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India being left out of Afghan matrix


With the US and Nato forces getting ready to withdraw as early as next year, New Delhi has to look at a situation where president Hamid Karzai and his people are no longer in control and the Taliban would once again call the shots.

“Unless India prepares for the time when the American’s pull out, we will not be in a position to face the political crisis that it will trigger,” former foreign secretary Lalit Mansingh said.

He suggested that one way to do so was to revive the India-Russia-Iran axis which supported the Northern Alliance and played an important role in helping the US dislodge the Taliban in 2001.
Power sharing is definitely a probable outcome. Can u elaborate on how the integration of Taliban is a win-win situation (for India)? As far as i know India's position is ruthlessly Anti-Taliban. I don't think either country will sacrifice its interests.

there is no such thing as 'ruthlessly anti-taliban' in any foreign policy. i have posted a news in strategic section from which you can see that pakistan has starting talking to northern alliance to work out a possible new set up in which talibans will also be a part.
with northern alliance not going anywhere india can easily interact with them and slowly soften her stance on taliban by increasing dialogue with them.
though in the short run it looks like a severe blow to india but with time india will regain its lost ground especially in terms of trade. afghanistan will definitely need to rebuild her infrastructure with which india can help a lot more than pakistan.

with this new setup, afghanistan will not be sub state of any state but rather a friendly country to both of us. well i should say to the whole of region.
there is no such thing as 'ruthlessly anti-taliban' in any foreign policy. i have posted a news in strategic section from which you can see that pakistan has starting talking to northern alliance to work out a possible new set up in which talibans will also be a part.
with northern alliance not going anywhere india can easily interact with them and slowly soften her stance on taliban by increasing dialogue with them.
though in the short run it looks like a severe blow to india but with time india will regain its lost ground especially in terms of trade. afghanistan will definitely need to rebuild her infrastructure with which india can help a lot more than pakistan.

with this new setup, afghanistan will not be sub state of any state but rather a friendly country to both of us. well i should say to the whole of region.

Im sorry mate few people share that optimism of yours, for india and Pakistan Afghanistan is at the core of their strategic ineterests...Whichever country holds Afghanistan will dominate the foreign policies, economic policies and regional politics not only within this region but will also gain a powerful foothold to project itself globally..If India gains Afghanistan, they wont be there to spread flowers and build roads they're strategic interests will lie in effectively cutting the threshold between china and pakistan and will be in a much better position to assert there power and policies over Pakistan becuase they will pretty much have cornered us from all sides, as a Pakistani thats one outcome i certainly dont want happeneing.

If Pakistan gains its influence back, it will benefit a lot .. now im not even mentioning the incentives it is being offered to bring talibs and the alliance to an agreement, the edge that it will give it over India will be a decesive factor in all the our foreign policies, regarding kashmir, water and what not.

Now im sure you guys have read all the reports and what not, but here's the bottom line without Pakistan there will be no peace in Afghanistan... And no matter how much development India or any other country does its useless to bringing peace in Afghanistan because only Pakistan can bring stability to that country, for it is the only country who has sway over the parties involved in conflict.
well im not saying anything much different. if you havent noticed, under this new set-up not only taliban but also northern alliance will be in the gov. though this will give pakistan a big edge in the short run but also wont close all doors for india. india will regain its ground on friendly terms by investing in infrastructure.

this is the ideal situation which should come out of this whole set-up but definitely many actors would like to have complete influence which i dont think will be possible anymore
well im not saying anything much different. if you havent noticed, under this new set-up not only taliban but also northern alliance will be in the gov. though this will give pakistan a big edge in the short run but also wont close all doors for india. india will regain its ground on friendly terms by investing in infrastructure.

this is the ideal situation which should come out of this whole set-up but definitely many actors would like to have complete influence which i dont think will be possible anymore

it should be the end goal and it is the only way peace can be maintained here...if a joint talib alliance government is made to work with each other, eventually they will go back to fighting again..the only way to prevent this is to stop foreign influences, even if they are under goodwill from creeping back into Afghanistan. First if India is kicked out of Afghanistan they wont come back to build roads, there strategy will be to creep back in and try to build up they're influence...same goes for Pakistan if they are curbed out of Afghanistan they wont take lightly to it and are bound by their interests to deter India's influence..so you see the Afghanis are walking on a very thin rope here and so are the rest of us
Why doesn't India focus more on its immediate neighbours, Nepal, Butan, Myanmar, and Bangladesh? Why is India so obsessed about Central Asia? Even Nehru and his daughter were so obsessed about NWFP, because it is a gateway to Central Asia.

With the US and Nato forces getting ready to withdraw as early as next year, New Delhi has to look at a situation where president Hamid Karzai and his people are no longer in control and the Taliban would once again call the shots.

“Unless India prepares for the time when the American’s pull out, we will not be in a position to face the political crisis that it will trigger,” former foreign secretary Lalit Mansingh said.

He suggested that one way to do so was to revive the India-Russia-Iran axis which supported the Northern Alliance and played an important role in helping the US dislodge the Taliban in 2001.

Thats funny. Iran sees Israel and U.S. as its biggest threat, not taliban anymore...and india is israels' closest ally and voted against Iran in the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2005 under pressure from its' Western allies, also India backed out of the IPI.

And Russia today is getting closer to China.

