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India can do nothing if there is another Mumbai

I wish that India should do same type of attack in Karachi as happen in mumbai......Then I will see how does you asshole feel...and wht you can do....

Relax, India would never be involved in such thing.
Relax indeed. Anyone who wants to go out like Mr. Omlete is welcome to.:)
Indians are 1 billion in strength and very much united when it comes to Pakistan. Remember 10 million people gathering after Mumbai attacks in Mumbai against Pakistan and these non state actors..

Indian muslims were not targeted after 26/11 in fact they burned the flags of Pakistan within India. Also they denied to bury the dead bodies within India. So any such fancy would further shatter your dream of Indian muslim divide within India. In fact it is really good for us when you believe that indian hindus and muslims are divided right now....

Remember US statements after 26/11 if you wanna cross check what they actually meant.

Yups good for us to build international pressure on Pakistan

Good for Pakistan for to not dream about any Mumbai like adventure again.

Lolzz i would just sum up in few words that Indian Muslims have to save their lives by going for such things whereas Indian Hindus wont spare them even then.

The Indian Muslims have to issue fatwas not to slaughter Cows on Eid just to save their lives.

As far as attack on Pakistan, If India could have you would have during Kargil stand off ;)

So i will say just a paranoid thinking to attack Pakistan
2. More hostilities for Indian Muslims from own Indian Hindu majority, Again good for Pakistan.

Jana, you will be surprised to know how many hawkish Indian muslims demanded GoI attack terrorists camps in Pakistan. Understandable when atleast 35 people killed were muslims. And even more understadable when they wanted to pass themselves off as Indians by claming to be "Deccan mujahideen".
Composite dialogue?? R u kidding Mr Sethi??

Wasnt there a Composite dialogue going on before 26/11 attacks??

Hell, ur foreign minister was sitting in new Delhi on that night when the socalled pakistani " non state actors" sprayed bullets on mumbaites.

Now whats the purpose of Composite dialogue ,if we see a kargil after Lahore declaration, attacks on our parliament after Agra summits, bomblast at our stations and terrorist raid on our cities after all those dialogues, assurance that pak based terroists wouldn't be allowed to hurt india???

Even though ur own investigations found clear evidence of direct link of LET terrorists with 26/11 ,u arent interested in handing them over to us.

How we gonna trust u guys unless u ppl show some evidence some gestures that pakistan believes in peaceful coexistence with india??

Now u want to us forget everything and move on with the next round of useless composite dialogues till another attack occurs....just rubbish,what hell are u thinking??
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Did India not asked Pakistan to take care of these assets in Pakistan?
Pakistan and Musharaff has already accepted with the presence of these assets and every Indian welcomes it....

But what is the reluctance in dismantling them. If they are continuously causing trouble in Indian we dont have much choice.

And doing tit for tat will not yeild results by Indians doing the same in Pakistan.

See as far as protection is concerned we are already arresting so many from LeT within india with latest before the Independence day. There are reports of increase in insurgency, no agency in the world can be 100%. But when we know the mother of these kids why not to finish her off before she gives birth to more.

Once for an all.... Enough is enough within India. Indian citizens are fed up of these Pakistan based terrorists. If it comes at the expense of war with GOP being protectionist for them I think the general sentiments of Indians are LET IT BE....

Did Pak not asked India to stop giving irresponsible statements & stop mud slinging competition

Ok people according to RAW we must gear up for a Nuclear war & end it once & for all

How stupid...
Relax indeed. Anyone who wants to go out like Mr. Omlete is welcome to.:)

Just few couple of words made you so much agitated as a pround Pakistani. If you were Indian Now you can imagine Indian sentiments on the other side.. What he said was words what happend to us was a reality.

No offense intended.

I pray no such thing ever happen in Pakistan....
The terrorists(non state actors) came from Pakistan, if India had known the info. then it would had prevented them.
Sharing the information is useful if both have trust in each other. And it is an open secret some elements in pakistani govt. has sympathy for the so called non state actors.
only thing that will happen is fine tuning the methods for terror attacks.:disagree:
The diplomacy here is reminding those guys that we already know what you are cooking :cheers: .
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stop making people fool in the name of composite dialogues .The only solution between india and pakistan is war.Destruction will be fate of Indians. :sniper: InDia :sniper:
Composite dialogue?? R u kidding Mr Sethi??

Wasnt there a Composite dialogue going on before 26/11 attacks??

Hell, ur foreign minister was sitting in new Delhi on that night when the socalled pakistani " non state actors" sprayed bullets on mumbaites.

Now whats the purpose of Composite dialogue ,if we see a kargil after Lahore declaration, attacks on our parliament after Agra summits, bomblast at our stations and terrorist raid on our cities after all those dialogues, assurance that pak based terroists wouldn't be allowed to hurt india???

Even though ur own investigations found clear evidence of direct link of LET terrorists with 26/11 ,u arent interested in handing them over to us.

Are u interested in handing over Col Prohit, have some sense please...
Isn't that kidding that once master mind in Lakhvi & now its Hafiz Saeed???

How we gonna trust u guys unless u ppl show some evidence some gestures that pakistan believes in peaceful coexitence with india??

Now u want to us forget everything and move on with the next round of useless composite dialogues till another attack occurs....just rubbish,what hell are u thinking??

What assurance u want??? According to ur fellow Indians they must let RAW in Pak & let surgical strikes to happen & hope that ppl of Pak thinks that its action 'against non state actors'
Now what are u suggestions...
I dont agree with this logic... this more sounds like Nuclear Blackmail... like..we will send and support terrorists (knowingly or unknowingly) ..but india shldn't do anything... what the hell is this?

Pakistan..ask for unconditional talk...but asking for such a talk itself..is a big condition...IF pak has certain requirement for talk..then why not india ?

