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India asks US Embassy not to screen movies at American Centre

Are you serious. That incident occurred in the Persian Gulf. Indian authorities have no authority there.

Yes they cautioned India against violating Vienna Conventions. Nothing to do with support for the marines. Nothing at all.

Lol, I want war? Seriously, are you trying to be silly. How exactly is this war going to happen? When neither country can deploy troops against each other.

A war is not only made with troops and army. And you know that. So why exactly do you want destroy 100 years of friendship now?

"Relations between India and Italy have historically been strong and cordial. Italy and India are also close economic partners and is home to a large population of Indian immigrants. Sonia Gandhi, the chief of India's leading political party, the Indian National Congress, was born in Italy and acquired Indian citizenship through marriage to former Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi."

Do you honestly want throw that way? Its a serious question and i want hear your opinion. And hope its a fair one.
Italy can not accept imprisonment in india because that goes againt italian law. In that case they would be evacuated. The indian officials are aware of that. Its against human rights as well because evryone must have contact to his family and people.

LMAO how exactly are you going to evacuate them?
A war is not only made with troops and army. And you know that. So why exactly do you want destroy 100 years of friendship now?

"Relations between India and Italy have historically been strong and cordial. Italy and India are also close economic partners and is home to a large population of Indian immigrants. Sonia Gandhi, the chief of India's leading political party, the Indian National Congress, was born in Italy and acquired Indian citizenship through marriage to former Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi."

Do you honestly want throw that way? Its a serious question and i want hear your opinion. And hope its a fair one.

Of course not. I would hate for that to happen.

But that doesn't mean that two alleged criminals are going to be allowed to go home without a trial. The Law takes precedence.
Wasn't there a prisoner exchange treaty between India and Italy? My guess is that they would be allowed to go to Italy and serve their time in Italy. Italy however will have to accept Indian court's decision as final. The jail term is unlikely to be very short.

Last year they were allowed to go home for Christmas. There is no chance of something like that happening again.
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I think what india does here is torture and i think its general hate against europeans. Its a psychological thing.

The United Kingdom did terrible crimes against India and India could never defend itself against the crimes of the UK. India also would never dare to do the same with UK, what they do with italy now.

Media here say, that india uses Italy now to show open hate against europeans. They use italy, because italy is their closest friend in europe. Italy does not understand where that hate comes from and tries to still be nice and don´t want lose a friend...Question is, can india really be called our friend anymore?

How we can evacuate them? Call them diplomatic staff and give them immunity and voice that any attack on them will be seen as act of war. Its up to India then. I hope it won´t go that far. But there is a point of no return. Close our embassy in india and shut off all diplomatic ties.

That can´t be the goal of the indian government and people.

We expect the issue be settled within weeks and the italian public loses its calmness on the issue. Its up to india if it want end a friendship that lasted for hundred years..

As Bossi said, it is only a matter of time till our soldiers will rescue another group of sailors from somali pirates. And it will be first time that we will leave indian sailors there.

It would be unbearable for italian soldiers to rescue an indian after that what happens now.

I personal would feel bad in that situation...to let some people stay behind in the hand of pirates but i would also see no other choice. Why should we safe people from a country that throws our friendship in the dirt?
I think what india does here is torture and i think its general hate against europeans. Its a psychological thing.

The United Kingdom did terrible crimes against India and India could never defend itself against the crimes of the UK. India also would never dare to do the same with UK, what they do with italy now.

Media here say, that india uses Italy now to show open hate against europeans. They use italy, because italy is their closest friend in europe. Italy does not understand where that hate comes from and tries to still be nice and don´t want lose a friend...Question is, can india really be called our friend anymore?

How we can evacuate them? Call them diplomatic staff and give them immunity and voice that any attack on them will be seen as act of war. Its up to India then. I hope it won´t go that far. But there is a point of no return. Close our embassy in india and shut off all diplomatic ties.

That can´t be the goal of the indian government and people.

We expect the issue be settled within weeks and the italian public loses its calmness on the issue. Its up to india if it want end a friendship that lasted for hundred years..

As Bossi said, it is only a matter of time till our soldiers will rescue another group of sailors from somali pirates. And it will be first time that we will leave indian sailors there.

It would be unbearable for italian soldiers to rescue an indian after that what happens now.

I personal would feel bad in that situation...to let some people stay behind in the hand of pirates but i would also see no other choice. Why should we safe people from a country that throws our friendship in the dirt?

You have a very simplistic outlook at things.You make it sound like countries are kindergarden children .
You have a very simplistic outlook at things.You make it sound like countries are kindergarden children .

You don´t know italy. We take that serious and we do such things. We even warned gaddafi when he was flying from from russia back to libya that USA was planning an attack. Or when you remember the Achille Lauro incident regarding palestinian terrorists. We are the best friends, but we act unpredictable when we feel mistreated.

And what india does to us is simply unacceptable. They take our entire nation hostage and throw our friendship in the dirt.
You don´t know italy. We take that serious and we do such things. We even warned gaddafi when he was flying from from russia back to libya that USA was planning an attack. Or when you remember the Achille Lauro incident regarding palestinian terrorists. We are the best friends, but we act unpredictable when we feel mistreated.

And what india does to us is simply unacceptable. They take our entire nation hostage and throw our friendship in the dirt.

They took 2 soldiers not an entire nation.

They were wrong when they've threathened to detain the italian ambassador and that was unacceptable but about those 2 soldiers,if they did the crime,they will do the time.If not,they'll be free.You mean that if they're guilty,should they go free ? If 2 indian soldiers would shoot italians off the coast of Sicily how would you react ?
India law en
They took 2 soldiers not an entire nation.

