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India can do nothing if there is another Mumbai

Just few couple of words made you so much agitated as a pround Pakistani. If you were Indian Now you can imagine Indian sentiments on the other side.. What he said was words what happend to us was a reality.

No offense intended.

I pray no such thing ever happen in Pakistan....

No. It was not his 'words' that offended. It was his first post and he was swearing and calling for terrorism in Pakistan, so we knew what kind of contributor he was. That is why I banned as you can see its my job to keep the forum clean. Would an Indian forum have tolerated a Pakistani calling for terrorism in India on their board?

However I'm not in the habit of explaining my decisions to others, so DON'T cast doubts on them again.:coffee:
Najam sethi is an Indian agent.he often visits to India to meet his masters there.Once Musharraf told to senior journalist about Mr. Sethi "Mr Sethi was making hue and cry to start operation agaisnt Lal masjid. when the operation ended and people started critiszing me he fled away and did not respond to that antagonism". In my opinion Mr Sethi fears more from Taliban than Indian.he considers Indian as our freind which is utter crap.
The hypocrisy and bias that runs through Indian minds is that they all *love* talking about Pakistan or the Terrorists when they strike them. However, they're neither willing nor ready to talk about Kashmir which is the root of the problem and the oppression and tyranny that India has been unleashing on the innocent Kashmiri Muslims with a brute army of 600,000 soldiers for decades.

Palestinians who're fighting for their land, their rights and their very dignity that is under the feet of Israel...Yet Israel still manages to convince its public that the Palestianins are terrorists and rebels and what not. Same is the case with Kashmiris- India only wakes up when freedom fighters cross the border and slap India across the face.

The root of the problem is Kashmir whose history and stance and current conditions since Indian occupation has been effectively and mischievously been hidden away from the Indian populations. Indian media in conjunction and supervision with their political elite has been indoctrinating Indians with a psychological obsession with Kashmir as if it was a part of India and has always been, which is in stark contrast to historical and current realities. Kashmir remained an independent state many times before Islam and Hinduism. So, if Kashmiris wanted to be sparate away from India in 1947, why shouldn't they be?

Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir is not a glamorous Bhumbro Bhumbro piece of land full of beautiful women hijacked by militants, its in fact one of the most economically, socially and culturally deprived place in the world today according to the UN. Even freelance journalists and international observers are allowed in the most poor and dangerous war-torn parts of Africa, but not in the Indian Occupied Kashmir. Shouldn't that say something about India's role in Kashmir?

The author is as honest and straight-up as one can be. Continuous oppression only results in more hatred and rebellions. Unfortunately that's one thing India didn't learn from their British masters legacy...

It's all about survival of a race, an identity, an ethnicity, and religion. You cannot expect others to give up their guns when you' have yours pointed at them. India's aspiration of becoming a superpower will continue to be thrashed and Indian govn't will continously get slapped across the face by militants from time to time so long as they occupy and oppress the Kashmiri people.

Until and unless India is willing to talk, to negotiate and make compromises on Kashmir along with Pakistan and China on a round table, Indian occupation will continue, and so will be the resistance.

No Justice!! No Peace!!

Dont dream about blackmailing India on kasmir with terrorist attack within India.
Closed until someone can moderate it and get the discussion back on track. This is a good thread, I dont want to waste it through rants and bickering.
See do you think will India be able to trust Pakistan with the kind of attacks and infiltration continues from the other sides of border. When we talked peace last time there was Kargil and mind it It was Pakistan who was occupying Indian peaks..
And before that there was East Pakistan and Siachen ...

So lets not get self righteous when your own nation's hands are bloody.
If the government of Pakistan is not able to or is incompetent enough to do the job then they should allow the other country to do the cleaning their mess. At the end of the it is India which is suffering because of it not Pakistan. When people are killed in India what should we do go to Pakistan and say "Oh our people died.. No issues lets talk and sort out Kashmir"
No government in the world can guarantee prevention of crime in its territory, and like India there are parts of Pakistan where the government writ is not entirely enforceable, which combined with other issues means that the threat of terrorism against India from within India and without will remain - thats just fact, clearly explained by Sethi in his article.
instead of interrogating saeed on the basis of dossier provided by India, all Pakistan does is to paint saeed as national hero for his charity work

So we interrogate him and you think he's just going to break down, start crying 'oh mai ****, I did it, I admit I did it!'.

What nonsense - he has been interrogated, he was under arrest for as long as the constitution allowed without having charges presented against him - its simply a matter of no evidence.

In any case, there is a seperate thread for this argument, take it there.
And before that there was East Pakistan and Siachen ...

So lets not get self righteous when your own nation's hands are bloody.

No government in the world can guarantee prevention of crime in its territory, and like India there are parts of Pakistan where the government writ is not entirely enforceable, which combined with other issues means that the threat of terrorism against India from within India and without will remain - thats just fact, clearly explained by Sethi in his article

FATA,NWFP and Baluchistan were never under the Goverments Judistriction sice british times fine leave it there.

But don't say the GoP does not have effective writ over Punjab and Sindh.The attacks were plotted in Karachi and Lahore and it would be hilarious If you say GoP does not have control over them.
The terroist infrastructure is mainly in Pujab,Sindh and *** when it comes to India-centric terrorism.

