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"India cannot win a two-front war", Ajai Shukla

Weapon handling is something people can learn rather quickly. Moreover, I don't think Pakistani common man is rich enough to afford a thousand rounds of training per man to have professional accuracy and handling. So, most of the basic training of handling weapons come naturally to people.
Ammo in Pakistan is dirt cheap.
India and pakistan will mobilise massively. But war is not just about number of soldiers but about logistics and weapons. India van mobilise its entire industrial base. India makes 50lakh cars, 2.5 crore 2 wheelers and 20 lakh other vehicles like tractors, buses, 3 wheelers etc every year. All of this will be mobilised for making defence goods like tanks, helicopters, planes etc.

India can't contain China and doesn't intend to. Indian goal is to first strengthen itself and get 100% indigenisation in defence and strategic technology.

Secondly, Pakistan is not being attacked as all countries to the west of Pakistan is oil producing countries and all of them will be destabilised. This will jeopardise oil supply. There is huge pressure on India from all oil importers like China, EU etc to keep calm.

It is true that India needs more sorties. But India has major advantage in terms of having ability to manufacture planes with complete spare parts. In addition, India has coal Liquefaction and can ensure that much higher levels of plane flights. Whereas Pakistan is dependent on imports for spares and fuel which India can choke off in naval blockade. Moreover, India has indigenous SAM system which can take down Pakistani planes which try to attack Indian planes while Pakistani air defence is not upto the mark.

India actually has 40% of Chinese GDP in PPP terms. This is a real indicator of indian economic might. But comparison to China, it is smaller. Nevertheless, it is much bigger than what nominal GDP shows.

PNS ships and Bangladesh ships combined is as big as Indian coast guard. You can look at the number of large ships in Indian coast guard and then compare with Pakistani and Bangladeshi Navy.

Indian ships have much better Air defence than Pakistani ships. India also has extemely accurate anti-ship missiles Brahmos. What can Pakistan do about it?

Also, India can indigenously repair ships as most of the ships are made in India. But any small damage on Pakistani ship will make it permanently out of action. This is another major advantage.

Detection of a submarine isn't much as during peace time, submarines maneuver more casually. In wartime, however, the submarine would have sunk the ship before coming too close or would have asked Indian Navy ships and aircraft carrier to clear off the surface vessels.

India has space based military assets including surveillance satellite, navigation system and communication system. All of this are highly advanced and in international standards, not some primitive designs. You may think that Pakistan has access to Chinese satellite footages. But do you really think that China will give direct access to their satellites in real time? The access, even if given, will be limited and not real time as that will compromise lot of their own satellite technology and encryption. Moreover, giving real time data will be considered as aggression by India and China wouldn't want to risk its people fighting India.

Indian prowess in IT sector is quite good. Calling India code coolie is simply ypur opinion. India doesn't manufacture semiconductor of latest generation but India does make older generation semiconductor. Even the coding ability is one of the best in the world. Indians are sophisticated enough to be able to hack into military communication wherever Pakistan lacks the lastest encrypted devices.

Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indian Muslims are the 2.5 front. India doesn't expect war with China and China doesn't expect war with India.

Do you have ANY credible evidence for ANY of your claims? If ANY of what you say is true then remember to post the links here.
Learning to shoot is 1 week work for men. The training is more about team work, logistics, taking cover, evasive tactics and even fitness. Are 70% of pakistani population knowledgeable about the tactics or are 70% Pakistani population physically fit and healthy to run for kilometres? I don't think so. So, mere people knowing to shoot is just little use.

Doesn't matter what you and your kind think. You guys also thought you killed exactly 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16............:lol:
Fitness of villagers isn't necessarily high. The villagers generally lack medicine and are undernourished. This means when situation of starvation and other problems come, it will be dire. Moreover, carrying of at least 10 kg load will be needed ( 4kg rifle + 3kg for 150 rounds of AK47 rounds and some water and accessories like shoes, bag etc). This will be extremely taxing and not something to be taken lightly. Think again if the thin village folks are capable of carrying this load and running for kilometres. In addition, other aspects like understanding of geography etc are important.
In case of us,you have no idea.Pakistan has done popular mobalisation in 1948 and 1965.

