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India and her Muslims

We need reservation on economic basis and not on some bloody caste, religions and minority.
We need reservation on economic basis and not on some bloody caste, religions and minority.

But this is what we exactly have since independence, my dear!
How to UN-DO this mistake? Do you have any answers or alternatives to this problem? How to deal with it NOW?

Why reservation for minorities CAN NOT help, when it is helping handsomely to the majority community untill now ?

in my honest opinion.....minorities should have a certain percentage of reservation in govt. jobs and educational institutions. i think andhra pradesh has 5% reservation for backward muslims of the state. West Bengal is also thinking of implementing something similar. It wouldn't be right to say that reservations hasn't helped in upliftment of the backward, or to say that only meritocracy should be sole criteria for selection of any candidate; as a backward person does not have resources to compete with the people better off. I believe that reservations for minorities have bee long due and are not being implemented because it is just not good politics.
Every Succesful Muslim in India is not a Muslim coz he does not follow XYZ rule in the Quran or the hadith(no offense meant - feel free to edit if it hurts anyones sentiment) but every failure among Muslims is still a Muslim no matter what all rules he has broken
While the human rights abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib by the Bush administration have been exposed, documented and condemned by the world, similar abuses of Muslims in India's "war on terror" have gone largely unnoticed. There appears to be a conspiracy of silence by the world media when it comes to the brutality against Indian Muslims practiced by officials and the right-wing Hindu extremists in world's largest secular democracy. The western media, in particular, have completely bought what Fareed Zakaria, the Indian-born Muslim editor of Newsweek International, describes as a "peaceful, stable, and prosperous" India. Even the officially-endorsed anti-Muslim violence and resulting deaths of thousands of Muslims in Gujarat have not been able to shake the faith of the Indophile western journalists.

Haq's Musings: India's Guantanamos and Abu Ghraibs
We put state before religion, as muslims this is/was our demise
While the human rights abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib by the Bush administration have been exposed, documented and condemned by the world, similar abuses of Muslims in India's "war on terror" have gone largely unnoticed. There appears to be a conspiracy of silence by the world media when it comes to the brutality against Indian Muslims practiced by officials and the right-wing Hindu extremists in world's largest secular democracy. The western media, in particular, have completely bought what Fareed Zakaria, the Indian-born Muslim editor of Newsweek International, describes as a "peaceful, stable, and prosperous" India. Even the officially-endorsed anti-Muslim violence and resulting deaths of thousands of Muslims in Gujarat have not been able to shake the faith of the Indophile western journalists.

Haq's Musings: India's Guantanamos and Abu Ghraibs

Man, I am a Muslim from India and request you to keep your conspiracy theory in dustbin. There are Hindu fundamentalists as well as our own Mullahs. But except few situations like Gujrat they dont have much public support behind them.Unfortunately government
often hesitate to take strict action against them feraing that would worsen the situation. BTW, you have probably mentioned Gujrat millions time in this forum and your crappy blog. Why do you forget about Godhrah incidents when some stupids set fire on a train full of Karsebakas spirking of communal riot throug out the state. We should be against all type of communal violence but the picture of India as opressor of Muslims is not true. Have you heard of Khans of Bollywood or A R Rahaman or APJ Abdul Kalaam??? You have any idea about their popularity among Indian population???
Every Succesful Muslim in India is not a Muslim coz he does not follow XYZ rule in the Quran or the hadith(no offense meant - feel free to edit if it hurts anyones sentiment) but every failure among Muslims is still a Muslim no matter what all rules he has broken
APJ Abdul Kalaam, A R Rahamn are real muslims unlike many of those (You can find in this forum too) who have deviated far from our Prophet's teaching and still feign to act as protectors of Islam.
In 1947 many Muslims wanted a seperate land for them as they feared they would not be able to prosper in a Hindu majority nation and they got Pakistan. But many (my grand father was one of them) stayed back in India as they did not have any doubt about their competency. Now if we ask for any special privilege for being Muslim that will be an insult to our forefathers.

The problem of resevation is there because of huge population and very limited opportunity. Increasing number of educational institutes, employment opportunities with an expanding economy can solve it to some extent. If there is competition winners will be selected on the basis of merit. Education should be free and for needy students there should be scholarships and soft loans.
Reservation is just a cheap politics which does not help our nation to progress an inch.

Now take a look to those who got a seperate land for Muslims. Within 24 years they proved they cant live with each other and Bengali muslims got their own land Bangladesh. Today there is unrest in many areas in Pakistan too. Again they are proving they cant live with each other though they are all Muslims. In India there are many problems like povery, illeteracy, Maoists, seperatists in North-East but in 60 years not a single Muslim (except Kashmir which still get special status from GOI) has asked for a seperate land for Muslims again though in numbers we are much more than total population of Pakistan. We are far better in India.
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First comes country, then relegion...
if you see that if you ever state someone you want say "call that muslim"
more likely to say "call that indian"..
totaly irreloevent but wanted to say thuis
sab oly indian muslims like u can answer these ignorant fools how we are united
To add:
Look within yourself..look what your Punjabi elites have done to Altaf hussain.
Your country is ruled by feudal lords.. Jagirdar,Sarmayadar, Wadera's etc.

Only and only Punjabi's wanted Pakistan and integated Mr. Jinnah & Co. to Part away. Bec. they knew India after independence will bring Land reform and abolish Zamindari system.
I am not sure how much land reform has happened in Pakistan to the date.

can you imagine what would happen to a pakistani if he so rudely bash your gandhni in an indian forum! and imagine you are still not banned for your post.
When pakistanis talk about muslims the first thing comes into their mind is Gujrath! iam sure indias muslims are more than gujrath and above.

