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INDIA CAN GO TO WAR WITH CHINA saysVice Chief of Army General Philip

Love the level of confidence this guy has on his face when he talks about going to war against China.

He kinda looks like Modi and just as ugly.

check your self ,
India held 710 sq mi (1,800 km2) of Pakistani territory and Pakistan held 210 sq mi (540 km2) of Indian territory.

PAK left the Patton tank and run back.



Indian Big. Standing in PAK......

When you come to talk again come with proof and pics ..... don't come with your imaginative words.

The war was militarily inconclusive; each side held prisoners and some territory belonging to the other. Losses were relatively heavy—on the Pakistani side, twenty aircraft, 200 tanks, and 3,800 troops. Pakistan's army had been able to withstand Indian pressure, but a continuation of the fighting would only have led to further losses and ultimate defeat for Pakistan. Most Pakistanis, schooled in the belief of their own martial prowess, refused to accept the possibility of their country's military defeat by "Hindu India" and were, instead, quick to blame their failure to attain their military aims on what they considered to be the ineptitude of Ayub Khan and his government.

  • TIME magazine reported that India held 690 mi2 of Pakistan territory while Pakistan held 250 mi2 of Indian territory in Kashmir and Rajasthan. Additionally, Pakistan had lost almost half its armour temporarily. The article further elaborates Severely mauled by the larger Indian armed forces, Pakistan could continue the fight only by teaming up with Red China and turning its back on the U.N..

So you want to play with pictures then digest these:

Captured and destroyed indian tanks:







Yes we can certainly go to war with China any day of the year. But can we win it without sending our economy down the drain thats another question altoghether. :close_tema:
Sure India CAN go to war with China. Question that the Vice Chief failed to answer was whether they will be humiliated again like they were in 62, regardless of the improved training and equipment.. India still lags behind China in both men, equipment and infrastructure where it faces them.

However, the typical Indian responses show their mentality.. somehow taking their ability to defeat a nation 1/5th their size, 1/4th population and 1/15th their resources as some sort of accomplishment in itself. But then again, finding some solace in mediocrity is a very desi characteristic.. no wonder everyone from Alexander to the Persians,Arabs and were able to kick their arses and take names with none of the countless ethnicities that dot this subcontinent being able to put up anything beyond a whimpering fight.
are you insane or just plain dumb?

You believe in Christian stories? you are doing blasphemy . or Science?

You also might be believe that SUN rotate around Earth and earth is flat. lol

Sheepish look on his face is as though he just crapped in his pants

He kinda looks like Modi and just as ugly.

Sure India CAN go to war with China. Question that the Vice Chief failed to answer was whether they will be humiliated again like they were in 62, regardless of the improved training and equipment.. India still lags behind China in both men, equipment and infrastructure where it faces them.

However, the typical Indian responses show their mentality.. somehow taking their ability to defeat a nation 1/5th their size, 1/4th population and 1/15th their resources as some sort of accomplishment in itself. But then again, finding some solace in mediocrity is a very desi characteristic.. no wonder everyone from Alexander to the Persians,Arabs and were able to kick their arses and take names with none of the countless ethnicities that dot this subcontinent being able to put up anything beyond a whimpering fight.
They will fight a war but not a coventional or nuclear war. It will be economic and proxy war. And iam worried that they dont make Pakistan a battle ground. As Indians have been claiming of two front war, Pak and China in Pakistan.
Pray hard your country never goes to war with China.

If you did, Pakistan will not repeat its great Blunder of 1962.

This time you can be sure that Pakistan will not lose an opportunity in ripping your soft underbelly while you are busy with Chinese onslaught. You can count on that prediction.

India will take care of irritant pakistan by simply nuking them. And continue fighting conventional war with china and eventually come to table with china and settle some deal.
INDIA CAN GO TO WAR WITH CHINA saysVice Chief of Army General Philip

This general need to clarify what he said: Can India go alone to war with China as duel or Can India go to war with China at condition that other nations such US to backup them up:rofl:.