IF the GoP had the will they can easily dismatle the India-specific infrastructure .They neither have the will nor the intention to do it

Saying that the GoP's writ is not enforceable in Punjab and Sindh is hilarious AM
But don't say the GoP does not have effective writ over Punjab and Sindh.The attacks were plotted in Karachi and Lahore and it would be hilarious If you say GoP does not have control over them.
The terroist infrastructure is mainly in Pujab,Sindh and *** when it comes to India-centric terrorism.

IF the GoP had the will they can easily dismatle the India-specific infrastructure .They neither have the will nor the intention to do it

Saying that the GoP's writ is not enforceable in Punjab and Sindh is a poor excuse AM
Have you completely dismantled Dawood Ibrahim's network and organized crime in India? Has the US entirely eliminated drug cartels and other violent and organized crime from its territory?

If not, then why are you surprised that Pakistan can offer no guarantees on preventing or eliminating what is essentially 'crime', whether it is Karachi or FATA? The existence of the insurgency in FATA and its traditional autonomy and lawlessness only exacerbates the problem.
Have you completely dismantled Dawood Ibrahim's network and organized crime in India? Has the US entirely eliminated drug cartels and other violent and organized crime from its territory?
We may not have dismantled his network completely but saw to it they have been destroyed and so they can never reach the pinnacle at which they were 20 years ago.Same with US .We are trying to neutralise them and striving for it continuosly.The will is there
If not, then why are you surprised that Pakistan can offer no guarantees on preventing or eliminating what is essentially 'crime', whether it is Karachi or FATA? The existence of the insurgency in FATA and its traditional autonomy and lawlessness only exacerbates the problem.
Suprised since the India-centric terror infrastructure in Punjab and Sindh is intact and it stares at India's face

The existence of the insurgency in FATA and its traditional autonomy and lawlessness only exacerbates the problem.

How so AM I thought India centric terrorist cadre are generally poor Punjabi's
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We may not have dismantled his network completely but saw to it they have been destroyed and so they can never reach the pinnacle at which they were 20 years ago.Same with US .We are trying to neutralise them and striving for it continuosly.The will is there
Point is that even with 'continuous striving' they have not been completely eliminated and therefore you cannot guarantee against their actions - the same case with Pakistan, and hence a refutation of your argument that somehow Pakistan should be able to completely prevent all this in Sindh and Punjab.
Suprised since the India-centric terror infrastructure in Punjab and Sindh is intact and it stares at India's face
I disagree - groups and elements involved in terrorism in India, liek the LeT cadres invovled in Mumbai, have been arrested and their infrastructure dismantled.

What has not been dismantled possibly are the groups and individuals supporting the Kashmiri freedom movement - two different issues from Pakistan's perspective, though I understand that India does not see a distinction.
How so AM I thought India centric terrorist cadre are generally poor Punjabi's
Source of weapons, explosives and expertise.
Point is that even with 'continuous striving' they have not been completely eliminated and therefore you cannot guarantee against their actions - the same case with Pakistan, and hence a refutation of your argument that somehow Pakistan should be able to completely prevent all this in Sindh and Punjab.

I disagree - groups and elements involved in terrorism in India, liek the LeT cadres invovled in Mumbai, have been arrested and their infrastructure dismantled.

What has not been dismantled possibly are the groups and individuals supporting the Kashmiri freedom movement - two different issues from Pakistan's perspective, though I understand that India does not see a distinction.

Source of weapons, explosives and expertise.

This is all well and good, it is hard for any nation to fix and issue as complicated as home grown terrorists overnight, but its been over a year since the Mumbai attacks and other than KAsab no other member involved has been bough to justice.

And Pakistan offcially does not even acknowledge the fact that these were planned in Pakistan.

it is PAk duty to bring these people to justice but no, what has Pak done over the year. Not a single person has been sent to jail.

you claim lack of evidence and these people are planning more attacks in the meantime.
Also claim that India staged everything in an elaborate attempt to dis-credit Pakistan.

At this point it has become clear who ever it may be that planned the attacks has got of scot free.

Jawans get shot on the LAC once a week, What can India do?
peope show up in our cities and start shooting indiscriminately what can you do ?

We can ask Pakistan to try and stop the perpetrators but the buck stops there.

There is nothing India can do, its been backed Into a corner.
India will always be attacked and there is nothing we can do about it but adopt a strict border control policy. But the people will always attack from Pakistan safe with the knowledge that as long as they attack India and not Pakistan The GoP will let them get away with it just to snub India.
Ultimately, any government has the responsibility to protect its citizens. If the Zardari regime is unable or unwilling to control the Jihadis, or is protecting them, then different approaches will have to be taken.

It's not that India cannot do anything Re events like Mumbai ... but India will have to establish working relationships with the multiple power centers that operate within Pakistan, so that events can be steered in a positive direction.
Hi All, sorry i might be wrong or my post may be non-constructive but i feel More terror attacks on India by Pakistani Nationals may lead us to create some nationalistic indian non state actors that would like to take revenge using same tactics. We already have seen such cases for example Purohit's Case- that was just created to take revenge for the Bomb Blast by SIMI organization.. So in near future we can see same kind of attack on ur soil too... So its better for GoP to dismantle this whole network of terror org...
GoI can use other options also for safeguarding its interest for example identify and assasinate non state actors.. It will just make things simple for both of us(India & Pakistan)..
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