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India beefs up defence along China-India border

what percentage of Kashmir are you talking about sir.
isnt it that to your knowledge that more 65% of the total electorate participated in the general election held in j&k whose fairness was acknowledged by the international oragnisations..therbey showing there belief and commitment in the in the democratic and constitutional institution..

in order to maintain peace and harmony in the region and to prevent proxy war initiated by external institution and so called non state actors from other country(whatever you wish to read from it).

wow was amazed to hear from a person who is turning blind eye to the reports of human right violation in your own state here is alikn to the source ..look this is neutral.......
Allegations of Serious Human Rights Violations in Balochistan Must Be Investigated
Human rights campaigners are not terrorists - Red Pepper

simple after s.o.s from then ruler Mr Hari Singh after he had acceded to india and requested to thwart the tribal attacks on Kashmir.

oof !!!didnt had time to type that much so just quoting from Wikipedia hope you enjoy reading it!!!!

Indian view

Indian viewpoint is succinctly summarized by Ministry of External affairs, Government of India[49][50] —

* India holds that the Instrument of Accession of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to India, signed by the Maharaja Hari Singh (erstwhile ruler of the State) on 26 October, 1947, was completely valid in terms of the Government of India Act (1935), Indian Independence Act (1947) and international law and was total and irrevocable.[50]

* The Constituent assembly of Jammu and Kashmir had unanimously ratified the Maharaja's Instrument of Accession to India and had adopted a constitution for the state that called for a perpetual merger of the state with the Union of India. India claims that this body was a representative one, and that its views were those of the Kashmiri people at the time.

* United Nations Security Council Resolution 1172 tacitly accepts India's stand regarding all outstanding issues between India and Pakistan and urges the need to resolve the dispute through mutual dialogue and does not call for a plebiscite.[51]

* United Nations Security Council Resolution 47 cannot be implemented since Pakistan failed to withdraw its forces from Kashmir which was the first step in implementing the resolution.[52] Now the resolution is obsolete since the geography and demographics of the region have been permanently altered.[53] The resolution was passed by United Nations Security Council under Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter.[54] Resolutions passed under Chapter VI of UN charter are considered non binding and have no mandatory enforceability as opposed to the resolutions passed under Chapter VII.[55]

* India does not accept the two-nation theory that forms the basis of Pakistan and argues that Kashmir, despite being a Muslim-majority state, is in many ways an "integral part" of secular India.

* The state of Jammu and Kashmir was provided significant autonomy in the Article 370 of the Constitution of India.[56]

* India points to the recent state-assembly elections held in phases in November–December 2008. High turnouts were seen in spite of calls for boycott by Kashmiri separatists.[57] The pro-India National Conference party emerged as the winner.[58]

Additional Indian viewpoint regarding the broader debate over the Kashmir conflict include:

* India believes that the insurgency and terrorism in Kashmir is deliberately being fueled by Pakistan to create instability in the region.[59] The Government of India has repeatedly asked the international community to declare Pakistan as a sponsor of terrorism.[60][61][62][63]

* Pakistan is trying to raise anti-India sentiment among the people of Kashmir by spreading false propaganda against India.[64] According to the state government of Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistani radio and television channels deliberately spread "hate and venom" against India to alter Kashmiri opinion.[65]

* In a diverse country like India, disaffection and discontent are not uncommon. Indian democracy has the necessary resilience to accommodate genuine grievances within the framework of our sovereignty, unity and integrity. Government of India has expressed its willingness to accommodate the legitimate political demands of the people of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.[49]

* India has asked United Nations that it should not be leave unchallenged or unaddressed claims of moral, political and diplomatic support for terrorism, which were clearly in contravention of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 which is a Chapter VII resolution that makes it mandatory for member states to not provide active or passive support to terrorist organizations.[66][67] Specifically, it has pointed out that the Pakistani government continues to support various terrorist organizations, such as Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba, in direct violation of this resolution.[68]

