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In Kashmir, doubts that Indian soldiers actually infiltrated across the border ( The WashingtonPost)

In several dozen interviews, residents of the Bhimber, Chamb and Sahmani districts adjoining the Line of Control said they had been jarred from sleep by the barrage of firepower Wednesday. But none said they had seen or heard anything that supported India’s claim that it carried out cross-border strikes on several staging areas for militant groups that left “double digits” of militants dead. ( lol , )

Muhammad Bota, 40, a mason in this hillside village, said that his son woke him up shouting, “India has attacked!” and that the night was filled with noise. ( near by bomb blast )

“We are used to routine shelling, but this was unending, with deafening sounds,” he said. “We believed it was the start of war, and I prayed for the safety of my family and recited all the Koran verses I could remember.”
( if this was reguler shelling then why they were hearing loud un unusual noises)

But Bota, like many other residents interviewed, said he did not see any signs of Indian troops attacking or crossing the fortified line less than a mile away.

“All the villagers were up, and we didn’t see any troops from the other side or helicopters,” he said. “India says it killed militants here, but the people who live here know each other for generations. If there were some militants somewhere around, they couldn’t have gone undetected. This is all propaganda of India.” (This is what commando operation is all about, next time we will tell come with loud speaker and camera crew.)

“If anyone is moving on the mountain, we can see them easily from here,” said villager Faheem Ahmed, 48. “There was no activity of enemy troops on the mountain, which is the only way they can come.”
(Yes all PAK villagers having night vision devices and keeping eye on Indian post, they cannot come from other side direction or from side of mountain )

reply marked in blue, might be due to lack of electricity,ppl in Pak have no other option left then using stone age methods... lol
Sad you had to type that much to prove something that didn't happen.. :sarcastic::sarcastic:
Latest update from Washington dc, Israel, Paris, London and another 2 dozen countries, all sending special forces and Intel reps to study and learn from New Delhi how to Conduct surgical strikes

Source The Washington Post
The author looks like she has some Pakistani ancestory. Obviously biased.
most probably she doesnt know about india's vedic hanumann technology which ur defence minister claims that ur army is like hanuman

The denial suits us perfectly.... we are happy that u do not accept that the surgical strikes haopened.
and lying suits u too:)
@waz @Oscar @Irfan Baloch

Gentlemen this is the second time he has disrespected Pakistan and its armed forces. Now i can reply him in a manner he deserves but its better if i tag you guys in first.
You reply, and you take away any moral high ground you have on him. Report and disengage.

In addition, please tag any and all sundry. With the current spate of trolling; we need assistance from all Pk members. I can tag as well so request assistance.

"Find a member engaged in trolling, please report and then go to his profile and see history to find any other trolling and report".
The denial suits us perfectly.... we are happy that u do not accept that the surgical strikes haopened.

Infact the denial suit India. India was expecting an escalation, which has not happened. As facts come out, it will be damaging for modi sarkar. The event will bring more attention and light to Kashmir human rights abuse and illegal occupation and annexation of the valley in Indian administered Kashmir. The spin that India has called the Pakistani nuclear bluff is a good attempt, but will not work as sane voices in India get past the anti Pakistan rhetoric.

Here is the real story .....

Since last year, the Indian Army has been monitoring the following launch-pads used by the Pakistan Army to infiltrate its ‘Sarkari Jihadi’ detachments into Jammu & Kashmir: from Bhimber Gali towards Shopian and Anantnag; from Lipa towards Baramula; from Jura towards Sopore; from Athmuqam towards Kupwara; from Dudhnial, Tejian, Shardi, Rattapani and Kel towards Machhal; and from Saonar and Sardari towards Kupwara and Sopore.

The base camps or sanctuaries for the ‘Sarkari Jihadi’ detachments are located further into the rear within Azad Kashmir and Khyber Paktunkhwa,

Finally, eight launch-pads spread over a linear 250km frontage and located at Lipa, Kel and Rattapani were chosen for targetted, surgical destruction lasting 7 hours (inclusive of cross ingress/egress) by the Indian Army’s 4 SF (Para) and 9 SF (Para) Battalions.

