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India can do nothing if there is another Mumbai

i think we should help of pakistan to erase out of tererrist from pakistan land
because pakistan army is incapable to do that..
what u ppl thik?

And you can shove the help up yours and your kinds ***. Because as much as you are dying to see it happening, it really isnt going to happen so stop day dreaming and watching too much Indian media.
The article is day dreaming it by default assumes India is not prepared. India may not be prepared to counter attack against the terrorists who sneaked-in but its military can attack known targets in its source which is very much visible.

its true we are day dreaming here about the attack and the response and counter nuclear attacks ......

You Indians really have an over rated estimation of your armed forces capabilities and believe me insecurity is much better then a false sense of security in your case false sense of over rated capabilities being displayed here. How about you re read about what certain Indian defence analyst have to say about the capabilities of Indian armed forces and the implication of going on with such a misadventure against Pakistan.
And you can shove the help up yours and your kinds ***. Because as much as you are dying to see it happening, it really isnt going to happen so stop day dreaming and watching too much Indian media.

Just one question?

Is Pakistan capable or not or is not planning to take out these camps?

PS: Pakistan has already accepted their existence.
GoI can use other options also for safeguarding its interest for example identify and assasinate non state actors.. It will just make things simple for both of us(India & Pakistan)..

If it was so easy u ppl would not have given it a second Thought :coffee:

There is only one way out i.e. Dialogue without any conditions on the basis of equality
And doing tit for tat will not yeild results by Indians doing the same in Pakistan.

You are already doing it(baluchistan)have already done it(EastPakistan). So i'll suggest you to get off from that moral high horse of yours and face the reality.
And as for Pakistan not doing anything, well Pakistan is doing everything to curtail such elements but we too have a judiciary process which requires evidence which Pakistan is constantly requesting from India but either we get refused as was the case initailly or sent a carbon copy of the previous dossier. And dont just expect us to over run every institution just because India says so. If you have a issue of trust deficit, its your headache, pakistan has done everything to remove the trust deficit but like they say it, its either our way or the highway, choice is yours.
Just one question?

Is Pakistan capable or not or is not planning to take out these camps?

I dont think i need to answer you this question specially since you can see what happened in Swat.

PS: Pakistan has already accepted their existence.

And Pakistan doing everything to curtail these non state actors from banning these organizations to arresting suspects based on Indian information provided.
You are already doing it(baluchistan)have already done it(EastPakistan). So i'll suggest you to get off from that moral high horse of yours and face the reality.
And as for Pakistan not doing anything, well Pakistan is doing everything to curtail such elements but we too have a judiciary process which requires evidence which Pakistan is constantly requesting from India but either we get refused as was the case initailly or sent a carbon copy of the previous dossier. And dont just expect us to over run every institution just because India says so. If you have a issue of trust deficit, its your headache, pakistan has done everything to remove the trust deficit but like they say it, its either our way or the highway, choice is yours.

First come out of the attitude of accept India is involved because "We say so". None of Indian institutions have accepted it neither anyone in the world. So it is baseless

Second Musharaaf and Government of Pakistan has already accepted the presence of these camps which cause terror in India. So clean your house first.

Regarding evidence and your judiciary I think Pakistan judiciary is the only judiciary in the world which needs more proofs when the same has been accepted by world and of course by UN to be creditable. Pakistan banned organization not for good will but because of pressure. Pakistan is acting more of protectionist for Haafeez Saed by providing him government security on the name of arrest and inviting him to army Iftar parties. This itself shows the closeness of him with GOP.
First come out of the attitude of accept India is involved because "We say so". None of Indian institutions have accepted it neither anyone in the world. So it is baseless

Second Musharaaf and Government of Pakistan has already accepted the presence of these camps which cause terror in India. So clean your house first.

Regarding evidence and your judiciary I think Pakistan judiciary is the only judiciary in the world which needs more proofs when the same has been accepted by world and of course by UN to be creditable. Pakistan banned organization not for good will but because of pressure. Pakistan is acting more of protectionist for Haafeez Saed by providing him government security on the name of arrest and inviting him to army Iftar parties. This itself shows the closeness of him with GOP.

