they agreed to withdraw to their pre-war positions.

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Major Ranjit Singh Dayal led the Indian assault on Haji Pir Pass

Over the years, both sides have claimed victory. Pakistan even celebrates 6 September every year as "Defence of Pakistan Day" with a 21-gun salute and a victory parade.

Indians meanwhile believe that their forces had the clear upper hand.

"This war is important for two reasons - it wiped the humiliation of defeat India faced in 1962 against China and also allowed the Indian army to hone and tweak their strategy. This gave them confidence which led to their decisive victory in the 1971 war against Pakistan," said Mr Gokhale.

"For India, 1965 was not a grand victory, but it can certainly be called a limited victory," he added.

Did India win the war?

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At least three independent authors believed India had an upper hand in the war:

Retired American diplomat Dennis Kux: "Although both sides lost heavily in men and material, and neither gained a decisive military advantage, India had the better of the war. Delhi achieved its basic goal of thwarting Pakistan's attempt to seize Kashmir by force. Pakistan gained nothing from a conflict which it had instigated."

English historian John Keay: "The war lasted barely a month. Pakistan made gains in the Rajasthan desert but its main push against India's Jammu-Srinagar road link was repulsed and Indian tanks advanced to within a sight of Lahore. Both sides claimed victory but India had most to celebrate."

American author Stanley Wolpert: "The war ended in what appeared to be a draw when the embargo placed by Washington on US ammunition and replacements for both armies forced cessation of conflict before either side won a clear victory. India, however, was in a position to inflict grave damage to, if not capture, Pakistan's capital of the Punjab when the ceasefire was called, and controlled Kashmir's strategic Uri-Poonch bulge, much to [Pakistani president] Ayub's chagrin."

Pakistan's toned down celebrations: Ilyas Khan in Islamabad

Pakistan continues to observe 6 September as "defence day", but the zest and gusto associated with the celebrations has dampened in recent decades.

One reason is the passing of the 1965 generation. Secondly, the threat of militant attacks during the last ten years have forced military parades, air shows and armament displays to become more low key.

Another is that an alternative view of the chronology and consequences of the war has gained more currency in Pakistan.

Earlier it was believed that the 1965 war had been initiated by India with a view to capturing Lahore and breaking Pakistan. Celebrations were centred on the "valiant defence" by the Pakistani armed forces defeated that aim.

More recently some influential politicians and members of the armed forces have publicly stated that all wars with India were initiated by Pakistan.

Had the 1965 war been a success, the argument goes, it would not have led to the demise and humiliation of Field Marshal Ayub Khan, Pakistan's first military ruler under whose watch the war was fought.

India has never celebrated any of its wars on such a grand scale, so why this big victory carnival now?

"It's 50 years since we won the war, if you won't celebrate it now then when will you do?" asked the defence ministry's Sitanshu Kar.

Not all Indians, however, are enthusiastic about the celebrations and the defence expert at Delhi-based Centre for Police Research, Srinath Raghavan, says the idea of the "victory carnival" is "absurd".

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The 1965 war was fought in the mountains of Kashmir

"It smacks of bad taste. What do you have a carnival for? It is not a bad idea to commemorate the war, but it should be a solemn occasion, not a frivolous display of song and dance."

He said the government's plans to spend 350m rupees ($5.5m; £3.5m) on the event was "a waste of resources".

A former army soldier who fought in the 1999 Kargil conflict against Pakistan, he said, "the commemoration should not be jingoistic, it should be used to remember all the lives lost - of soldiers and civilians - on the border".

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Both India and Pakistan claim to have won the war

Although Islamabad has not commented officially, the plan for the victory carnival has, as expected, drawn criticism from Pakistan with some saying it could have a negative impact on bilateral ties.

Mr Raghavan also believes that it could lead to "unnecessary unpleasantness" at a time when the two countries have said they want to restart the dialogue process.

"A better way to commemorate the war," he said, "would be to inform people what this war was really about, to get the conversation going and foster a genuine historic dialogue about it."

India can be occupied by Pakistan in about 3 weeks.

You have to be smart. Your current policies suggest otherwise.

Not possible.

100% of Kashmiri Muslims are against the Hindu army.

You are all victims of your own contradictions dear. Sad really, but its just a consequence of following that shiny tail light you call being smart.
India cannot win a war against its own filthy backside, let alone against Pakistan and China.
India itself has tried to create a multi-front war for Pakistan since India itself has been facing Pakistan and Chinese troops since its independence. However, India has unable to bring Iranian Military/IRGC up against Pakistan to the extent to which Chinese Military gets involved against Indian Army. Pitting ANA against Pakistan Army could bring some relief to India to have another active front for Pakistan Army.

In comparison though, India has 4 x Corps HQ ( some 10-11 Divisions) standing against Chinese, Bangladesh and Myanmar in East, where as Pakistan has 2 x Corps HQ (4 x Divisions) standing against ANA while, 2 out of 4 Infantry Divisions are standing IRGC/Iranian Military, in West. Indian Army could be able to shift up to 6 x Divisions from east (1 of these 6 to be deployed in Pathankot permanently), Pakistan will be able to shift 2 x Divisions from West towards east in case of war with India.

Pakistan's options should include opening new fronts against India.

