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India and Vietnam co-operation in SCS

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Where the hell did you came up with that logic? How does Vietnam trying to become a superpower? just because we are defending our territories doesn't mean we are trying to become a superpower. We are not China. We do got for superpower status, it means nothing when you don't have friends. The biggest threat here is China. We don't go to Africa and hi- jack their gold.

You have occupied 70% of the islands in the Spratleys and have claims up to the Philippine shores. That makes Vietnam a threat to the whole world. China will uphold freedom of navigation in international waters.
You have occupied 70% of the islands in the Spratleys and have claims up to the Philippine shores. That makes Vietnam a threat to the whole world. China will uphold freedom of navigation in international waters.

Vietnamese have been there around 600 hundreds years, nothing wasn't happent. don't blame others what china do today.
You have occupied 70% of the islands in the Spratleys and have claims up to the Philippine shores. That makes Vietnam a threat to the whole world. China will uphold freedom of navigation in international waters.

You are wrong.
It must be revised is: Vietnam has been lost 30% of the islands and reefs in the Spratly Islands in the 1950s and in the 1988.
We have managed both the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands from the 15th century, but the war against France, Japan, American and China in the 20th century, We have been to lose them.

China "claims" the waters close the coast of the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam. The U-shaped line "claims" of China in the East Sea (south china sea) is blasphemous to International Laws, particularly UNCLOS1982.

How long can it withstand China take over? we will take it intact...want make a nice BOLLYWOOD wonder-Island :D you vietnamese will have sleepless night to worry the numbering day of this island.

VN will take back Hoang Sa. Occupation with force of China 1974 is illegal, violated rule of Laws world wide accepted.
VN will take back Hoang Sa. Occupation with force of China 1974 is illegal, violated rule of Laws world wide accepted.

You have tried it :lol:....and failed

Vietnamese have been there around 600 hundreds years, nothing wasn't happent. don't blame others what china do today.

Sorry dude...600 years ago...Vietnam was China vessal state...why bother to worry about these islands when we got tribue every years from your gorvernement :D...now it's different
By the way, you didn't even answer my question, what's your qualification? stop sugar coating and going in circle to evade a question i asked.
I can cook any qualification I like on the internet, no point in delving in that. All you need to know is I work in GoP.

I like your theory but can you prove it? provide examples etc.
Sure, I'll provide you examples:
Britain gave United States Diego Garcia and Chagos islands to establish military bases. What that did was cement their relationship and showed a sign of maturity in their relationship. This is despite their bitter past i.e. American War of Independence. Seeing that you live in Canada, you'll know all about that.

Food for thought:
1. Military: Indians/Americans won't come to your rescue. India is only interested in projection of power and just that. They are not going to stick their neck out for you. And Americans won't go to war over you, they'll always pick other "allied states" in the region. And don't confuse political posturing to any direct military intervention from them, considering they aren't even willing to go to war with Iran over Israel.

2. Economy: Close to 20% of your economy is reliant on trade with China and you've never had a surplus with them. This is already devaluing your currency. What if they pull out? What is your plan? You don't have any allies in the region, perhaps Philippines to some extent, but you certainly can't live prosperously without China. By no means, I'm not suggesting Vietnam enslave itself to China but you need to show more co-operation.
You have occupied 70% of the islands in the Spratleys and have claims up to the Philippine shores. That makes Vietnam a threat to the whole world. China will uphold freedom of navigation in international waters.

And I can apply the same logic as you described above to China. China doesn't belong to the Chinese either. Since you occupied China for millenia, you're a treat to the world. What a stupid logic of yours. Make no sense.

The Philliphines know those islands already belong to Vietnam. So does China, China just want to start $hit with every South East Asian countries. Somalian pirates are enough to wipe out your so called elite PLA. Upload everything you can, your country, China, that you took from ancient time and the people you murdered. When we're done with your government, we'll divide China into pieces and give back the lands you took to the people you took those lands from.

I can cook any qualification I like on the internet, no point in delving in that. All you need to know is I work in GoP.

Sure, I'll provide you examples:
Britain gave United States Diego Garcia and Chagos islands to establish military bases. What that did was cement their relationship and showed a sign of maturity in their relationship. This is despite their bitter past i.e. American War of Independence. Seeing that you live in Canada, you'll know all about that.

Food for thought:
1. Military: Indians/Americans won't come to your rescue. India is only interested in projection of power and just that. They are not going to stick their neck out for you. And Americans won't go to war over you, they'll always pick other "allied states" in the region. And don't confuse political posturing to any direct military intervention from them, considering they aren't even willing to go to war with Iran over Israel.

2. Economy: Close to 20% of your economy is reliant on trade with China and you've never had a surplus with them. This is already devaluing your currency. What if they pull out? What is your plan? You don't have any allies in the region, perhaps Philippines to some extent, but you certainly can't live prosperously without China. By no means, I'm not suggesting Vietnam enslave itself to China but you need to show more co-operation.

Go play your world of warcraft.
China addled by its new found strength thinks itself capable to ruling Asia...or to a few of its extremely hopeless citizens ; the world.

Fools lack reasoning, understanding , commonsense and the power to comprehend. Poloniuses of the world rush to conclusions on preliminary evidences, it is only hamlets who want to probe deep, be sure, certain and then resort to action.

Sure those tiny nations may be nothing before China. But there are greater powers lurking very close and across the ocean. The Chinese administration are so near sighted that they cannot see the bigger picture.

Disregarding legitimate international boundaries in the name of some ridiculous centuries old document will not end well for China. This is not the age of your middle kingdom. Sooner you come to that realization; the better. Only a fool would be too easily lured by the glitter and would be prepared to leap in the dark.
Oh, when Chinese was slavers of invaders, Mongolia and Manchus. chinese didn't owned their own bodies and fate. Haircut by your head are changed to obey all the invader. Shameful for China, big country but very despicable.:meeting:

Nerver judge book by it cover, a picture mean nothing...it's been millenium that China was in constant transformation, binding culture is what make Chinese and China powerfull that you Vietnamese will never understand...Ching had extend China's empire, thank to them we got Xinjian and Thank to Mongols, we got Tibet...not only they have brought us territories but also cultures..now enjoy

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and how about our mongolian sisters :D :tup:

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China addled by its new found strength thinks itself capable to ruling Asia...or to a few of its extremely hopeless citizens ; the world.

Fools lack reasoning, understanding , commonsense and the power to comprehend. Poloniuses of the world rush to conclusions on preliminary evidences, it is only hamlets who want to probe deep, be sure, certain and then resort to action.

Sure those tiny nations may be nothing before China. But there are greater powers lurking very close and across the ocean. The Chinese administration are so near sighted that they cannot see the bigger picture.

Disregarding legitimate international boundaries in the name of some ridiculous centuries old document will not end well for China. This is not the age of your middle kingdom. Sooner you come to that realization; the better. Only a fool would be too easily lured by the glitter and would be prepared to leap in the dark.

So much talk...why don't send Indian Navy to reinforce your gorvernement statement such as SC is property of the world.
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