More BS. What UN did was nothing short of being biased and one sided, Pakistan could have easily protested and reject this one way under pressure UN resolution however we did the complete opposite and banned the organization in Pakistan with sealing their assets and making arrest however just because India did not give enough evidence to keep Hafiz sayeed behind bars, the fault does not lie with us.
As for your initail post its nothing short of misguided form being sold to Indian public. Pakistan accepted that there might be some non state actors who might have used its soil not that there are camps in pakistan used for this purpose. Dont twist the words to suit your Indian flavor. As for the non state actors Pakistan acted immediately and is acting accordingly in the light of every dossier that India presents. So i dont understand what is this whining for. As for Hafiz Saeed, you guys still have not provided anything substantial for us to arrest Saeed.This is the same reason Rahman Malik offered debate to your minister over the issue, too bad he chickned out.:lol:

On a side dont you see the irony here, Indians talking about UN resolutions.:disagree:
More BS. What UN did was nothing short of being biased and one sided, Pakistan could have easily protested and reject this one way under pressure UN resolution however we did the complete opposite and banned the organization in Pakistan with sealing their assets and making arrest however just because India did not give enough evidence to keep Hafiz sayeed behind bars, the fault does not lie with us.
As for your initail post its nothing short of misguided form being sold to Indian public. Pakistan accepted that there might be some non state actors who might have used its soil not that there are camps in pakistan used for this purpose. Dont twist the words to suit your Indian flavor. As for the non state actors Pakistan acted immediately and is acting accordingly in the light of every dossier that India presents. So i dont understand what is this whining for. As for Hafiz Saeed, you guys still have not provided anything substantial for us to arrest Saeed.This is the same reason Rahman Malik offered debate to your minister over the issue, too bad he chickned out.:lol:

On a side dont you see the irony here, Indians talking about UN resolutions.:disagree:

As I said it is short only for Pakistan judiciary. Rest of the world has already accepted it. As far as debate is concerned no issue can be resolved with debates its just waste of time. If it was the solution then no need of war we can have Indian Intellectuals from the industry (which are far better in selling anything to anyone) to discuss Kashmir and every damn thing. It does not serve any purpose. Comments from Malik are of some frustrated kid.
The JUD and LET are different organizations, LET is banned in Pakistan and declared terrorist...
JUD has done a lot of charity work and publicly denounces LET...without conclusive evidence, GOP cannot and should not do anything stupid regarding JUD...we already have too much at our hands...

The arrest of JUD officials was not a typical arrest but under a special law about public order and that is temporary thing...does not grant the GOP unlimited time duration...without evidence as deemed fit by the court of law...judiciary will give decision against prosecution even if GOP thinks Hafiz Saeed is involved...they need evidence...

You think it is that easy to do this all without solid evidence?

India says it has provided evidence but i will tell you one thing, a confession from Kasab is not the same as a confession from Saeed or any other person...it cannot be taken as definitive evidence in the court of law...not without supporting evidence which establishes a link and communication of JUD currently accused leaders with Kasab and gang...

Had this solid evidence been there the GOP and agencies would crack down hard because whoever did this nearly destroyed Pakistan and India both...

Can you consider for one moment what an ill timed operation this was against Pakistan as well?
Think about it with a cool mind...we were being blown to bits by the TTP in all our cities...you think we were chilling out?
Had our Army been forced to fight the Indians...what do you think would have been done by TTP and their mercenaries?
They would have stabbed Pakistan in the back and finished us off...as simple as that...with Pakistan drained by fighting India...even if there was no nuclear exchange...TTP would have finished any notion of resistance in SWAT and tribal areas...

Somebody wanted to make sure that the subcontinent is finished...it is time we realize that there are other players as well who may be threatened by this region...

I know there are terrorist organizations in India as well, let us say that one of them strikes Pakistan tomorrow, in similar manner...do you think that is impossible?
I mean same organizations have done a lot of killings in India as well so India is their victim but if tomorrow they become international...does it mean we fight a war with India?

