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India can do nothing if there is another Mumbai

Are all the RAW ppl like u, start Covert Operations :rofl:
ISI will sit & see u ppl doing Covert operations isn't it, seems u are infected by those TV Channels which run programs by title 'enough is enough':bounce:

ISI and agencies have already shown their incompetence when they are not able to control attacks in India originating from Pakistan.

As a matter of fact if they themselves are not involved then stop protecting them. If ISI thinks that they should be removed then I think they should not stop Indians from doing so if they are incompetent and not capable enough to stop them keeping in check. India is not going to suffer because of uselessness of your government and your agencies.

At one end you say we want peace at another end you say we are incompetent against these agents and then you say you will also not do anything about it. And then say lets talk Kashmir and peace.

Kashmir will be brought into picture at all costs, whats the problem with it? Go for its solution, If India think that it can keep kashmir aside & talk, then GoI is pretty much wrong, Kashmir will be discussed & highlighted on every forum
now the question arises according to India who is master mind, there is duality here is as well, First master mind was Lakhvi & now Mastermind is Hafiz Saeed, Strange :coffee:

Kashmir has nothing to do with Mumbai. Mumbai is in Maharashtra not in kashmir.

Mam there are things in coarse of investigation. it is not like some revelation from god that you close your eyes and every thing becomes clear. There is trail which is followed....
What last them peace talks were going on i heard u ppl put claim on Gilgit & northern areas, don't lie plz :D

Man if people in RAW are like u then hats off for u, look here people we have got a person talking about covert operations even he has sorted out that there must be minimum 'collateral damage':rofl:
you think Pakistan will let go ur Covert ops & surgical strikes, come on man have some sense, please

hmmmmm :coffee:

Mam what is other option if you guys are not able to take any action and act as protectionists for these people.

If you think that the attacks in India from Pakistan soil are not justified then take action against them. If you are not able to or you are not capable of. Let India do it. What is there to hide.....
Unfortunately, the Indian are very comfortable in these ideas - best to let them continue in their ignorance is bliss routine, Pakistan continues to get stronger and stronger and Indian further removed from reality - when they wake up, we may still be interested -- or not.

The same comfortable ideas of Indians are just creating uncomfortable situation for them.
My dear get ur facts right, Indians first said that Lakhvi was master mind now thye have shifted their Claim to JuD chief, here another factor comes into play, there is not enough proof to convict JuD chief & moreover JuD has been involved in lot social work in Pakistan, well it be Earth quake of 2005 or recent IDP problem, then they have schools for orphans & the list goes on, with these many good things they are doing its not that simple to keep some one in custody, there is a public factor involved here, when there is just a 'cosmetic dossier' to convict him & Indians keep shifting the title of 'mastermind', India needs to provide more proof so that some one can be convicted
& yes after 26/11 i was hearing from every Channel & every Indian that unlike those parliament attacks this time there will be response coz Gov is under pressure from Public & Bla Bla, & Indian Media which was is a part of Problem rather than solution was discussing the military options, Bomb Mureedk, Commando action along LoC & god know what else, Indians need to understand that talks are the way out, putting conditions is now way out,what are we going to do if we won't talk push each other back to the stone age, Indian leaders must also take into account the the commitments made in Sharm Al Sheikh, how easily Indian establishment has turned away from its commitments

Lakhvi or Saeed their is evidences against them even if Pakistan considers them as Leads. It is bound to investigate further and book culprits.

The attacks by state or stateless actor (Pakistan claim) did happen from Pakistan soil so its for Pakistan to find out the truth. Stop blaming India for providing concrete facts. There has been enough of somersaults from Pakistan side.
India will not start talks until Pakistan takes action.

Any further such attacks from Pakistan will invite swift surgical response as India knows that Pakistan cannot stop terrorist activities from its own soil.

By this I do not want raise war hysteria but such response is quite natural.
Why responsible people discussing on another 26/11 type attack...
and it's effect ....
when 26/11 has already done lot of damages in relationship.....
Are all the RAW ppl like u, start Covert Operations :rofl:
ISI will sit & see u ppl doing Covert operations isn't it, seems u are infected by those TV Channels which run programs by title 'enough is enough':bounce:
Kashmir will be brought into picture at all costs, whats the problem with it? Go for its solution, If India think that it can keep kashmir aside & talk, then GoI is pretty much wrong, Kashmir will be discussed & highlighted on every forum
now the question arises according to India who is master mind, there is duality here is as well, First master mind was Lakhvi & now Mastermind is Hafiz Saeed, Strange :coffee:

All bluff against RAWno proofs I doubt whether Pakistans close allies believe it.

Why bring in Kashmir that is different subject.
ISI and agencies have already shown their incompetence when they are not able to control attacks in India originating from Pakistan.

As a matter of fact if they themselves are not involved then stop protecting them. If ISI thinks that they should be removed then I think they should not stop Indians from doing so if they are incompetent and not capable enough to stop them keeping in check. India is not going to suffer because of uselessness of your government and your agencies.

