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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help


Apr 17, 2010
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Kerala is known for its high literacy rate. But an inter-faith marriage in in Kozhikode is making it look rather hollow. Twenty-four-year-old Gautam, who goes only by his first name, is an engineer. Anshida, 21, is studying to be a dentist. But for one month - ever since they had got married - the couple has not been able to step out of their house.

They now plan to reach out formally to Chief Minister Oommen Chandy for help, so they can continue with their studies and work in a safe environment.
The two had eloped after Anshida's parents were getting her married elsewhere, and got married under police protection. But now, even though the house is still protected by the police, the threats are increasing by the day. The social media is flooded with messages against them, questioning their life and calling their marriage a blasphemy. All day, gangs drive past their homes, shouting threatening slogans and sometimes throwing stones at their windows. The windowpanes are still broken. "India is a secular nation. I chose not to follow a religion. She is a practicing Muslim even now. I bought her a Quran," Gautam said. "I don't know what these people are doing by bringing religion in this or blaming us as part of a religion."

Local Circle Inspector Joshi Jose said the couple have been given protection and they are making efforts to maintain peace. "No organisation has taken responsibility for the threats and neither is it political," he said.With Gautam unsure of when he can start working again, the two are being supported by his parents. "We just can't step out of the house. We live in fear," he said."It is very worrying to see what those against this marriage are resorting to. These two had to hide their relationship for nine months," said Gautam's father Sudhakaran. "Now, my first aim is to help Anshida start her studies again. I need everyone's help,"Anshida can't go back to her college in Kasargode. The threats have completely vitiated the atmosphere there, she said. Now, she studies on her own and hopes she would be able to sit for her second year exam.

Ajitha, an activist, who is married to a man from a different religion, said the atmosphere in Kerala is "becoming vicious, polarized and the space for secular and democratic values is decreasing by the day".

In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help
The other side of Love Jihad.

But what it really shows is how hollow Kerala model of "secularism" really is. The couple will be safer in Mumbai/Maharashtra or Gujarat. LOL.
Hindus in Kerala are an endangered species with Hinduism itself being banned.
Typical of any shariah ruled state be it Somalia, Islamic state, Libya and now Kerala

There should not be any regrets on that!
this is very much against standard MO. its supposed to be muslim boy marries girl and converts her. not necessarily in that order

Hindus in Kerala are an endangered species with Hinduism itself being banned.
dont be so dramatic :lol: hindus and Christians are more than 75% of kerala. as long as its above 50% everything is going to be ok
There should not be any regrets on that!

Of course, .....here is a quote from the article,

Now, my first aim is to help Anshida start her studies again. I need everyone's help,"Anshida can't go back to her college in Kasargode. :enjoy:
The other side of Love Jihad.

But what it really shows is how hollow Kerala model of "secularism" really is. The couple will be safer in Mumbai/Maharashtra or Gujarat. LOL.
Even Bihari Hindus are not safe in Mumbai,let alone others..
What to LOL about??
I am not defending these types of barbaric mentality..They are just brainwashed religious or castiest blinds..Viewing and seeing every thing with religious blind glasses..
Inter caste marriages causes honour killing in many parts of India(including non sickular states)
Even Bihari Hindus are not safe in Mumbai,let alone others..
What to LOL about??
I am not defending these types of barbaric mentality..They are just brainwashed religious or castiest blinds..Viewing and seeing every thing with religious blind glasses..
Inter caste marriages causes honour killing in many parts of India(including non sickular states)

Those are just rants and empty claims with nothing to back them.

Honour killings are almost always due to same gotra marriage which is consider INCEST.

Let me repeat the golden words in that article again,

"India is a secular nation. :cheesy: I chose not to follow a religion. She is a practicing Muslim even now. I bought her a Quran," Gautam said.

....Gautam's father Sudhakaran
. "Now, my first aim is to help Anshida start her studies again. I need everyone's help,"Anshida can't go back to her college in Kasargode. The threats have completely vitiated the atmosphere there, she said. Now, she studies on her own and hopes she would be able to sit for her second year exam.

Ajitha, an activist, who is married to a man from a different religion, said the atmosphere in Kerala is "becoming vicious, polarized and the space for secular and democratic values is decreasing by the day".

LOL at your feeble defense of a society that is so communal that the poor girl cannot go back to her studies for marring a non muslim (since he is not a Hindu by his own admission). She cannot go back becuse the ENTIRE COMMUNITY and SOCIETY is communal.

Its just wonderful to see "secularims" coming back to bite its proponenets in the @ss :lol:
"acche din aagaye"...

in karnataka, the police would have "handed over" anshida to her family and her husband would have been arrested on charges of "rape"... there is a reason why ram sena was born in karnataka... there is a reason why tableeghi jamaat has such huge following in bangalore... there is a reason why "dress codes" could find acceptance in colleges in karnataka... there is a reason why bangalore in known in the west as "coolie valley"...
RSS should order Bajrang dal to provide security to them .

better if RSS sends some Khakhi chaddi walas there
send them to Punjab ......inter-faith marriages are very common here...................they wont face any discrimination
Those are just rants and empty claims with nothing to back them.

Honour killings are almost always due to same gotra marriage which is consider INCEST.

Let me repeat the golden words in that article again,

"India is a secular nation. :cheesy: I chose not to follow a religion. She is a practicing Muslim even now. I bought her a Quran," Gautam said.

....Gautam's father Sudhakaran
. "Now, my first aim is to help Anshida start her studies again. I need everyone's help,"Anshida can't go back to her college in Kasargode. The threats have completely vitiated the atmosphere there, she said. Now, she studies on her own and hopes she would be able to sit for her second year exam.

Ajitha, an activist, who is married to a man from a different religion, said the atmosphere in Kerala is "becoming vicious, polarized and the space for secular and democratic values is decreasing by the day".

LOL at your feeble defense of a society that is so communal that the poor girl cannot go back to her studies for marring a non muslim (since he is not a Hindu by his own admission). She cannot go back becuse the ENTIRE COMMUNITY and SOCIETY is communal.

Its just wonderful to see "secularims" coming back to bite its proponenets in the @ss :lol:
So inter caste marriages and marriages within same castes are INCEST for you?;..hehe he..
RSS should order Bajrang dal to provide security to them .

better if RSS sends some Khakhi chaddi walas there

surely, you are not serious...

send them to Punjab ......inter-faith marriages are very common here...................they wont face any discrimination

i didn't know that... so, nanak and waris shah and bulleh shah have left legacy...
Honour killings are almost always due to same gotra marriage which is consider INCEST

delete this gotra-shotra nonsense... this is 2014 ad, not 2800 bc... one russian nuclear bomb over varanasi, and the "holy city" will not be helped by the prayers and rituals it propagates...

do you support "honor killing"??
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surely, you are not serious...

i didn't know that... so, nanak and waris shah and bulleh shah have left legacy...

no one goes after people with torches and swords to kill them if they get married outside faith......

Hindu-Sikh marriage is a common thing here..........I have even seen a hindu man with a muslim wife here..........no issue ......everyone lives peacfully

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