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India asks US Embassy not to screen movies at American Centre


I believe that the previous female indian ambassador was strip searched at miami airport as well---I think last year.

Kalam was strip searched---and A K Antony was as well.

AK Anthony has never been 'strip searched'. I think you mean George Fernandes, defence minister under the NDA government.
I already apologied for my behavior and i also already said i´m half german / half italian. By kicking at me even after i apologied ...idk what you achieve. And i think we are part of the top in world. I´m proud for my country and what we have and achieve.

I am not kicking you MarkusS, I am just staying that its important to look at issues and weight them up based on their own merit. For example, Italy is on the 9th spot in terms of GDP and India is in the 10th spot. So claiming that India has nothing is a stretch too far. Regarding the marines, you must remember that two innocent people were killed, in an area where piracy was not an issue. I personally believe that these marines don't deserve to live, simply because they were not acting in a defensive manner. No reason to fire upon people who do not fire upon you. One does not show bravery by killing the unarmed innocent. I would have thought these Italian marines would have been criticized, even in Italy!

Anyway, this is not an offensive reply. Just a post to exchange some ideas and reiterate some good practices. Enjoy the forum and it is always interesting to read other's opinions. :)
I am not kicking you MarkusS, I am just staying that its important to look at issues and weight them up based on their own merit. For example, Italy is on the 9th spot in terms of GDP and India is in the 10th spot. So claiming that India has nothing is a stretch too far. Regarding the marines, you must remember that two innocent people were killed, in an area where piracy was not an issue. I personally believe that these marines don't deserve to live, simply because they were not acting in a defensive manner. No reason to fire upon people who do not fire upon you. One does not show bravery by killing the unarmed innocent. I would have thought these Italian marines would have been criticized, even in Italy!

Anyway, this is not an offensive reply. Just a post to exchange some ideas and reiterate some good practices. Enjoy the forum and it is always interesting to read other's opinions. :)

Human rights aren't an opinion, Evryone deserves to live and talking about who has the right to live and who not is unacceptable for any european nation. They did what they were ordered to do. Those two fisherman did not stop, did not hear for warnings and came closer with high speed. Same tactic was used in the bomb attack against the USS Cole. Security protocolls allow to open fire then.

On a sidenote, there were many soldiers on this ship. Italy did only allow those two to go india. So its most likely they didn't even fired one bullet and the real one who did fire is still in italy. Italy denied all others to go india. So it's relative sure those two are innocent. It can easily be checked because the bullet won't fit their weapons and the real culprit will never face court. Its a deal, since india won't risk its relations with italy over something like that. There are elections in india. That the two are in india is a gift from italy to the current government. Once elections are over, they will be back home. They work normal in the italian embassy and even attend party, so i dont see a big problem in that.
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