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In Kashmir, doubts that Indian soldiers actually infiltrated across the border ( The WashingtonPost)

You forgot to notice that its 2016, 51 years after the failed Pakistani operation in Kashmir. At the time, terms such as HUMINT and COIN were not used dear. Are you also serving military? So many counter intel ops here. So funny.

If you deem crossing of LOC is easy, than shame on you for finding this as an excuse for the massive security and intelligence failure.

You have no idea what Pakistan has invested in, but tell that to the widows of your infiltration team.

I was talking abt the COIN ops that go on, which have broken the spine of the jihadi movement. Just think of number of terrosts in 1990 and today.

In a democracy like india, the things u imagine, like fake strikes or false flags are not possible.
May happen in dictatorships or pseudo democracies such as urs.
I was talking abt the COIN ops that go on, which have broken the spine of the jihadi movement. Just think of number of terrosts in 1990 and today.

In a democracy like india, the things u imagine, like fake strikes or false flags are not possible.
May happen in dictatorships or pseudo democracies such as urs.

Your belief in your state is exemplary. You sound like a poster boy. What you call democracy is the world's worst example of have and have nots, massive population below the poverty line, the elite getting richer, caste system, racism and prejudice so deep it puts Mariana Trench to shame. The amount of false flags and public manipulation in India is way beyond your wildest imagination. However, I encourage you to stay well and dandy in your self inflicted fools paradise.
That only depends on what precision you need. Want more? Add GPS shells!
Or replace it with a metric gun as the CEASAR but India doesn't have those.

The point I was making that you obviously missed is that surgical means little.
On a terrorist camp in the woods when all are sleeping, that mortar can drop
4-8 shells and kill everyone without any collateral damage. And leave unseen.

Is that clearer? "Surgical" means : to take out only what needs to be taken out.
So if you want to take out an hypothetical skyscraper in the Sahara desert with
a fat nuke and your aim is merely decent, you don't need all that much precision.

In reverse, if you can pinpoint the left arm on an enemy with a pellet carbine, or
even the left hand, that is very precise but useless as they won't be hurt enough
to pull them out of combat.
So in this case, one has to wonder if there was a target at all since the strikes
apparently hit ... precisely nothing?

In other words, media talk apart, the art of war is to produce operative results.
When you do, no one cares about the details until next time. When you don't,
it doesn't matter how well it's explained on TV.

8-) There you go, good day to you. Tay.
lol, you talk about MO-120-RT 62 mortar ,

Question is MO-120-RT 62 mortar shell come with GPS guidance?

lol , man you have been on ground....... PAK artillery despite watching Indian gun positions cannot able to destroy it with precision.

the Army developed a technology, called Laser Designator for Precise landing.

and if mortor shell dropped 10 meter away ? then?
I am glad to see that you know the name of Bharadwaj and even spelt it correctly. Pakistani members usually make it a childish point to mis-spell Hindu names just to show how little they care for this culture and its manifestations.

I am glad to see that you are admitting the possibility of scientific and technical discoveries before the Arabs first showed humanity what scientific progress was. It is a start.

I am glad to find you joking about the RSS. Personally, I find it an evil organisation, and your light-heartedness encourages me to believe that much of your apparent rudeness may be rooted in a child-like ignorance of danger - like a baby in a freeway.

I am glad that you have found an anodyne by your repeated use of that phrase Sir G Kal (I hope I got it right) and references to retaliation against one-sided aggression will no longer drive you and your friends crazy.

Most of all, it is a hopeful sign that, judging by your selection of mode of expression, your right brain and left brain are working together, and give the lie to my Sanghi countrymen who accuse some of you as being half-witted. I can now show them the emoticons that you have used so artistically and inform them that you are in perfect good mental health and are now in a position to imbibe information.

These are hopeful developments. Once the lightening effects wear off, perhaps serious discussions might again become possible. Miracles are still possible.
Your Pedantic response shows that I have touched a RAW nerve:lol:
Latest update from Washington dc, Israel, Paris, London and another 2 dozen countries, all sending special forces and Intel reps to study and learn from Hanuman Army how to Conduct surgical strikes

Source The Washington Post
Use correct term

No stealth ships are required against your third rate army. What are the achievements of your forces apart from cowardly hiding behind the backs of irregulars. You have been defeated in every engagement bar none..
Kicking butts of 7x larger army:cheers::cheers::cheers:
profession pilots has nothing to do with knowledge ...... , they might have less knowledge on land weapon system and also they have less knowledge then aeronotical enginners

Haven't you had enough beating for one day? Why don't you retreat back to the hole you came from.
Finally, CM Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal questioning surgical strike farce...this is falling flat on Modi's face.

Good one bro! When UBL got killed they rattled the same story .. nothing happend and eventually they had to accept
No, in case of ubl the people there clearly said that there was an operation and admitted to the presence of helicopters. Even Pakistani army accepted it. Pakistanis broadly accepted that ubl operation did happen.
Well these are Police / CRPF in the vids, their is difference between Army and Police force....do some research in real

Still did not change the fact about Indian atrocities in Kashmir.
Pedantic drivel is what you specialise in.Kudos old chap

If you don't mind my being, umm, pedantic, that begs the question: would you be competent to distinguish between drivel and very high quality expression? Or do you just fondly imagine yourself as being capable of that?:D
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