They were wrong when they've threathened to detain the italian ambassador and that was unacceptable but about those 2 soldiers,if they did the crime,they will do the time.If not,they'll be free.You mean that if they're guilty,should they go free ? If 2 indian soldiers would shoot italians off the coast of Sicily how would you react ?

Criminal should be punish by the law, you should advice all these Indian no overreact to the arrest of their Indian criminal committed crime in the US.
Two soldiers are our entire nation. Italy stands behind its citizens. We leave no one behind. Thats what you don´t understand. Those soldiers are seen as heroes in italy, because they have such a hard job. What happened was an accident. But as i said, India want throw our friendship in the dirt. And thats sad in my opinion. I wonder if all the nice things indian politicians always said abount italian-indian friendship was really meant as truth...and that hurts.
I think what india does here is torture and i think its general hate against europeans. Its a psychological thing.
Not sure about Europeans........But surely Indians do hate Italians courtesy of the Italian waitress :rofl:
India law en

Criminal should be punish by the law, you should advice all these Indian no overreact to the arrest of their Indian criminal committed crime in the US.

I allready advised them that in other threads.For all it counts,not much though. :)

Two soldiers are our entire nation. Italy stands behind its citizens. We leave no one behind. Thats what you don´t understand. Those soldiers are seen as heroes in italy, because they have such a hard job. What happened was an accident. But as i said, India want throw our friendship in the dirt. And thats sad in my opinion. I wonder if all the nice things indian politicians always said abount italian-indian friendship was really meant as truth...and that hurts.

These kind of mistakes are called involuntary man slaughter and are punishable by law.Not at the extent of murder but still punishable.You don't get to say "woops-mi scusi" and go home.Tough luck.
Well what you expect us to do? We saved until now dozens of indian sailors from somali pirates. That will end in case our soldiers get jailed in india. It is unacceptable for Italy and you are aware of that. Indian ships will not get help. Indian crews will not get rescued and indian hostages will not get free. In case of hostage rescue our troops would only bring other nationalities out and let the indian there with the pirates. Since european ship corporations also pay the release money for the hostages, they would not pay for the crew members with indian nationality. That would make the indian sailors worthless for the pirates and you know the consequences. Party Leader of Lega Nord Mr Bossi already made clear that in that case Italy would not do anything to help indian crewmembers in operations under Mission Atalanta. Our soldiers will not risk their lifes for rescue of indian hostages if India acts openly hostile towards Italy.

We Expected you to act honorably and send back the marines who we had released during christmas as a gesture of goodwill, but you did not do so. You did so only under direct threat.

It is clear to us that you have scant respect for India.

Again I repeat, Italy is free to act on anything that falls in its perview. That includes freeing Indian sailors. I do not recall India ever asking Italy to help free its sailors. I hereby grant you freedom from carrying the 'white mans burden'. :disagree:

BTW the ransom is paid by the Insurance companies not the shipping companies. In any case the moment Indian sailors become worthless for Somali pirates, they stop kidnapping Indians :lol:. That is probably the best thing that can happen to Indian sailors.

Italy and India both share hundred years positive relations and close friendship. Sonia Gandhi is from Italy. We see India as our friend. And i hope you do realize what that all means for us now. That entire conflict heats us up to the burning point. One of our ministers already left government, because he saw it against his honor to send those soldiers back to india. The government is on the breaking point because of that. The italian Prime Minister promised with his honor to the families of the soldiers that evrything will be good and they will be safe and with their families.

All that is your internal politics. I have nothing to comment on your internal matters.

If india would bring them into an indian jail, that would be the greatest humilation for italy since WW II. India would spit into the face of italy...a country that is one of its closest international friends. Such a decission would be impossible for Italy to accept and the events that would follow it can´t be known and could be drastical.

Italy has already spit into the face of India by killing our fishermen and THEN refusing to send back the Marines.

Hardly the action of a 'close' friend. :tdown:

You should be grateful that Indians are forgiving by nature and have decided to put your dishonorable conduct behind us.

It is sad enough that this accident did happen. I feel sad for the families of those two fisherman and nobody in italy is ignorant about it. But it must be done anything possible to not let that conflict between two allied nations escalate beyone repair. It is not a court decission and evryone knows that. Its a diplomatic one. And i´m honest, i don´t know much about indian foreign politics and all that. But i hope india does not throw an old friend away like that.

If that is all you see, then you are blind to what is obvious to others. Let me spell that out to you.

Italians in service of Italian govt. shot and killed people under protection of the Indian govt. This incident is more than a simple case of one man shooting and killing another.

You say there must be a solution that both nations can agree with? How should that look like?

Personally I would like the marines to spend a part of their sentence in India and a part of their sentence in Italy. Purely because I do not expect Italy to act Honorably and implement their sentencing passed in Indian Court.

And you should understand one thing. That italy send those two soldiers back to India, means alot of trust we have in india to not do harm to us. No other nation did that ever before. USA even has a law that allows them to send a special unit to attack the prison and release their soldiers.

No. You did that because you had not choice. Your nations ambassador to India gave a personal guarantee to the Indian Supreme Court that they will be returned.

If Italy had gone back on their word, your ambassador would have been held guilty and sentenced. You would only have succeeded in swapping prisoners.

As you noticed it was not an easy decission for italy. We gave our honor and souverignity into indias hands, because we trust it as a friend to honor it and make the right decission. I hope india is aware of that and knows its responsibility towards a friend.

LOL. You cannot be serious.
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