At one end you say we want peace at another end you say we are incompetent against these agents and then you say you will also not do anything about it. And then say lets talk Kashmir and peace.

What!!! U have been reading too much of Bharat Verma & Indian Defence Review, stop reading it :angry:
U want to say that ISI must let RAW operate in PAkistan, which is already involved in killing many innocent Pakistanis, is their supporting Baloch insurgency operating from Consulates in Afgh, , next day Pakistan can also make claim that this happened from India & India hasn't controlled them so now they must let ISI in, will u people let them in, In Samjhota Express Pakistani nationals were killed should we start claiming that it is concerned with Pak so let ISI or IB in, wat a utter BS...
U ppl first said Lakhvi is master many now master mind is Hafiz Saeed, i want to know how many times u ppl are going to change the master mind title ???
Give enough proof to convict & stop giving irresponsible statements like 'another plan is to carried out' & stick to one stance, in Sharm Al Sheikh the stance is differnet & once home it changes, First decide among your selves what are u ppl going to do

Kashmir has nothing to do with Mumbai. Mumbai is in Maharashtra not in kashmir.

Mam there are things in coarse of investigation. it is not like some revelation from god that you close your eyes and every thing becomes clear. There is trail which is followed....

Kshmir is an Issue & 26/11 is also an issue u cant escape any of 'em..

There is a problem about this 'Course of investigation' i.e. in this course of investigation Indians take too many U turns, i dont think i need to give u examples
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All bluff against RAWno proofs I doubt whether Pakistans close allies believe it.

Why bring in Kashmir that is different subject.

all Bluffs about 26/11, still David Miliband came to India & talked about Kashmir when the press Conference was some what 'solely' about 26/11 & then Indians termed his visit " A big Diplomatic Disaster" :coffee:( i love coffee)
Its not a flawed logic, It is based on individuals observation and thinking. If these butchers do not represent Pakistan then why your govt is still hesitating to take action against masterminds of 26/11.

Maybe because we lack a little something thats called conclusive evidence. Maybe because we have our hands full at the moment. Maybe because being seen as succumbing to harsh Indian pressure will backfire domestically and further upset the already fragile state of Pakistan’s politics. Maybe because we require some more convincing that India is committed to peace and compromise, instead of being content with sitting on its high horse and bullying us around. So if you’d take a leave from your customary arrogance in regards to Pakistan, swallow your contempt for a bit, you’ll get your answers.

India is better prepared for Mumbai type attacks and there will be a sure shot response next time. Last time the response was held back. I am afraid no Indian government can survive without surgical military response next time.

I believe what the auther is saying is that it would be a mistake. It will lead to war and probably a nuclear exchange. Simple as that. I don't think that were Mumbai to happen again India would attack Pakistan, 'surgicial' or otherwise. They'll just try to juice it as much as they can, because at the end of the day no one will support an Indian military attack on Pakistan based on the actions of terrorists. And also, despite how much the Indian government screams about it, no one believes those killers were sent by the Pakistani government.

I dont agree with this logic... this more sounds like Nuclear Blackmail... like..we will send and support terrorists (knowingly or unknowingly) ..but india shldn't do anything... what the hell is this?

How can we 'send' and 'support' terrorists 'unknowingly'? You're contradicting yourself. Yes India shouldn't do anything if it cares about actually defeating the terrorists. If the motivation behind attacking Pakistan is to vent some frustration against an old rival and show off some military muscle THEN you'd want to attack. But even there you'll be very disappointed with the results of confronting Pakistan militarily.

Pakistan..ask for unconditional talk...but asking for such a talk itself..is a big condition...IF pak has certain requirement for talk..then why not india ?

By saying that we don’t want you to attach conditions to talks we’re actually attaching a condition. Really? This is your argument? Are you sure you’ve thought it through?

Overall., one hard reality...yes we can't do much about Pak, unless otherwise they totally cut loose their beloved terrorists...

Your contributions have not been of a high quality so far. Don’t troll. Terrorists are beloved of India just as much to Pakistan it can easily be argued. Watch yourself while you’re here, consider this a fair warning.

Consider this, what options will Pakistan have left AFTER it has initiated nuclear war? expect the international community to step in and stop India? who would be willing to come in the way? China?(hint: '71, '99)

We’ll launch them once we’re sure that no one is coming. If the Indians make it to the Lahore-Karachi highway, nothing the Chinese or Americans say is going to matter. We’re responsible for our own security and it would be retarded to think that we made nuclear weapons only so other nations can come to our rescue AFTER we’ve used them on you.

Consider the author's own assessment, if India retaliates, Pakistan joins hands with the terrorists, gets hammered by the Indian military, uses nukes, and ends up committing national suicide. The war on terror will be compromised, the terrorists will gain ground in Pakistan, and the country would be torn to shreds.

I’m afraid you’re day dreaming again. If Pakistan would’ve been so easily ‘hammered’ into submission and action against terrorists by the Indian military then the temptation to attack would not have been resisted after Mumbai. We’re not just sitting here to be ‘hammered’ by you, we’ll do plenty of hammering ourselves. The only ones who’re gonna win are the terrorists. You really want that? Are you really retarded enough to think that ‘hammering’ Pakistan will make them stronger as opposed to weaker even IF it doesn’t come down to nukes? Did you even try to comprehend the point the author made here?