@kurup tell your general to do more and talk less :rofl:

India should raise a women division. PLA was dragged by it's hair and brought to it's knees by viet women !

you mean like this one:rofl:

Sure India CAN go to war with China. Question that the Vice Chief failed to answer was whether they will be humiliated again like they were in 62, regardless of the improved training and equipment.. India still lags behind China in both men, equipment and infrastructure where it faces them.

However, the typical Indian responses show their mentality.. somehow taking their ability to defeat a nation 1/5th their size, 1/4th population and 1/15th their resources as some sort of accomplishment in itself. But then again, finding some solace in mediocrity is a very desi characteristic.. no wonder everyone from Alexander to the Persians,Arabs and were able to kick their arses and take names with none of the countless ethnicities that dot this subcontinent being able to put up anything beyond a whimpering fight.

Forget the fact that our currency reserves alone are double the Indian GDP, forget our indigenous defence industries and our manufacturing base which is the largest in the world, forget the fact that our submarines alone outnumber ALL of their destroyers+submarines+frigates combined, forget about our massively superior border infrastructure and the fact that our rocket artillery has a range of 350+ km (enough to reach New Delhi), forget the fact that we hold the high ground on the Tibetan plateau, the highest mountain range on Earth....

Just read the comments here to know that India will somehow win without breaking a sweat. :partay:

The irony is they did attack us before, during our worst ever famine (Great leap forward).

That's according to India's own internal military report, the Henderson-Brooks report:

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India

And they still couldn't beat us, even when we were starving to death from our worst ever famine. Honestly I would not be terribly surprised if they tried the same thing again, given the attitude shown in threads like these. Hard facts on the ground don't matter when people boast so much that they end up convincing themselves that they can easily win.

What a tragedy for everyone, except the arms industries across the world.
are you insane or just plain dumb?

Sheepish look on his face is as though he just crapped in his pants
lol Dumb are you , who believe in Adam and Eve.... then also you believe on Flat earth ... some with scientific proof.... dumbo.... we talking about Sci , and not madrassa education. If you have learned some Sci , then you could have made some bike engines also.

Captured Indian territory:

Australian newspaper on Pakistani victory at Chawinda:

The picture you quoted of Khmer is now known as Patton Nager , where India destroyed So called Superior PAK un-destrtrable Patton Tanks , The town knows as Patton Nagar also. More then 90 Patton Tank destroyed. Also known as
Battle of Asal Uttar, Tanks destroyed by 106mm guns.

This i what you left when Indian Army destroyed and attacked to recapture it.. I told you, PAK is the aggressor.

However in Chaninda , India not able to make Gains as India tanks were of vastly inferior to Superior Patton Tanks, everyone knows .

In the eng was WAR INDIA has 3X land captured and reach Lahore. while PAk manage to get border town.

Some? You dont call almost 40 terrorist groups and their crimes as incidents. Starting form Naxalites,The Khalistan movement, LET, etc.

Did you even read what i said or the post i replied to? I guess not because you cant be that dumb.Let me break it down for you, some indian member stated that we helped india during its 1967 border skirmish with china, when in truth we didnt help you and just didnt go to war with you by taking advantage of the situation. Now you tell me where does taking kashmir come into this? If we didnt attack you, kashmir would obviously stay with you.

By the looks of it you dont know shit about anything and are just another indian fan boy here. Islam and christianity share many common beliefs with minor variations, adam and eve are one of them. And actually all muslims believe that the earth rotates around the sun and that the earth has a spherical shape because it had been written in the Quran 1500 years ago. You should learn about something before you speak ill about it.

It surely doesn't go for all nations. Both china and india have no first use policies and the war will be stopped before going as far.

1967, we need not need any help, you were already sacred after a defeat of 1965, in 1967 we gave bloody nose to china again.

lol , we know that more then 1500 years before that Earth rotate around SUN, you believe in Adam and Eves but Science believe in Human evolution . look like your don't have anything to prove about adam and eve other then narrating a written fancy story long back.
And do you think Chinese economy will grow then ?

The Chinese economy can do with a bit of external stimulation and a war with India is exactly that。

It is my sincere wish that India would launch an all-out attack on China tomorrow。

You can then kiss goodbye to Zangnan(South Tibet)。:D

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