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India being left out of Afghan matrix


Dec 5, 2009
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India being left out of Afghan matrix

Gets Kudos For Massive Civilian Assistance, But May Have Little Role In Future

Indrani Bagchi | TNN

New Delhi: The US and UK want out of Afghanistan so they are looking for “friendly” Taliban to do deals with. Pakistan, Taliban and al-Qaida too want the US out of Afghanistan so they can go back to doing what they were doing before the Americans invaded.
Increasingly, Hamid Karzai, sullen and soured with the US, too wants to do a deal with the Taliban. That leaves India — with the biggest civilian assistance presence in Afghanistan — which doesn’t want the Taliban back in the saddle. But while everybody waxes eloquent about India’s assistance, nobody gives it the time of day when it comes to Afghanistan’s future. :azn:
At the London conference for Afghanistan starting on Thursday, the focus will be on re-energising a programme of reconciliation and reintegration of the Taliban within the establishment. Karzai supports this, while the Pakistani ISI is ready with its list of Taliban “contacts” to become the “honest” mediator between the west and Taliban, increasing their cache and their nuisance value. The new development has sparked off a debate within the MEA and PMO about India’s role and aim in Afghanistan.
In a sign of how serious the west has become, on Wednesday, the UN removed five top Taliban commanders from its sanctions list to make a reconciliation easier. They include former foreign minister Abdul Wakil Muttawakil, former deputy foreign affairs minister Abdul Hakim, former deputy commerce minister Faiz Mohammad Faizan, a former official under the Taliban Shams-us-Safa and Mohammad Musa. They were under travel bans and assets freeze under UNSCR 1267.
In a recent interview, Mullah Omar’s former trainer, retired brigadier from the Pakistan army Sultan Tarar, who goes by the name ‘Colonel Imam’, clearly said Omar was “open” to talks with the west. “If a sincere message comes from the Americans, these people (the Taliban) are very bighearted. They will listen. But if you try to divide the Taliban, you’ll fail. Anyone who leaves Mullah Omar is no more Taliban. Such people are just trying to deceive,” said Tarar.
The conference will announce the setting up of a big international fund — possibly $500 million — managed by the UK and Japan to pay lower level Taliban fighters to switch sides.
Im skeptical about Mullah Omar himself being open to talks. That would mean that he would have reconciled with the fact that his idea of a so called "Islamic state" with one party rule (i.e. Taliban) as a dictatorship was wrong; which would be welcome. And also that he is willing to participate in the democratic process.

What would be more likely is that some mid low level Taliban leaders would reconcile with the Afghan govt. in which case they would cease being "taliban".

Besides, I don't see the Mullah Omar faction of the Afghan Taliban being particularly happy with the ISI et al either. They probably consider them as double crossers and unreliable partners because of their U-turn post 9/11
It is something that had to happen. India jumped into some thing completely unnecessary and unrelated just for its own interest. UN was on war with Talibans, Pakistan is fighting with a different bread of Taliban and also its border state shared the culture with them and above that Pakistan, US and other Nato nations are into it because of the the Russian invasion of 1980's, and it is actually a left over mess of that episode.
So, the main characters are:
and other Nato nations.
where the hell India comes in from, answer nowhere. It dragged itself In.
And of course there was a warm welcome because the countries involved thought of lessening their financial load by putting bits of it on some one else(India). And now the purpose is served and they are moving back to pavilion.
Besides, I don't see the Mullah Omar faction of the Afghan Taliban being particularly happy with the ISI et al either. They probably consider them as double crossers and unreliable partners because of their U-turn post 9/11

I doubt that.....pakistan has been helping the real taliban all along and protecting mullah omar......flight out of kunduz being one example of the pak army helping the taliban.
We all knew a long while back that the US would pull out and the taliban would stage a comeback,which they have done with pakistani help.
Besides, I don't see the Mullah Omar faction of the Afghan Taliban being particularly happy with the ISI et al either. They probably consider them as double crossers and unreliable partners because of their U-turn post 9/11

I saw in news about one of his interviews.As per he said, Mullah Omer is against TTP (tehreek taliban Pakistan) and their acts against Pakistan. He clearly mentioned that we have nothing to do with Pakistan government or Pakistan's internal matters and about Pakistan's involvement in war on terror, he said that he understands that Pakistan was under immense pressure from west (particularly US).
Hang on guys....When you say India has been left out what exactly you mean.....

This is what i believe is our stand(Please ignore the heading - the source is dawn so heading is bound to be a little misleading for obvious reasons)

NEW DELHI, Sept 24: Has India changed its stance towards a military solution to end the bloody rebellion in Afghanistan?

In his interview to the Wall Street Journal in New York, Indian Foreign Minister S. M. Krishna appeared to canvass for a political solution for the Afghan violence, but his ministry on Thursday said he was misquoted.

Even as a top US commander in Afghanistan sought more forces, Mr Krishna told the American daily that India “doesn’t believe that war can solve any problem and that applies to Afghanistan also.”

In comments published on Tuesday he said: “I think there could be a political settlement. I think we should strive towards that… India is an optimistic nation. We believe a solution can be found. If India can work happily with Great Britain after they having ruled us for so long, it only shows that we can play the game. We can be partners in development.”

