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India and China GDP increase per decade

East Asia United

Aug 21, 2012
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All numbers are from the International Monetary fund. I have them listed from each decade, starting from 1980. Values are given in millions of USD and have not been adjusted for inflation.

World Economic Outlook Database April 2013

China 1980: $202.458 billion

China 1989: $451.311 billion

India 1980: $181.416 billion

India 1989: $299.920 billion

China 1980-1989 GDP increase: 2.23x

India 1980-1989 GDP increase: 1.65x

China 1990: $390.279 billion

China 1999: $1,083.284 billion

India 1990: $323.570 billion

India 1999: $453.659 billion

China 1990-1999 GDP increase: 2.78x

India 1990-1999 GDP increase: 1.40x

China 2000: $1,198.477 billion

China 2009: $4,990.526 billion

India 2000: $476.350 billion

India 2009: $1,266.249 billion

China 2000-2009 GDP increase: 4.16x

India 2000-2009 GDP increase: 2.66x
Simply by RMB appreciation alone, China will become the world's largest economy before 2020.

If China can maintain 6% growth until 2020 she will have surpassed the US (with inflation and RMB appreciation holding steady).

With inflation and RMB appreciation holding average of the last decade, and the USA averaging 2.5% GDP growth with 1.5% inflation, China will surpass US GDP by:

9% growth = 2018

8% growth = 2018

7% growth = 2019

6% growth = 2020

5% growth = 2021

4% growth = 2022

3% growth = 2024

2% growth = 2026
China has basically averaged growth rates anywhere from 35% (low point) to 100% (high point) higher than India in the per decade GDP increase.

Divided by year, this means that China has averaged anywhere from 3.5 percentage points to 10 percentage points higher than India per year.

On average, from 1980-2009, China has averaged a growth rate 6.35 percentage points higher than India. This is largely due to the lackluster appreciation rate of the Rupee, but also due to the generally lower growth rates of the Indian economy.

On average, if India is to grow at 8% (incl. currency appreciation and inflation), China would be expected to grow at over 14%.
The real growth of GDP must be accompanied by the natural & real appreciation of the underlying currency to make a healthy sense. The newest textbook example is China/Yuan.

Otherwise, the “growth” of GDP is a scam, a trap. A textbook example is India/Rupee.

The reason for that is simple:

When a country, such as China, grows healthily, it produces better quality AND more quantity goods/services are so hughly competitive in the international market that others fight to import. Hence it exports more and better goods/services, under the mechanism its currency becomes intrinsically stronger. As a country it likely will become a creditor and as an individual an average Joes becomes richer. This is the natural healthy growth process of how Britain, USA, Japan, Germany and more recently China etc did it. This is how Western Europe and “Asian Tigers” did it. The hallmark of each of these success stories has been a naturally strong currency. At their height, Pound, USD, Yen, D-Mark and increasingly Yuan were/are so strong that have been taken as major reserve currencies around the world.

On the other hand, it’s rather easy to identity scammers such as India. Ask yourself who the heck wants Rupee?

The main reason is that India produces goods/services which quality are so low that few countries are interested in – basically it produces sh!t. Hence it tries to export mainly sh!t, and of course basic raw materials fresh out of the earth.

“High” GDP growth on paper is easy for India, because it fcukes like crazy having one of the highest birth rates on earth, hence it will grow more rice, which was invented by the Chinese btw and passed on to India through SE Asia, and it will grow more tea – again invented by the Chinese and passed on to India thru SE Asia together with its mandarin pronunciation “Cha”, and it will do more fishing using ancient “spider-net”– a simple tool invented by the ancient Chinese and passed on to India thru AS Asia (yes, Indians’IQ are not sufficient enough to create their own humble daily fishnet)…all these helped a high GDP growth on paper… but it is an undesirable scam.

