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In Kashmir, Pakistan Questions India’s ‘Surgical Strikes’ on Militants ( NewYork Times)

Who is this WE ? If its the Muslims, then take those 180 million Muslims too who are spread throughout India. Either you swear by the two nation theory, or you don't. It can't be halfway !

Indian muslims are indian

Who are you to give them away and why would we take indians into our country.

If the hindus and Muslims of india cant live together then you need to partition your land between yourselves. Pakistan is not involved

Kashmir however is unfinished business from 70 years ago where a muslim state, whose culture, faith and language (even physical looks) are an extension of Pakistan was occupied by foreign dark hindus
Anything coming from the indian DGMO with regards to Pakistan cannot be believed UNLESS verified by an independent and reliable source. When the OBL raid and the Israeli attack on the Palestinians in 2014 took place there where dozens upon dozens of independent verifiable sources reporting this AS it happened or in the subsequent aftermath. This happened even though it put the Israelis in a bad light and even though the media is generally very biased towards them. The longer the indians leave their evidence the more suspicious and less credible their claims seem. Pakistan complaining to the UN is more due to the escalation of the fighting at the LOC, AND the fact that the UN has not confirmed the indian claims is more evidence of an indian cover up.

The purpose of the strike was not to permanently eliminate terrorists and terrorism per say. The americans have not been able to do that even after 15 years so there is no way the indians can do it. The whole point of this alleged "surgical strike" WAS to embarrass the Pakistan government and military in response to URI and mumbai 2008. Therefore IF it did indeed happen there would have been confirmation or proof by independent sources by now. The delay makes this whole thing look like an indian fairy tale and bedtime story. Claims by the indian defence minister that the indian soldiers carrying out the phantom surgical strikes where akin to ancient hindu mythological creatures diminishes indian military and political credibility.

The question is what does this tell about Pakistan !

Shout as you might, there will always be doubts that Pakistan was invaded. After all its your claim against mine, and if I don't want to release evidence, so be it. The question is what Pakistan made of this opportunity and what it tells about its resolve and capacity to retaliate. What is clear is that Pakistan could not, and did not have stomach to retaliate, which is why your top brass is justifying their cowardice my counter claims, site visit to journalists etc.
Look how all Pakistanis are resorting to argumentation and hair splitting ! The simple fact is that a challenge was thrown - and Pakistan has been found severely wanting. No one can prove with certainly whether a strike inside LOC took place or not, but what is apparent to all that Pakistan has no stomach for a fight .

Pakistan will respond at time and place and method of our choosing

Not a stomach for a fight?????.........you sound like india is launching a full scale attack/invasion of Pakistan......lol. Where was the indian stomach for a fight after mumbai 2008? That too considering india is at least 7× bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the entire West and Russia

India even vacated areas near the border, expecting retaliation. But Pak is more of a peacenik than mahatma Gandhi

Indian muslims are indian

Who are you to give them away and why would we take indians into our country.

If the hindus and Muslims of india cant live together then you need to partition your land between yourselves. Pakistan is not involved

Kashmir however is unfinished business from 70 years ago where a muslim state, whose culture, faith and language (even physical looks) are an extension of Pakistan was occupied by foreign dark hindus

Pakistani Muslims were also Indian pre 1947, and all the land needed for them was given , and so many migrated out from UP / Bihar. No more land can be given to Muslims, and their shouting till eternity is not going to change it. In fact, a strong consensus is now emerging to take back the Hindu land of kashmir by settling other Indians there. This is bound to happen sooner or later, preferably sooner. And there is nothing pakistan can do about it.
The question is what does this tell about Pakistan !

Shout as you might, there will always be doubts that Pakistan was invaded. After all its your claim against mine, and if I don't want to release evidence, so be it. The question is what Pakistan made of this opportunity and what it tells about its resolve and capacity to retaliate. What is clear is that Pakistan could not, and did not have stomach to retaliate, which is why your top brass is justifying their cowardice my counter claims, site visit to journalists etc.

Invasion!!!!!!!!!.........You are talking as if a war is going on. I'm talking about an imaginary phantom indian "surgical strike" that even the UN has refuted. Once it has been proven there was an indian strike then you can begin name calling. Till then it's all an indian bollywood fantasy fairy tale.
So if Kashmiries are your own people, tell why are you killing them since several decades ?
Wow.. so all this time, those 7,00,000 soldiers was Pakistanis inside Indian boots & uniforms?
India even vacated areas near the border, expecting retaliation. But Pak is more of a peacenik than mahatma Gandhi

Pakistani Muslims were also Indian pre 1947, and all the land needed for them was given , and so many migrated out from UP / Bihar. No more land can be given to Muslims, and their shouting till eternity is not going to change it. In fact, a strong consensus is now emerging to take back the Hindu land of kashmir by settling other Indians there. This is bound to happen sooner or later, preferably sooner. And there is nothing pakistan can do about it.

Was the evacuation a part of the indian cover up? It looks highly likely

India even vacated areas near the border, expecting retaliation. But Pak is more of a peacenik than mahatma Gandhi

Pakistani Muslims were also Indian pre 1947, and all the land needed for them was given , and so many migrated out from UP / Bihar. No more land can be given to Muslims, and their shouting till eternity is not going to change it. In fact, a strong consensus is now emerging to take back the Hindu land of kashmir by settling other Indians there. This is bound to happen sooner or later, preferably sooner. And there is nothing pakistan can do about it.

indians been saying that since August the 14th 1947
Was the evacuation a part of the indian cover up? It looks highly likely
No, India didn't expect that the other side will be such a pussy!

