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India and NSG-News, Updates and Discussions.

WASHINGTON: The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) strengthened global efforts to discourage proliferation by refusing to accept India as a member, said a senior US lawmaker.

But a senior Obama administration official told Washington-based Indian journalists that he was confident India would be a full member of the NSG by the end of the year.

The NSG recently held its annual and plenary sessions in Seoul, South Korea. The key issue before the plenary session was to consider membership applications from India and Pakistan. The meeting concluded on Friday, without admitting either,

Administration official confident that India will join group by December
“By refraining from admitting India, the NSG strengthened both the treaty and the broader global non-proliferation regime,” said Senator Ed Markey, a Democrat.

NSG guidelines insist that only signatories of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) should be admitted to the elite club. Both India and Pakistan have not signed the NPT.

In a statement issued by his office, Senator Markey also noted that the NSG was founded in response to India’s 1974 nuclear test, and it had worked for decades to prevent the sharing of technology that could contribute to the further spread of nuclear weapons.

“If India joined the NSG, it would be the only participating government in the organisation that was not a party to the NPT, weakening the NSG’s commitment to the treaty,” he said.

Last month, at a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on US-India Relations, Senator Markey had warned that India’s admission into the NSG without signing the NPT would trigger a “never-ending” nuclear race in South Asia.

Criticising the Obama administration for lobbying for India’s membership, he argued that “making these exemptions” for New Delhi would cause Pakistan to further expand its nuclear capacity.

“What you are doing is creating an action-reaction that is leading to a never-ending escalation cycle that ultimately leads to development of nuclear weapons, including battlefield nuclear weapons,” Senator Markey told US Assistant Secretary for South Asia Nisha Biswal, who explained the administration’s policy to the panel.

After NSG’s refusal to admit India, a senior US official told an Indian news agency, PTI, that there was still a “path forward” for India to join the group.

“We are confident that India would be a full member of the (NSG) regime by the end of the year,” he said. “It needs some work (but) we are confident that we have got a path forward by the end of this year.”

The official, however, refused to divulge the proceedings of the Seoul meetings, saying that details of those internal deliberations were confidential.

The US, he said, had “worked closely” with India and other countries on this issue. He noted that “months of discussions” had also preceded India’s admission into the Missile Technology Control Regime early this month.

Published in Dawn, June 26th, 2016
I think it is a principle stand and there was no loss of face. Chinese stand is justified as exemptions should not be made for only one nation. In my opnion NSG has no legal grounds so it hardly matters in the long run. India shouldnt have made such a big issue for mere membership which is not even worth it. From what i can see both india and pakistan are getting what they want even without NSG.

I would disagree to your contention as public posturing by China is only undertaken once they are sure and for them any stand they take can not be a 'defeat' or 'deviant' from their posture. Anyways that is my perspective and my assessment of their diplomatic efforts over the years. There can be aberrations and this might be one or there might, indeed, have been a colossal miscalculation in Chinese claims of tissue not even up for discussion. Such a monumental blunder is not known for Chinese; it is more Indian and Pakistani style, errr ... sorry more David Cameron style (his Brexit referendum)!!!

Yes, we have common understanding for the remaining of your lines above.

What makes me puzzled is that you guys knew China will oppose your stance along with other countries.....They were very honest since the beginning in their stance and you knew it. But still Indians are making villain out of China, Instead you should criticize Switzerland, Mexico or Brazil who assured you for their support but took a 180 degree U-turn at 11th hour. They deceived you not China. This whole NSG saga has hurt your credibility and image and exposed your mindset too.......Indians used to remind us the power of their diplomacy. Really? Yeah, we have seen the power of indian diplomacy when those countries who assured you first took a U-turn and brought embarrassment for you. Not discrediting Indian diplomacy but I m dead sure it was due to US you were able to get support of so many countries not due to some Modi magic as some bakhts rant continuously.

China was very honest in her stance.

No offense

To some extent I agree with you...Modi has lot of magic that Non Indian will ever realize it...At least it is better to try and fail rather than not trying anything...
Modi haters are enjoying this .. but they should also know that this man never accept defeat..he will come back even harder...He is Modi....Jai ho
China, US and Russia in one group and China fears India could Inflict more damage than the existing ones? Well allowing a new member to its group is one of the million job an NSG member has and when its vetoing decesions made by the majority, its in a way compromising its own other interests and when China has its interests at stake, it would soon succumb to the decesions of majority. Do you think China will stick to your interests compromising theirs? Never..

So why do you think China is opposing Indian position in NSG? Turks are pro-Pakistan, now what is making China and even Russia go against India?

And yet, they agreed for India's NSG waiver, compromising both China and Pakistan's national security

All thanks to Japan for that :)

Wait and see, if at all, India is not going to become a NSG member anytime soon.
Oh my god we are afraid :cry:hence we will use the veto ........:china:


It had to start some where , it had to happen the confrontation/conflict has to take place. Chinese opposition indicates India is indeed moving in right direction.

Modi needs to be congratulated on taking hard decisions instead of running away like congress.
One day the time will be right for India to get the memberships as China realizes it's blunders and fall in line.

This is not a rant !

India will get membership in NSG, when you agree to NPT.

Not a very difficult thing to comprehend buddy.

But China beat India again in this NSG battle. India sure is very good at losing to China :p:
India will get membership in NSG, when you agree to NPT.

Not a very difficult thing to comprehend buddy.

But China beat India again in this NSG battle. India sure is very good at losing to China :p:

we got 40+ members support !
So why do you think China is opposing Indian position in NSG? Turks are pro-Pakistan, now what is making China and even Russia go against India?

Wait and see, if at all, India is not going to become a NSG member anytime soon.

where... show me link.. show me source.. yesterday a member posted tweets from PM thanking russia for its support..
Are in the NSG?

You are not getting my point, China as a member of NSG (a recently inducted one with dubious record of proliferation) can only manage handfull of countries to oppose India's bid.

This is a failure of NSG membership rules not a victory of China, China not only failed with this move but got isolated infront of the world.

India's is rising !

The game is still on !!
You are not getting my point, China as a member of NSG (a recently inducted one with dubious record of proliferation) can only manage handfull of countries to oppose India's bid.

This is a failure of NSG membership rules not a victory of China, China not only failed with this move but got isolated infront of the world.

India's is rising !

The game is still on !!

Did you get NSG or not?

I want results, I'm a results oriented person.

If China failed, why you guys all fuming at China?
Did you get NSG or not?

I want results, I'm a results oriented person.

If China failed, why you guys all fuming at China?

The answer is in my post, the game is still on and there is a new committee and consultations that are going on for India's membership.
And in every inning, China still has veto power. :P

Which means we can always shut it down, for any reason. Hell, we don't even need to give a reason.

One day India will finally come to their senses and give a decent offering instead of trying to play tricks.

They spent so much political capital and hard cash just to fail here. When they could have just negotiated with China to begin with, but that would be too logical.

Do you realize that one day you will get the same treatment in return wait up buddy every dog has its day. Its now your we will be there too and then we will talk till then enjoy.
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