That’s why despite a look-good GDP growth on paper, in total contrary to China, India has both double account deficits, apart from double digit inflation on virtually all levels. That’s why there is no hope for the forseeable future and its collapsed economy is acutely and fairly reflected through its collapsed currency – Rupee in the int’l market. That’s why as a GDP growth, it is a scam, as a country, it’s fcuked, and as people Indians are THE single largest hungry group on the face of earth which leaves the most hungry ones of Sub-Saraha Africa in remotely second position - all facts!
“High” GDP growth on paper is easy for India, because it fcukes like crazy having one of the highest birth rates on earth, hence it will grow more rice, which was invented by the Chinese btw and passed on to India through SE Asia, and it will grow more tea – again invented by the Chinese and passed on to India thru SE Asia together with its mandarin pronunciation “Cha”, and it will do more fishing using ancient “spider-net”– a simple tool invented by the ancient Chinese and passed on to India thru AS Asia (yes, Indians’IQ are not sufficient enough to create their own humble daily fishnet)…all these helped a high GDP growth on paper… but it is an undesirable scam.

Chinese 'invented' rice and tea. Are you sure they didn't 'invented' other plants/animals? The fishes that Indians fish through ancient Chinese invention of fishnet are themselves not Chinese 'invention'?
All numbers are from the International Monetary fund. I have them listed from each decade, starting from 1980. Values are given in millions of USD and have not been adjusted for inflation.

World Economic Outlook Database April 2013

China 1980: $202.458 billion

China 1989: $451.311 billion

India 1980: $181.416 billion

India 1989: $299.920 billion

China 1980-1989 GDP increase: 2.23x

India 1980-1989 GDP increase: 1.65x

China 1990: $390.279 billion

China 1999: $1,083.284 billion

India 1990: $323.570 billion

India 1999: $453.659 billion

China 1990-1999 GDP increase: 2.78x

India 1990-1999 GDP increase: 1.40x

China 2000: $1,198.477 billion

China 2009: $4,990.526 billion

India 2000: $476.350 billion

India 2009: $1,266.249 billion

China 2000-2009 GDP increase: 4.16x

India 2000-2009 GDP increase: 2.66x

It would like nice if you could

1. make a corresponding real/absolute economy size comparison to get tangible, instead of growth rates and the grouth of the growth rates which may prove to be quite deep for Indian readers here to get hold of.

2. make all these on Excel graphs - the same reason as above.
^^ have to spell out every word for ya? invented planting rice and tea as food and drink for human consumption, you iidiot.

First tea:
The consumption of tea in India was first clearly documented in the Ramayana (750-500 BC). For the next thousand years, documentation of tea in India was lost in history. Records re-emerge during the first century AD, with stories of the Buddhist monks Bodhidharma and Gan Lu, and their involvement with tea. Research shows that tea is indigenous to eastern and northern India, and was cultivated and consumed there for thousands of years. Commercial production of tea in India did not begin until the arrival of the British East India Company, at which point large tracts of land were converted for mass tea production.

And here Ramayana doesn't means a holy book but a piece of literature, written over 2 millenia ago.

Second, agriculture started in SE Asia as early as 7000 BC, in parts of what now is Pakistan (Mehrgarh, a precurser to IVC).

Third, even fishing net was not invented in China.

India doesn't even have highest birth rate in the region, let alone the world.

I would prefer my 'low Indian IQ' over the 'high Chinese IQ' given that the extremely intelligent Chinese have to fudge their data, be in their posts or their gdp.
How far is India behind in social indicators?

The World Bank indicators show that China reached India’s 2012 level of per capita income in 2003, Indonesia and the Philippines around 2007, while Vietnam’s per capita GDP was lower than India’s in 2012. Thailand reached that level of per capita income as far back as 1988. In South Asia, Sri Lanka’s per capita income matched India’s 2012 level in 2004. Putting it another way, India is nine years behind China in terms of per capita income, five years behind Indonesia and the Philippines and eight years behind Sri Lanka.

How far is India behind in social indicators? - Livemint
First tea:

[/B]The consumption of tea in India was first clearly documented in the Ramayana (750-500 BC). For the next thousand years, documentation of tea in India was lost in history.[/B] Records re-emerge during the first century AD, with stories of the Buddhist monks Bodhidharma and Gan Lu, and their involvement with tea. Research shows that tea is indigenous to eastern and northern India, and was cultivated and consumed there for thousands of years. Commercial production of tea in India did not begin until the arrival of the British East India Company, at which point large tracts of land were converted for mass tea production.

