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In two years, Indian navy may lose sub-sea edge over Pakistan

Someone pls tell me how come only 5-6 submarines by 2015? BS article!
The accident on board Russian-built INS Sindhuratna comes at time when the Indian Navy is grappling with fast deteriorating underwater force levels.

The navy is projected to lose its sub-sea superiority against Pakistan over the next two years. Also, it is nowhere close to China in terms of its submarine fleet.

The Indian Navy currently operates 12 submarines. However, the “viable strength” of India’s submarine arm is much less, factoring in the operational availability of the boats.

By 2015, the force will be left with merely five to six submarines as it begins phasing out the Russian Kilo-class and German HDW Type 209 submarines.

The size of India’s submarine fleet will roughly be the same as that of the Pakistani Navy in two years. The Pakistan Navy has a fleet of five to six submarines.

China currently operates more than 50 submarines and has chalked out plans to build 15 additional Yuan-class attack submarines.

Even as China scales up its underwater capabilities swiftly, Indian navy’s submarine force levels would be at its lowest in history by 2015, as reported by HT last April, quoting from a confidential defence ministry report. The report had then warned India had “never before been poised in such a vulnerable situation” and the undersea force levels were “at a highly precarious state.”

“As this critical (undersea) capability is eroded, there is an inverse increase in both capability and strength of the Chinese and Pakistani navies,” the report warned. Six Scorpene submarines are currently being built at the Mazagon Dock Ltd in Mumbai with technology from French firm DCNS under a Rs. 23,562-crore project codenamed P-75. But the first of these boats will not be ready before 2016-17.

In the wake of the recent accidents, the defence ministry may ask the navy to carry out a “safety stand-down,” a designated time for crews to focus on safety-related matters and training to deal with the daunting challenge of reducing mishaps.

In two years, Indian navy may lose sub-sea edge over Pakistan - Hindustan Times

We Need More SUch Articles.....

This Helps in Creating Hysteria and Increasing budget for Navy!!
Its a dream ....which ain't gonna come true....even till eternity......:tup::tup::tup:
-_-) k.....
Only submarine force of IN and PN is comparable.
If we see surface vessels IN is way ahead of PN.
In 5 years we will again be way ahead of PN in submarine force.
Only submarine force of IN and PN is comparable.
If we see surface vessels IN is way ahead of PN.
In 5 years we will again be way ahead of PN in submarine force.
I was NOT asking about the surface vessels, the point being discussed here is about submarines. If we can maintain a comparable submarine fleet to yours then IMP hats off to our navy, plus why are you reluctant to give me the link? i know Indian Navy is ahead of our navy and that's because you guys have an economy 7 8 times to that of Pakistan. Also on topic: Pakistan is also looking forward to buying submarines from China plus our Nuclear Sub is in the making (which i think is not a must we can do without it). Anyways i wish to see our navy not being comparable to yours rather on par or ahead of yours and that at least in the submarine department which is NOT impossible but very very difficult.
Forget about it.
We will have two more nuclear subs by 2015 which will give us decisive edge over PN.
if a sub is nuclear it dsnt mean it cant be sunk or better thn rest of subs
even right now pak is the only country with aip
nuclear subs have two many advantages 1 speed 2 duration
but older nuclear subs are more noisy
and diesel subs when on batteries or on the ocean floor almost impossible to detect
us nd russia created nuclear subs so they can keep watch on each other for longer period

I was NOT asking about the surface vessels, the point being discussed here is about submarines. If we can maintain a comparable submarine fleet to yours then IMP hats off to our navy, plus why are you reluctant to give me the link? i know Indian Navy is ahead of our navy and that's because you guys have an economy 7 8 times to that of Pakistan. Also on topic: Pakistan is also looking forward to buying submarines from China plus our Nuclear Sub is in the making (which i think is not a must we can do without it). Anyways i wish to see our navy not being comparable to yours rather on par or ahead of yours and that at least in the submarine department which is NOT impossible but very very difficult.
even right with 3 times the number pak sub fleet can take down indian fleet any day its not a fan boy speaking look yourself indian sub fleet had 3 major accidents on normal days in around 4 5 months what will happen if they go on war
lol... look at all the Pakistanis be like :bunny:

And all the Indians like :close_tema:

You do know that the Indian Navy is investing more ASW Frigates, and P8Is to compensate right ?
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