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INDIA CAN GO TO WAR WITH CHINA saysVice Chief of Army General Philip


Love the level of confidence this guy has on his face when he talks about going to war against China.

LMAO who takes this macaca seriously? China would surround India and daylight would be gone.
Pray hard your country never goes to war with China.

If you did, Pakistan will not repeat its great Blunder of 1962.

This time you can be sure that Pakistan will not lose an opportunity in ripping your soft underbelly while you are busy with Chinese onslaught. You can count on that prediction.
we are aware of this possibility and your mighty expensive adventure aimed at timid and poor India. So we will make sure that u r out of contest before any large scale conflict starts with China..
In a country of 1.25 billion there will be some incidents
Some? You dont call almost 40 terrorist groups and their crimes as incidents. Starting form Naxalites,The Khalistan movement, LET, etc.

then why is kashmir is still with us ;)
Did you even read what i said or the post i replied to? I guess not because you cant be that dumb.Let me break it down for you, some indian member stated that we helped india during its 1967 border skirmish with china, when in truth we didnt help you and just didnt go to war with you by taking advantage of the situation. Now you tell me where does taking kashmir come into this? If we didnt attack you, kashmir would obviously stay with you.

You believe in Christian stories? you are doing blasphemy . or Science?

You also might be believe that SUN rotate around Earth and earth is flat. lol
By the looks of it you dont know shit about anything and are just another indian fan boy here. Islam and christianity share many common beliefs with minor variations, adam and eve are one of them. And actually all muslims believe that the earth rotates around the sun and that the earth has a spherical shape because it had been written in the Quran 1500 years ago. You should learn about something before you speak ill about it.

My friend, when all is lost nukes will indeed fly. Like so many Pakistanis here like to say: put one foot inside Pakistan, get nuked. Same goes for all nations.
It surely doesn't go for all nations. Both china and india have no first use policies and the war will be stopped before going as far.

Love the level of confidence this guy has on his face when he talks about going to war against China.
U wont understand. U are the licker of China. We aint. Theres da difference.

If India and China have a war, it would have a devastating effect on Indian Economy , not to mention India losing vast pieces of Land in the bargain. Indian forces are no match for Chinese Military might.
But we did the same to China in 1967. Point is, China's economy wont be immune either.
Pray hard your country never goes to war with China.

If you did, Pakistan will not repeat its great Blunder of 1962.

This time you can be sure that Pakistan will not lose an opportunity in ripping your soft underbelly while you are busy with Chinese onslaught. You can count on that prediction.
And you think USA, Japan, Afghanistan, Iran, Vietnam, Australia, UK, EU will play marbles?

These countries will kill Pakistan and decrease China to an international shame.

Everybody knows West is looking for a reason to get over China and they have balls larger than China to do so when the chance is available.

Illogical comments shudnt be forte of professionals like u.
U wont understand. U are the licker of China. We aint. Theres da difference.

But we did the same to China in 1967. Point is, China's economy wont be immune either.

You lick Uncle Sam...
India can go to war with China,saysVice Chief of Army General Philip
Last Updated : 10 May 2015 11:22:52 AM IST
India can go to war with China,saysVice Chief of Army General Philip

Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to China,Vice Chief of Army Staff Lieutenant GeneralPhilip Camposegave a shocking statement that there is a likelihood of war between China and India .

While inaugurating a seminar, 'Make in India Made Easy:Opportunities and Challenges in Defence Sector', at the Army
Institute of Management Technology, Lt General Campose said "Economically and militarily, India and China are moving to the world's most influential nations and there is much likelihood of both countries to enter into a war in this decade."

Philip emphasised the need for a synergised approach by all stakeholders to ensure success of the 'Make In India' initiative in the defence sector and said India's 60 per cent defence procurement requirements are met by imports.

Moreover the effect of China's influence in Asia can be judged along their shared 4,057-km border, most notably over Arunachal Pradesh (which Beijing asserts is part of Tibet and therefore of China), and over the Aksai Chin region at the western end of the Tibetan Plateau

Lt General Campose said " India is facing threat from China and the terror groups like Islamic State, Talibans and Al Qaeda from neighbouring country Pakistan ."

India can go to war with China,saysVice Chief of Army General Philip

No wonder, this guy will not be considered to be Chief.
And we don't need to march towards Beijing or break into Beijing defense. We just have to break border defense and pave the way for our troops to role in. All these super developed infrastructure are made with concrete and some other materials so destroying them won't be a hard task. Chinese lack war experience . And their are lots other problems from quality of weapons trey use. These are common problems faced by all nations . We know how to break are make a nation. After all we have won war against experienced PA and developed our fire power to a different level . You and we may talk about how missiles hits its targets and discuss about numbers but real war will be a different ball game . Win or lose your civilization once and for all . You need balls to attack India . But at the same time fools don't understand the consequences and end losing everything . Get real mate:astagh:
The Chinese don't lack war experience, They fought america head on in the Korean war and the Vietnam war(both won by the side they took) , They have kicked yours(1962 and partially in 1967) and Russia ***(1969). This accounts for alot of war experience. The quality of their weapons has significantly increased in the last 2 decades but indias hasn't(tejas, arjun,etc.) Not including foreign weaponry. The wars you have won against us are debatable 1965(your counterattack was thwarted with equal damage), 1971{bangladesh wanted to separate (because of us), if they had not wanted to separate india couldn't have done shit (india acted mainly as a outside pressure force). And we surrendered only in that region because of the bangladeshi rebellion.} and kargil was not a full fledged war, it did not have support of the air force or navy and was only isolated till kashmir.
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