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In Kashmir, Pakistan Questions India’s ‘Surgical Strikes’ on Militants ( NewYork Times)

off topic, but can any of you guys answer me on this issue

masood azhar

he is a guy released against release of passengers in a flight hijack- IC814

still Pak needs evidence to nail him ?

now please dont tell, that hijack never happened
its only a story put by India etc
What Pakistan thinks is most unimportant. the message India has sent is that we are in an escalatory mood and unless Pakistan's cross border activities are curbed, war with possible nuclear events, cannot be ruled out. It is inconceivable that the entire surgical strike event was done without consent of the USA, possibly even with the approval of the Pakistani PM. The Pak army and its control over nuclear arsenal should come under increasing controls now.
And what you think is important very good world has not been run by your economy provide proof either cut the rubbish Daniel stupid idiotic mode

What you think is crap

Hindus will survive, but Pakistan will be totally annihilated. The reason why pakistan failed to respond even after her integrity has been violated. Such fear !
Do aliens giving you anti dote of nuke bomb
And what you think is important very good world has not been run by your economy provide proof either cut the rubbish Daniel stupid idiotic mode

What you think is crap

Do aliens giving you anti dote of nuke bomb
India is too big to destroy and most population is rural. There are also dense forests. Pal will be annihilated
why do you think India is obliged to give evidence to Pakistan?
Which part of my post says that India is obliged to give the evidence to Pakistan?? Read my post properly before quoting again..
Pakistan is smart because on both side of border Muslims and Pakistani live. Attacking Indian occupied army can cause collateral damage . And Pakistan will not do such action which can harm Kashmiri people.

Oh please when you sent militants in 48 in kashmir to occupy it where were kashmiries? In 65 when you opened the gate for your army to go and start a riot where kashmiris then ?
In 71 when your army killed millions of east pakis your own country men and blood where were those sentiments then ?
When you shell artillary unprovoked firing at LOC near villages where are kashmiri then ??
Do you have any idea how many have you killed just for a false propaganda and false teaching s ???
You shout for kashmir and kashmir just to to let people divert their mind from internal problems thats it, liers and ego has always crept beneath you so called pride of PAK army and force and days after days years after years you are getting weak compair pak in 1960s and now you will know JAI HIND

So why are all Pakistanis going berserk demanding evidence?

because they know in that manner things will escalate but watch their face when indian does show some proof as rajnath singh said :argh::argh::woot: I will be active 24 hours that day hehehehe

On the contrary

Kashmir is for Kashmiries
They are rising up, fighting for their rights, stoning your soldiers

Any plan to force foreign dark hindus into muslim kashmir will be opposed and Pakistan will support kashmiries in defending their land from occupation

Oh please kashmries would have lived happily only if pak avoided their so called support you are just making them bleed year after year
According to Our DGMO the whole operation has been videotaped and the evidences will be presented before the international community if the need arises.. They can't simply issue a statement like that without having something to back their claim.. May be they are trying to score political Brownie points in the international arena by Playing the video in UN(May be, just a wild guess).. may be they are waiting for the right moment to embarrass Pakistan even more(Imagine if Pakistan denies the Indian charges completely about having terror camps inside its territory, then they could use this video tape to prove otherwise, by releasing the video after few days of the attack).. The above scenarios are all guesses but one thing is for sure.. DGMO is a very responsible authority and if they claim to have sources, I'm sure they'll have something.. But like you, I'm also waiting for the time when they release the actual footage to have any idea on the attack..
Good day..
According to Our DGMO the whole operation has been videotaped and the evidences will be presented before the international community if the need arises.. They can't simply issue a statement like that without having something to back their claim.. May be they are trying to score political Brownie points in the international arena by Playing the video in UN(May be, just a wild guess).. may be they are waiting for the right moment to embarrass Pakistan even more(Imagine if Pakistan denies the Indian charges completely about having terror camps inside its territory, then they could use this video tape to prove otherwise, by releasing the video after few days of the attack).. The above scenarios are all guesses but one thing is for sure.. DGMO is a very responsible authority and if they claim to have sources, I'm sure they'll have something.. But like you, I'm also waiting for the time when they release the actual footage to have any idea on the attack..
Good day..