* India points out at various reports by human rights organizations condemning Pakistan for the lack civic liberties in Pakistan-administered Kashmir.[64][69] According to India, most regions of Pakistani Kashmir, especially Northern Areas, continue to suffer from lack of political recognition, economic development and basic fundamental rights.[70]

* All differences between India and Pakistan including Kashmir need to be settled through bilateral negotiations as agreed to by the two countries when they signed the Simla Agreement on July 2, 1972.[71]

Dear, Keep telling all this stuff :blah: to yourself & your nation. ;)
wish you could counter with something valid ...other than blabbering bout ...rather say in brainwashed egoistic narrow approach

U indians are such huge dumb acceesss that whtever valid is put infront of u, u guys tend to become more and more dumber :rofl:
^^ where are you so called valid assertions? all that garbage you spewed about Kashmir? what does that have to do with India trying to defend its territory from China?

If you don't have anything constructive to add, why not hold your tongue and comment on videos that are more suited to your intellect.

FYI: There is a huge thread on Zaid Hamid. you go girl!
U indians are such huge dumb acceesss that whtever valid is put infront of u, u guys tend to become more and more dumber :rofl:

buddy find a better way to vent out you frustation :victory:
give you a better idea ::try going to the same market where you saw(or you see)them selling ak-47:sniper: that will be peaceful and calming for your nerves:tongue:
IAF to develop third airstrip near China border in Ladakh

Drass: As part of its moves to speedily build communication infrastructure on the frontier with China, the Indian Air Force has firmed up plans to set up an another airstrip in Ladakh.The IAF is planning to set up a full-fledged airstrip at Niyoma near the district capital Leh to strengthen air maintenance for far-flung posts and give a boost to tourism in the picturesque area, often referred to as 'Moonland'.

The air force, as part of its forward policy, has already recommissioned two airstrips at Daulat Begh Oldi near the Karakoram Pass and at Fukche in central Ladakh. Niyoma will be the third airfield to come up in the region, air marshal J Chouhan, air officer commanding, Jammu & Kashmir, told the Press Trust of India here.

"After Daulat Begh Oldi airbase, another one is coming up in the Indus valley in Niyoma where we are developing an airstrip," he said. "We will carry out trial landings probably later this year. Building an airfield is a massive job. To make it operational, it will take some more time."

The project also aims to boost the tourism sector. "This air strip could be used both for tourism and for our own purpose," Chouhan said.

Referring to the need for the airstrip, he said, "It is a central place for the security set-up and also for the tourist sector. Besides, Niyoma is well connected by road from all sides via Manali and Leh.

"Since a large number of tourists come here, it could be developed as a big airport in future. At present, people can land only at Leh.

"Opening up of land strips and helipads along the Sino-India border is a normal buildup and an exercise to ensure that land is available for army operations," Chouhan said.

"These [army operations] are priorities, so whatever is on priority we will start working on those aspects," he said.

The IAF revived the Daulat Begh Oldi airbase along the Chinese border in the mountainous Ladakh region last year on May 31. The base was revived after 44 years.

On that day, an Antonov 32 transporter, carrying air marshal PK Barbora, air officer commanding-in-chief, Western Air Command, landed at the airstrip at about 8:50am after flying from Chandigarh.

The airfield was set up in 1962 during the India-China war and closed in 1965.
Good then , if China is not looking behind they should possibly be much less concerned about our military developments.

I don't think leaving borders open is a very prudent policy , they should be well guarded at most times. China has a HUGE military and surely a comparatively small deterrent should not prove to be china's prick.

It would be utterly hypocritical if China itself built massive military infrastructure near India's border but expected India to not even guard itself in any which way.