And here Ramayana doesn't means a holy book but a piece of literature, written over 2 millenia ago.

So India invented airplane too, in xxx BC, just like tea? later it's been "lost" for 1 or 2,000 years before some Indian retards woke up one day and conviniently clamed that such such Indian holy books said so?

Get your facts straight. You indians are such natural liars!

Tea, rice, like gunpowder paper etc etc are recognised by the entire world for hundres of years that they were invented/first discovered & cultivated by the Chinese. There are literally thousands of hard evidences all over the place. It just happens that You Hinhi call tea "Cha", so conviniently the same as Mandarin Chinese? yeah right.

Second, agriculture started in SE Asia as early as 7000 BC, in parts of what now is Pakistan (Mehrgarh, a precurser to IVC).

yeah right, agriculture = rice farming huh? no wonder you lot are the last in worldwide PISA ranking.

Third, even fishing net was not invented in China.

Fishnet WAS invented by the Chinese. It's well-recognised and there are plenty of hard proofs/ Google it. It's been passed thru to India either via SE Asia gradually, or directly by some Chinese monks or travellers in 600 AD or so - through I am only not sure which was more likely. In India, you people call fishnet "Chinese net" literally, exactly like when the Dutch/German call orange juice "sinaasappelsap"(chinese applejuice) and the Spanish call it "zumo de Mandarina"(Mandarin juice), in order to credit the origin of orange cultivating to the Chinese.

Stop lying, it's becoming pathetic!

India doesn't even have highest birth rate in the region, let alone the world.

I said "ONE of the highest in the world".

Again, reading comprehension!

I would prefer my 'low Indian IQ' over the 'high Chinese IQ' given that the extremely intelligent Chinese have to fudge their data, be in their posts or their gdp.

fudge data? where and how?

you indians are the world leader of crooks and scams, even half a league ahead of Sub-Sahara African Champ Nigeria.
Tea, rice, like gunpowder paper etc etc are recognised by the entire world for hundres of years that they were invented/first discovered & cultivated by the Chinese. There are literally thousands of hard evidences all over the place. It just happens that You Hinhi call tea "Cha", so conviniently the same as Mandarin Chinese? yeah right.

Fishnet WAS invented by the Chinese. It's well-recognised and there are plenty of hard proofs/ Google it. It's been passed thru to India either via SE Asia gradually, or directly by some Chinese monks or travellers in 600 AD or so - through I am only not sure which was more likely. In India, you people call fishnet "Chinese net" literally, exactly like when Dutch/German call orange juice "sinaasappelsap"(chinese juice) and the Spanish it "zumo de Mandarina"(Mandarin juice), in order to credit the origin of orange cultivating to the Chinese.

I think even the word tea, thé (French), tee (German) comes from the Minnan dialect since Europe imported from that region.

In German we either call the sweet citrus fruit orange or apfelsine, the apple from China.
^^ have to spell out every word for ya? invented planting rice and tea as food and drink for human consumption, you iidiot.

Invent is not the right word choice. Maybe cultivate. Well if I remember correctly, isn't Indian word for tea is "cha?" exactly the same as mandarin Chinese pronunciation. Anyway, no need to quibble over who invented what first. There is nothing wrong with borrowing and learning from each other.

Oh, thanks East Asia United for the info.
How far is India behind in social indicators?

The World Bank indicators show that China reached India’s 2012 level of per capita income in 2003, Indonesia and the Philippines around 2007, while Vietnam’s per capita GDP was lower than India’s in 2012. Thailand reached that level of per capita income as far back as 1988. In South Asia, Sri Lanka’s per capita income matched India’s 2012 level in 2004. Putting it another way, India is nine years behind China in terms of per capita income, five years behind Indonesia and the Philippines and eight years behind Sri Lanka.

How far is India behind in social indicators? - Livemint

That is not really helpful at all. Each country's development is not lineal. For example, China's GPD per capita has surpassed Thailand even though Thailand has peacefully developed for long time and used to be richest country in SE Asia, even better than S. Korea. There is something wrong with Thailand.

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