Copies of guns are being produced in FATA.
They have gone beyond copy level.
@Shane @Reddington @PakSword @Signalian @The Eagle @Dubious @Arsalan

First we need to separate hay from chaff...

1- We have been conditioned to believe that the big air filled elephant is coming to crush... some PakPosters even said that they have planned a Shock n Awe for us... and all that be afraid, be very afraid conditioning jazz.

Now the reality check:
Yes, a bigger army... more tanks, guns... soldiers... oh, let us not forget BraMos... true all this!

But to attack and keep that attack totally sustained are two different things...

On paper GanguTerroristArmy has 3+ to 1 advantage... but what is the Quality of that advantage?

If it was 3 to 1 Qualitative advantage then of course we would have been a GanguColony officially long ago.

It is not that simple... because those who are scarring us into submission of GanguHegemony convienently forget that we Shall cause so much damage in return that all that Containment of China through ShooperPauer GanguDaesh will be pushed forever back.

We might not be able to capture territory but we shall hold our own... again ignore those who wish to condition us into submission in the name of 'rationality' or their truths... thus destroying the morale of PakMillet.

To dominate PakSkies GanguAirForce needs a higher sortie rate than us... and more assets constantly in the air... near to Our borders as well...

Even if we don't go in and bomb them into pieces, as some Paks might like to daydream, we have all the capabilities to deny them the same... which in itself is huge deterence...

We were being conditioned to be afraid of MKI
... and huuuuge threat it was... now the same swan song is sung by our own PakPosters... yes, it is a capable aircraft... but we are NOT sitting idle for past two years either.... Had we followed the advice of these PakPosters here on PDF then 27thFeb would have never happened.

GanguFacistRegime didn't strike back with its airforce but grabbed the mighty BraMos so quickly... and so did we... what does it tell you?

We do have the ability of counter strikes and that is our doctorine... and NO we don't wish to plant OurFlag on RedFort... so let it be daydream... all the same.

But this Big Hawa of ShooperPauer GanguFascitRegime and its mighty economy is so much pumped in their media that our Minds have stopped working at all... talk about conditioning..

All that 1.5 Bln market.. is shxt of highest order. What is the number of actual middle class?

Two years back Chienese tourist spent $250Blln abroad... the economy of one Chinese coastal province is bigger than the entire GDP of these facists...and they keep scarying us with lies of Gangunomics ... @ps3linux we need to burst this bubble/myth.

Wait for massive barrowing and all shall come out... and the same posters are sapping OurMorale.. will start singing something else.. a new SwanSong.

Fighting is Spirit... one wonders what has happen to some PakPosters!

Now ...

3- Naval Forces are on paper 4 times than ours... it is imperative to see how many of these assets are operational, what kind of missile they carry... what is the level of readiness and how quickly could these be replaced from active theatre?

The Truth is PNS is almost a CoastalDefenceForce on paper... but again have a closer look at what has been going on with PNS doctorine... in order to blockade our ports the price is so high that you shall not see any GanguNavy in 400km of our coast... including the mighty aircraft carrier.

Similarly, we don't have the assets and go bomb Bombay... daydream of some fanboys...but reality is different. PNS is defensive forces... and getting mature... look at asset development/acquistion plans... expect a test launch of supersonic missile by PN sooner than later.....

PNS did prove its capability... remember we let their sub go...

4- SpaceAssets

On paper our filthy enemy has more... but do you think we have been sitting idle and be Shocked n Awed all this time?

Iron in the Soul...

5- CyberSpace

All that glorified IT-superpower is in reality a code-collie... not dehumanising..but when they come and boast ... so reality injection needs to be provided as well.

