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In two years, Indian navy may lose sub-sea edge over Pakistan

Defense production literally involves hundred million sub-technologies and the learning curve for each of them is decades.... so according to you, we should wait..... let's say 300 years to build a submarine and it's subsystems by ourselves? Yeah, why not! In 300 years, Pakistan Navy (with diesel electric submarines) would be the only one sailing planet earths seas, as rest of the Navies of the world would be powering their fleet of FTL (faster than light) spaceships at a dock on Alpha Centauri...

Time to wake up from your dream......... Nawaz Shareef is taking people like you on an imaginary ride, and you are more than happy to hop on board......... In a decade or so, he and his extended family will be enjoying their time in Switzerland, while Pakistani's will still be driving imported 800cc shitty cars..... do you get where I'm going with this - or do I need to make it more simple?

Why don't these so called planners look at Pakistani firms for a change or maybe..... strengthen our institutions so that they can deliver on their own, IMP no matter how much sophisticated the equipment is, it's a bloody shame if we can't make it in Pakistan.
However, the step of imposing ban on arms imports is a good one by the current gov.
China is a good friend, has been a good friend but we have to make sure that we don't get too left behind. Also, it doesn't mean that if the Indians can't do it, we can't do it.
you said,if India cant develop one that doesnt mean we cant
I didn't say India can't develop one.

then jarves said we have developed one(Arihant)
Ok..... good for you!!

then you put up a stupid smiley
and now you are calling it sarcasm
I put up the "stupid smiley" because somebody brought up Indian submarines while the topic is about Pakistan procuring submarines from China, IMP stupidity should be ignored therefore i just picked up a "stupid smiley" and posted it rather than starting a stupid "mine is bigger discussion".

and now you are calling it sarcasm

post reported.
I didn't mention any country's name could be India could be Pakistan. Both countries aren't in the best of conditions and we're thinking about nuclear subs? ain't money grand?
Why don't these so called planners look at Pakistani firms for a change or maybe..... strengthen our institutions so that they can deliver on their own, IMP no matter how much sophisticated the equipment is, it's a bloody shame if we can't make it in Pakistan.
However, the step of imposing ban on arms imports is a good one by the current gov.
China is a good friend, has been a good friend but we have to make sure that we don't get too left behind. Also, it doesn't mean that if the Indians can't do it, we can't do it.
Ok guys dont derail the thread please.
Ok guys dont derail the thread please.
he brought India into the discussion and is now lying
he said India cant develop one,though he clearly stated that in his point
he put up a stupid smiley bcoz he didnt knew about arihant and is now saying it was sarcasm

anyways on topic................what kind of subs is Pak getting from China?????
Defense production literally involves hundred million sub-technologies and the learning curve for each of them is decades.... so according to you, we should wait..... let's say 300 years to build a submarine and it's subsystems by ourselves? Yeah, why not! In 300 years, Pakistan Navy (with diesel electric submarines) would be the only sailing planet earths seas, as rest of the Navies of the world would be powering their fleet of FTL (faster than light) spaceships at a dock on Alpha Centauri...
Time to wake up from your dream.........
Learning curve is there but the thing i am talking about are the policies affecting that learning curve, we all know how our scientists are "red taped" i.e. don't do this don't do that.... this needs to be stopped. Also the thing about 300 years (if you're meaning it literally) is totally untrue, France didn't develop submarines in 300 years, 50 years is the max. IMP. And since when do you think have we been working on subs and there systems (point to ponder).
OK let's assume that we can't develop subs due to some reason then what about drones and rockets (space rockets)? We have been dealing with drones for 10 years now and we still don't have a decent platform?
I believe in criticism.
he brought India into the discussion and is now lying
he said India cant develop one,though he clearly stated that in his point
he put up a stupid smiley bcoz he didnt knew about arihant and is now saying it was sarcasm

anyways on topic................what kind of subs is Pak getting from China?????
I knew about your sub and i didn't start the India rant. Here is the proof.....
India has already devloped an indigenous nuclear submarine
Doesn't Pakistan have the technology and infrastructure to build the Agosta-90B's completely on their own?
I didn't say India can't develop one.

