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India being left out of Afghan matrix


Just a small suggestion.. share you POV also apart from sharing news... For example i have no idea why you shared this news here??? What do you want to discuss??

The point of the above report is to show, "How quickly things are changing for India in Afghanistan, despite spending millions of our hard earned cash, there." Indian leaders must know that cash is not the ONLY gel known to modern civilization, understanding and appreciating the (Afghan) IDEOLOGY is also a crucial aspect of modern worl order."

I try to put my POV whenever I have time to do so. Many times I post a topic to share it among the friends here. It take a lot more time to write and continue with the discussion. I normally avoid long discussion that are mostly unfruitful, or end up what was said at start ups of the thread. Second most of the people just use so much rant, slang and foul language, it become impossible to continue with reasonable arguments.

I hope I have put my point across.

If Nato wasn't in Afghanistan, there won't be an Indian presence in Afghanistan too. That is FACT.

Its best India packs up and leaves then n there, they are all marked dead men. You have to realize, there is an India that is our enemy because of the Kashmir issue, then there is an India that is the enemy from Afghanistan that is support TTP and killing innocent men, women and children by bombing our streets and homes on a monthly basis.

There is open talk in Pakistan that we should just have all Indian positions in Afghanistan bombed, all consulates bombed, all consular offices bombed, all visa desks offices bombed, all documentation "warehouses" bombed. All the 126 offices opened in Afghanistan by the government of India - bombed!

We would do it the first chance we get. Make no mistake about it. Pakistani lives are at stake!
If Nato wasn't in Afghanistan, there won't be an Indian presence in Afghanistan too. That is FACT.

Sir, the statement is itself an assumption as this scenario has not yet developed. :what:

Its best India packs up and leaves then n there, they are all marked dead men. You have to realize, there is an India that is our enemy because of the Kashmir issue, then there is an India that is the enemy from Afghanistan that is support TTP and killing innocent men, women and children by bombing our streets and homes on a monthly basis.

Whether India should leave Afghanistan or not, this is a matter between those two nations. :)
And there is no credible evidences about Indian involvement in TTP apart from conspiracy theories and vague statement. :argh:

There is open talk in Pakistan that we should just have all Indian positions in Afghanistan bombed, all consulates bombed, all consular offices bombed, all visa desks offices bombed, all documentation "warehouses" bombed. All the 126 offices opened in Afghanistan by the government of India - bombed!

Please do it ASAP. :D
With all due respect, I assume you would be knowing the meaning of bombing foreign consulates that too on foreign soil. :hitwall:

We would do it the first chance we get. Make no mistake about it. Pakistani lives are at stake!

I am waiting. :coffee:
Attacks in Pakistan are sad but bombing a foreign place (that too without any proof) is just a bit much.
Aray Bhai?!!?? WHO IS INDIA in Afghanistan?? Despite all the hoopla and its covert espionage efforts, India will never succeed in its nefarious designs to control Afghanistan in the proverbial ''surround your enemy strategy''. History shows that India has never been a regional player in the great game played numerous times in Afghanistan so why should it be given importance now? The world powers know that very well which is the reason why India has been ignored in the London Conference.

Historically Afghanistan has been our backyard and will remain so for centuries to come despite the unnecessary wandering of a few pests every decade or so!

Dont forget how public opinion is against Pakistan in Afghanistan. That is all what counts and is the most important issue.
India has had good relations with Afghanistan and the ruling establishment since 1947 till the fall of Najibullah's govt. in '93. Najibullah's family members took shelter in Indian consulates and later took asylum in India. After that there was anarchy, and later when the Taliban took over, almost no country in the world including neighbors like Iran, the CARs and Turkey did not have working relationship with Afghanistan.

And for a Pakistani to dictate who can and can't help Afghans is again a foreigner dictating the Afghans, I would assume something highly unplatable to the Afghans, including pashtoons.
If Nato wasn't in Afghanistan, there won't be an Indian presence in Afghanistan too. That is FACT.

Its best India packs up and leaves then n there, they are all marked dead men. You have to realize, there is an India that is our enemy because of the Kashmir issue, then there is an India that is the enemy from Afghanistan that is support TTP and killing innocent men, women and children by bombing our streets and homes on a monthly basis.

There is open talk in Pakistan that we should just have all Indian positions in Afghanistan bombed, all consulates bombed, all consular offices bombed, all visa desks offices bombed, all documentation "warehouses" bombed. All the 126 offices opened in Afghanistan by the government of India - bombed!

We would do it the first chance we get. Make no mistake about it. Pakistani lives are at stake!

Indians and India will mark your words. Try to touch one single Indian and we will make sure that proper retaliation will take place.
No doubt you are talking like a terrorist who is threatening Indian mission in Afghanistan.

But whenever there will be an attack on Indian mission in Afghanistan we will see how many Pakistanis will lie to refuse their role in those attacks. This is what you all were doing before. Its good to know that now you are upfront with your objectives.

I think you have said what ever you wanted to say there is nothing left to speak.

Interestingly typical Pakistani cards are prematurely shown on the table by you but NATO forces are still there and still fighting your pawns even at this time.
As far as India is concerned we have nothing to worry about when ever packing our bags will be required to leave that nation again in the hands of destructive/notorious regime.