Please, understand we do possess equal capabilities in this defensive shpere... since it is more heavy on HumanCapital... so WeShallSurpriseYou here more so than anything else.

6- WeaponisedInformation

We have toally failed in this..and the implants of NRO combined with the US need to prop up GanguFacistRegime against China made us weaker.. or defeated to be honest.

Only now PMIK has come forward and taking bull by the horn... DGISPR did great recovery work.

But we must accept that we are nowhere near to the huge allied network of WeaponisedInforamtionWarfare against us... even when Mighty China can't fight it back ... then we are nothing. Truth!

GanguDaesh has made huge investment in PakPoliticoz and MarasiMedia
... same formula as that of EastPakistan... and now we are fighting back within Our Own Land... need I expand?

Please, look at IntMarasiMedia and its non stop promotion of GanguDaesh as paradise on Earth and the New Global Engine of Growth... and put it into GeoPolitical/GeoEnomic perspective then you will realise it was more directed towards China as pressure tactic than the ground reality.

Not dennying that there is a growth potential and perpective huge market in GanguDaesh... but we need to see that in perspective and not be conditioned into submission or become defeated in our minds!

Remember: Capture their minds, their hands will follow.

We have been conditioned or continued to be conditioned into despair...by the MarasiMedia and the KhooniLiberals and even here on PDF...

I understand that I have brought too much stuff into this post but I wish to highlight that Emperor has NO Clothes.

To wage war against Pakistan and sustain it... requires more than just numbers on paper and brovados...

Having said all of the above... it is imperative that we NEVER overestimate ourselves and paln/train from worst case scenarios... and wargame it in minute details. When we are attacked then uleash hell on Day1 of 6Days war.


You'll think I am going bananas when I start. OK here goes

It been over two decades since there is a constant push, lobbying, NGO mafia, media mafia later, think tanks, civil society to first change our educational curriculum (outdated though) but one particular aspect has been deliberately targeted the belief of "Jihad" this word has been abused, terrorism has been linked to Islam, so many programs to change the concept but did it succeed except may be a portion of our societies (muslim societies) why?
because this is the concept "the promise" that separates our belief in death from their's, while we know and believe a muslims death in the way of Allah is not death but an eternal life, one of the highest of honors, shaheeds will be raised along prophets in the day of reckoning.

Let me take a step back Christianity has nothing to offer during the crusade era thus the clergy of the time created their version of martyrdom, in the last few decades hindu religious community/kanjar media has been trying to create the same concept among hindus. Problem is with us the foundation of this belief is part of who we are for them its just another stupid thing, what would they do after death fondle with ganesh's trunk or sh** it somewhere. phhh!

So even people like me who are cautious are not really afraid of dying, death is just another form of existence, an eternal one though, so taking up rundian gangashtis is inevitable. History tells us any extremist setup either collapses from within or expends its energies by trying to subjugate other eventually dies out.

Think for a moment an ideological state created next to a future hindu extremist regime seems too odd..

As for the might of their economy, being a student of economy I do understand the stakes with higher levels of assets at stake elements too are higher. Case in point Afghanistan nothing to loose and yet practically destroyed a super power, other is begging for a way out.

Pakistan doesn't have the same geography as Afghanistan, while many of us are more pragmatic and will accept any foreign rule as long as they continue on with their lives normally, but warriors blood is still present in a lot of people here. We are not going to be easy prey, "Parabellum"

Till the inevitable begins lets debunk their "supposed" superiority, few people who know I.T have international exposure and displeasure of working with gangashtis including yours truly debunked their I.T prowess elsewhere.

This hybrid infowar can only be fought by the will of the people, ISPR is moving in the right direction but they too need help from people like us who could analyse, debunk intellectually while there is value for irrational/illogical lot but, but, but not everyone is bestowed with reasoning and understanding skills.

