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India and Vietnam co-operation in SCS

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China's history is glorious! india had a glorious history until about 900 AD when it lost the Indus River Valley, and since then you've been driven by the Islamic conquerors deeper and deeper into the jungles of the indian subcontinent and slowly exterminated. After hindu kush and 200 years of Anglos taking away your food until you starved, the hindu civilization finally regained its independence after WW2, thanks to Gandhi's begging. Unfortunately, you are still a very weak civilization, and your ambitions are totally not consistent with your true capabilities.

China's history is glorious! india had a glorious history until about 900 AD when it lost the Indus River Valley, and since then you've been driven by the Islamic conquerors deeper and deeper into the jungles of the indian subcontinent and slowly exterminated. After hindu kush and 200 years of Anglos taking away your food until you starved, the hindu civilization finally regained its independence after WW2, thanks to Gandhi's begging. Unfortunately, you are still a very weak civilization, and your ambitions are totally not consistent with your true capabilities.


You see....... Its always been conquered by diff ethnic people, who are now suppressed by Hans.

Very soon they will liberate them self and will rule china once again.
LOL you just proved the point I made yesterday in another thread. http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...nese-mainland-bombing-run-10.html#post2881409

indians jump to their colonial master's defense because they want to be Anglo's servant and get pats on their heads.

Chinese would be very happy if a nuclear war happens between india and China because it would be a one-way massacre. Similar to 1962, but on a much more destructive scale. Probably more than a billion indians would be liquidated in the first few days alone.

You have to understand from their perspective: these indians were enslaved by the Islamic World for 800 years, and then they were enslaved by the Anglos for another 200 years. They know they are literally the descendants of slaves, so they feel inferior. To make up for this inferiority complex, they need to delude themselves into thinking that they are their Anglo masters, and try to find ways to take advantage of their neighbors (especially Pakistan and China) like a blood-sucking parasite. This gives them relief from their inferiority complex.

They are a failed state with a collapsing economy, economic statistic are all lies, politicians are all corrupt, they literally live in a dump where BS is everywhere coming out from their mouths and on the ground too, and starvation / disease is everywhere.

Contract Killer is basically a parasite on PDF, trying to pass off his inferiority complex on to other people, while burning with jealousy at China's success. He is trying to find relief from his inferiority complex. We Chinese PDF members simply take these indian parasites and squash them, no problem. And wait for the day PLA will do the same to the indian state, preferably in the most permanent manner, so South Asia can finally find peace.

indians belong in the 10th century, before Timur and other Central Asian conquerors subjugated them. Them and their parasitic mentality do not belong in the 21st century.

i will address these issues one by one:

US tells china to stop buying oil from IRAN. China obeys.
US tells india to stop buying oil from IRAN. india says no.

who is the anglo's slave now?

here is a statement made by one of your countrymen:
not only that, if you are white, chinese law dont apply to you, whites are treated as gods in china by many white worshippers. especially in places like shanghai, beijing, guangzhou. the whites are considered to know everything by officials and many others and local chinese people(especially migrants workers) to know nothing. its total discrimination against local chinese people in our own country.

compare that with the italian marines who killed indian fishermen.

regarding 1962,

all u guys did was beat a small group of indian border gaurds who were armed with sticks and stones and ran away when the real counter attack came.

Then u guys fliched in the 87 rematch

In 1962 however, there was one indian who had bullets instead of sticks and stones. Do u know what he did?

He killed 300 chinese in 3 days. That’s a record in modern history
Jaswant Singh Rawat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But, today indian military in the chinese border is well modernized, from supplies to advanced fighter aircraft. which means you can never win even if u have a 10:1 ratio

thirdly, regarding muslim invasion of india, thats ironic considering most of u are japanese rape children
LOL indians are so humiliated from 1962, you delude yourself with imaginary battles :lol:

So where is your forward policy again?

We are already with forward policy. dont you agree, we have taken Arunachal Pradesh from you thru this policy??
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