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Sudan woman sentenced to death for marrying non-Muslim forced to give birth in chains

LOL kid now u will hear some strong words from me. I dont like u anyway and thats why even dont consider a person like u worth quoting. thats why u see me rarely quoting u. Now u go in yr way with yr ''believes'' let me go in my way. I just totally ignore u but u it seems still have a habit of judging others by giving them negative ratings.

Now how does that sounds.......u ignore me and i u from now onwards and no judgment calls by giving ratings. So remove it and now lets start act as if we dont exist for eachother......Deal?

hah, I have no interest in engaging in any discourse with your level of intellect... keep your asinine remarks to you, and there wont be any interaction of any sort.
Bull crap again.
Everybody was censuring Myanmar for the Rohingya issue.
Even India asked Myanmar to be a responsible country and stop what is happening there.

Really? Show me where? Politicians are also different than the general public. Notice I mentioned the 'West' and not Asia.

Where do you want me to start?
Shall I start with Pakistan -
1. Apostasy law in Pakistan.
2. Blasphemy law.

Apostasy law is on a general basis, it's better than having insanity and militant atheists who seek insane lifestyles.

Blasphemy law is normal if it's applied justly. Criticism of a real existing God or his Prophet won't be tolerated in our nations. Militant atheists think they understand life more than everybody around them. They aren't entitled to hatred or action that seeks to single out religion.
Precisely... That is why i always say Islam is the greatest religion..
Even though the woman has sinned by siding with the devil by shunning the lovely religion called islam,
islam treats her well by prescribing her to be killed only after her baby can take solid food..

Islam is so beautiful it perfectly knows that the child needs mother only till it can eat solid food (milk substitutes are haram, so mother is needed for milk and relatives cannot feed baby as it is also haram)
no need for bringing in Islam here.... the topic is dealing with subversion of religion
Precisely... That is why i always say Islam is the greatest religion..
Even though the woman has sinned by siding with the devil by shunning the lovely religion called islam,
islam treats her well by prescribing her to be killed only after her baby can take solid food..

Islam is so beautiful it perfectly knows that the child needs mother only till it can eat solid food (milk substitutes are haram, so mother is needed for milk and relatives cannot feed baby as it is also haram)
Dude, not acceptable the way you are phrasing it. Lets not bash any religion.
Your condescending attitude is like' a woman has her place,she better not dare make any choice of her own or i'm going to snuff her life out'.Making an individual choice is now selfish.Lol...has she harmed anyone?This is institutionalized medieval killing..nothing more.
For u For u yes it maybe just like how we find a barrage of things within yr society weird. Now atleast we dont judge people upon that But respect their views by maintaining a safe distance from talking abt it. But same we dont find on u supposed ''modern 21st century secularism''

Heck yr even shamelessly defending yr decision on negative rating because we r advocating to punish a person who has committed a crime??? And yes she is sentenced to death by their gov and which is NOT unlawful in her case.

Sudanese woman sentenced to death for her Christianity gives birth in prison

This whole saga is old it was first shared on wednesday!!
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Sudan follows sharia law... i don't think sharia is man made... if not pls enlighten me
the version of whatever take on islam they are following in sudan is violating basic human rights. Not every muslim subscribes to such measures, thus there is no need to generalize islam over this incident.
I am sure you exactly understand what I am saying, but if you want to stick to highground of semantics, that is your choice.

Really? Show me where? Politicians are also different than the general public. Notice I mentioned the 'West' and not Asia.
And yet the world responded did it not?
We did ask them, so did Pakistan, so did Bangladesh.
So did UN - which is nothing but a Western controlled and funded organization. Even they come down heavily on Myanmar.

Apostasy law is on a general basis, it's better than having insanity and militant atheists who seek insane lifestyles.
You tried to evade a proper response here.
The apostasy law is that any who leave Islam can be jailed and even killed, though the Judge has discretionary powers here. So according to you, should a person be prosecuted because he chose to convert to a different faith?

Blasphemy law is normal if it's applied justly. Criticism of a real existing God or his Prophet won't be tolerated in our nations. Militant atheists think they understand life more than everybody around them. They aren't entitled to hatred or action that seeks to single out religion.
I agree, that if applied justly, it is okay.
But why should the blasphemy law cater only for Muslims? Is it okay if Muslims insult other religions/religious leaders? Why does blasphemy law not work for non Muslims?
hah, I have no interest in engaging in any discourse with your level of intellect... keep your asinine remarks to you, and there wont be any interaction of any sort.
LOL Feeling is very mutual So atleast there r some points our minds can find a common grounds. But Mister i will be forced to if u would give yr judgment views by giving my posts negative ratings!! and quoting my posts as well. Just put me into yr ignore list and i will be the most happiest person ever.

So here is a deal u just reverse the rating and u and i put eachother in our ignore list! Deal?
what the hell is a militant atheist?

LOL Feeling is very mutual So atleast there r some points our minds can find a common grounds. But Mister i will be forced to if u would give yr judgment views by giving my posts negative ratings!! and quoting my posts as well. Just put me into yr ignore list and i will be the most happiest person ever.

So here is a deal u just reverse the rating and u and i put eachother in our ignore list! Deal?
ammend/delete you post, I will change the rating
Heck yr even shamelessly defending yr decision on negative rating because we r advocating to punish a person who has committed a crime??? And yes he is sentenced to death by their gov and which is NOT unlawful in her case.

Sudanese woman sentenced to death for her Christianity gives birth in prison

This whole saga is old it was first shared on wednesday!!

What crime?Whom has she harmed?She was never even a muslim...she was raised by christian mother and practiced christianity her whole life..married a christian..but sudanese mullah logic is such that because here father whom she has no contact with since her childhood was a muslim..she is automatically a muslim and so she is guilty of apostasy and must die.Even if she converted it would still give no one any right over her life.People are given sentences for actions..not beliefs.Ur law,this law,that law,god's law-Well i spit upon such laws.
Anyhow still water breeds disease ..flowing water cleanse itself ...it applies to system too ..the system without change according to time will breed diseases and everyone can smell stink ..cleaning requires big heart and sacrifice but no one is willing to sacrifice ..all are playing safe
Her Sin: Apostasy

Allahs' punishment:

Bukhari (52:260) - "...The Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "

They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah . But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper. (4:89)

She is getting right punishment.

A Hadith or saying cannot contradict the Holy Quran, the Quran states that their is no compulsion in religion.

yaar its not wrong bro it is compulsion for women. Now being a law abiding citizen and living normally is normal. But being a rebel and selfishness is abnormal.

I strongly disagree, this is not my religion - this is not my Islam, this is an abomination.

To all Muslims and people of Conscience - to kill one innocent, is the same as killing the whole of humanity.
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A Hadith or saying cannot contradict the Holy Quran, the Quran states that their is no compulsion in religion.

I strongly disagree, this is not my religion - this is not my Islam, this is an abomination.

To all Muslims and people of Conscience - to kill one innocent, is the same as killing the whole of humanity.
The thing is for AN INNOCENT not a criminal.
What crime?Whom has she harmed?She was never even a muslim...she was raised by christian mother and practiced christianity her whole life..married a christian..but sudanese mullah logic is such that because here father whom she has no contact with since her childhood was a muslim..she is automatically a muslim and so she is guilty of apostasy and must die.Even if she converted it would still give no one any right over her life.People are given sentences for actions..not beliefs.Ur law,this law,that law,god's law-Well i spit upon such laws.

when people here are supporting death for this victim-less crime, you should have realized that logic is the last thing they would care about...
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