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In need of an Attack Helicopter

Zeeshan S.

Dec 19, 2005
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It has been rumoured that Pakistan is looking for another attack helicopter platform to meet its future defence needs.

Options include

AH-64 Apache
Mi-28 Havoc and the Ka-50/52 Hokum
Eurocopter Tiger

Please note that Pakistan is also considering to buy some Hellfire missiles. :agree:
Yes, we're looking into expansion and replacement at some later stage.
South African Rooijvalk was displayed in IDEAS 2006. Its cheap and reported to be better than AH-1J Cobra currently in service with PA.

Other candidates include Chinese WZ-8/9 attack helicopter which is still being developped.
Imho the whole Air Air needs to be expaned.
We lack Attack, Transport, Utility, Liason, CAS, Coin and SAR capability.

Compare PA's inventory to Iran or Turkey, its very small!
how do you get Mi and Ka?
They are Russian. Unless some old soviet state sells it to you. In which case it will be slightly outdated. Russia might sell you transport choppers, but attack? i doubt it.

Still, lemme know if they do indeed sell you.i could be wrong in my assumptions.
Strong negotiations are going on now between the Army and Denel aviation for the purchase of the Rooivalk as our new attack helicopter. This was confirmed by people who attended and spoke to Denel representatives and army personal. People also asked about the Apache and why it was not at the show, Boeing staff replied that Pakistan was not interested because of cost and the Rooivalk deal looks likely for them. Lockheed Martin is also dealing with Denel for Hellfire integration on the helicopter as this is being sought after by Pakistan and Turkey the other big customer for the helicopter. Turkey and Pakistan will most likely do a joint buy.

Here are a few videos showing the Rooivalk in action

watch the 360 degree loop

nice passing shot

nice manoeuvres again
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The thing is. The rumours regarding the Rooivalk stem from a few years back (circa 1997) I am not sure why they didn't opt for it last time. On a related theme I think there is a large shortage of transport helo's too.

Rooivalks engine components were based on that of Aerospatiale Puma transport helicopters and I believe that South Africa also have the Atlas Oryx helicopter which is equivalent to Super Puma so this might be worth looking at
Strong negotiations are going on now between the Army and Denel aviation for the purchase of the Rooivalk as our new attack helicopter. This was confirmed by people who attended and spoke to Denel representatives and army personal. People also asked about the Apache and why it was not at the show, Boeing staff replied that Pakistan was not interested because of cost and the Rooivalk deal looks likely for them. Lockheed Martin is also dealing with Denel for Hellfire integration on the helicopter as this is being sought after by Pakistan and Turkey the other big customer for the helicopter. Turkey and Pakistan will most likely do a joint buy.
Yes, its been much talked about lately.
What numbers are we talking about for PA?

Here are a few videos showing the Rooivalk in action

watch the 360 degree loop
Damn...she really pulled it off!
Btw, nice acrobatic, I wonder if this manoevre has any combat importance. :read:
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Hmmm I have read a few things on the MOKOPA missle. apparently SA developed it after the U.S. refused them the Hellfire. If it is as capable as the Hellfire it might be an interesting option.
how do you get Mi and Ka?
They are Russian. Unless some old soviet state sells it to you. In which case it will be slightly outdated. Russia might sell you transport choppers, but attack? i doubt it.

Still, lemme know if they do indeed sell you.i could be wrong in my assumptions.

Its highly unlikely that Russia will sell us the attack helicopters due to the Indian pressure. However, something gives me an hint about Russia allowing some of the military equipment to be sold to Pakistan after China's talk with them.

Russia cannot listen to India for long. India is tilting towards west, and is buying what interests them the best, this can open doors for Pakistan to buy Russian military equipment, as it is likely that the long term enemies will not engage in a war again, and Russia must open her market to Pakistan in order to earn some cash, and finally enter in the IDEAS defence exhibition. However, we are not talking any time soon. :frown:
Russia cannot listen to India for long. India is tilting towards west, and is buying what interests them the best, this can open doors for Pakistan to buy Russian military equipment, as it is likely that the long term enemies will not engage in a war again, and Russia must open her market to Pakistan in order to earn some cash, and finally enter in the IDEAS defence exhibition. However, we are not talking any time soon. :frown:

Its true, Russia i slowly getting upset at the level of our relations with the US :(
But we do have billions of dollars worth of investment already lined up with Russia, almost all military. From GLONASS to MTA. The wont forget these things in a hurry. So they wont be too upset.

Also the MiG 35 should be a shot in the arm for them. Most likely we will develop the plane even further like the Sukhoi. So even more money in that for them. Plus, it would be jointly marketed. I dont think there should be too much cause of concern in India wrt Russia atm.
Undesrtand that Pakistan was supposed to get 10 AttacK Helos from USA for help in war against Talebans/Terrorists on Pak -Afghan border. Any news or it was just wishfull thinking on PA' part ?
Actually I was asking the same q a while back....Apparently they got 10 more Cobra's....Let me find the thread link......:tup:
According to this last post on this thread by Neo; there is no confirmation.
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