Just skim through pdf at different points in time you'll see we are being bombarded with foreign propaganda at one end there is Chinese propaganda machine, then there is machii people propaganda machine, then there is iranian propaganda machine and if I am not wrong there are some staff Iranian sympathizers, then there are gangashtis propaganda and coupled with our own idiots, unless one has a strong will or analytical skills we too would give up and accept that we are beyond redemption and gangashitis are our master like the stupid oil brothers. There is no point in fighting them, we cant win.

Remember badar the 313.
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india can't even win against Pakistan, listen to their own expert, the only indian who is internationally recognized in the world of strategic/miltary think tanks as worthy of attention...forget about even surviving a two front war, america is NOT coming to india's rescue...
Sir,with due respect Afg and IOK are like apple and oranges.
Exactly my friend, you are correct but I am talking about it as a realistic, clear and repetitive present day example though and in not just the defeat of the Soviets but the "mighty Americans".

Every scenario has its own players, opportunities and gains as well as pit falls. The higher the stakes, the bigger the reward.

Is this not a clear sign for us that the resolve of Afghans won them freedom not once but they are at the brink of an inevitable present day victory against the US.

So what are the similarities? The one that counts the most is resolve. The players jump in when there is unwavering resolve in the local population - as was in Afghans -

So who are the players? Well, China is right next door. All we need is to pull our socks up and get to work with engaging the Chinese. If we really get the Chinese to stand behind the Kashmiri Freedom Struggle, then we have plenty of Kashmiris on both sides of the LOC ho are ready, willing and able.

So what is the key here? Getting back to the key element as discussed earlier, it is the resolve of the Kashmiris which is going to be tested just like it was the case with a
Afghans. If the Kashmiris do not back down, as they seem resolute to date, then no nation can occupy them if they pick up arms like the Afghans did.

And China and Pakistan can play the bad boys between them by juggling support to Kashmiri Mujahideen to avoid FATF and the US.

If we can and we have faced off with the US regarding Afghan Taliban, then what does India sells in front of those kind of odds that made us stand our ground against the US - all the while we kept supporting the Afghan Talibs.

So I have just suggested, rather alluded, towards one of the many options that we can adopt if there is "Resolve" and "Fortidude of thought" where most needed.

No Nation can be kept under occupation if it decides that it only wants freedom and willing to pickup arms for it.

May Allah Subhan Taala give unwavering fortitude to the resolve of the Kashmiris - we have to give it a fair go, in sha Allah.

Pakistan Zindabad.
Ammo in Pakistan is dirt cheap.
True. But, even then the cost of a single AK47 bullet is at least Rs20 (increased now with currency devaluation) due to cost of lead, brass and gunpowder. The gun also costs Rs 20000 (may have increased with devaluation) in Lahore for a decent quality one. Do you really think poor people can afford to but 20k (now more) worth of bullets and practice? Do the poor have that muh wealth to afford?

In case of us,you have no idea.Pakistan has done popular mobalisation in 1948 and 1965.
India has also done mobilisation for police action of Hyderabad. In addition, India mobilised Mukti-Bahini in 1971 by helping Bangladeshi militia.

As I said, Indians (including Pakistani) were mobilised by British in 1940 WW2 efforts. 35lakh Indian army members participated in WW2, most of whom were new soldiers. Even in USA, 1.2 crore people were mobilised through conscription

india can't even win against Pakistan, listen to their own expert, the only indian who is internationally recognized in the world of strategic/miltary think tanks as worthy of attention...forget about even surviving a two front war, america is NOT coming to india's rescue...
Who is this expert? India never attacked Pakistan to acquire territory in west sector. Nevertheless, Indian domination can be seen in 1971 attack on Karachi. India burnt down Karachi port and eliminated a third of pakistani naval vessels and that too, in 2-3 volley of attacks.
is India even more capable than WWII US?
Obviously, WW2 era is very different from current. The mass manufacturing and technology advancement means that India is far ahead of USA of WW2. Even smaller countries like UK is stronger than USA of WW2.