Anything coming from the indian DGMO with regards to Pakistan cannot be believed UNLESS verified by an independent and reliable source. When the OBL raid and the Israeli attack on the Palestinians in 2014 took place there where dozens upon dozens of independent verifiable sources reporting this AS it happened or in the subsequent aftermath. This happened even though it put the Israelis in a bad light and even though the media is generally very biased towards them. The longer the indians leave their evidence the more suspicious and less credible their claims seem. Pakistan complaining to the UN is more due to the escalation of the fighting at the LOC, AND the fact that the UN has not confirmed the indian claims is more evidence of an indian cover up.

The purpose of the strike was not to permanently eliminate terrorists and terrorism per say. The americans have not been able to do that even after 15 years so there is no way the indians can do it. The whole point of this alleged "surgical strike" WAS to embarrass the Pakistan government and military in response to URI and mumbai 2008. Therefore IF it did indeed happen there would have been confirmation or proof by independent sources by now. The delay makes this whole thing look like an indian fairy tale and bedtime story. Claims by the indian defence minister that the indian soldiers carrying out the phantom surgical strikes where akin to ancient hindu mythological creatures diminishes indian military and political credibility.
Which is why the Kashmir problem is now being seen correctly as an Islamic terrorism rather than aspiration for autonomy. Whats common between a Kashmiri and a Pakistani except for religion ?

When you are fighting for your freedom, you are freedom fighter.

When someone is fighting for his freedom against you, he iscalled terrorist.
Oh please when you sent militants in 48 in kashmir to occupy it where were kashmiries? In 65 when you opened the gate for your army to go and start a riot where kashmiris then ?
In 71 when your army killed millions of east pakis your own country men and blood where were those sentiments then ?
When you shell artillary unprovoked firing at LOC near villages where are kashmiri then ??
Do you have any idea how many have you killed just for a false propaganda and false teaching s ???
You shout for kashmir and kashmir just to to let people divert their mind from internal problems thats it, liers and ego has always crept beneath you so called pride of PAK army and force and days after days years after years you are getting weak compair pak in 1960s and now you will know JAI HIND

because they know in that manner things will escalate but watch their face when indian does show some proof as rajnath singh said :argh::argh::woot: I will be active 24 hours that day hehehehe

Oh please kashmries would have lived happily only if pak avoided their so called support you are just making them bleed year after year

Why would Kashmiris have lived happily.

They are culturally, linguistically a extention of Northern Pakistan

We wanted to partition from india and hindus, then why would forcing kashmiries to live with hindu occupation make them happy?
Look how all Pakistanis are resorting to argumentation and hair splitting ! The simple fact is that a challenge was thrown - and Pakistan has been found severely wanting. No one can prove with certainly whether a strike inside LOC took place or not, but what is apparent to all that Pakistan has no stomach for a fight .
Oh please when you sent militants in 48 in kashmir to occupy it where were kashmiries? In 65 when you opened the gate for your army to go and start a riot where kashmiris then ?
In 71 when your army killed millions of east pakis your own country men and blood where were those sentiments then ?
When you shell artillary unprovoked firing at LOC near villages where are kashmiri then ??
Do you have any idea how many have you killed just for a false propaganda and false teaching s ???
You shout for kashmir and kashmir just to to let people divert their mind from internal problems thats it, liers and ego has always crept beneath you so called pride of PAK army and force and days after days years after years you are getting weak compair pak in 1960s and now you will know JAI HIND

because they know in that manner things will escalate but watch their face when indian does show some proof as rajnath singh said :argh::argh::woot: I will be active 24 hours that day hehehehe

Oh please kashmries would have lived happily only if pak avoided their so called support you are just making them bleed year after year

So if Kashmiries are your own people, tell why india is killing them since several decades ?
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Why would Kashmiris have lived happily.

They are culturally, linguistically a extention of Northern Pakistan

We wanted to partition from india and hindus, then why would forcing kashmiries to live with hindu occupation make them happy?
Who is this WE ? If its the Muslims, then take those 180 million Muslims too who are spread throughout India. Either you swear by the two nation theory, or you don't. It can't be halfway !
Look how all Pakistanis are resorting to argumentation and hair splitting ! The simple fact is that a challenge was thrown - and Pakistan has been found severely wanting. No one can prove with certainly whether a strike inside LOC took place or not, but what is apparent to all that Pakistan has no stomach for a fight .

Not a stomach for a fight?????.........you sound like india is launching a full scale attack/invasion of Pakistan......lol. Where was the indian stomach for a fight after mumbai 2008? That too considering india is at least 7× bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the entire West and Russia

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