Presence of India in Afghanistan was a matter of humiliation for Pakistan not a threat. What Proof less Pakistan is speaking against our mission in Afghanistan is like G.Bush speaking about WMD in Iraq.

Furthermore Indian involvement in Afghanistan was voluntarily and well balanced. We have never trusted US or NATO and their ever changing policies for Afghanistan on and off the record. Even when our consulates were attacked we never seek physical assistance from forces.
If i could ever give you and your associates a benefit of doubt then i would like to throw a open challenge to tell me who has done more damage to Pakistan by sitting in Afghanistan, US or India.

Your lives and prestige must be at stake and your itching might be now malignant to level your scores with Afghan people. But Indian has nothing at stake we'll pack our bags and get the hell out of there.
To say that Indian presence in afghanistan is due to nato forces is just declaring one's ignorance of history.

About the threats, well they are words, i can talk trash, but whats the point? I'm not even frustrated to vent it.
Asim you have just done something many Indians on this board have been banned in the past and recently for ..... make overtly aggressive terrorist-style statements about killing, bombing, maiming and dismembering .... people and assets of the enemy country, represented by members here.

Does the fact that you are a pakistani and sapere aude (whatever that means .... though ur avtar and the general sound of it conjures up an image of master sapera ..... as in sapere ka auda ..... meant in the most awestruck respectful way of course!) give you immunity here?

Please don't bother replying to my rhetorical question ..... most of us know the answer anyways.

Cheers, Doc
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May be just like condoning attacks on Indian forces in Kashmir is considered Fair game, Asim considers Afghanistan too as a disputed territory and Indian embassies as occupying forces..
Dont forget how public opinion is against Pakistan in Afghanistan. That is all what counts and is the most important issue.

Which Afghanistan 'public' are you talking about? The majority Pakhtoon Afghanistan considers Pakistan as their second home. A few Persian Afghans in the Government (like that dual named Abdullah Abdullah idiot!) who have their families living in India and being financed by the Indian Government may tend to think on the lines you say but other than that, Afghanistan & Pakistan are like wrist & fist of the same arm!!:smokin:

Hamid Karzai was the owner of a famous Kabul Restaurant (whose CHOLLU KEBAB and AFGHAN TIKKA still rocks man! Yum Yum!) in Jinnah Super Market in Islamabad before he became the President of Aghanistan. He still has, like other Afghans, many business interests still in Pakistan and Peshawar. Enough Said!
I think the most crucial thing is will the GoP or more specifically the ISI be able to reconcile the Afghan Taliban particularly mullah omar and co.

My gut feeling is not because they have rejected similar overtures in the past. I don't see any reason for them to accept this now. What is the ISI offering them to do so. They don't want a democratically elected govt. but a one party dictatorship. And here the ISI can't deliver.

Anyways, lets see if the Taliban do accept talks or not. I guess it will be another test of ISI's capabilities if they are sucessful
If Nato wasn't in Afghanistan, there won't be an Indian presence in Afghanistan too. That is FACT.

Its best India packs up and leaves then n there, they are all marked dead men. You have to realize, there is an India that is our enemy because of the Kashmir issue, then there is an India that is the enemy from Afghanistan that is support TTP and killing innocent men, women and children by bombing our streets and homes on a monthly basis.

There is open talk in Pakistan that we should just have all Indian positions in Afghanistan bombed, all consulates bombed, all consular offices bombed, all visa desks offices bombed, all documentation "warehouses" bombed. All the 126 offices opened in Afghanistan by the government of India - bombed!

We would do it the first chance we get. Make no mistake about it. Pakistani lives are at stake!

Never expected from you!

You look like your avatar. TOTALLY BLIND!


Pakistan makes no excuses, as long as we even suspect Indian military presence in Afghanistan (as we openly say is the case today), we will continue with our own meddling to counteract India's influence.

So if you want a stable Afghanistan, keep India out, and we'll stay out as well.

Why was India let in the first Place ? Its because Afghanistan is a sovereign state which takes decision on its own.
Which Afghanistan 'public' are you talking about? The majority Pakhtoon Afghanistan considers Pakistan as their second home. A few Persian Afghans in the Government (like that dual named Abdullah Abdullah idiot!) who have their families living in India and being financed by the Indian Government may tend to think on the lines you say but other than that, Afghanistan & Pakistan are like wrist & fist of the same arm!!:smokin:

Hamid Karzai was the owner of a famous Kabul Restaurant (whose CHOLLU KEBAB and AFGHAN TIKKA still rocks man! Yum Yum!) in Jinnah Super Market in Islamabad before he became the President of Aghanistan. He still has, like other Afghans, many business interests still in Pakistan and Peshawar. Enough Said!

Yes, I am talking about public, they have a very very negative idea of pakistan, and the pakhtoons you are talking about are not majority but the largest ethnic group which are 2 different cocepts. And abdullah? he is himself a Pashtoon but has his bases among Tajiks which are the second larget group in Afghanistan. Karzai himself a pashtoon is not fond of pakistan. Yes, people of afghanistan have life in pakistan due to their long stay in that country, but that will never change their mind about the negative policies of paksitan, especially pashtoons who consider NWFP as their own land which was stolen by paksitan, so stop ethnicizing the issues when you deal with afghanistan, otherwise you'll lose it all. you guys have already pushed non pashtoons away and the pashtoons dont like you because of durand line anyway.
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