Iam indian muslim and iam very happy to be part of india.

Muslims and hindus in india are united and treat each other as brothers, everytime at ramazan i have few hindu brothers coming to celebrate not just they eat biryani on Eid but also fast with our family!

Iam sure there are plenty more examples like this - I think pakistanis should come out of the gujrath dilemma and see india is way ahead of pakistan, be it politics or economy.

My two paise
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It's not allow Muslim to have non Islamic name. When a non Muslim convert to Islam, they change the name to proper Arabic name.

Your friend committing sin for having non Islamic name though still Muslim if he follow the path of Allah.
I missed my friend as I joined later- the blind mullah with salf-made theory.

There is nothing called Islamic name or non-islamic name. Say Arabic name or non-Arabic name. In India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and many other countries we keep Arabic names as a trend. But it is not always practicesd in many countries like Indoneshia, Malayashia, many countries broke out from Russia. Though our Mullahs often insist on Arabic names for babies but none of them has shown me where it has been made a mandate by our prophet. A Muslim must worship Allah and admire our prophet as his messenger. But what about those Mullahs who consider them omniscient and force people to believe whatever explanation they find.

You can not be considered a Muslim even if you are born in a muslim family.

You can not be considered a Muslim even if you have a Muslim name.

You can not be considerd a Muslim even if you do Namaz and all other activities regularly.

Because Islam covers all aspects of human life. From morality to family affair, Law and State policy to Military affairs. It also put importance on education and forgiveness (My grand father used to quote from him," In search of knowledge you should go as far as china if necessary" and how he forgave the citizens of Mecca who had tortured him in every steps). Do we have the moral standard to be real Muslim? Or we follow his examples of forgiveness? Now it is to wonder how many actual Muslims still exist.

For Al Zakir the scholar-
Giving a Muslim Child a Non-Arabic Name - IslamonLine.net - Ask The Scholar

Giving a Muslim Child a Non-Arabic Name

Dear scholars, As-Salamu `alaykum. Can you give your child a name that is in a language other than Arabic, as long as it has a good meaning? Jazakum Allah khayran.


Children & Parenthood, Pregnancy & newborns, Customs & Traditions


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, we would like to thank you for the great confidence you place in us, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake.

Islam does not oblige Muslim people to choose specific names, Arabic or non-Arabic, for their children, whether boys or girls. It is rather up to people to choose the names for their children. However, selecting names should be pursuant to some Islamic rules that will be stated below. Islam emphasizes that Muslims should have good names and give good names to their children. It is reported in a Hadith that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "You will be called on the Day of Resurrection by your names and the names of your fathers, so have good names." (Reported by Abu Dawud)

Answering your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

“Children are a trust in the hands of parents. Parents, therefore, have a duty to receive this divine gift with a true sense of gratitude and do everything at their disposal to provide the best nurturing. There is nothing better they can do in this regard than by providing them a home filled with love and kindness, and thus contributing to their overall physical, intellectual, ethical and spiritual growth and development. Such a duty begins before the birth of the child and extends all through their lives. Having said this, I must say, that the first important duty when a child is born is to recite the adhan in the right ear in a gentle voice, and give him or her a good name.

As for the choice of names, we are given the following guidelines:

1. We must certainly avoid names that indicate any trace of shirk or association of partners with Allah. Therefore it is forbidden to call someone `Abd al-Ka`bah, or `Abd al-Nabi (servant of the Ka`bah or servant of the Prophet), since all of us are servants of Allah alone.

2. We must also avoid names that imply meanings that are offensive or unpleasant in connotations. The Prophet changed names such as Harb (War) with Salam (Peace), ‘Asiyah (Rebellious) with Jamilah (Beautiful), Sa`b (Difficult) with Sahl (Easy to deal with), etc.

3. We are encouraged to give names that have good or noble meanings or associations, for names may inadvertently inspire a person to do great things or stay away from vices. Choosing names of prophets or great persons who have been role models of virtue and piety is an excellent idea. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) named his son Ibrahim, and he said, “I have called him by my father’s name!”

Having said this, I must add: There is nothing in the Islamic sources to indicate that we are allowed only to give our children Arabic names. Since Islam is a universal religion, there is no such requirement. Any name is okay so long as we keep in mind the above points. But, at the same time, while choosing names, we must strive our best not to compromise our Islamic identity.”

Excerpted, with slight modifications, from: Islamic Institute of Toronto -

For more information, you can read:

Islamic Guidance in Choosing Names

Do keep in touch. If you have any other question, don't hesitate to write to us.
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Man, I am a Muslim from India and request you to keep your conspiracy theory in dustbin. There are Hindu fundamentalists as well as our own Mullahs. But except few situations like Gujrat they dont have much public support behind them.Unfortunately government
often hesitate to take strict action against them feraing that would worsen the situation. BTW, you have probably mentioned Gujrat millions time in this forum and your crappy blog. Why do you forget about Godhrah incidents when some stupids set fire on a train full of Karsebakas spirking of communal riot throug out the state. We should be against all type of communal violence but the picture of India as opressor of Muslims is not true. Have you heard of Khans of Bollywood or A R Rahaman or APJ Abdul Kalaam??? You have any idea about their popularity among Indian population???

Stop your crap comments. You pretend to be a muslim and EXPOSE your true colours! :tdown: You have no idea of muslims and christian problem in India, let alone sympathy or a solution. Stop your BS.:angry:

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