Was the evacuation a part of the indian cover up? It looks highly likely

indians been saying that since August the 14th 1947
So thats how things remain...move along, nothing to discuss here. Tell me one good reason why India should discuss kashmir with pakistan.
No need to take a life for mere sake of political gain and to avoid the question against incompetence.

There are many questions to be asked indeed and not like some immature annoying voices that mostly doing from both sides. The irony and the one thing that I really felt like RIP Humanity and most inhuman, lowest ever remarks witnessed in respect of most valued gene called human lives. Most of us here are killing each & every single of opponent nation yet forgetting that we are human. Pardon my statement if it hurts the most but this is not for all those who merely trying to present the opinion or countering the narrative of either side. I must say that human life is most worth and valued that even Almighty addressed us and delivered us the law and way to live a life.

Same goes to every religion that I am sure no god ever taught to kill any innocent or even the human and in Islam, Killing a human is like murder of humanity except self defence that life is at risk hence we must not hate human.

Furthermore, soldiers are to follow the orders and all they deserve the respect especially when they lost their lives in line of duty for respective nation. I will hate my enemy indeed until & unless that's a threat to my life but even if my worst enemy is dead, my and no religion allows to mock the dead. Soldiers are following the orders only and they are first to die being on front but nobody questioned the real thing that why like this. Like this mean that even there is no war but lives lost just because of mental illness and madness of politicians that never fired a single bullet in life for country and am sure none of them ever lost their loved one in battle field hence treating the soldiers as some robots or machine that obey the orders no matter what.

Except the extremists or self claimed jingoists, none wants war and the war or provoking like this is the game of those power hungry politicians to remain in power and fool the people. Citizens of both countries do not hate each other at all and if it's up-to me why would I ever kill any innocent or civilian not even the soldier at first that would want him to surrender. What we really need to kill is the ego of these politicians, the mental illness of these power hungry lot and to the most, the corrupt ideology that fools follows blindly that leads them straight to hell.

From my side and most that I understand, the hate is for the policies and ideology of ruling class of India and not the people at all. The wrong approach, malafide intention and biased persons must be condemned by every mean on every forum for the sake of humanity atleast. Media is nothing but most of them are like loudspeakers for any input of corrupt political voice that playing in hands of greed while claiming many lives. Mere claims of such cross border violation wouldn't serve the purpose of people mandate and growth but NaMO needs to do that even opposition or anyone wouldn't have a chance to oppose at all.

These dirty tricks needs to be stopped through sane minds from inside by educating the people against such madness. As the rights are given, justice is properly done, grievances are redressed and started to strive for people benefits, there will be peace, the peace that people wouldn't be buying the filthy beans of politicians.

NaMO Government cannot suppress the voices of aggrieved Kashmiris and other minorities inside India as well by the way of force that will be fueling the more resistance and risks to many lives and the only solution is through dialogue. These stunts are undertaken only for political gain and defamation of Pakistan and for provocation that might we fall for it and make mistake that world start to curse and oppose us. Cross border violation is turned into such strikes by making a claim that firstly people will buy due to injected hate in hearts and minds in the name of Uri.

The same Uri which is inside IoK whereby attacks were blamed upon Pakistan initially that I am sure DGMO wouldn't want it to do based upon mere claim of no Pakistani marking on weapons that even the same claim was recalled or denied soon by GoI/NIA. The subjected cross border violation was only renamed as such strikes to release the political and diplomatic pressure due to atrocities in Kashmir and no political solution.

Insanity and and policy of ego is not just pushing the India but the whole region towards the fire that once sparked wouldn't be that easy to control but would burn everything. May the sanity prevail.
India is too big to destroy and most population is rural. There are also dense forests. Pal will be annihilated
Two big for nukes 10 nukes are enough to wash you from the face of earth

Pak has 120 so we nuke you all at once enough to destroy earth three times what is india

Don't worry we are not idiot like you to run away from reality yes Pak will be destroyed but history will be written

Once India and Pak was countries both nuked each other india was 4 times bigger than Pak both are no more in dlface of earth but who us biggest looser
Fine ! Anything which helps you avoid war. Take it.

But didn't the indian military say they didn't want a war or an escalation? Didn't the indian government say they don't want war but only want double digit economic growth? Are they cowards too?
Two big for nukes 10 nukes are enough to wash you from the face of earth

Pak has 120 so we nuke you all at once enough to destroy earth three times what is india

Don't worry we are not idiot like you to run away from reality yes Pak will be destroyed but history will be written

Once India and Pak was countries both nuked each other india was 4 times bigger than Pak both are no more in dlface of earth but who us biggest looser
Sorry, 10 nukes just dont cut it. Even assuming a radius of 50 Km blast and severe radiation fallout, still India wont be destroyed. But pak will be

But didn't the indian military say they didn't want a war or an escalation? Didn't the indian government say they don't want war but only want double digit economic growth? Are they cowards too?
India never wanted war . But Pak, till this strike was always----we atum bum this...we atum bum that....so where is that bravado now if your army was itching for a fight.

Anyway, its good practice . When India next reduces Indus flow, you can always say no evidence and claim it due to global warming!
Sorry, 10 nukes just dont cut it. Even assuming a radius of 50 Km blast and severe radiation fallout, still India wont be destroyed. But pak will be

India never wanted war . But Pak, till this strike was always----we atum bum this...we atum bum that....so where is that bravado now if your army was itching for a fight.

Anyway, its good practice . When India next reduces Indus flow, you can always say no evidence and claim it due to global warming!

Once india does that then it will be talked about. Till then only bluster and conjecture.
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