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In Kashmir, Pakistan Questions India’s ‘Surgical Strikes’ on Militants ( NewYork Times)

The basis of Kashmir dispute is in the two nation theory. Otherwise what makes Pakistan have any claim on Kashmir if the population majority was not Muslim. Unfortunately for Pakistan, There is zero paossibility of even discussing this in India today, and any leader who dares will be hung by his balls from the nearest lamp post. And Pakistan has no means, military or otherwise to force India. So the stalemate will continue, until, not too long from now, Hindus and sikhs start settling in the valley under army protection to change the demography, once and for all.

Time is not on Pakistan's side !

On the contrary

Kashmir is for Kashmiries
They are rising up, fighting for their rights, stoning your soldiers

Any plan to force foreign dark hindus into muslim kashmir will be opposed and Pakistan will support kashmiries in defending their land from occupation
The real message the Indians have sent is that Indians are bitch pussies, they can only bark, issue empty threats, and then have to lie to their people to save their face. If india was in escalatory m mood, they would have dared to do what they said. This is not a new thing for us, we know the neighbourhood whore who lives in our east and all it's illegitimate dark smelly cunt holes barking on our border and forum

What Pakistan thinks is most unimportant. the message India has sent is that we are in an escalatory mood and unless Pakistan's cross border activities are curbed, war with possible nuclear events, cannot be ruled out. It is inconceivable that the entire surgical strike event was done without consent of the USA, possibly even with the approval of the Pakistani PM. The Pak army and its control over nuclear arsenal should come under increasing controls now.
On the contrary

Kashmir is for Kashmiries
They are rising up, fighting for their rights, stoning your soldiers

Any plan to force foreign dark hindus into muslim kashmir will be opposed and Pakistan will support kashmiries in defending their land from occupation
Rhetoric can only do so much. No PEOPLE can fight a modern state. there are no examples in the world.
Rhetoric can only do so much. No PEOPLE can fight a modern state. there are no examples in the world.

Afghan taliban, over 60% in control of Afghanistan in spite of American supa phawa.
Iraq a staunch Iranian ally in spite of you know who
Palestine with no end to the intifada in insight
The list

What planet are you living on? :lol:
Rhetoric can only do so much. No PEOPLE can fight a modern state. there are no examples in the world.
Vietnamese, afghans against both ussr and usa

And we will help the Kashmiris
Afghan taliban, over 60% in control of Afghanistan in spite of American supa phawa.
Iraq a staunch Iranian ally in spite of you know who
Palestine with no end to the intifada in insight
The list

What planet are you living on? :lol:
Difference is that these were far removed nations. Kashmir is contiguous and non Muslims will settle there.
It was not population , it was supply lines . but so where this Sir G kal strike happened....
It is difficult to wake up a the one who is pretending to sleep.. Pakistan in the case of surgical strike is like that.. They need to deny this because they have to save their face among **** people.. If they accept that India indeed conducted a surgical strike then their own population and political opponents will create a huge pressure to hitback, which Pakistan can't afford at this moment.. So it is better to deny that even an attack took place at the first place,that will keep the Pakistani civilians atleast happy and deluded..
So we all get it, why there are hundreds of threads running in this Forum on India's surgical strikes and claiming it a Hoax.. Pls spare us the preaching and move on with it..
It is difficult to wake up a the one who is pretending to sleep.. Pakistan in the case of surgical strike is like that.. They need to deny this because they have to save their face among **** people.. If they accept that India indeed conducted a surgical strike then their own population and political opponents will create a huge pressure to hitback, which Pakistan can't afford at this moment.. So it is better to deny that even an attack took place at the first place,that will keep the Pakistani civilians atleast happy and deluded..
So we all get it, why there are hundreds of threads running in this Forum on India's surgical strikes and claiming it a Hoax.. Pls spare us the preaching and move on with it..

If what you say is true then where is the evidence and confirmation from honest & reliable sources? It's been a few days now and there has not been a single shread of credible evidence. There was obviously an ATTEMPTED strike but what was the REAL outcome? Why is the indian government or military not substantiating anything?
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You are not a free agent. Your actions will be constrained by what the world thinks of the India - Pakistan equation at the moment. Look forward to a discontinuation of your army chief, strengthening of you PM vis a vis the military and a tightening control on your nukes by the USA. Pakistan is too puny and dangerous to be allowed to have an independent policy.

That certainly is the best case scenario and wish of India. Only problem is that it is not possible. If Pakistan's nukes could have been contained or brought under any framework defined by ANY other country, including USA, that would have been done a long time ago. Efforts and wishes were have proven to be unfruitful since cold war era and serious attempts to do so were made as early as of Pressler amendment as early as 1990, which was 26 years ago.

Bollywood is real life, wake up my friend!!
Poor Pakistanis ,still couldnt get over the shock provided by our surgical strike.Claims of this General verified our stance .Now he asking the whereabout of dead bodies ,pathetic
Check this video, the last 18 minutes, demystifying and debugging the surgical strike farce, falling flat on the face of Indian government. Hamid Mir and retd. Brig. Awan....

If what you say is true then where is the evidence and confirmation from honest & reliable sources? It's been a few days now and there has not been a single shread of credible evidence. There was obviously an ATTEMPTED strike but what was the REAL outcome? Why is the indian government or military substantiating anything?
According to Our DGMO the whole operation has been videotaped and the evidences will be presented before the international community if the need arises.. They can't simply issue a statement like that without having something to back their claim.. May be they are trying to score political Brownie points in the international arena by Playing the video in UN(May be, just a wild guess).. may be they are waiting for the right moment to embarrass Pakistan even more(Imagine if Pakistan denies the Indian charges completely about having terror camps inside its territory, then they could use this video tape to prove otherwise, by releasing the video after few days of the attack).. The above scenarios are all guesses but one thing is for sure.. DGMO is a very responsible authority and if they claim to have sources, I'm sure they'll have something.. But like you, I'm also waiting for the time when they release the actual footage to have any idea on the attack..
Good day..
" Sir G Kal ", but " Kal " not arrived :lol:

According to Our DGMO the whole operation has been videotaped and the evidences will be presented before the international community if the need arises.. They can't simply issue a statement like that without having something to back their claim.. May be they are trying to score political Brownie points in the international arena by Playing the video in UN(May be, just a wild guess).. may be they are waiting for the right moment to embarrass Pakistan even more(Imagine if Pakistan denies the Indian charges completely about having terror camps inside its territory, then they could use this video tape to prove otherwise, by releasing the video after few days of the attack).. The above scenarios are all guesses but one thing is for sure.. DGMO is a very responsible authority and if they claim to have sources, I'm sure they'll have something.. But like you, I'm also waiting for the time when they release the actual footage to have any idea on the attack..
Good day..
why do you think India is obliged to give evidence to Pakistan?
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