Pakistan can find a new Military ally/friend in Myanmar after selling JF-17's and if Pakistan is able to send Military advisers and instructors to Myanmar, not just for Army but also for Air Force, then there an agreement can be made with Myanmar for use of logistics and base, just as India has made agreements with Tajikistan for use of air base, north west of Pakistan. Such a step can assist in ensuring that Indian Military formation are not moved from East towards Pakistan in case of war. This is important since the opportunity slipped from Sri Lanka in case of not just selling JF-17's but also sending permanent military advisers for modernizing Sri Lankan Military. India however was unable to stop the Chinese from obtaining a port in Sri Lanka.

India relies on insurgency (on the likes of Mukti Bahini and now the TTP, BLA, PTM etc) as its allies when waging a war against Pakistan. India tries to isolate Pakistan just like USA tries to isolate Iran from the rest of the world. Indian moves donot always bring fruitful results in its efforts to isolate Pakistan, since China and Gulf countries have strong relations with Pakistan. India in turn looks towards USA, Europe as well as Russia to let go off their relationships with Pakistan, also maligning Pakistan's nuclear status as if falling in hands of rag-tag miscreants in case of a frail and failing Pakistan Government, but the nuclear assets will remain in secure hands of Pakistan's Military. Pakistan Military has seen that floating democracy inside Pakistan shuts down raised voices from across the world, so Military is not inclined towards taking over the country especially after Musharraf's debacle.

Pakistan should look towards friendly country in securing permanent Military and economic allies. China, although a close friend and partner in projects, is not expected to land PLA troops in Pakistan in case of Pakistan-India war, however China along with Gulf countries (especially KSA and UAE) can send Military hardware, supplies and other support to GHQ. There are countries like Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia etc with whom Pakistan should invite Military alliance. Turkey is itself involved in a war, an active front, just like Pakistan. Such similar occurrences can be capitalized upon, since similar circumstances brought countries into alliance back in WW2 also. Russia was not aligned with British or USA, but even then in WW2, Russia fought along British and USA against Germany and Japan. Turkey is a close friend of Pakistan, so chances for alliance are much brighter.

Currently, Pakistan is raising the voice for Kashmir issue, this conflict itself involves Pakistan Military directly due to LOC. Pakistan requires allies on its side to stand against a bigger aggressor, India, which will always be threatened as well as over shadowed by China.
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India itself has tried to create a multi-front war for Pakistan since India itself has been facing Pakistan and Chinese troops since its independence. However, India has unable to bring Iranian Military/IRGC up against Pakistan to the extent to which Chinese Military gets involved against Indian Army. Pitting ANA against Pakistan Army could bring some relief to India to have another active front for Pakistan Army.

In comparison though, India has 4 x Corps HQ ( some 10-11 Divisions) standing against Chinese, Bangladesh and Myanmar in East, where as Pakistan has 2 x Corps HQ (4 x Divisions) standing against ANA while, 2 out of 4 Infantry Divisions are standing IRGC/Iranian Military, in West. Indian Army could be able to shift up to 6 x Divisions from east (1 of these 6 to be deployed in Pathankot permanently), Pakistan will be able to shift 2 x Divisions from West towards east in case of war with India.

Pakistan's options should include opening new fronts against India.

Pakistan can find a new Military ally/friend in Myanmar after selling JF-17's and if Pakistan is able to send Military advisers and instructors to Myanmar, not just for Army but also for Air Force, then there an agreement can be made with Myanmar for use of logistics and base, just as India has made agreements with Tajikistan for use of air base, north west of Pakistan. Such a step can assist in ensuring that Indian Military formation are not moved from East towards in case of war. This is important since the opportunity slipped from Sri Lanka in case of not just selling JF-17's but also sending permanent military advisers for modernizing Sri Lankan Military. India however was unable to stop the Chinese from obtaining a port in Sri Lanka.

India relies on insurgency (on the likes of Mukti Bahini and now the TTP, BLA, PTM etc) as its allies when waging a war against Pakistan. India tries to isolate Pakistan just like USA tries to isolate Iran from the rest of the world. Indian moves donot always bring fruitful results in its efforts to isolate Pakistan, since China and Gulf countries have strong relations with Pakistan. India in turn looks towards USA, Europe as well as Russia to let go off their relationships with Pakistan, also maligning Pakistan's nuclear status as if falling in hands of rag-tag miscreants in case of a frail and failing Pakistan Government, but the nuclear assets will remain in secure hands of Pakistan's Military. Pakistan Military has seen that floating democracy inside Pakistan shuts down raised voices from across the world, so Military is not inclined towards taking over the country especially after Musharraf's debacle.

Pakistan should look towards friendly country in securing permanent Military and economic allies. China, although a close friend and partner in projects, is not expected to land PLA troops in Pakistan in case of Pakistan-India war, however China along with Gulf countries (especially KSA and UAE) can send Military hardware, supplies and other support to GHQ. There are countries like Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia etc with whom Pakistan should invite Military alliance. Turkey is itself involved in a war, an active front, just like Pakistan. Such similar occurrences can be capitalized upon, since similar circumstances brought countries into alliance back in WW2 also. Russia was not aligned with British or USA, but even then in WW2, Russia fought along British and USA against Germany and Japan. Turkey is a close friend of Pakistan, so chances for alliance are much brighter.

Currently, Pakistan is raising the voice for Kashmir issue, this conflict itself involves Pakistan Military directly due to LOC. Pakistan requires allies on its side to stand against a bigger aggressor, India, which will always be threatened as well as over shadowed by China.
Another outstanding post. To me, the standard of PDF goes up each time you share your analysis. Simply splendid brother.
This is at best laughable!
At worst stupidity!
It took more than 3 weeks for India to deploy troops from central India garrisons to the border during 2001-2002 indo-pak standoff...!!

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