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In two years, Indian navy may lose sub-sea edge over Pakistan

even right with 3 times the number pak sub fleet can take down indian fleet any day its not a fan boy speaking look yourself indian sub fleet had 3 major accidents on normal days in around 4 5 months what will happen if they go on war
Let's be realistic here and not assume that such blunders are going to occur during an Indo-Pak war (God Forbid). Indian Navy even with these mistakes is still a powerful workhorse (especially their air power). Just because a few of their subs have blown up doesn't mean we get to sit around chilling, rather we need to work hard to make sure that we are giving them more than just tough competition.
Let's be realistic here and not assume that such blunders are going to occur during an Indo-Pak war (God Forbid). Indian Navy even with these mistakes is still a powerful workhorse (especially their air power). Just because a few of their subs have blown up doesn't mean we get to sit around chilling, rather we need to work hard to make sure that we are giving them more than just tough competition.
Whats wrong with You people and i thought we are comparing Sub fleets Only
nonsense from indian media. india navy is more powerful than pakistan even with pakistan's new subs.
Someone pls tell me how come only 5-6 submarines by 2015? BS article!

They aren't taking into account the nuke subs- in 4 year's time the distance will be so great it will be impossible to make up in any part of future history....
I was NOT asking about the surface vessels, the point being discussed here is about submarines. If we can maintain a comparable submarine fleet to yours then IMP hats off to our navy, plus why are you reluctant to give me the link? i know Indian Navy is ahead of our navy and that's because you guys have an economy 7 8 times to that of Pakistan. Also on topic: Pakistan is also looking forward to buying submarines from China plus our Nuclear Sub is in the making (which i think is not a must we can do without it). Anyways i wish to see our navy not being comparable to yours rather on par or ahead of yours and that at least in the submarine department which is NOT impossible but very very difficult.
I am not reluctant to give any links,you yourself can find it,i have not bookmarked that link.

By the time you will get 6 new submarines from China we will have 4 nuclear subs+6 scorpene subs+some next generation subs.In short it is very difficult for PN to be comparable with IN,and about that Pakistan making nuclear subs give me a solid link about it because it is nothing but a hoax.There are many rumors about India making SSK's and other subs but i am not taking that into account because there is no solid evidence about it.

if a sub is nuclear it dsnt mean it cant be sunk or better thn rest of subs
even right now pak is the only country with aip
nuclear subs have two many advantages 1 speed 2 duration
but older nuclear subs are more noisy
and diesel subs when on batteries or on the ocean floor almost impossible to detect
us nd russia created nuclear subs so they can keep watch on each other for longer period
I was talking about in no. sense,If we have more subs we have decisive edge over PN.
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What proof? i didn't claim anything :wacko: and if it is that useless, why comment?
You claimed about Pakistan's nuclear submarine program thats why i asked for links,forgot so early :wacko: When you post comment on a thread,you get yourself vunerable to be quoted by someone.
Read the article, there are less facts and more of bollywood masala. Nevertheless, it would be awesome to see the two navies competing.
India has a clear option of buying off the shelf:
6+ Scorpions from France
6+ U-214 from Germany
6+ Russian Next Gen. Submarines.

More over India can return back Kilo and give more money to Russia to buy their Akula SSN submarines with upgrade from Russia other then their own SSBNs.
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