I put up the "stupid smiley" because somebody brought up Indian submarines while the topic is about Pakistan procuring submarines from China, IMP stupidity should be ignored therefore i just picked up a "stupid smiley" and posted it rather than starting a stupid "mine is bigger discussion

I didn't mention any country's name could be India could be Pakistan. Both countries aren't in the best of conditions and we're thinking about nuclear subs? ain't money grand?

Post #5

China is a good friend, has been a good friend but we have to make sure that we don't get too left behind. Also, it doesn't mean that if the Indians can't do it, we can't do it.

Dude... France had a scientific pool to tap into.. who does Pakistan have? Graduates of NUST? Which in itself is subpar at best.

Start here:

1. Develop quality institutions of higher learning.
2. Develop research mentality.
3. Award the researchists.

Bla bla bla... not time to explain to you our "real" state of affairs...... as you grow up, you will learn everything yourself.

P.S. Drones require supporting technologies and research which takes several decades, provided you have the talent pool to tap into. Which sadly isn't there.

Criticism is nice. First learn how to digest it yourself.

Want to do something?

Go get a PHD in Material Sciences. That's one place where we are lacking!

Learning curve is there but the thing i am talking about are the policies affecting that learning curve, we all know how our scientists are "red taped" i.e. don't do this don't do that.... this needs to be stopped. Also the thing about 300 years (if you're meaning it literally) is totally untrue, France didn't develop submarines in 300 years, 50 years is the max. IMP. And since when do you think have we been working on subs and there systems (point to ponder).
OK let's assume that we can't develop subs due to some reason then what about drones and rockets (space rockets)? We have been dealing with drones for 10 years now and we still don't have a decent platform?
I believe in criticism.

I knew about your sub and i didn't start the India rant. Here is the proof.....
Dude... France had a scientific pool to tap into.. who does Pakistan have? Graduates of NUST? Which in itself is subpar at best.
Start here:
1. Develop quality institutions of higher learning.
2. Develop research mentality.
3. Award the researchists.
Bla bla bla... not time to explain to you our "real" state of affairs...... as you grow up, you will learn everything yourself.
P.S. Drones require supporting technologies and research which takes several decades, provided you have the talent pool to tap into. Which sadly isn't there.
Criticism is nice. First learn how to digest it yourself.
Want to do something?
Go get a PHD in Material Sciences. That's one place where we are lacking!
So, you're saying that we Pakistanis who are spread across the world don't have a scientific pool? I'm sorry but i find it hard to believe and also Pakistan may have weaker universities but the defense institutions are not mediocre. And it doesn't need a PhD degree in material sciences to be a researcher, i have seen PhD's who don't know the "abc" of the subject or can't explain it properly, all it need is a good problem solving mind at all levels (which i believe we have even if they are in lesser numbers, all these people need is a chance). As far as awarding goes, everybody who makes a useful contribution is awarded (even here), like Abdul Qadeer (the contractor). State of affairs are going fine, just a bit of intelligence sharing between the institutions and things seem to be going fine, also proves my above point. I don't believe in youth hooha i.e. youth is the best and shi* BUT we have good minds here which can be honed to the required level.
All in all Pakistan does have the capacity to make a difference provided money and peace (peace seems to have come, let's see, now only money remains the issue).
Simple answer for you. All good minds of Pakistan have been poached by foreign nations. You can solve all your problems, if you can solve the question: Why did they leave?

So, you're saying that we Pakistanis who are spread across the world don't have a scientific pool? I'm sorry but i find it hard to believe and also Pakistan may have weaker universities but the defense institutions are not mediocre. And it doesn't need a PhD degree in material sciences to be a researcher, i have seen PhD's who don't know the "abc" of the subject or can't explain it properly, all it need is a good problem solving mind at all levels (which i believe we have even if they are in lesser numbers, all these people need is a chance). As far as awarding goes, everybody who makes a useful contribution is awarded (even here), like Abdul Qadeer (the contractor). State of affairs are going fine, just a bit of intelligence sharing between the institutions and things seem to be going fine, also proves my above point. I don't believe in youth hooha i.e. youth is the best and shi* BUT we have good minds here which can be honed to the required level.
All in all Pakistan does have the capacity to make a difference provided money and peace (peace seems to have come, let's see, now only money remains the issue).
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