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India a Country of Hindus and of Their Descendants - Dr. Swamy

That ek ghanta will be some of the best time you will invest. No one can explain the challenges better than Rajiv and he does an exemplary job with it. India will be fragmented in the next few decades because of the amount the Western countries investing in breaking it up. They use our religious fault lines to induce a sense of injustice and a sense of hate against each other. That has to be countered if we are to survive. When a major chunk of the country turns Christian or Muslim, they will refuse to acknowledge India as their country with the help of these same Western forces. Be unaware and unalert at your own peril.
that is the price you pay to be secular i guess

You are right India is like no other country out there. But India has always been a civilization entity. What keeps India together is Dharma. It is the dharmics who keep this country together. It is the Dharmics way of understanding of life that keeps us together. When the country would grow atheist or non-dharmic, that understanding would no longer exist and this country would disintegrate.
Atheist would not break up the country, you see atheist become nationlists, dharma is replaced by sense of pride and cultural heritage. they would prefer to be called an Indian than hindu/muslims

What made the Dharmic Kings join the Indian union without much of resistance barring one or two cases? What made the non-dharmic nawabs and kings opt out of Indian union and select Pakistan? You must ponder.
more than that it was need
people contact and yes some dharmic stuff
It's quite funny because some of them claim Buddhist origin and at the same time come from historically Hindu biraderis like Rajputs and Jatts. Has anyone ever heard of a Buddhist Jatt?:lol:

I told you hindu in our part of the world mean someone who take bath in filthy ganga. I challange you to bring any source which proves our ancestors ever called themselves hindus.

ahh..what about the ashraf and azlif classes in muslims?

Thats only happen in India. Trait they learned from brahmins,
I think it is crazy, he can do a lot with his intellect rather than issuing crazy statements which will be used to fan more alienation.
Many illiterate Muslims only need a part of that whole debate to get all worked up, we'll I will not blame literate ones too if they get angry.. Yes, he is right that Indians share common ancestry but he is assuming that accepting common ancestry will most definitely make a Muslim put India above his religion. I doubt that.
For that the solution if at all there is any rests somewhere else, maybe economic prosperity and sense of a nation not biased to any religion. Maybe.
Also, it becomes imperative to say that many Indian Muslims should integrate with the mainstream nation better, they should rise above petty topics.. They have a feeling that they belong somewhere in Arab or even in Pakistan because it is somehow related to their religion, they should be thankful that not everything is related to religionists India.

He is working on psychology. You need to understand that. Any Muslim resistance will only be due to the secular Hindus getting more worked up about it than the Muslims. That was the case in Gujarat, that was the case in Ayodhya. It is the secular Hindu who actually creates mischief more than the Muslim.

There is no country that without a sense of identity or history. There is nothing to keep us together if we do not have any underlying commonality. Constitution is just a piece of paper. Spain is breaking up. UK is breaking up. Belgium is about to break up. They are post nationalist states. Only communists through brute force keep their country together. Without nationalism or underlying cultural identity a country is doomed.

That thinking is not going to come magically to the Muslims as long as you keep harping on how they are separate and keep feeding their being different.
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As i expected i don't expect much from opressed bhangii, hindko is spoken west of indus also. Stop using stupid smily again and again, especially when someone insult you.

Hindu in our part of the world mean someone who take bath in filthy ganga, hence the religion is known as ganga hinduism.
Mind you language sir while arguing
opressed bhangii and all this shit keep it to your self, go home and learn some manners if you can !
Why are not a single Buddhist left in Punjab or Sindh when Punjab and Sindh was not Hindus but Buddhists. Who are those Punjabi Hindus and Sindhi Hindus.

Potohar plateau was strong Buddhist center and that also include east of Indus upper Punjab so relation with Swat KPK.
It's quite funny because some of them claim Buddhist origin and at the same time come from historically Hindu biraderis like Rajputs and Jatts. Has anyone ever heard of a Buddhist Jatt?:lol:

After 1000 years of Muslim rule, Sindh was 25% Hindus(including outsiders like Zardaris, Mirs, Sumroo) and Punjab was 45% Hindu-Sikh. So, where all those Buddhists gone, why not a single Buddhist existed in Punjab-Sindh when Pakistanis were Buddhists and not Hindus. :lol::lol:
I told you hindu in our part of the world mean someone who take bath in filthy ganga. I challange you to bring any source which proves our ancestors ever called themselves hindus.

Thats only happen in India.

1:45 se onwards sunno janab
After 1000 years of Muslim rule, Sindh was 25% Hindus(including outsiders like Zardaris, Mirs, Sumroo) and Punjab was 45% Hindu-Sikh. So, where all those Buddhists gone, why not a single Buddhist existed in Punjab-Sindh when Pakistanis were Buddhists and not Hindus. :lol::lol:

Don't lie, only few million Sindhi hindus live in India. And even sikhs are more in numbers then hindu punjabis.
Potohar plateau was strong Buddhist center and that also include east of Indus upper Punjab so relation with Swat KPK.

Swat has Sanskrit origin, Potohar was the part of Gandhara. Gandhara is very important region in Indian culture, its one of the major territories of India in Mahabharata, home of Taxila university and Panini lived in Gandhara and we revere all these things. Gandhara is inseparable from Indian culture.

Don't lie, only few million Sindhi hindus live in India. And even sikhs are more in numbers then hindu punjabis.

I heard Sindhis are only 60% of the population of Sindh. ;)
Swat has Sanskrit origin, Potohar was the part of Gandhara. Gandhara is very important region in Indian culture, its one of the major territories of India in Mahabharata, home of Taxila university and Panini lived in Gandhara and we revere all these things. Gandhara is inseparable from Indian culture.

Its good to know you guys worship donga of ancient Pakistani.
I told you hindu in our part of the world mean someone who take bath in filthy ganga. I challange you to bring any source which proves our ancestors ever called themselves hindus.
My maternal side are Punjabi Hindus and they have referred to themselves as Hindu since time immemorial.
Bharat in contemporary east of Indus term originated from Gupte period that is reletively very new.

Bharat is mentioned in ancient literature of all major religions of India. Here the one from Purana.

uttaraṃ yatsamudrasya himādreścaiva dakṣiṇam
varṣaṃ tadbhārataṃ nāma bhāratī yatra santatiḥ

उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।
"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhārata; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."

Its good to know you guys worship donga of ancient Pakistani.

aur zor laga natta.
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