Overall., one hard reality...yes we can't do much about Pak, unless otherwise they totally cut loose their beloved terrorists...

The hypocrisy and bias that runs through Indian minds is that they all *love* talking about Pakistan or the Terrorists when they strike them. However, they're neither willing nor ready to talk about Kashmir which is the root of the problem and the oppression and tyranny that India has been unleashing on the innocent Kashmiri Muslims with a brute army of 600,000 soldiers for decades.

Palestinians who're fighting for their land, their rights and their very dignity that is under the feet of Israel...Yet Israel still manages to convince its public that the Palestianins are terrorists and rebels and what not. Same is the case with Kashmiris- India only wakes up when freedom fighters cross the border and slap India across the face.

The root of the problem is Kashmir whose history and stance and current conditions since Indian occupation has been effectively and mischievously been hidden away from the Indian populations. Indian media in conjunction and supervision with their political elite has been indoctrinating Indians with a psychological obsession with Kashmir as if it was a part of India and has always been, which is in stark contrast to historical and current realities. Kashmir remained an independent state many times before Islam and Hinduism. So, if Kashmiris wanted to be sparate away from India in 1947, why shouldn't they be?

Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir is not a glamorous Bhumbro Bhumbro piece of land full of beautiful women hijacked by militants, its in fact one of the most economically, socially and culturally deprived place in the world today according to the UN. Even freelance journalists and international observers are allowed in the most poor and dangerous war-torn parts of Africa, but not in the Indian Occupied Kashmir. Shouldn't that say something about India's role in Kashmir?

The author is as honest and straight-up as one can be. Continuous oppression only results in more hatred and rebellions. Unfortunately that's one thing India didn't learn from their British masters legacy...

It's all about survival of a race, an identity, an ethnicity, and religion. You cannot expect others to give up their guns when you' have yours pointed at them. India's aspiration of becoming a superpower will continue to be thrashed and Indian govn't will continously get slapped across the face by militants from time to time so long as they occupy and oppress the Kashmiri people.

Until and unless India is willing to talk, to negotiate and make compromises on Kashmir along with Pakistan and China on a round table, Indian occupation will continue, and so will be the resistance.

No Justice!! No Peace!!
Lolzz i would just sum up in few words that Indian Muslims have to save their lives by going for such things whereas Indian Hindus wont spare them even then.

The Indian Muslims have to issue fatwas not to slaughter Cows on Eid just to save their lives.

As far as attack on Pakistan, If India could have you would have during Kargil stand off ;)

So i will say just a paranoid thinking to attack Pakistan

I think Kasab was also a muslim. When Pakistan fought with India in 65,71,99 i dont remember any such thing within India. though i do remember that Indian Tihar Jail criminals with life sentence or death sentence asking for release on the Pakistan border including Hindus and Muslims alike.

India respects the sovereignty of Pakistan so India did not cross border in 1999 nor in 1971 before Pakistan air strikes nor in 1965 after operation Gibraltor..
Pakistan know the consequences of full fledged war with India that is the reason they opted for destruction of India by 1000 cuts policy.
Buddy war is not that easy for neither for Pakistan nor India only way forward is composite dialogue that to if Pakistan stops the support for non state actors.:cheers:
The hypocrisy and bias that runs through Indian minds is that they all *love* talking about Pakistan or the Terrorists when they strike them. However, they're neither willing nor ready to talk about Kashmir which is the root of the problem and the oppression and tyranny that India has been unleashing on the innocent Kashmiri Muslims with a brute army of 600,000 soldiers for decades.

Palestinians who're fighting for their land, their rights and their very dignity that is under the feet of Israel...Yet Israel still manages to convince its public that the Palestianins are terrorists and rebels and what not. Same is the case with Kashmiris- India only wakes up when freedom fighters cross the border and slap India across the face.

The root of the problem is Kashmir whose history and stance and current conditions since Indian occupation has been effectively and mischievously been hidden away from the Indian populations. Indian media in conjunction and supervision with their political elite has been indoctrinating Indians with a psychological obsession with Kashmir as if it was a part of India and has always been, which is in stark contrast to historical and current realities. Kashmir remained an independent state many times before Islam and Hinduism. So, if Kashmiris wanted to be sparate away from India in 1947, why shouldn't they be?

Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir is not a glamorous Bhumbro Bhumbro piece of land full of beautiful women hijacked by militants, its in fact one of the most economically, socially and culturally deprived place in the world today according to the UN. Even freelance journalists and international observers are allowed in the most poor and dangerous war-torn parts of Africa, but not in the Indian Occupied Kashmir. Shouldn't that say something about India's role in Kashmir?

The author is as honest and straight-up as one can be. Continuous oppression only results in more hatred and rebellions. Unfortunately that's one thing India didn't learn from their British masters legacy...

It's all about survival of a race, an identity, an ethnicity, and religion. You cannot expect others to give up their guns when you' have yours pointed at them. India's aspiration of becoming a superpower will continue to be thrashed and Indian govn't will continously get slapped across the face by militants from time to time so long as they occupy and oppress the Kashmiri people.

Until and unless India is willing to talk, to negotiate and make compromises on Kashmir along with Pakistan and China on a round table, Indian occupation will continue, and so will be the resistance.

No Justice!! No Peace!!

I guess this thread is not about Kashmir.
Are u interested in handing over Col Prohit, have some sense please...
Isn't that kidding that once master mind in Lakhvi & now its Hafiz Saeed???

What assurance u want??? According to ur fellow Indians they must let RAW in Pak & let surgical strikes to happen & hope that ppl of Pak thinks that its action 'against non state actors'
Now what are u suggestions...

Purohit was convicted as Indian responsible of terrorism on Indian soil

He was not a Indian to have terrorism on Pakistani soil.
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