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India a Country of Hindus and of Their Descendants - Dr. Swamy

Sometimes things need to be brought out in the open. Pushing things under the carpet just allows a lot of mold to gather. Some sunshine is good.

Perhaps the TV channels think if they do not let right wing ideologues have their say, then they will lose their support. But it works the opposite way. The more they suppress, the more they will be challenged.
problem is India is still in the grips of their respective religious leaders
which in turn are vote banks
India is not ready for such debates, we need higher level of education among minorities and majorities alike, youth is the key, they will define a new india or follow the path of their elders
He does not let Mr. Swamy speak. Dr. Swamy should have told Arnab bluntly to keep his mouth shut for a few minutes and not interject.

It is an old article. I had read it when it was published and the controversy rose about it.

He was politically right too, but dumb Arnab would not admit nor let him complete his sentence. Arnab speaks only to hear his own voice I think. His bias is obvious.

He has some crazy ideas about the vote based on acceptance of Hindu ancestry, don't u think so..
problem is India is still in the grips of their respective religious leaders
which in turn are vote banks
India is not ready for such debates, we need higher level of education among minorities and majorities alike, youth is the key, they will define a new india or follow the path of their elders

Actually, the secularists have misled the country a great deal. The lack of cultural identity is what tears the country apart. They have invested too much in differentiating people on the basis of culture and religion, not taught us about how we are the same. This definition seeks to bring about that change.

If you go through this video you will know what challenges India faces and perhaps come to an understanding how to face it.

bro one thing can you clarify is that why you separate Indus regions west of Indus completely from East of Indus Indus regions; Punjab, Sindh. I agree in traditional Bharat terms that originated from Gupte period? areas including west of Indus were not relevant but when Indus region was main center on its own it always included west of Indus regions on both sides e.g IVC, look at Kalash people, Mehgerh, Gandhara, Rig vedic times etc etc. A better definition of Indus region would be east of Hindu kush to Punjab(both Pakistan/Ind)

Hindutva is ummah inspired movement, where every hindu is equal no matter if he is bhangii or fair skin brahmin. But when someone goes against basic rule of ganga hindu religion then its bound to fail.
He has some crazy ideas about the vote based on acceptance of Hindu ancestry, don't u think so..

No. His idea is to get them past the resistance point of dread/disgust of the word Hindu. Next, it is a carrot and stick approach. What secularists have been doing is feeding their sense of victimhood and mollycoddling them as if they are some delicate fragile thing that would be destroyed if exposed to hard realities. All countries do it. All countries have a value system. This lack of value system will fragment us.
But one thing is absolutely true.India still remained as a single nation because of Hinduism and Hindus.
They followed a secular path in all of its history.But thanks to our psuedo 'sickular' parties.Their mindset almost changed.
Even in here Kerala ,Communist votes is flowing int o BJP ballots.
bro one thing can you clarify is that why you separate Indus regions west of Indus completely from East of Indus Indus regions; Punjab, Sindh. I agree in your traditional Bharat terms that originated from Gupte period? areas including west of Indus were not relevant but when Indus region was main center on its own it always included west of Indus regions on both sides e.g IVC, look at Kalash people, Mehrgarh, Gandhara, Rig vedic times etc etc. A better definition of Indus region would be east of Hindu kush to Punjab(both Pakistan/Ind)

When we refer West of Indus, it means Pashtuns and Balochs. They had their civilization and had nothing in common with people of Bharatavarsha. Pashtuns didn't live in Gandhara times, they came from outside. Gandharians were Hindus, Pashtuns were never Hindus.
Actually, the secularists have misled the country a great deal. The lack of cultural identity is what tears the country apart. They have invested too much in differentiating people on the basis of culture and religion, not taught us about how we are the same. This definition seeks to bring about that change.

If you have to go through this video you will know what challenges India faces and perhaps come to an understanding how to face it.

ek ghantaa .. bata de na points too long for me
It is difficult to draw a cultural line in a country like India
We are like no other country in the world, all those who preach secularism have never faced anything like India
diff religion, diff languages .... what describes india it is hard to say. Hindu are culturally different from each other 400kms away forget about hindu-muslims
India remains united because we know we are weak alone .... only thing that unites us you our need for each other .. to survive
Go to any business district or trading centre, people do business, they don't look at each other religion .. this is how India works
Indias culture is its diversification
It is my culture that i go in ganesh chakravati, it is my culture that i have biryani during Eid, it is my culture i go an navratara (ok sometimes i go to look at girls :D ) but these are my culture
I don't need someone to put it down my throat, every Indian learns it when he lives in India, through out the age
When we refer West of Indus, it means Pashtuns and Balochs. They had their civilization and had nothing in coming with people of Bharatavarsha. Pashtuns didn't live in Gandhara times, they came from outside. Gandharians were Hindus, Pashtuns were never Hindus.

They were never hindus true, since no **** was ever hindu. Either aryan religion or bhudism. But Afridi tribe is indigenous for thousands of years, and many others also. Not every pashtun tribe came from Afghanistan.
Will get Najma Heptullah’s DNA tested to prove Hindu ancestry: Swamy - Video | The Times of India

He does it again. Another faux-pas. What will BJP do? Defend it?

I can not count how many times I have heard the argument that Muslims are descendants of invaders and of people converted under duress. Now where does one fit this fresh statement? Has this been the standard RSS line for long or is this something blown out of proportions?

This is not a troll thread, although I do feel that this is what it will eventually become. I hope any discussion that is generated stays within bounds of sanity.

@he-man , I would appreciate your input. I am hoping for a civil debate.
@Ravi Nair , @nari , @Indrani , @AbhimanyuShrivastav , etc.... Your opinions?

it's Subarmaium Swammy,who gives a damn
They were never hindus true, since no **** was ever hindu. Either aryan religion or bhudism. But Afridi tribe is indigenous for thousands of years, and many others also. Not every pashtun tribe came from Afghanistan.
yup they were all arabs :omghaha:
They were never hindus true, since no **** was ever hindu. Either aryan religion or bhudism. But Afridi tribe is indigenous for thousands of years, and many others also. Not every pashtun tribe came from Afghanistan.
Umm that's not true at all, Buddhism has had a tiny presence in Punjab and Sindh. In fact during the Khalsa, all recruits came from Hindu or Muslim families as there were no Buddhist families.
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