India belongs in South Asia, far away from Central Asia.

it should be the end goal and it is the only way peace can be maintained here...if a joint talib alliance government is made to work with each other, eventually they will go back to fighting again..the only way to prevent this is to stop foreign influences, even if they are under goodwill from creeping back into Afghanistan. First if India is kicked out of Afghanistan they wont come back to build roads, there strategy will be to creep back in and try to build up they're influence...same goes for Pakistan if they are curbed out of Afghanistan they wont take lightly to it and are bound by their interests to deter India's influence..so you see the Afghanis are walking on a very thin rope here and so are the rest of us

1: yes they will fight if they are left on their own. but not if they are ruled by someone who is acceptable to both of them. i dont remember the name but in this other news there was a name of a son of some King. it will be quite tricky but if worked out somehow it will be best

2: which country will do wat once it looses phase 1 is not what i am talking about. wat i am talking about is what they should do to keep them relevant. this crave for complete influence in afghanistan will not be gud in long run
Thats funny. Iran sees Israel and U.S. as its biggest threat, not taliban anymore...and india is israels' closest ally and voted against Iran in the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2005 under pressure from its' Western allies, also India backed out of the IPI.

I think the only perspective that Iran and India share is that there is no "good" Taliban and bad Taliban. Iran takes the position that involving the Taliban would worsen the regional situation.

Afghanistan to top India-Iran talks - India - The Times of India

On the other hand India Iran relations are not at their best as you pointed out.. I would also like to point out that India has had a harrowing experience with the Taliban(1999 Kandahar Hijack).. It wont be easy coming to terms with recent developments . But there may be no other option. Interesting situation:agree:
Dont forget how public opinion is against Pakistan in Afghanistan. That is all what counts and is the most important issue.

only y the people who were against Pakistan will now have another survey in favor o f Pakistan, u should know how it works, look at the elections, who won and who was favorite, that should tell u something about surveys
India has had good relations with Afghanistan and the ruling establishment since 1947 till the fall of Najibullah's govt. in '93. Najibullah's family members took shelter in Indian consulates and later took asylum in India. After that there was anarchy, and later when the Taliban took over, almost no country in the world including neighbors like Iran, the CARs and Turkey did not have working relationship with Afghanistan.

And for a Pakistani to dictate who can and can't help Afghans is again a foreigner dictating the Afghans, I would assume something highly unplatable to the Afghans, including pashtoons.

a mere rant.
I would be much obliged if you could tell me what is incorrect in what I said.

Isn't it true that only Pakistan, UAE and KSA recognized the Taliban. And Iran and CARs were actively involved in opposing the Taliban.

Ahmed Rashid's book Taliban is one of the main sources that I have based what I have said this on. He has been reporting for this region for the past 25 years.
I would be much obliged if you could tell me what is incorrect in what I said.

Isn't it true that only Pakistan, UAE and KSA recognized the Taliban. And Iran and CARs were actively involved in opposing the Taliban.

Ahmed Rashid's book Taliban is one of the main sources that I have based what I have said this on. He has been reporting for this region for the past 25 years.

Ejaz u r wrong million percent,

let me set the record stright for you from now own.

Talibans were created on the request by you know who, and as we were requested we could only do it if we recognised them, do you not understand that how could Pakistan ask a group of people to fight one of the best Army in the world and not recognise them.

India was a full supporter of Russians invation and now it is plying a clever game that if they were always for Afghans and it is two face by not stepping up to tell that Russia duing their invation killed 2.5 million afghans were wrong and that India was wrong in suporting Russians in their failed adventure, how can India live with itself.

Iran was opposed for its interests about shia/sunny problem created by those who like to see disunity in Muslims. And play their game like puppets. CAR is part of the same game.

Let me ask u a question?

What did Pakistan gain out of Talibans, other than thousands of pakistani killed. We had our heart at the right place for not allowing Russians, a communist entity to take over Afghanistan, of coarse our brothers, Pashtuns played a big role in it. But they been doing this for this area for centuries.

I have not read Rashid's book but if he undermined Talibans, he is not right. I also think that the whole world should have stepped up and recognise talibans, this mess would have not taken place had they done this, but they left this mess only for Pakistan to tackle.

Now I am not a suporter of Talibans, but if they tell me the truth I will accept it, and the truth starts when Europeans consorsium came to Afghanistan to help them during their rule and instead of promising help to feed hungry childern and built school.

They decided to repair Statues, now i am all for preserving history, but first thing first and that is to feed childern, talibans in their anger destroyed Statues, I donot condone their action of destroying statues, they did not however destroy all of the statues, there are still many left.

But why would Europeans consorsium commit to statues, when urgent help is needed for living. This kind of act i would say will not win people over, they had a differant agenda than the one neccesary to solve the problem at hand.


Dr. Munir Elkassem exposes world hypocrisy regarding reaction to Taliban

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only y the people who were against Pakistan will now have another survey in favor o f Pakistan, u should know how it works, look at the elections, who won and who was favorite, that should tell u something about surveys

I havent got a clue what you mean by this post? When they conduct a poll, they ask questions randomly from people, no matter who they are. and the poll was coducted in 34 provinces. and now, if you dont accept that pakistan is not having good image in afghanistan then it is your choice and you can burry your face in the sand as much as you like, but that's not gona help you.

About the election, i dont know what you mean? who won and who lost? what is that? the election had alot of difficulties, the current was rightly accused of vote rigging in the south, and the election was truely danted by this fraud. although the election in the north, central parts, most of east and all of west were fair and free.

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