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India a Country of Hindus and of Their Descendants - Dr. Swamy

Soviet union broke up because of differences in cultural and religious freedom

Soviet Union, an atheist state could not keep them together. The same religious and cultural differences that secularists want to harp on time and again and induce the sense of we are all not the same.

ndia does not teach its history that well to its children so the pride you are talking about hardly exists among the mases
The only cultural exchange they have is due to day to day interactions with people from different religion and cast
We learn about each other more during live interaction than reading it in books

That is what the RSS and Hindu nationalists are trying to do. Teach history properly and induce cultural pride. It does not as of now exist because they secularlist were trying to kill everything Dharmic in their dream of a stale sterile state. The masses that you see now are a product of that secularism. Those people who want to run away from India, who feel no loyalty towards India, who for some money would easily join some or other resistance forces.

It was the sense of external threat that forced the states to reunite, they feared another country could take over India
Plus it was nationalism that made the country unite

What external threat? British were gone. Did we come together because of Pakistan? Or fearing Sri Lanka? Or Nepal? Where did the nationalism come from? Why did millions of people of different languages, customs, food habits choose to come together? Their sense of identity as Dharmics or Hindus. That word which you refuse to give respect or acknowledgement to.
Ideally we should have ensured that all Muslims went to their new found land in 1947.

As this did not happen due political reason we cannot blame the Muslim who stayed back.

India is for Indians ie whoever stayed back in India during Partition. Rest all are immegrants.Not for any religious reason but for economic reason
Soviet Union, an atheist state could not keep them together. The same religious and cultural differences that secularists want to harp on time and again and induce the sense of we are all not the same.
more so because the nation back bankrupt
economic blockade because of USSR's doings

That is what the RSS and Hindu nationalists are trying to do. Teach history properly and induce cultural pride. It does not as of now exist because they secularlist were trying to kill everything Dharmic in their dream of a stale sterile state. The masses that you see now are a product of that secularism. Those people who want to run away from India, who feel no loyalty towards India, who for some money would easily join some or other resistance forces.
If they can get the syllabus passed best of luck to em

What external threat? British were gone. Did we come together because of Pakistan? Or fearing Sri Lanka? Or Nepal? Where did the nationalism come from? Why did millions of people of different languages, customs, food habits choose to come together? Their sense of identity as Dharmics or Hindus. That word which you refuse to give respect or acknowledgement to.
It was en era of multi-polar world with emerging powers
people had seen holocaust of WWII and rise in asian fascism
they feared another great war approaching
that is also Ganga Muslim(UP/Bihar) thing nothing to do with Sindhus.
and those ganga jamuna muslims were treated differently and called as mohajirs in the land of the pure.

Was that the idea of Pakistan?
more so because the nation back bankrupt
economic blockade because of USSR's doings

See mere bankrupty can break up an atheist state. So do you want such a state for India? A fragile breakable state? A state based on just economics and nothing else? Economic cycles turn every 3-4 decades. That will be the lifespan of India if you are going to base our country only on economics.

It was en era of multi-polar world with emerging powers
people had seen holocaust of WWII and rise in asian fascism
they feared another great war approaching

Nah. There are plenty of smaller states existing without that need to get together. Any number of countries in SE Asia would do or Africa or South America would fit the example. They did not have that sense of togetherness.
that is also Ganga Muslim(UP/Bihar) thing nothing to do with Sindhus.

Here is Indus Muslim culture. ;)


Here is the Ganga Muslim culture which Indus Muslims love to copycat and claim as their own. :sarcastic::sarcastic:
Will get Najma Heptullah’s DNA tested to prove Hindu ancestry: Swamy - Video | The Times of India

He does it again. Another faux-pas. What will BJP do? Defend it?

I can not count how many times I have heard the argument that Muslims are descendants of invaders and of people converted under duress. Now where does one fit this fresh statement? Has this been the standard RSS line for long or is this something blown out of proportions?

This is not a troll thread, although I do feel that this is what it will eventually become. I hope any discussion that is generated stays within bounds of sanity.

@he-man , I would appreciate your input. I am hoping for a civil debate.
@Ravi Nair , @nari , @Indrani , @AbhimanyuShrivastav , etc.... Your opinions?

Nothing wrong what is he saying...All the Muslims and other religion of India are converts from Hindu only...This land is for those people who are Hindu or whoose ancestor are Hindu...Not for any outsiders..
too much vegetables in their diet...i wouldnt take what some radical hindus have to say very seriously

still butt hurt over 1947....they can deal with it, we dont have to

yeah a certain vegetarian wrestler from India with the name of Sushil Kumar pinned down a meat eating,martially superior pakistani wrestler in 40 secs!

Hard to chew? ehh?
too much vegetables in their diet...i wouldnt take what some radical hindus have to say very seriously

still butt hurt over 1947....they can deal with it, we dont have to

Tell us, who is better Veggie Indians or dalkhor Pakistanis. :sarcastic::sarcastic: BTW I heard dal and phart jokes from some Afghans. :laugh:
See mere bankrupty can break up an atheist state. So do you want such a state for India? A fragile breakable state? A state based on just economics and nothing else? Economic cycles turn every 3-4 decades. That will be the lifespan of India if you are going to base our country only on economics.
Hahah you never give up do you
USSR was never one, they were broken states which was overtaken by commies

Nah. There are plenty of smaller states existing without that need to get together. Any number of countries in SE Asia would do or Africa or South America would fit the example. They did not have that sense of togetherness.
tu jeeti meri ma ....:meeting::victory1:
Tell us, who is better Veggie Indians or dalkhor Pakistanis. :sarcastic::sarcastic:

i cant speak for everyone but im happy with my beef and lamb diet....daal days are wednesdays usually when im too lazy to prepare anything else

BTW I heard dal and phart jokes from some Afghans. :laugh:

which ones? the ones who are provided free daal and sustenance by Pakistanis or the internet ones who are really just indian garbage hiding behind Afghan names (i think we banned several such types here on PDF)

yeah a certain vegetarian wrestler from India with the name of Sushil Kumar pinned down a meat eating,martially superior pakistani wrestler in 40 secs!

Hard to chew? ehh?

not really - since we also have "meat eating martially superior" boxers like Meherullah Lassi who could thrash the goats out of vegetarian baniyas like your Olympian like your Diwakar Prasad and send him and his team packing, heads down in defeat
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not really - since we also have "meat eating martially superior" boxers like Meherullah Lassi who could thrash the goats out of vegetarian baniyas like your Olympian like your Diwakar Prasad and send him and his team packing, heads down in defeat
Who the hell is that? Pakistan gets one boxing medal and India gets six:rofl: Nice try Shia.
which ones? the ones who are provided free daal and sustenance by Pakistanis or the internet ones who are really just indian garbage hiding behind Afghan names (i think we banned several such types here on PDF)

I am not talking about pdf, on other online chat forums almost every Afghan talk about it and sometimes using mix of English and pashto(perhaps abusing).
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