I implore you all to realize that whoever was the mastermind of this operation is the biggest enemy of Pakistan as well...however we cannot take action without something linking Saeed or whatever with the terrorists, something which is as per standard requirement in the court of law...no matter how much we think who is responsible or what current evidence may indirectly imply...indirect implication would only result in temporary detention as it did...however it cannot be permanent...

The world has also said that GOP and ISI have nothing to do with this...

Kindly try to understand this aspect and the fact that terrorists are being fought in Pakistan without any exemption...however we cannot be blind to the requirements of the court in such sensitive matters...
As I said it is short only for Pakistan judiciary. Rest of the world has already accepted it. As far as debate is concerned no issue can be resolved with debates its just waste of time. If it was the solution then no need of war we can have Indian Intellectuals from the industry (which are far better in selling anything to anyone) to discuss Kashmir and every damn thing. It does not serve any purpose. Comments from Malik are of some frustrated kid.

Oh rather its the other way round, the way your whole sarkar keeps on whining and the way we have seen Indians reacting on this thread, it isnt hard enough to find out whos being the frustrated kid here.
The JUD and LET are different organizations, LET is banned in Pakistan and declared terrorist...
JUD has done a lot of charity work and publicly denounces LET...without conclusive evidence, GOP cannot and should not do anything stupid regarding JUD...we already have too much at our hands...

The arrest of JUD officials was not a typical arrest but under a special law about public order and that is temporary thing...does not grant the GOP unlimited time duration...without evidence as deemed fit by the court of law...judiciary will give decision against prosecution even if GOP thinks Hafiz Saeed is involved...they need evidence...

You think it is that easy to do this all without solid evidence?

India says it has provided evidence but i will tell you one thing, a confession from Kasab is not the same as a confession from Saeed or any other person...it cannot be taken as definitive evidence in the court of law...not without supporting evidence which establishes a link and communication of JUD currently accused leaders with Kasab and gang...

Had this solid evidence been there the GOP and agencies would crack down hard because whoever did this nearly destroyed Pakistan and India both...

Can you consider for one moment what an ill timed operation this was against Pakistan as well?
Think about it with a cool mind...we were being blown to bits by the TTP in all our cities...you think we were chilling out?
Had our Army been forced to fight the Indians...what do you think would have been done by TTP and their mercenaries?
They would have stabbed Pakistan in the back and finished us off...as simple as that...with Pakistan drained by fighting India...even if there was no nuclear exchange...TTP would have finished any notion of resistance in SWAT and tribal areas...

Somebody wanted to make sure that the subcontinent is finished...it is time we realize that there are other players as well who may be threatened by this region...

I know there are terrorist organizations in India as well, let us say that one of them strikes Pakistan tomorrow, in similar manner...do you think that is impossible?
I mean same organizations have done a lot of killings in India as well so India is their victim but if tomorrow they become international...does it mean we fight a war with India?

I implore you all to realize that whoever was the mastermind of this operation is the biggest enemy of Pakistan as well...however we cannot take action without something linking Saeed or whatever with the terrorists, something which is as per standard requirement in the court of law...no matter how much we think who is responsible or what current evidence may indirectly imply...indirect implication would only result in temporary detention as it did...however it cannot be permanent...

The world has also said that GOP and ISI have nothing to do with this...

Kindly try to understand this aspect and the fact that terrorists are being fought in Pakistan without any exemption...however we cannot be blind to the requirements of the court in such sensitive matters...

Its no good all green. They are so much fed with their media and sarkar propaganda that no matter what Pakistan does, we will still be seen as the bad guys. All rationalism and logic is thrown out of the window when it comes to Pakistan.:disagree:
You Indians really have an over rated estimation of your armed forces capabilities and believe me insecurity is much better then a false sense of security in your case false sense of over rated capabilities being displayed here. How about you re read about what certain Indian defence analyst have to say about the capabilities of Indian armed forces and the implication of going on with such a misadventure against Pakistan.

Oh! you misread the thread it was in reply to the title.

Capabilities will matter only after the terrorist attacks happen which is as per title, and do not depend on Najam sethi's report. Response and counter response may be already planned.

Buts as for now it is all in air.
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