However, for retaining the element of surprise and initiative, an elaborate deception plan involving the Indian Army (IA) and Indian Air Force (IAF) was required. For, to be factored in was the high state of the operational readiness at that time of both the Pakistan Army (PA) and the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) throughout the LoC. Following the meeting of India’s Cabinet Committee on National Security (CCNS) on September 21, and another meeting between the Indian PM and the two armed services chiefs on September 24, a deception plan jointly prepared by the IA’s Udhampur-based HQ Northern Command and the IAF’s Delhi-based HQ Western Command was put into effect.

Both the IA and IAF decided to lull ther adversary into assuming that a powerful AirLand attack would be launched at a few locations in southern Azad Kashmir, namely in the Bhimber sector’s areas like Tatta Pani/Hot Springs area. While the IA decided upon unleashing field artillery fire-assaults against Samahni, Bandala and Tatta Pani, the IAF commenced a series of supporting helicopter movements.

For starters, by September 24 night, the IAF began ferrying out four Mi-35P attack helicopters belonging to the Pathankot-based 125 ‘Gladiators’ Sqn Sqn (the other Sqn—104 ‘Pioneer Rotarians is at Suratgarh) and making them land at selected locations like Poonch, Rajouri, Bhimber Gali and Krishna Ghati along with in-ptheatre Mi-17V-5s. All these movements were carried out non-stop for the following four days in full view of the PAF’s Saab 2000 AEW & CS platforms that were flying out of Kamra and keeping an eye on almost all air-movements inside both northern Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir.

( Thats why some media getting hint of chopper / air born operations )

Shortly after dusk on Sptember 28, the IA’s light field artillery and mortar strikes at locations inside Azad Kashmir, like Bandala, Samahni and Tatta Pani, from locations like Mankote, Balnoi and Nangi Tekri in the Krishna Ghati sector, and from Richhmar Gali in Tangdhar sector.

( Thats why PAK villages are getting sacred of loud noises and hide the noise of bullets near by)

The real insertion by foot of the IA’s SF (Para), however, took place in the Lipa, Shardi and Rattapani bulges (i.e. areas where Pakistan-controlled territory juts into J & K). Known as the JAW-HEAD tactic, this meant that the IA gave the impression of hitting the enemy’s jaws but in reality was aiming for the forehead in a totally surprising move.

The bulges were carefully selected so as to present favourable topography for the attacking forces.
For, throughout the LoC where IA and PA observation posts and bunkers are located face-to-face, extensive anti-personnel minefields are laid to cover the frontal and flank (left and right) approaches, but the rear area is devoid of any mines so as to facilitate friendly movements. Consequently, a raiding party beginning its ingress into enemy territory from the baselines of any bulge can stealthily sneak in through the rear and attack from the least expected direction. Thus, the IA’s SF (Para) detachments had to penetrate up to a depth of only 700 metres from the LoC but, if calculated from the frontal tip of a bulge, the targetted launch-pads would appear to be up to 3km inside Azad Kashmir.

Due to this common-sensical mission-planning, the SF (Para) detachments had not need for shoulder-fired LAWs like Carl Gustavs. Only NVDs and weapons like IWI-built Tavor TAR-21 assault rifles fitted with T-40 40mm single-shot underbarrel grenade launchers (UBGL) supplied by Turkish Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu (MKEK, or Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corp) were used with devastating effect.

The diversionary laying of light field artillery and mortar strikes at locations inside Azad Kashmir, like Bandala, Samahni and Tatta Panim sent the PA into a tizzy and it has yet to recover from this common-sensical shock-and-awe tactics.

People who have not seen the LOC can carry these delusions. You are obviously "sarkari" yourself by peddling these edited and corrected explanations as Indian lies are debunked by independent individuals and agencies. Ask your commanding officer the "20" on the bodies' disposal on the botched infiltration attempt?
The story continues ........
People who have not seen the LOC can carry these delusions. You are obviously "sarkari" yourself by peddling these edited and corrected explanations as Indian lies are debunked by independent individuals and agencies. Ask your commanding officer the "20" on the bodies' disposal on the botched infiltration attempt?

