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"India cannot win a two-front war", Ajai Shukla

What he meant to say is that India cannot win two front war. When Bipin is leaking from one front, i.e. Behind.
What he meant to say is that India cannot win two front war. When Bipin is leaking from one front, i.e. Behind.

Rafale, France, may supply, as a gesture of courtesy, high quality, specially fabricated plugs, to control Bipin's rear leakages.:lol:
It was a jibe at India*, you idiot. If you can't fathom that, not my fault.

*Meaning India can't win even one front war.
I agree with you on that Gangadaesh cannot win on any front against Pakistan and Feb 27 provide it beyond doubt. Prior to Feb 27, Gangus always boasted about their air power and how they effectively use their airforce in Kargil war etc (which was a debacle for Pakistan as the traitor in chief NS capitulated). Other than airpower, it was already believed by experts on both sides that Pak and India were evenly matched in army and strategic capabilities. Gangus also boast about their naval power but post Feb 27, INS subs were thwarted twice...
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I gave you full credit for your pinpointing the Dialectic Reality... I just added Daesh to highlight the terrorist nature, actions of this ugly beast.

So credit of this belongs to you!
Yes, sir I can take credit for this. I was sick to death of Pakistan being disparaged as "porkistan, porkis, pak*s" so using the Ganga, Gandhi, Hindoo, Gandhoo ryhmes arrived at .....
There is a red switch use it, madam. Get your trip of the day.

lol. Glad to see my copyright spreading. Even if I get banned here spread this please. Far and wide.

Why would you get banned here!!
Secondly, from your first answer it seems that "Dubious" is a lady. Is it so!!
Its a 2.5 Front not 2 Front.

Pakistan, China and illegal Bangladeshis
IF Russia can be defeated in Afghanistan by the resolve of Afghans, what is India in front of the will of the Kashmiri People willing to fight for their freedom. We have to try, we cannot just sit, wait and watch.
Afghans were being trained by 2 intel org's at a time,with thousands of camps working 24/7.Supplying them with ,lmg's,hmg's,light arty,shoulder fired missiles,snipers,ammo,food and what not basically a chain of logistics working to help them.
What Kashmiris are getting?
Pakistan should have been persuading China,
PRC won't come for sure apart from logistics,they won't help.China won't fight if they would have been willing to do so,they would have fought Bharat for what they claim.
The Gorilla war option by training and supplying Kashimiri freedom fighters will do the job of putting more pressure on India...
For that,you need huge balls and sheer power.On top of that if Bharat felt that she is losing to rag tag fighters,she would chose to attack.

Similarly, India can mobilise its people.
That won't go well citing the fact that,we have auto weapon culture and almost 70% population knows how to operate a weapon and hit the mark.

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