Is this not a clear sign for us that the resolve of Afghans won them freedom not once but they are at the brink of an inevitable present day victory against the US.
You don't seem to understand the meaning of victory. USA never came to conquer Afghanistan. USA always tried to install an Afghan government and be its protector to ensure Afghanistan is not used as staging ground for terror attacks. As Trump said - USA can destroy Afghanistan and kill millions of people in short time if it wants to. But USA doesn't want to do that as that can anger other muslim nations. But it is not due to Afghanistan strength or resolve

No Nation can be kept under occupation if it decides that it only wants freedom and willing to pickup arms for it.
This is true. But that doesn't mean that it will result in freedom. It can also result in genocide or expulsion.
Who is this expert? India never attacked Pakistan to acquire territory in west sector. Nevertheless, Indian domination can be seen in 1971 attack on Karachi. India burnt down Karachi port and eliminated a third of pakistani naval vessels and that too, in 2-3 volley of attacks.
this guy is an ex indian army officer and the only ex indian military person who has any credibility abroad in media houses...you should take him very seriously. well doesn't matter if you do, the rest of the world does. and it sucks being you on your karachi claim...MY PARENTS WERE IN KARACHI DURING THE 1971 WAR an NO naval dominance happened. yeah, you tried, didn't work much, your raids were prompty intercepted. My parents enjoyed all of karachi by going all over. They laugh every time they hear a sanghi bhakt like you claiming that "india somehow burnt down karachi"...cuz THEY WERE THERE! NOTHING WAS "BURNT DOWN"! :sarcastic: india couldn't even burn down a half burnt cigarette in Karachi. :lol:
this guy is an ex indian army officer and the only ex indian military person who has any credibility abroad in media houses...you should take him very seriously. well doesn't matter if you do, the rest of the world does. and it sucks being you on your karachi claim...MY PARENTS WERE IN KARACHI DURING THE 1971 WAR an NO naval dominance happened. yeah, you tried, didn't work much, your raids were prompty intercepted. My parents enjoyed all of karachi by going all over. They laugh every time they hear a sanghi bhakt like you claiming that "india somehow burnt down karachi"...cuz THEY WERE THERE! NOTHING WAS "BURNT DOWN"! :sarcastic: india couldn't even burn down a half burnt cigarette in Karachi. :lol:
India burnt down Karachi port,not entire Karachi. Be realistic. Karachi is 3800 sqkm. It is even bigger than Indian city of delhi. To destroy Karachi fully,India would have had to use 300 nuclear bombs.

India destroyed the port infrastructure of Karachi, especially the naval port area,fuel tanks and depots.

By the way, can you name the guy in the tweet? I don't know him. Just because he is ex military doesn't mean he can say anything and it is true. If you know him, tell his name.
If we can and we have faced off with the US regarding Afghan Taliban, then what does India sells in front of those kind of odds that made us stand our ground against the US - all the while we kept supporting the Afghan Talibs.
Sometimes i wonder,either this is false or odds there compel us to do so.

True. But, even then the cost of a single AK47 bullet is at least Rs20 (increased now with currency devaluation) due to cost of lead, brass and gunpowder. The gun also costs Rs 20000 (may have increased with devaluation) in Lahore for a decent quality one. Do you really think poor people can afford to but 20k (now more) worth of bullets and practice? Do the poor have that muh wealth to afford?
You can make count this lower,when bullets are being recycled and hand loaded.
Ak cost is even lower than that,people are crazy for this stuff.

India has also done mobilisation for police action of Hyderabad. In addition, India mobilised Mukti-Bahini in 1971 by helping Bangladeshi militia.

As I said, Indians (including Pakistani) were mobilised by British in 1940 WW2 efforts. 35lakh Indian army members participated in WW2, most of whom were new soldiers. Even in USA, 1.2 crore people were mobilised through conscription
Pakistan just called these people,have them guns and told them objective and they were good to go.

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