Indian foreign ministry said on Thursday that there was no change in India’s policy towards Afghanistan and that Mr Krishna had been misquoted in his interview with the Wall Street Journal.

“He did not say that there should be a political settlement with the Taliban. Our policy is one of strengthening the government of Afghanistan in achieving its social and developmental objectives by rebuilding of infrastructure, providing employment, health, education, etc.”

The Indian statement said it was for the government of Afghanistan “to take the initiatives necessary so that all those who abjure violence and extremism and accept Afghanistan’s Constitution and democratic set-up, join the political process.

“It is not our position that a political settlement be attempted with those who do not share these aims”.

DAWN.COM | Front Page | Does India favour talks with Taliban?


Can someone please enlighten me what different is the world body saying than what Mr. Krishna quoted??
'India should be transparent with Pak over Afghan'

Thursday, January 28, 2010,12:49 [IST]

Washington, Jan 28: Urging India to be transparent regarding its activities in Afghanistan with Pakistan, United States on Wednesday, Jan 27, has asked India to spell out its role in Afghan policy.

Buzz up!Department of Defence spokesman Geoff Morrell said that in a recent visit to India, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates and the Indian leaders had discussed the need of transparency in its undertakings on Afghanistan.

“We did discuss Afghanistan with the government in Delhi and discussed the need for the Indian government to be as transparent as they can be with the Pakistani government about their activities in Afghanistan,” Morrell said.

Lauding India's support to Afghanistan, Morrell said that international community appreciates the country's support.

"They (India) clearly have contributed much in a monetary sense, financial support to the government in Afghanistan. That is greatly appreciated by us, by the Afghans, and I think by the international community," Morrell said.

However, he dismissed reports on India's role in training Afghan forces.

“Beyond that, there was this talk of perhaps the Indians providing training to Afghan forces. That is not something that I think anybody is pursuing at this point,” he said.

OneIndia News

US Urges India | Transparency on Afghan Policy | Pakistan - Oneindia News

Just a small suggestion.. share you POV also apart from sharing news... For example i have no idea why you shared this news here??? What do you want to discuss??
I doubt that.....pakistan has been helping the real taliban all along and protecting mullah omar......flight out of kunduz being one example of the pak army helping the taliban.
We all knew a long while back that the US would pull out and the taliban would stage a comeback,which they have done with pakistani help.

Are you so sure of that? Any credible source? Maybe the intelligence agencies but I doubt the army itself would be involved
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Pakistan makes no excuses, as long as we even suspect Indian military presence in Afghanistan (as we openly say is the case today), we will continue with our own meddling to counteract India's influence.

So if you want a stable Afghanistan, keep India out, and we'll stay out as well.
Pakistan makes no excuses, as long as we even suspect Indian military presence in Afghanistan (as we openly say is the case today), we will continue with our own meddling to counteract India's influence.

So if you want a stable Afghanistan, keep India out, and we'll stay out as well.

Nope!...No way you will stay out of Afghanistan even if we back off because it gives you people strategic depth.
Aray Bhai?!!?? WHO IS INDIA in Afghanistan?? Despite all the hoopla and its covert espionage efforts, India will never succeed in its nefarious designs to control Afghanistan in the proverbial ''surround your enemy strategy''. History shows that India has never been a regional player in the great game played numerous times in Afghanistan so why should it be given importance now? The world powers know that very well which is the reason why India has been ignored in the London Conference.

Historically Afghanistan has been our backyard and will remain so for centuries to come despite the unnecessary wandering of a few pests every decade or so!
Aray Bhai?!!?? WHO IS INDIA in Afghanistan?? Despite all the hoopla and its covert espionage efforts, India will never succeed in its nefarious designs to control Afghanistan in the proverbial ''surround your enemy strategy''. History shows that India has never been a regional player in the great game played numerous times in Afghanistan so why should it be given importance now? The world powers know that very well which is the reason why India has been ignored in the London Conference.

Historically Afghanistan has been our backyard and will remain so for centuries to come despite the unnecessary wandering of a few pests every decade or so!

Apart from other rant, bold part sums up all.
Apart from other rant, bold part sums up all.

Thanks! I am glad you approve and accept the inevitable! :agree:

and my condolences on the failure of your RAW and Foreign Policy for being deliberately ignored at the London Conference for the future of Afghanistan! Oh the agony & disappointment for uncle Chidambaram and Sardar MMS!!!!
Sultan Tarar, who goes by the name ‘Colonel Imam’, clearly said Omar was “open” to talks with the west. “If a sincere message comes from the Americans, these people (the Taliban) are very bighearted. They will listen. But if you try to divide the Taliban, you’ll fail. Anyone who leaves Mullah Omar is no more Taliban. Such people are just trying to deceive,” said Tarar.

How wonderfull!!!!

Of course India is going to Fail, when you have retired Pakistanie Army man speaking such words. I Guess he is next in the ISI list of never to be heard from Again!!!!!

Any Orators wins hearts by words, but Actions always prevails.

Currently all we have is words from Pakistanie sides, but hardly any actions of rectifing the solution, even in there owen country forget discussing Afganistan. I think "‘Colonel Imam’" sound like ones of these Baptist preacher in the church, who is screaming to his little audience.

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