1. the making noise part is political, if they were truly worry you would hear news of fresh Chinese units moving to the boarder and other more serious political moves. plus this way it lets other nations know ur not happy about it even if the threat is minimum

2. i agree leaving the boarder open is a very bad idea especially if ur relation arent like us/canada

3. government around the world are hypocritical its how politics work.
1. the making noise part is political, if they were truly worry you would hear news of fresh Chinese units moving to the boarder and other more serious political moves. plus this way it lets other nations know ur not happy about it even if the threat is minimum

2. i agree leaving the boarder open is a very bad idea especially if ur relation arent like us/canada

3. government around the world are hypocritical its how politics work.

Friend why would china move more fresh units to china-indo border? To be honest china not moving it because china already got more military build-up than they wanted. If they cant defend by that much military build-up than its useless. The reason china not making moves is because china out of option. Now its india's turn to return the favour. T-72 tanks, sukhoi-30 jet fighters, missiles inside mountains, 60,000 fresh units, new military runways etc etc are just a start. India waited china to be good neighbour but its china who been heavily building military build-up and even making moves to surrownd india by bangladesh, nepal, myanmar, shri lanka and pakistan. Well its a bad move by china. It will only make india more aggressive. China says its doing this to counter america. Friend india might be twice less powerful than china but china heck of alot less powerful than america. First china use to match russia who trying to catch up america god knows since when. All am trying to say is that china should not surrownd india in name of countering america. America has alot intrest in indian ocean. So dont think america would just sit and watch china surrownds india. America knows helping india would benefit them. India can catch up china real fast but china catching up america? Well what can i say. First catch up russian military might.
Friend why would china move more fresh units to china-indo border? To be honest china not moving it because china already got more military build-up than they wanted. If they cant defend by that much military build-up than its useless. The reason china not making moves is because china out of option. Now its india's turn to return the favour. T-72 tanks, sukhoi-30 jet fighters, missiles inside mountains, 60,000 fresh units, new military runways etc etc are just a start. India waited china to be good neighbour but its china who been heavily building military build-up and even making moves to surrownd india by bangladesh, nepal, myanmar, shri lanka and pakistan. Well its a bad move by china. It will only make india more aggressive. China says its doing this to counter america. Friend india might be twice less powerful than china but china heck of alot less powerful than america. First china use to match russia who trying to catch up america god knows since when. All am trying to say is that china should not surrownd india in name of countering america. America has alot intrest in indian ocean. So dont think america would just sit and watch china surrownds india. America knows helping india would benefit them. India can catch up china real fast but china catching up america? Well what can i say. First catch up russian military might.

china is out of options.... that statement right there just destroyed my hope u could say something meanful. and india waited for china to be a good neighbor? yea im sure http://www.defence.pk/forums/images/smilies/cute/crazy.gif.

and since when the hell is china surrounding India in the name of competition with America? we have naval bases in the indian ocean but no one said they were for America specifically the justification many people give is shipping security which is very much a valid one.

and America sit still?, never even dreamed of that for a second

yes america is helping india in military and economy no one is gonna argue with u about that

indian can catch up to china real fast?? sure, so why haven't they done so? after all china is a evil aggressive imperial authoritarian nation that threatens the well being of india. but in fact if the present situation continues the gap between india and china can only widen, china has more money, bigger economy, a very focus leadership, less poor population, better educated peoples, better infrastructure, more self reliant in terms of military hardware. and for being under sanction for the last 30 years from the western(thus higher tech) nations it has done quite well militaristically, with heavy Russian help of course but the strive for indigenous hardware is there and very much alive

you would say catch up to russia, well....i agree, one step at a time but again the ultimate goal is to catch up to and surpass America.
china is out of options.... that statement right there just destroyed my hope u could say something meanful. and india waited for china to be a good neighbor? yea im sure http://www.defence.pk/forums/images/smilies/cute/crazy.gif.

and since when the hell is china surrounding India in the name of competition with America? we have naval bases in the indian ocean but no one said they were for America specifically the justification many people give is shipping security which is very much a valid one.

and America sit still?, never even dreamed of that for a second

yes america is helping india in military and economy no one is gonna argue with u about that

indian can catch up to china real fast?? sure, so why haven't they done so? after all china is a evil aggressive imperial authoritarian nation that threatens the well being of india. but in fact if the present situation continues the gap between india and china can only widen, china has more money, bigger economy, a very focus leadership, less poor population, better educated peoples, better infrastructure, more self reliant in terms of military hardware. and for being under sanction for the last 30 years from the western(thus higher tech) nations it has done quite well militaristically, with heavy Russian help of course but the strive for indigenous hardware is there and very much alive

you would say catch up to russia, well....i agree, one step at a time but again the ultimate goal is to catch up to and surpass America.