Well when u have not seen the area do now call? India is not PAK where army can hide anything. if their is body then their is evidence , which is not.

Their is say, every country got its Army, but PAK Army got his own country.

U have seen LOC? how can then terrorist mange to enter in India?
The story continues ........

Well when u have not seen the area do now call? India is not PAK where army can hide anything. if their is body then their is evidence , which is not.

Their is say, every country got its Army, but PAK Army got his own country.

U have seen LOC? how can then terrorist mange to enter in India?

Thats what you need to tell me, that after the extensive deployment of your forces in Indian administered kashmir, and a completely fenced border, where is the infiltration taking place? What happened to the fences, the laser system, the cameras? Is your professional army so incompetent that they cannot stop infiltration? Unlike you, I have seen the LOC, both from the air and from the ground.

The fact remains that the human rights abuses in Kashmir have reached a turning point, and India is unable to stem or throttle an indigenous freedom movement (from India and Pakistan) against the occupation in IAK. Rest are diversionary tactics. Did you go and ask your OC, or you are trying to answer me from your low rank and place?

I feel bad for your DGMO to be given such a concocted statement to the press. I feel bad for the families of the soldiers gunned down at the border, as they were only following orders of a right wing government which will kill its own people for political gains.

After the upcoming elections, for which this drama is for, you will see how Modi sardar backtracks from this whole thing, and call this a military blunder. Since you are also Government, you will feel terrible about it at the time. The lack of response from Pakistan has already failed their plan to escalate the situation.
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You know gang, if you use an MO-120 RT-61 ( India bought some )
and fire 1000m behind the LoC/border, you can hit very precisely ...
7 kliks into Pakistan without a single soldier crossing over.

And there you go : "surgical strikes" ... which is a mere media term BTW
even if some camera-prone generals abuse it too.

Either that or the anesthesia was so good on that surgery that the patient felt nothing?

:ph34r: Tay.
Yes their is lot of open area and infiltration happen the same route we have taken to enter into PAK also.

We dont have manned stated on every few meters , wires can be cut and cameras can be avoided few times. but the effect that we killed more then 100+ terrorist only on fence.

Stick of topic, lot of pic of Azad Kashmir / baloch human rights , thats different topic. indigenous freedom fighter when killed and no one ever claimed their body.

thats why Indigenous freedom fighter train and came from pak and having pak citizenship.

Well now only India started retaliated in enemy home , till now they have to wait them to cross over loc or attack camp to get them killed

Well these kinda strikes by SF also happened many times in past, but not declared by govt. , this is first time govt acknowledge and declared to them public.

lol MO-120-RT 62 is unguided motor , and it accurate is 10M. lol these unguided things do not used for precision attacks

By your own standards, Kashmir is of Kashmiris, and they are free to move between Indian or Pakistan Administered Kashmir territories. Sad to see your admission that you have not been able to fence the LOC, and are facilitators and abettors to the violence that your ill trained occupying force in Kashmir is facing. Your excuses are sad. But I appreciate your admission that the attacks on the IA are the result of your incompetence and failure to monitor the LOC. You should be fired from your desk for such open admission on a Pakistani forum.

If you are not able to protect your own LOC, who else will? Maybe its about time you invite the UN to protect your side of the LOC. They have some pending UN resolutions they need to execute on the occupied territory of Kashmir.

Your so called Surgical strike are as stupid as the balloons and pigeons your BSF is arresting. It is hilarious to see to hear in your media that your DGMO was unaware of such a critical so called mission, and was only handed over a hastily written flyer to feed to the media. When are you removing him like the poor brigadier in Uri?

Give my hello to your OC in your I Dte. He seems to be equally a nincompoop like yourself.

I wish you the best of luck you are one of those rarest gems who has taken on two professionals (serving pilots I guess) at same time single handedly. :tup:

Retired and old, no more serving in uniform, but always serving thy nation.
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