Pakistan won't press the losing button so easily, this is meant to comfort Pakistanis into thinking that they are permanently shielded by their nuclear arsenal.

Your whole logic is flawed. You say that nuclear weapons are only there as deterrent, and then you say that they’re just a deterrent so they shouldn’t deter us? That logic only applies if you think our nukes are fake. Not if they’re real and not if you have no idea when we’re going to use them, which they are and which you don’t.

Kashmir cannot be a prerequisite to peace, peace is a prerequisite to Kashmir

In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve had complete peace for a decade now, down to a ceasefire across the LoC. What more “peace” do you want? Anything more will remain elusive until you finally stop trying to ignore the elephant in the room and get down to some serious conflict resolution and peacemaking. Many wars have been fought and many conflicts have been resolved in this world, but NONE of them have accomplished peace without an addressing of the actual causes. Its like saying you won’t put out the fire until we get rid of all the smoke for you, and you’re not fooling anyone.
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If India stikes then this would be considered as action against non state actors rather then the attacks against people of Pakistan nor government of Pakistan because of their incompetence.

Pakistan retaliation would be considered as aggression towards people of India sending Pakistan into further isolation.

If Pakistan has problems with camps in Afghanistan then they should present the same to the world saying that these are causing troubles in Pakistan. India would be far more delighted to close them if it causes to the terrorism in Pakistan. But just the usual rant that they are doing it because I said so is of no use.
all Bluffs about 26/11, still David Miliband came to India & talked about Kashmir when the press Conference was some what 'solely' about 26/11 & then Indians termed his visit " A big Diplomatic Disaster" :coffee:( i love coffee)

Oh! did he deny Kasab was a non Pakistani citizen ?

Diplomatic bluff ? Its all interpretation of media. I said Kashmir is a separate subject.

Discuss about the title.
Oh! did he deny Kasab was a non Pakistani citizen ?

Diplomatic bluff ? Its all interpretation of media. I said Kashmir is a separate subject.

Discuss about the title.

I m not discussing Kashmir i gave example to RAW coz he brought it in u jumped in so i replied to u, thats it....
If India stikes then this would be considered as action against non state actors rather then the attacks against people of Pakistan nor government of Pakistan because of their incompetence.

Pakistan retaliation would be considered as aggression towards people of India sending Pakistan into further isolation.

If Pakistan has problems with camps in Afghanistan then they should present the same to the world saying that these are causing troubles in Pakistan. India would be far more delighted to close them if it causes to the terrorism in Pakistan. But just the usual rant that they are doing it because I said so is of no use.

tsk tsk tsk...
My advice for u please stop reading Bharat Verma, sorry to say but u have some serious Kiddo plans like him, U can't clap with one hand
What!!! U have been reading too much of Bharat Verma & Indian Defence Review, stop reading it :angry:
U want to say that ISI must let RAW operate in PAkistan, which is already involved in killing many innocent Pakistanis, is their supporting Baloch insurgency operating from Consulates in Afgh, , next day Pakistan can also make claim that this happened from India & India hasn't controlled them so now they must let ISI in, will u people let them in, In Samjhota Express Pakistani nationals were killed should we start claiming that it is concerned with Pak so let ISI or IB in, wat a utter BS...

The case of Samjhota express is within India not in Pakistan and if you are following the proceedings you will get to know what we are doing about it. It was Indians who conviceted purohit not Pakistan. We found the evidence about killing of Pakistanis within Indians involved.

As I said just saying does not mean anything till you present concrete evidence. You said that you have given evidence about Indian involvement and then turned back saying no such dossier is given to India. So it was failure on your part in Egypt when you excluded Kashmir and did not had Baluchistan also.
U ppl first said Lakhvi is master many now master mind is Hafiz Saeed, i want to know how many times u ppl are going to change the master mind title ???
Give enough proof to convict & stop giving irresponsible statements like 'another plan is to carried out' & stick to one stance, in Sharm Al Sheikh the stance is differnet & once home it changes, First decide among your selves what are u ppl going to do
As i said trials are not gods words that you have a revelation in day. There is a trail which is followed. The proof is enough as accepted by the world apart from people and government of Pakistan which continues to be in denial mode protecting these people for agression in India.

Kshmir is an Issue & 26/11 is also an issue u cant escape any of 'em..

There is a problem about this 'Course of investigation' i.e. in this course of investigation Indians take too many U turns, i dont think i need to give u examples

who said Kashmir is not an issue. But it has nothing to do with Mumbai. If you justify Mumbai with Kashmir then you are a psychopath.
tsk tsk tsk...
My advice for u please stop reading Bharat Verma, sorry to say but u have some serious Kiddo plans like him, U can't clap with one hand

It has nothing to do with Bharat verma or Zaid Hamid. there is no other options for the Indians to reply for the incompetence and uselessness of GOP and agencies like ISI which are not be control their own people...
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