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India at the Olympic: why no one ever considers the genetic angle?

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I remember sometime back, Lakshmi Mital invested in a sports complex or a program to find talent from Indian rural areas. I don't know what happened to that program but problem here is that the infra is missing in India and it is virtually non existent in Pakistan. I remember Indian hockey board offered to fund Pakistani hockey team after finding out the terrible state of affairs in Pakistan hockey federation.

Pakistan, India and Bangladesh need to invest in sports for a better future of their generations.
Hima Das

On a side not it’s not that Olympics alone is everything, there are many other global or continental sports tournaments as well.
so you guys still playing medal medal ?

Nigeria is in the same spot as us they also have a 200+ million population (even younger and faster growing than Pakistan), they picked up just a single bronze and silver, just 1 bronze in 2016 and they went empty handed in 2012 - all that despite the talent.

It's all corruption man.
south aisans .................. bhosri ka koi bhi kam ka nhi hai . per aik dosry ki patloon utar rahy hain yahan .

On Point Sire..... (Translation of above: South Asians..these fuggers are useless....but are only interested in pulling down each other's pants here)

The Sage hath spoken.....Only one thing left to do

For a continent of 1.4 billion people India's medal tally is outright humiliating, even for us (as we are sometimes confused with Indians).
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In fact there's more excuses than medals for the Indian continent's Olympic failure. The excuses provided by Indian incels online range from "our culture is not sports oriented" to "we care about Cricket only" and "because Hindu don't eat meat" etc etc etc.

However everyone deliberately ignores the elephant in the room. That is Indian people's genetic limitation. Maybe they are simply not cut out for sports? When you look at their history it's full of one way invasions and never the other way around. Seeing the Olympic scores I imagine India's geographic location/barriers/distance actually protected them from ancient/medieval Chinese and Europeans quite well.

Not very surprisingly, the lone gold medal winner Neeraj Chopra comes from a caste in India, the Rors, who have the highest affinity to Europeans among all castes. See below for a comparison of genetic distance between North Indian Brahmins, Jatts, Rors and Europeans (represented by German and Irish). I used freely available population genetics data and the popular tool called Vahaduo.

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As can be seen above, Rors have the highest affinity to Europeans, even more than Jatts, meaning they have the highest genetic contribution from ancient Central Asian groups (before the genetic landscape got changed by Turks). Everyone can do their own analysis with the publicly available genetics data - this is Science so rest assured you will all arrive at the same results.
So this further reinforces the genetic pov for Indian continent's abysmal Olympic performance.

If I am correct and the limitation is genetic and cannot be overcome anyhow, why not hire foreigners to do the job? The Marathas used to hire Arab mercenaries to defeat their neighbors. As long as Indians remain delusional about their abilities their Olympic medal tally will continue to remain at the bottom of the pile.

Genetics doesn't matter much in Sports. Training and dedication matter more. Their was a study done that proves training changes your genetics.
Genetics undoubtedly does play a role in certain sports (ex. African domination of track), however the main factor is always going to be the level of state support. Asian countries; Japan and Korea dominated. A poor country with a small population; Cuba, also did exceptionally well, all because of strong state support.

India has immense potential in sports and by virtue of their population alone, I foresee them easily rising up to fourth or fifth in the distant future.

Again, I'm not denying that genetics does not play a role, but it's marginal in most cases, what matters more is the sports infrastructure of the country and the level of state patronage.

Richer states of South India seemed to outperform the more populous states of North India (barring North-west India)

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Also, I find it very odd that a Bengali is berating an Indian on their genetics considering how Bengalis and Indians are very closely related.

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Their was a study done that proves training changes your genetics.

No way. If anything changed your DNA you'd die of Cancer before spider senses kicked in.
He’s obsessed with India, can’t cope with our existence. He’s opening threads on India out of desperation withouting quoting sources.

Without quoting what source? You didn't even read the OP.
No way. If anything changed your DNA you'd die of Cancer before spider senses kicked in.

" Unlike the aberrations and genetic mutations caused by carcinogens and toxins, exercise-induced alterations to DNA are more like tune-ups, helping muscles to work better and more efficiently. What’s more, these changes occur even after a single 20-minute workout. "
He’s obsessed with India, can’t cope with our existence. He’s opening threads on India out of desperation withouting quoting sources.
Least obessed Bengali. Why is he so obbsessed with India. Even Pakistanis don't care this much lmao.

" Unlike the aberrations and genetic mutations caused by carcinogens and toxins, exercise-induced alterations to DNA are more like tune-ups, helping muscles to work better and more efficiently. What’s more, these changes occur even after a single 20-minute workout. "

This is just garbage journalism from TIME. From the same article:
a molecular process in which chemicals called methyl groups settle on the DNA and limit the cell’s ability to access, or switch on, certain genes. By controlling how much methylation goes on in certain cells at specific times, the body regulates which genes in the DNA are activated — that’s what differentiates the development of an an eye cell, for example, from that of a liver cell.

Affecting which genes are expressed VS altering DNA are completely different things. I suppose the author has barely any understanding of genetics.
This is just garbage journalism from TIME. From the same article:

Affecting which genes are expressed VS altering DNA are completely different things. I suppose the author has barely any understanding of genetics.

Here is the scientific paper from the University of Copenhagen

Here is the scientific paper from the University of Copenhagen

"Epigenetic" is the keyword. Here is first line of Wiki article on epigenetics:
In biology, epigenetics is the study of heritable phenotype changes that do not involve alterations in the DNA sequence.[1]
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