Oh cmon tell this to someone who didnt seen china video which china don't want world to see. China to the world shows shining building video but the villages video which we have seen how in misery people living in china.

New Delhi: A massive upgrade of infrastructure and military capabilities is under way along the disputed India-China border in a bid to be prepared for any misadventures from the other side.

To this end, a huge jump in military strength along the border is under way. While a decision to locate Sukhoi-30 fighters at Tezpur from June 2009 has already been announced, the Indian Air Force (IAF) may also beef up its presence in the Chabua airbase and maintain heli-lift capabilities in other parts of the north-east.

For decades since the 1962 war, India had officially decided not to develop its border with China fearing that it would provide easy access to invading Chinese troops. A few years ago, that policy was junked and India plunged into an aggressive development of its border infrastructure.

It is now reactivating several airstrips built during World War II or the 1962 war and abandoned later. On May 31 this year, the IAF reactivated the world's highest airstrip, at Daulat Beg Oldie in Ladakh, originally built during the 1962 Sino-Indian war. The strip, close to the Karakoram pass, is capable of landing AN-32 transport aircraft.

Several other advanced landing grounds, such as Fukche, Chushul and Nyama have also been made functional. "The logistics disasters of 1962 will never be repeated," says an air force officer, referring to India's inability at the time to provide support to its army in the

India has also been trying to quickly catch up with China in building all-weather connectivity almost up to the last post, essential for a strong response to any Chinese misadventure, say many within the military leadership. "They are much ahead
of us in infrastructure, but we are fast catching up," said a military source.
A large network of roads is also being built; over 30 major new road links are in progress, besides several smaller strips.

In the north-east, the army is raising two divisions, with 15,000to 30,000 soldiers. They would add strength to the defence of the Arunachal Pradesh border, especially Tawang, which China is very keen to reclaim.

"We did exhibit our ability to carry out swift beefing-up of deployment during Operation Falcon in 1986-87," says a senior army officer. Operation Falcon refers to India's troop movement during the standoff with China at Sumdorong Chu. raising the country's third artillery division along the northeast border, with Bofors howitzers and indigenously manufactured Pinaka multi-barrel rocket launchers.

The absence of noise from the military leadership on the alleged Chinese incursions is because India wants to be discreet about its build-up, so as not to spark off any unnecessary complications between the Asian giants.
Military leaders also insist that though India may not match up to China in numbers, it is capable of responding well in the event of a major skirmish. "We are not the army of 1962. We have a competent presence, and technologically we are superior on many fronts," says a former commander of an army corps deployed along the northeast, an opinion shared by many senior army officers.:tup::devil:
"I don't frankly see any change in the situation along the border. But, hypothetically, if it came to a military confrontation, we are confident of our capabilities," a senior officer in the army headquarters said.
Lol, don't get your panties in a bunch.

There is nobody quite as hyper-sensitive as the Indians. The rest of the world doesn't really give a damn.
Immature comments from a juvenile poster.:disagree::coffee:

So , Mr. Gabbar is so mature to bring up some idiotic old acticle trying

hard to boast up your Indian ego ?

Whats your point ? for highlighting that part of Indian was not the

same army as the one in 1962 ?

Another ego boasting ? Thats just prove Indian mentality are WEAK !!

Better to prove yourself with some actions rather than barking, a

barking dog seldom bite !! :smitten::pakistan::china:
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