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In Kashmir, Pakistan Questions India’s ‘Surgical Strikes’ on Militants ( NewYork Times)

That's the mood of the nation today. And Pakistan is largely responsible for it because even after they got their own country, they couldn't leave India well alone.
So, you are Calling Hindu people as a Nation.
what about muslims, are they are not the citizens of india?

how can we leave india alone when, she is holding our land forcibly.
According to Our DGMO the whole operation has been videotaped and the evidences will be presented before the international community if the need arises.. They can't simply issue a statement like that without having something to back their claim.. May be they are trying to score political Brownie points in the international arena by Playing the video in UN(May be, just a wild guess).. may be they are waiting for the right moment to embarrass Pakistan even more(Imagine if Pakistan denies the Indian charges completely about having terror camps inside its territory, then they could use this video tape to prove otherwise, by releasing the video after few days of the attack).. The above scenarios are all guesses but one thing is for sure.. DGMO is a very responsible authority and if they claim to have sources, I'm sure they'll have something.. But like you, I'm also waiting for the time when they release the actual footage to have any idea on the attack..
Good day..

Let's cut the chase. Let's get to the basics here shall we. Your DGMO on first day boosted that Indian troops didn't receive any casualties during the so called surgical strike. DG ISPR is now saying that Pakistan is certain that India sustain casualties and why India is hiding it's loses. Meanwhile we got a Indian monkey with us as well. So if it is proven that indeed India received casualties, would you and your other Indian nationlists would shut their gob, because your DGMO lied through his teeth about no Indian casualties? If something from the vary start is based on lies and deception then the rest of narrative can be put in dustbin straight away. If tomorrow Pakistan show the dead bodies of Indian soldiers lieing on LOC would you then tear your hair and go on rampage seeking answers from your Hindu fundos and terrorists leaders?
Let's cut the chase. Let's get to the basics here shall we. Your DGMO on first day boosted that Indian troops didn't receive any casualties during the so called surgical strike. DG ISPR is now saying that Pakistan is certain that India sustain casualties and why India is hiding it's loses. Meanwhile we got a Indian monkey with us as well. So if it is proven that indeed India received casualties, would you and your other Indian nationlists would shut their gob, because your DGMO lied through his teeth about no Indian casualties? If something from the vary start is based on lies and deception then the rest of narrative can be put in dustbin straight away. If tomorrow Pakistan show the dead bodies of Indian soldiers lieing on LOC would you then tear your hair and go on rampage seeking answers from your Hindu fundos and terrorists leaders?

That so called casualty claimed by you also proves that The Ia team went across the LOC which the Pakis, all the time, were claiming is not possible. So who can then dosprove that they also killed terrorists and pak army. After all, you accept that two of your soldiers were killed. So why not that about 200 men went in. Ok, a few died and we are hiding that. But they killed 50-60 of your chaps. In fact, its quite sure that thats what happened.
Let's cut the chase. Let's get to the basics here shall we. Your DGMO on first day boosted that Indian troops didn't receive any casualties during the so called surgical strike. DG ISPR is now saying that Pakistan is certain that India sustain casualties and why India is hiding it's loses. Meanwhile we got a Indian monkey with us as well. So if it is proven that indeed India received casualties, would you and your other Indian nationlists would shut their gob, because your DGMO lied through his teeth about no Indian casualties? If something from the vary start is based on lies and deception then the rest of narrative can be put in dustbin straight away. If tomorrow Pakistan show the dead bodies of Indian soldiers lieing on LOC would you then tear your hair and go on rampage seeking answers from your Hindu fundos and terrorists leaders?
I do see there is a an error in the DGMO report.. Initially they said there are no casualties and then they said about a deserter, but we heard the news of a deserter after the Pakistani's claimed that there is one caught alive..I'm a bit confused too.. Hence all I do is to wait for the next few days to see how the story unfolds further.. Either one of the sides will come up with a solid proof to call out the bluff of the other.. we have to wait till that happens, to know who's got who by the neck.. This is the genuine answer I can give to your post...
I am of the believe India is pushing this war rhetoric for three reasons, one to detract attention away from IOK. Two, to pressure Pakistan by pushing its weight around both diplomatically and by show of military strength. Lastly, Modi sarkar is nearing election year, and needs to show voters his aggressive approach to Pakistan, we all know Indians are taught to hate Pakistan to the core, and will vote for whoever hates Pakistan more.
Hindus will survive, but Pakistan will be totally annihilated. The reason why pakistan failed to respond even after her integrity has been violated. Such fear !

Yes we are really afraid of you. Why don't you grow a pair and try an actual strike rather than make BS claims which the entire world has rubbished.
That so called casualty claimed by you also proves that The Ia team went across the LOC which the Pakis, all the time, were claiming is not possible. So who can then dosprove that they also killed terrorists and pak army. After all, you accept that two of your soldiers were killed. So why not that about 200 men went in. Ok, a few died and we are hiding that. But they killed 50-60 of your chaps. In fact, its quite sure that thats what happened.

Listen son, we have already mentioned our loses which is two men died because of Indian mortar fire. On the other hand while you in your individual capacity, accepting that there might be Indian loses, YET your DGMO is clearly bullshiting that there was no lose on Indian side. How can one belive your ahole which you call your DGMO and his story when he talking deception and lies.
Listen son, our Army chaps are professionals, not politicians like yours. when our DGMO says something, we believe him. The Indian Army, unlike yours, is not given to wheeling dealing.

That exactly proves you one more sheep in a herd of 1.3 Billion. Because a conscious mind questions things, like entire Pakistani nation questioned its military after the episode of OBL.
Listen son, our Army chaps are professionals, not politicians like yours. when our DGMO says something, we believe him. The Indian Army, unlike yours, is not given to wheeling dealing.

Good on you son. Keep this post for future reference. I hope PA soldiers manning LOC haven't taken pics of rotting Hunumans for your sake and for your army sake.
What Pakistan thinks is most unimportant. the message India has sent is that we are in an escalatory mood and unless Pakistan's cross border activities are curbed, war with possible nuclear events, cannot be ruled out. It is inconceivable that the entire surgical strike event was done without consent of the USA, possibly even with the approval of the Pakistani PM. The Pak army and its control over nuclear arsenal should come under increasing controls now.

And not a single fck was given about that message....
Good on you son. Keep this post for future reference. I hope PA soldiers manning LOC haven't taken pics of rotting Hunumans for your sake and for your army sake.

Now both you sons take your testosterone somewhere else.
Oh please when you sent militants in 48 in kashmir to occupy it where were kashmiries? In 65 when you opened the gate for your army to go and start a riot where kashmiris then ?
In 71 when your army killed millions of east pakis your own country men and blood where were those sentiments then ?
When you shell artillary unprovoked firing at LOC near villages where are kashmiri then ??
Do you have any idea how many have you killed just for a false propaganda and false teaching s ???
You shout for kashmir and kashmir just to to let people divert their mind from internal problems thats it, liers and ego has always crept beneath you so called pride of PAK army and force and days after days years after years you are getting weak compair pak in 1960s and now you will know JAI HIND

because they know in that manner things will escalate but watch their face when indian does show some proof as rajnath singh said :argh::argh::woot: I will be active 24 hours that day hehehehe

Oh please kashmries would have lived happily only if pak avoided their so called support you are just making them bleed year after year
They confronted Indian army and Kashmiri population supported that move.
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